

(Music) (音乐)
(Skateboard sounds) (Music) (滑板声)(音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
So, that's what I've done with my life. (Laughter) 这就是我的生活(笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢(掌声)
As a kid, I grew up on a farm in Florida, and I did what most little kids do. 小时候,我在佛罗里达州的农场长大, 玩的东西和大部分小孩都一样。
I played a little baseball, did a few other things like that, but I always had the sense of being an outsider , and it wasn't until I saw pictures in the magazines that a couple other guys skate, I thought, "Wow, that's for me," you know? 我玩棒球,还有一些类似的运动, 但我总有一种感觉,自己只是个门外汉, 直到我在杂志上看到 玩滑板的年轻人;我想, “对,我找的就是这个,”你明白吗?
Because there was no coach standing directly over you, and these guys, they were just being themselves. 没有教练的管束, 这些年轻人可以尽情地挥洒个性。
There was no opponent directly across from you. 当然,也没有竞争对手。
And I loved that sense, so I started skating when I was about 10 years old, in 1977, and when I did, I picked it up pretty quickly. 我喜欢这种感觉,于是, 1977年我10岁的时候,开始了我的滑板生涯。 我就这样开始了,也很快上手。
In fact, here's some footage from about 1984. 这是1984年左右拍的一些画面。
It wasn't until '79 I won my first amateur championship , and then, by '81, I was 14, and I won my first world championship , which was amazing to me, and in a very real sense, that was the first real victory I had. 直到1979年,我赢得了滑板生涯中首个业余赛冠军, 之后到1981年,我14岁时, 赢得第一个世界冠军, 实在让我很吃惊, 真真切切的,我取得了第一次真正的胜利。
amateur:n.爱好者;业余爱好者;外行;adj.业余的;外行的; championship:n.锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位; first world:n.第一世界(指富有的工业国);
Oh, watch this. 来,瞧瞧这个。
This is a casper slide, where the board's upside down . 这是卡斯坡滑(Casper Slide),板身底面反转。
casper:n.鬼马小精灵;卡斯珀(一个卡通造型); upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的;
Mental note on that one. (Laughs) 我心里一直都记得。(笑声)
And this one here? An ollie . 而这个呢?是豚跳(用双脚带板起跳)。
So, as she mentioned, that is overstated for sure, but that's why they called me the godfather of modern street skating. 如她所说,确实有点言过其实, 但也正因如此, 人们称我为“现代街头滑板教父”。
overstated:v.夸大;夸张;言过其实;(overstate的过去分词和过去式) godfather:n.教父;v.当…的教父;
Here's some images of that. 这有一些相关的照片。
Now, I was about halfway through my pro career in, 80年代中期,
I would say, the mid-'80s. 正值我滑板生涯的半途。
Freestyle itself, we developed all these flat ground tricks as you saw, but there was evolving a new kind of skateboarding , where guys were taking it to the streets, and they were using that ollie, 所谓自由式,我们自创了所有平地上的技巧, 如刚刚所见,但进化出了一种全新的滑板运动, 被带到了街头, 他们就用豚跳(Ollie),
Freestyle:n.自由式;adj.自由式的;adv.自由地;随心所欲地; evolving:v.(使)逐渐形成,逐渐演变;进化形成;(evolve的现在分词) skateboarding:n.滑板运动;
like I showed you? They were using it to get up onto stuff like bleachers and handrails and over stairwells and all kinds of cool stuff. 我刚刚示范过的;他们用这种技巧 滑上露天看台、楼梯扶手、电梯扶手 等等一些非常酷的地方。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: bleachers:n.(运动场的)廉价座位,露天看台;(bleacher的复数) handrails:n.[建]扶手(handrail的复数);栏杆; stairwells:[建]楼梯井(stairwell的复数);
So it was evolving upwards . 所以说实在是在不断地发展。
In fact, when someone tells you they're a skater today, they pretty much mean a street skater, because freestyle, it took about five years for it to die, and at that stage, I'd been a "champion" champion for 11 years, which, phew! 事实上,现在如果有人自称为滑板手时, 所指的大抵是街头滑板手, 这是因为,自由式大概在兴起五年后就没落了, 而那期,我一直稳坐冠军的宝座, 整整11年,简直,嚯......
