

This is a strange and wonderful brain, one that gives rise to an idea of a kind of alternative intelligence on this planet. 这是个奇怪而美妙的脑, 这个脑会引发一种对这星球上有另类智慧的想法。
This is a brain that is formed in a very strange body, one that has the equivalent of small satellite brains distributed throughout that body. 这个脑在一具非常奇怪的身体里, 具有相当于遍布周身的小型卫星脑。
equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; distributed:adj.分布的;分散的;v.分发;分配;使分布(distribute的过去分词和过去式) throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
How different is it from the human brain? 这与人类的脑有多不同呢?
Very different, so it seems, so much so that my colleagues and I are struggling to understand how that brain works. 看起来非常不同, 以至于我和同事正努力 去了解这大脑的运作方式。
But what I can tell you for certain is that this brain is capable of some amazing things. 但我能肯定 这脑能做出些惊人之举。
for certain:肯定地;确凿地; capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的;
So, who does this brain belong to? 那么,这是谁的脑呢?
Well, join me for a little bit of diving into the ocean, where life began, and let's have a look. 好,来和我一起潜入海洋, 生命开始之地, 让我们来看看。
You may have seen some of this before, but we're behind a coral reef , and there's this rock out there, a lot of sand, fishes swimming around ... 你之前可能已经看过一些, 但我们在珊瑚礁后面, 很多沙子,鱼儿游来游去......
coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的; reef:礁,礁脉
And all of a sudden this octopus appears, and now it flashes white, inks in my face and jets away. 突然间,这只章鱼出现了, 现在牠一闪而过, 把墨水噴在我的脸上,窜走了。
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地; octopus:n.章鱼; flashes:n.闪光灯;光芒;披峰;v.闪光;反射;(flash的第三人称单数和复数)
In slow motion reverse , you see the ring develop around the eye, and then the pattern develops in the skin. 在慢动作反转中, 你会看到环在眼睛周围形成, 接着图案在皮肤上形成。
slow motion:adj.缓慢的;慢动作的;高速度摄影的; reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的;
And now watch the 3-D texture of the skin change to really create this beautiful, 3-D camouflage . 现在看皮肤的 3D 纹理变化, 真正创造出这种美丽的 3D 迷彩。
texture:n.质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质; camouflage:n.伪装,掩饰;vt.伪装,掩饰;vi.伪装起来;
So there are 25 million color organs called " chromatophores " in the skin, and all those bumps out there, which we call " papillae ," 皮肤有 2500 万个 这些突起通通被称为「乳突」,
organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数); chromatophores:n.[组织]色素细胞(chromatophore的复数); bumps:碰撞(bump的第三人称单数);碰撞(bump的复数); papillae:n.papilla的复数形式,乳头状突起;
and they're all neurally controlled and can change instantaneously . 全都由神经控制,可以瞬间改变。
neurally:用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。; instantaneously:adv.即刻;突如其来地;
I would argue that dynamic camouflage is a form of "intelligence." 我认为动态伪装是一种「智慧」。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
The level of complexity of the skin with fast precision change is really quite astonishing . 快速和精确变化的皮肤 的确复杂得令人惊讶。
complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势 precision:n.精度,[数]精密度;精确;adj.精密的,精确的; astonishing:adj.令人十分惊讶的;v.使十分惊讶;使吃惊;(astonish的现在分词)
So what can you do with this skin? 那么,这种皮肤能怎么用?
Well, let's think a little bit about other things besides camouflage that they can do with their skin. 好吧,让我们想想除了伪装以外 牠们的皮肤能怎么用。
Here you see the mimic octopus and a pattern. 在这里看得到模仿的章鱼和图案,
All of a sudden, it changes dramatically -- that's signaling , not camouflage. 突然间发生巨大的变化—— 那是信号,不是伪装——
dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地; signaling:n.发信号;打信号;
And then it goes back to the normal pattern. 然后它又回到正常模式。
Then you see the broadclub cuttlefish showing this passing cloud display as it approaches a crab prey . 接着你看到白斑乌贼 在接近螃蟹猎物时 显示浮云飘过的样子。
cuttlefish:n.[无脊椎]乌贼;墨鱼; display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度; crab:n.蟹;螃蟹;蟹肉;阴虱病;v.捕蟹;用爪抓;使侧航;使斜行; prey:n.猎物;受害者;受骗者;v.折磨;掠夺;捕食(on,upon);损害(on,upon);
And finally , you see the flamboyant cuttlefish in camouflage and it can shift instantly to this bright warning display. 最后,你看到伪装的乌贼, 它能立即转成这明亮的警示。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; flamboyant:adj.艳丽的;火焰似的;炫耀的;n.凤凰木; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换;
What we have here is a sliding scale of expression , a continuum , if you will, between conspicuousness and camouflage. 这里有连续的表达级别, 从显眼到伪装,连续着。
sliding scale:n.浮动费率制(根据情况上下浮动费率的交纳制度); expression:n.表现,表示,表达; continuum:n.[数]连续统;[经]连续统一体;闭联集; conspicuousness:n.显而易见;惹人注目;突出;
And this requires a lot of control. 这需要很多控制。
Well, guess what? 猜猜怎么着?
Brains are really good for control. 脑真的很适合控制。
The brain of the octopus shown here has 35 lobes to the brain, 80 million tiny cells. 这里显示的章鱼大脑有 35 个脑裂片, 8000 万个小细胞。
And even though that's interesting, what's really odd is that the skin of this animal has many more neurons, as illustrated here, especially in the yellow. 即使那很有意思, 真正奇怪的是 这种动物的皮肤有更多的神经元,
odd:adj.古怪的;奇数的;n.奇数; illustrated:v.加插图于;给(书等)做图表;说明,解释;(illustrate的过去分词和过去式) especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
There are 300 million neurons in the skin and only 80 million in the brain itself -- four times as many. 皮肤中有 3 亿个神经元, 而大脑本身只有 8000 万个, (皮肤拥有的是脑的)4 倍。
Now, if you look at that, there's actually one of those little satellite brains and the equivalent of the spinal cord for each of the eight arms. 如果你看, 实际上有个小的卫星脑, 和相当于脊髓的八条手臂。
spinal cord:n.脊髓;
This is a very unusual way to construct a nervous system in a body. 这种构建体内神经系统的方式 非比寻常。
construct:v.建造;创建;建筑;修建;n.概念;构筑物;结构体;建造物; nervous system:n.神经系统;
Well, what is that brain good for? 那这样的脑有什么好处呢?
That brain has to outwit other big, smart brains that are trying to eat it, and that includes porpoises and seals and barracudas and sharks and even us humans. 那脑必须智胜其他 试图吃掉牠的聪明脑, 包括海豚和海豹, 梭鱼和鲨鱼, 甚至包括我们人类。
outwit:vt.瞒骗;以智取胜; porpoises:海豚;鼠海豚; barracudas:n.梭鱼类;
So decision-making is one of the things that this brain has to do, and it does a very good job of it. 因此,脑必须做决策, 且要做得很好。
Shown here, you see this octopus perambulating along, and then it suddenly stops and creates that perfect camouflage. 这里显示这只巡视的章鱼, 牠突然停步,造出完美的伪装。
And it's really marvelous , because when these animals forage in the wild, they have to make over a hundred camouflaging decisions in a two-hour forage, and they do that twice a day. 这真是太棒了, 因为当这些动物在野外觅食时, 牠们必须在两小时的觅食过程中 做出一百多个伪装决策, 每天两回。
marvelous:adj.了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的; forage:n.饲料;草料;搜索;vi.搜寻粮草;搜寻; make over:转让;移交;修改; camouflaging:n.伪装,掩饰;vt.伪装,掩饰;vi.伪装起来;
So, decision-making. 决策。
They're also figuring out where to go and how to get back home. 牠们还得弄清楚 要去哪里和如何回家。
So it's a decision-making thing. 这是决策之事。
We can test this camouflage, like that cuttlefish you see behind me, where we pull the rug out from under it and give it a checkerboard , and it even uses that strange visual information and does its best to match the pattern with a little ad-libbing . 我们可以测试这种伪装, 就像在我身后看到的乌贼, 我们从牠身下抽走地毯, 让牠在棋盘上, 牠甚至用那些奇怪的视觉讯息, 当场尽力匹配棋盘的模样。
rug:n.小地毯;垫子;(盖腿的)厚毯子;v.用厚毯包; checkerboard:n.棋盘;西洋跳棋棋盘;vt.在…上面纵横交错地排列; visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的; ad-libbing:vt.即兴演唱;即兴讲演;adj.即兴的;vi.即兴演出;n.即兴的演唱;
So other cognitive skills are important, too. 其他的认知技能也很重要。
The squids have a different kind of smarts, if you will. 鱿鱼有不同的智慧。
They have an extremely complex, interesting sex life. 牠们有非常复杂,有趣的性生活。
They have fighting and flirting and courting and mate-guarding and deception . 牠们会战斗、调情、 求爱、护卫伴侣, 和欺骗。
flirting:v.调情,打情骂俏;(flirt的现在分词) deception:n.欺骗;蒙骗;诡计;骗术;骗局;
Sound familiar ? 听起来有点熟悉吧?