And suddenly it was over for me. That's it. 而一夜之间都结束了。就这样。
It was gone. They took my pro model off the shelf, which was essentially pronouncing you dead publicly. 一切都烟消云散了。我的专业奖牌被搬下架, 就像当众宣布你挂了一样。
That's how you make your money, you know? 你知道,我就是靠它养家糊口的!
You have a signature board and wheels and shoes and clothes. I had all that stuff, and it's gone. 你有自己签名的滑板、轮子、鞋子, 还有衣服。风光一时!但现在都没了。
The crazy thing was, there was a really liberating sense about it, because I no longer had to protect my record as a champion. "Champion," again. 但更疯狂的是,我竟然感到了一种释然, 我再也不用千方百计地守住冠军宝座了, 又是“冠军”。
Champion sounds so goofy , but it's what it was, right? “冠军”听起来真蠢。但曾经也是如假包换,对吧?
And I got to -- What drew me to skateboarding, the freedom was now restored , where I could just create things, because that's where the joy was for me, always, was creating new stuff. 曾经吸引我玩滑板的自由又回来了, 重拾这种自由,我可以只顾创作, 因为这正是我的乐趣所在,一直都是, 创造新的花样。
The other thing that I had was a deep well of tricks to draw from that were rooted in these flat ground tricks. 而另一件我拥有的就是扎实的技巧, 就是那些根植于平地技巧的招式。
Stuff the normal guys were doing was very much different. 当时的滑板手运用的技巧跟我的相去甚远。
So, as humbling and rotten as it was — 我觉得实在是丢脸丢到家了,
humbling:adj.令人羞辱的;v.羞辱(humble的ing形式);使…谦恭;使…卑贱; rotten:adj.腐烂的;堕落的;恶臭的;虚弱的;极坏的;adv.非常;
And believe me, it was rotten. I would go to skate spots, and I was already, like, "famous guy," right? 相信我,那真的是不堪回首。我打算回到滑板场, 我原来还是个名人,不是吗?
And everyone thought I was good. But in this new terrain , 每个人都以为我有多牛。但在街头滑板这个新领域,
I was horrible . So people would go, "Oh, he's all -- 我简直是菜鸟,于是,旁人就会说“喔! 他竟然......”
Oh, what happened to Mullen ?" (Laughter) (Laughs) 嗯! Mullen他是怎么了? (观众笑)
So, humbling as it was, I began again. 当时的确很丢人,但我又重新开始了。
Here are some tricks that I started to bring to that new terrain. (Skateboard noises) 这些是我引入新领域的招式。 (滑板声)
And again, there's this undergirding layer of influence of freestyle that made me — Oh, that one? 而且都是,受到自由式基本功的影响, 那让我—噢,那个?
undergirding:vt.加强;从底层加固; layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次; influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变;
That's, like, the hardest thing I've ever done. 这恐怕是我做过中最难的了。
Okay, look at that. It's a darkslide. 看这,这是滑板面。(用板的砂纸面进行的滑行,因砂纸为黑色而得名。)
See how it's sliding on the backside ? 有看到是怎样用板面去滑的吗?
Those are super-fun. (Laughter) And, actually, not that hard. 这一招真的超级好玩!(笑声)而且,也不是那么难。
You know, at the very root of that, see, caspers, see how you throw it? (Skateboard noises) 其实,归根结底,看,就是卡斯坡滑, 看到滑板是怎么翻过来的吗?(滑板声)
Simple as that, right? No biggie . (Laughter) 就是这么简单,对不? 没什么大不了的。(笑声)
And your front foot, the way it grabs it, is -- 你的前脚,踩住滑板的方式,就是—
I'd seen someone slide on the back of the board like that, and I was like, "How can I get it over?" 我最开始看人家把滑板翻着滑的时候, 我就觉得“我怎么练得会啊?”