(Laughter) (笑声)
And it's really quite amazing that these animals have this kind of intuitive ability to do these behaviors. 非常神奇的是 做这些行为。
Here you see a male and a female . 在这里你看到一雄一雌。
The male, on the left, has been fighting off other males to pair with the female, and now he's showing a dual pattern. 左边的雄性一直在对抗其他雄性 以与雌性配对, 现在牠呈现出双重模式:
He shows courtship and love on her side, fighting on the other. 牠在雌鱿鱼这边求爱和展现爱意, 在另一边战斗。
Watch him when she shifts places -- 看牠在雌性换边的时候——
shifts:n.转移; v.转移; (shift的第三人称单数)
(Laughter) (笑声)
and you see that he has fluidly changed the love-courtship pattern to the side of the female. 你会看到牠已经流畅地 转变成求爱模式来面对雌鱿鱼。
So this kind of dual signaling simultaneously with a changing behavioral context is really extraordinary . 因此,这种并行的双重信号 伴随着不断变化的行为背景, 真的非比寻常。
simultaneously:adv.同时地; behavioral:adj.行为的; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的;
It takes a lot of brain power. 需要大量的脑力。
Now, another way to look at this is that, hmm, maybe we have 50 million years of evidence for the two-faced male. 另一种看待这种情况的方式是, 也许我们有了五千万年的 男性双面人的证据。
evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; two-faced:adj.[纺]双面的;虚伪的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
All right, let's move on. 好,让我们继续吧。
(Laughter) (笑声)
An octopus on a coral reef has a tough job in front it to go to so many places, remember and find its den. 珊瑚礁上的一只章鱼 面对一项艰难的工作, 得要记住牠去过的很多地方, 还要找到牠的巢穴。
And they do this extremely well. 牠们做得非常好。
They have short- and long-term memory, they learn things in three to five trials -- it's a good brain. 牠们有短期和长期记忆, 牠们试个三到五次就能学会—— 脑很好。
And the spatial memory is unusually good. 空间记忆也极好。
spatial:adj.空间的;存在于空间的;受空间条件限制的; unusually:adv.非常;异乎寻常地;显著地;
They will even end their forage and make a beeline all the way back to their den. 牠们在觅食结束后 甚至会直奔巢穴。
The divers watching them are completely lost, but they can get back, so it's really quite refined memory capability . 看着牠们的潜水员完全迷路了, 但牠们回得来, 所以牠们有非常细致的记忆能力。
divers:adj.不同种类的,各式各样的; refined:adj.精制的; v.精炼; capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量;
Now, in terms of cognitive skills, look at this sleeping behavior in the cuttlefish. 在认知技能方面, 看看乌贼的这种睡眠行为。
Especially on the right, you see the eye twitching . 特别是在右边, 你会看到牠眼睛抽搐。
This is rapid eye movement kind of dreaming that we only thought mammals and birds did. 这是做梦般的快速眼球运动, 以前我们以为哺乳动物和鸟类才有。
And you see the false color we put in there to see the skin patterning flashing , and this is what's happening a lot. 看我们放在那里的假色, 看到皮肤图案闪烁, 这常常发生。
flashing:n.防雨板,盖片; v.闪光; (flash的现在分词)
But it's not normal awake behaviors; it's all different. 但这不是一般清醒时的行为, 完全不是。
Well, dreaming is when you have memory consolidation , and so this is probably what's happening in the cuttlefish. 人类在巩固记忆时做梦, 乌贼可能就是这样。
Now, another form of memory that's really unusual is episodic-like memory. 另一种非比寻常的记忆形式 是情节之类的记忆。
This is something that humans need four years of brain development to do to remember what happened during a particular event, where it happened and when it happened. 人类需要四年的大脑发育 才记得住特定事件、 发生的时间和地点。
The "when" part is particularly difficult, and these children can do that. 特别难以记住「何时」这部分, 这些孩子能记住。
But guess what? 但猜猜怎么了?
We find recently that the wily cuttlefish also has this ability, and in experiments last summer, when you present a cuttlefish with different foods at different times , they have to match that with where it was exactly and when was the last time they saw it. 我们最近发现狡猾的乌贼 也具有这种能力。 在去年夏天的实验中, 如果在不同的时间喂不同食物给乌贼, 牠们必须确切地匹配位置 以及上一次看到那种食物的时间。
recently:adv.最近;新近; wily:adj.狡猾的;诡计多端的; at different times:在不同的时间;在不同的时代;
Then they have to guide their foraging to the rate of replenishment of each food type in a different place. 然后,牠们的觅食必须配合地点 和每种食物类型的补充速度。
foraging:n.觅食(forage的ing形式);觅食力; replenishment:n.补充,补给;
Sound complicated ? 听起来复杂吗?
It's so complicated, I hardly understood the experiment. 这太复杂了,我几乎 无法理解这个实验。
So this is really high-level cognitive processing . 所以这真的是高级的认知处理。
high-level:adj.高级的;高阶层的;在高空的; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词)
Now, speaking of brains and evolution at the moment, you look on the right, there's the pathway of vertebrate brain evolution, and we all have good brains. 现在谈到大脑和进化, 右边有脊椎动物大脑进化的途径, 我们都有良好的大脑。
evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; pathway:n.路,道;途径,路径; vertebrate:adj.脊椎动物的;有脊椎的;n.脊椎动物;
I think everyone will acknowledge that. 我想每个人都认可这一点。
But if you look on the left side, some of the evolutionary pathway outlined here to the octopus, they have both converged , if you will, to complex behaviors and some form of intelligence. 左侧描述一些 进化到章鱼的途径。 两者都汇合到复杂的行为 和某种形式的智慧。
evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的; outlined:v.概述:显示…的轮廓:(outline的过去分词和过去式) converged:adj.收敛的;聚合的;v.聚集,使会聚(converge的过去式);
The last common denominator in these two lines was 600 million years ago, and it was a worm with very few neurons, so very divergent paths but convergence of complicated behavior. 这两行中的最后一个共同点 是 6 亿年前 一种神经元非常少的蠕虫。 所以,非常不同的路径 汇合到复杂的行为。
denominator:n.[数]分母;命名者;共同特征或共同性质;平均水平或标准; worm:n.蠕虫;蠕虫病毒寄生虫;肠虫;v.曲折行进 divergent:adj.相异的,分歧的;散开的; convergence:n.[数]收敛;会聚,集合;
Here is the fundamental question: 这里有一个很基本的问题:
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
Is the brain structure of an octopus basically different down to the tiniest level from the vertebrate line? 章鱼的脑结构 是否基本上与脊椎动物的不同?
structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
Now, we don't know the answer, but if it turns out to be yes, then we have a different evolutionary pathway to create intelligence on planet Earth, and one might think that the artificial intelligence community might be interested in those mechanisms . 我们现在没有答案, 但如果结果是肯定的, 那么就有不同的进化途径 创造出地球上的智慧。 可能那些做人工智慧的人 会对这些机制感兴趣。
artificial intelligence:n.人工智能; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; mechanisms:n.机制;[机]机构(mechanism的复数);机械;[机]机构学;
Well, let's talk genetics just for a moment. 好,我们来谈点遗传学。
We have genomes , we have DNA, 我们有基因组,有 DNA,
DNA is transcripted into RNA, DNA 被转录成 RNA,
RNA translates that into a protein , and that's how we come to be. RNA 将其转化为蛋白质, 就成了我们。
Well, the cephalopods do it differently. 而头足类动物有所不同。
They have big genomes, they have DNA, they transcript it into RNA, but now something dramatically different happens. 牠们有很大的基因组,有 DNA, 转录成 RNA, 但发生了一些截然不同的事情。
They edit that RNA at an astronomical weird rate, a hundredfold more than we as humans or other animals do. 牠们以天文奇速编辑 RNA, 速度超过人类或其他动物数百倍。
edit:v.编辑;剪辑;编纂;编选;n.编辑[校订]工作; astronomical:adj.天文的,天文学的;极大的; weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; hundredfold:n.百倍;adj.百倍的;
And it produces scores of proteins . 产生了大量的蛋白质,
And guess where most of them are for? 猜猜大部分在哪里?