Because that had not yet been done. And then it dawned on me, and here's part of what I'm saying. 我从来就没有那么滑过。 但我很快就开窍了,
I had an infrastructure . I had this deep layer, where it was like, oh my gosh, it's just your foot. 我有基础啊,我可是有很好基本功的。 我当时就觉得,天呐,滑板就像我的脚。
It's just the way you throw your board over. 翻板滑只是把你的板子翻过来而已,
Just let the ledge do that, and it's easy, and the next thing you know, there's 20 more tricks based out of the variations . 剩下的都交给台阶边缘,就那么简单, 这招掌握后,还可以演变出20几个新招式, 都大同小异。
ledge:n.壁架;突出之部份;暗礁;矿层; variations:n.变奏曲,变更;[生物]变种(variation的复数形式);
So that's the kind of thing that, here, check this out, here's another way, and I won't overdo this. 所以,就这么简单。看看这个, 这是另一招,我不会再放了。
A little indulgent , I understand. 我知道,我有点讲太多了。
There's something called a primo slide. 这招是普利姆滑(Primo slide),
(Skateboard noises) (滑板声)
It is the funnest trick ever to do. 是我玩过中最好玩的一招!
(Skateboard noises) (滑板声)
It's like skinboarding. 就像是玩沙板一样(skimboarding)。
And this one, look how it slides sideways , every which way? 看看这个是怎么用滑板的侧边滑来滑去的,
Okay, so when you're skating, and you take a fall, the board slips that way or that way. It's kind of predictable . 当你滑滑板的时候,你带起滑板, 滑板要么会往那边倒,或者往这边倒,这是可以掌控的。
slips:滑倒;滑跤(slip的第三人称单数) predictable:adj.可预言的;
This? It goes every which way. It's like a cartoon, the falls, and that's what I love the most about it. 而这一招,就要东倒西歪,就像动画片一样, 我最喜欢这个。
It's so much fun to do. In fact, when I started doing them, 实在太好玩了。事实上,刚开始玩这招时,
I remember, because I got hurt. I had to get a knee surgery , right? So there were a couple of days where, actually a couple of weeks, where I couldn't skate at all. 我因为膝盖受伤要做手术, 有好些天,嗯,不对, 是好几周都不能玩滑板。
It would give out on me. And I would watch the guys, 我的膝盖撑不住。于是,我就去看别人玩滑板。
I'd go to this warehouse where a lot of the guys were skating, my friends, and I was like, "Man I gotta do something new. I want to do something new. 我会去仓库旁边, 看大家,包括我的朋友们玩滑板, 那时候我就觉得,“我得玩些新招式啊,我要创新!”
I want to start fresh. I want to start fresh." “我必须从头开始,重新出发。”
And so the night before my surgery, I'd watched, and I was like, "How am I going to do this?" 所以,在手术前一夜,我又去看别人玩滑板, 我蠢蠢欲动,”我要怎么玩这一招呢?“
So I ran up, and I jumped on my board, and I cavemanned, and I flipped it down, and I remember thinking, I landed so light-footed, thinking, if my knee gives, they'll just have more work to do in the morning. 我跑起来,跳上滑板, 我翻起滑板,落在滑板上, 我尽量轻轻地着地了,当时我就在想, 如果我的膝盖没撑住,那医生们明早多干点活就是了。
(Laughs) (Laughter) (笑声)
And so, when it was the crazy thing. 就是这么疯狂。
I don't know how many of you guys have had surgery, but -- (Laughter) -- you are so helpless , right? 不知道你们当中有多少人经历过手术, 但--(笑声)--- 在手术台上你总是很无助,对不?