The nervous system. 在神经系统里。
So perhaps this is an unorthodox way for an animal to evolve behavioral plasticity . 因此,这可能是动物进化 可塑性行为的非正统方式。
unorthodox:adj.非正统的;异端的;异教的; evolve:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成; plasticity:n.塑性,可塑性;适应性;柔软性;
This is a lot of conjecture , but it's food for thought . 这里有很多猜测值得去深思。
conjecture:n.推测;猜想;v.推测;揣摩;; food for thought:引人深思的事;
Now, I'd like to share with you for a moment my experience, and using my smarts and that of my colleagues, to try and get this kind of information. 现在让我稍稍分享经验, 并利用我和同事的聪明才智 尝试获取此类讯息。
We're diving, we can't stay underwater forever because we can't breathe it, so we have to be efficient in what we do. 我们潜水,但无法一直待在水下, 因为我们无法呼吸, 所以我们必须高效地工作。
underwater:adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的;
The total sensory immersion into that world is what helps us understand what these animals are really doing, and I have to tell you that it's really an amazing experience 把感官全沉浸在水世界中 有助于我们了解 这些动物真正在做什么。 我必须说在水里与章鱼和潜水员交流
sensory:adj.感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的; immersion:n.沉浸;陷入;专心;
to be down there and having this communication with an octopus and a diver when you really begin to understand that this is a thinking, cogitating , curious animal. 真的是一种非常棒的体验, 得以藉此明白牠们是思考和好奇的动物。
cogitating:vt.仔细考虑;谋划;vi.思考;考虑; curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的;
And this is the kind of thing that really inspires me endlessly . 这真的无止尽地激励着我。
inspires:激励;赋予灵感(inspire的第三人称单数); endlessly:adv.不断地;无穷尽地;
Let's go back to that smart skin for a few moments. 让我们回到那聪明皮肤片刻。
Here's a squid and a camouflage pattern. 这是一只鱿鱼和迷彩图案。
We zoom down and we see there's beautiful pigments and reflectors . 我们放大,看到美丽的颜料和反射层。
pigments:n.[颜料]颜料,染料;[物][生化]色素(pigment的复数形式); reflectors:n.[光]反射镜;反光片;[光]反射体(reflector的复数);
There are the chromatophores opening and closing very quickly. 有快速打开和关闭的色素细胞。
And then, in the next layer of skin, it's quite interesting. 接着在下一层皮肤中, 非常有趣。
layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次;
The chromatophores are closed, and you see this magical iridescence just come out of the skin. 色素细胞是封闭的, 你会看到皮肤呈现出这种神奇的虹彩。
This is also neurally controlled, so it's the combination of the two, as seen here in the high-resolution skin of the cuttlefish, where you get this beautiful pigmentary structural coloration and even the faint blushing that is so beautiful. 这也是神经控制的, 所以是结合两者, 如高解析度的乌贼皮肤中所见, 这里有美丽的颜料结构色彩, 甚至是如此美丽的微红。
combination:n.结合;组合;联合;[化学]化合; high-resolution:n.高分辨率; structural:adj.结构的;建筑的; coloration:n.着色;染色; faint:n.昏厥;v.昏厥;adj.昏眩;(光,声,味)微弱的;微小的;可能性不大的; blushing:v.(因尴尬或害羞)脸红,涨红了脸;(因某事)羞愧,尴尬;(blush的现在分词)
Well, how can we make use of some of this information? 那么,我们如何利用这些讯息呢?
make use of:使用,利用;
I talked about those skin bumps, the papillae. 我先前谈到了皮肤肿块,即乳突。
Here's the giant Australian cuttlefish. 这是巨大的澳大利亚乌贼。
It's got smooth skin and a conspicuous pattern. 牠有光滑的皮肤和明显的图案。
I took five pictures in a row one second apart, and just watch this animal morph -- one, two, three, four, five -- and now I'm a seaweed . 我一秒连拍了五张照片, 只为看这种动物变形—— 现在牠模仿海藻。
morph:n.词态;语素;变体;vt.在屏幕上变换图像;改变; seaweed:n.海藻,海草;
And then we can come right back out of it to see the smooth skin and the conspicuousness. 倒回来看看 光滑显眼的皮肤。
So this is really marvelous, morphing skin. 这真是奇妙变形的皮肤。
You can see it in more detail here. 在这里能看得更仔细。
Periscope up, and you've got those beautiful papillae. 潜望镜升起来了, 有美丽的乳突。
And then we look in a little more detail, you can see the individual papillae come up, and there are little ridges on there, so it's a papilla on papilla and so forth. 再看一点细节, 看的到个别的乳突出现, 那里有小脊, 是乳突上的乳突等等。
individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; ridges:n.带钢单向皱纹;
Every individual species out there has more than a dozen shapes and sizes of those bumps to create fine-tuned , neurally controlled camouflage. 每个物种都有十几种 形状和大小的凸起, 以创造微调、神经控制的伪装。
species:n.[生物]物种;种类; fine-tuned:vt.调整;使有规则;对进行微调;
So now, my colleagues at Cornell, engineers, watched our work and said, "We think we can make some of those." 现在我康奈尔大学的同事、工程师们 看到这些成果,说: 「我们应该能做出一些这种东西。」
Because in industry and society, this kind of soft materials under control of shape are really very rare. 因为在工業和社会中, 这种受形状控制的软质材料 确实非常罕见。
And they went ahead, worked with us and made the first samples of artificial papillae, soft materials, shown here. 他们开始与我们合作, 制作了人造乳胶, 软材料的第一批样品, 如图所示。
And you see them blown up into different shapes, 看它们胀成不同的形状,
And then you can press your finger on them to see that they're a little bit malleable as they are. 可以用手指按压, 看得出来它们有点可塑性。
And so this is an example of how that might work. 这是一个可以拿来运用的例子。
Well, I want to segue from this into the color of fabrics , and I imagine that could have a lot of applications as well. 好,我想转谈布料的颜色, 这里也能有很多应用。
segue:n.继续(用作指示语); fabrics:n.纤维织物(fabric的复数);
Just look at this kaleidoscope of color of dynamically controlled pigments and reflectors that we see in the cephalopods. 只要看看我们在头足类动物中看到的 动态控制颜料和反射层 如万花筒般的颜色。
kaleidoscope:n.万花筒;千变万化; dynamically:adv.动态地;充满活力地;不断变化地;
We know enough about the mechanics of how they work that we can begin to translate this not only into fabrics but perhaps even into changeable cosmetics . 我们对牠们的作用机制了解得够多, 不仅可以将其转化为布匹的染料, 甚至可以转化为千变万化的化妆品。
mechanics:n.机械师;机械修理工;技工;力学;机械学;(mechanic的复数) translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; cosmetics:n.[化工]化妆品(cosmetic的复数); v.用化妆品打扮(cosmetic的三单形式);
And moreover , there's been the recent discovery of light-sensing molecules in the skin of octopus which may pave the way to , eventually , smart materials that sense and respond on their own. 此外,最近在章鱼的皮肤中 发现了感光分子, 最终可能会为 能够自我感知和回应的智慧材料 铺平前路。
moreover:adv.而且;此外; light-sensing:光感应 molecules:n.[化学]分子,微粒;[化学]摩尔(molecule的复数); pave the way to:铺平道路;铺设通往…的道路; eventually:adv.最后,终于; respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和;
Well, this form of biotechnology , or biomimicry , if you will, could change the way we look at the world even above water. 那么,这种形式的生物技术或仿生学 能改变我们看世界的方式, 即使在水面之上亦然。
biotechnology:n.[生物]生物技术;[生物]生物工艺学; biomimicry:仿生学;生物模拟;生物仿生;
Take, for example, artificial intelligence that might be inspired by the body-distributed brain and behavior of the octopus or the smart skin of a cuttlefish translated into cutting-edge fashion. 例如,人工智慧 能受到章鱼周身遍布脑的启发, 或乌贼的聪明皮肤的启发, 转化为尖端时尚。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) cutting-edge:n.(刀片的)刃口;尖端;前沿;adj.先进的,尖端的;
Well, how do we get there? 我们如何办到呢?
Maybe all we have to do is to begin to be a little bit smarter about how smart the cephalopods are. 也许我们只需更聪明地看待 头足类动物是多么的机灵。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)