You're on this gurney and you're watching the ceiling go by, every time it's always that, and right when they're putting the mask on you before you go to sleep, 你躺在轮床上,看着天花板, 每个手术差不多都这样, 就在医生们为我带上面罩,而我快睡着时,
all I was thinking is, "Man, when I wake up and I get better, the first thing I'm going to do is film that trick." (Laughter) 我只有一个念头,”等我醒来,等我好了, 我首先就要把这一招拍下来。”(笑声)
And indeed I did. It was the very first thing I filmed, which was awesome . 而我真的做到了。那是康复后拍的第一个视频, 简直太牛了。
Now, let me -- I told you a little bit about the evolution of the tricks. Consider that content , in a sense . 我已经给大家介绍了滑板花样发展的过程。 再想想这些招式,
evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足; in a sense:在某种意义上;
What we do as street skaters is, you have these tricks. Say I'm working on darkslides, or a primo, that you guys know this stuff now. (Laughter) (Laughs) 作为街头滑板手,我们玩的就是这些, 翻板滑,Primo。 你们现在也都清楚这些伎俩了。(笑声)
What you do is you cruise around the same streets that you've seen a hundred times, but suddenly, because you already have something in this fixed domain of this target, it's like, what will match this trick? 还要做到对已经烂熟的街道保持好奇心, 你已经在这里玩过滑板, 想一想, 怎样更好地“因地制宜”。
cruise:v.巡航;乘船游览;慢速行驶,巡行;猎艳;n.航行;乘船游览; domain:n.领域;域名;产业;地产;
How can I expand , how can the context , how can the environment change the very nature of what I do? 怎样去突破?怎样才能让所处的环境 改变这些招式的本质呢?
expand:v.扩张;使膨胀;详述;发展;张开,展开; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
So you drive and drive and drive, and, actually I gotta admit, just because I was struggling with this because I'm here, but I'll just say it, is, I cannot tell you, not only to be here 所以,我就一直不停地滑,不停地滑,而我必须承认, 我还是有点挣扎,毕竟我现在在TED讲台上, 但我还是想说,我无法用语言来形容,我所享受的特殊待遇。
in front of you, but what a privilege it is to be at USC campus , because I have been escorted off of this campus so many times. (Laughter) 在南加州大学,我简直是特权阶级, 我曾无数次被赶出校园。(笑声)
privilege:n.特权;优待;v.给与…特权;特免; campus:n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地; escorted:v.护卫;护送(escort的过去分词和过去式)
(Applause) (掌声)
So let me give you another example of how context shapes content. 再来看另外一个例子, 环境是如何塑造招式的。
This is a place not that far from here. 这个地方离这儿不远。
It's a rotten neighborhood . Your first consideration is, am I gonna get beat up? You go out and -- See this wall? 是个比较乱的地方,首先你可能会想到, 你会挨揍吗?你走进去--看到这面墙了?
neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的; consideration:n.顾及;报酬;斟酌;仔细考虑;
It's fairly mellow , and it's beckoning to do bank tricks, right? 墙面很干净,好像在召唤你去玩一些倾斜滑行的招式,对不?
fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直; mellow:adj.圆润的,柔和的;成熟的;芳醇的;v.使成熟;使柔和;成熟; beckoning:adj.引诱人的;令人心动的;v.招手(beckon的现在分词);
But there's this other aspect of it for wheelies , so check this out. There's a few tricks, again, how environment changes the nature of your tricks. 还有好多的因素诱惑着你去玩个后轮平衡滑, 看看这个,这又是些新招式, 这些招式都体现着环境如何改变你的招式。
aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位; wheelies:n.自行车前轮离地平衡特技;
Freestyle oriented , manual down -- wheelie down. 由自由式开始,后轮平衡结尾。
oriented:adj.导向的; v.调整; manual:n.说明书;指南;使用手册;adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的;
Watch, this one? Oh, I love this. It's like surfing , this one, the way you catch it. 再看看这一招,我喜欢这招。 就像冲浪一样。
This one, a little sketchy going backwards, and watch the back foot, watch the back foot. 而这一招,在向下滑时有点不顺畅, 注意看我的后脚。
Oop. (Laughs) Mental note right there. Again, we'll get back to that. (笑声)这又是值得记住的,等下我们可以回味回味。
Here. Back foot, back foot. Okay, up there? 就里,看后脚,看我的后脚
That was called a 360 flip. Notice how the board flipped and spun this way, both axes . 这是360度大翻转。注意看滑板是怎样翻转 并向这边纵横旋转的。
spun:adj.纺成的;v.纺(spin的过去分词);旋转; axes:n.轴线;轴心;坐标轴;斧头(axe的复数);
And another example of how the context changed, and the creative process for me and for most skaters, is, you go, you get out of the car, you check for security, you check for stuff. (Laughter) 还有一个环境如何改变滑板招式的例子, 对于大多数滑板爱好者和我而言,最有创意的部分是 去到滑板场地,走出车子,看看是否安全, 看看是不是有工作人员在附近(笑声)
creative:adj.创造性的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
It's funny, you get to know their rhythms , you know, the guys that cruise around, and skateboarding is such a humbling thing, man. 这非常有意思,你很容易就能摸清他们的工作安排, 很快就能认识巡查的人, 同志们,其实玩滑板真的是件挺丢人的事。
No matter how good you are, right, you still gotta deal with — 不管你有多么牛,你始终都得面临(各种新挑战)
So you hit this wall, and when I hit it, the first thing you do is you fall forward, and I'm like, all right, all right. 我得冲上某堵墙,最开始冲上去的时候, 我会往前倒,没关系,
As you adjust , you punch it up, and then when I would do that, it was throwing my shoulder this way, which as I was doing it, I was like, "Oh wow, that's begging for a 360 flip," because that's how you load up for a 360 flip. 做适当的调整, 并加大强度,而在我做调整的时候, 我得把我的肩膀像这样甩起来, 我做这个动作的时,我就觉得我的360度大翻转快练成了! 因为这就是360度大翻转开始的状态。
adjust:v.调整;调节;适应;习惯; punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
And so this is what I want to emphasize that, as you can imagine, all of these tricks are made of sub-movements, executive motor functions, more granular 而这正是我想强调的, 大家可以想到,所有这些招式都是有别的招式衍生出来的, 这里面的运动机制,
emphasize:v.强调;重视;着重;使突出; executive:n.管理人员; adj.经营管理的; granular:adj.颗粒的;粒状的;
to the degree to which I can't quite tell you, but one thing 我也许说不太清楚,但是有一点我却很清楚,
I do know is, every trick is made of combining two or three or four or five movements. And so, as I'm going up, these things are floating around, and you have to sort of 那就是滑板每一个招式都是由两到三种一般的技巧 甚至是四到五种技巧共同形成的。 当我向上滑时,所有的技巧就好像悬浮在空气中一样
let the cognitive mind, like, rest back, pull it back a little bit, and let your intuition go as you feel these things. 这时候就得稍微忽略掉认知思维,让它暂停一下, 而让你的直觉、感觉发挥作用。
cognitive:adj.认知的,认识的; intuition:n.直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识;
And these sub-movements are just kind of floating around, and as the wall hits you, they connect themselves to an extent , and that's when the cognitive mind, you think, "Oh, 360 flip, I'm going to make that." 这些衍生出来的招式也像漂浮一样, 而当你到达墙上时,就像一体的一样 而这时,你的认知思维就应该回过神来了。 这时你自信满满,觉得360度大翻转已是囊中之物。
So that's how that works to me, the creative process, the process itself of street skating. 对于我而言,街头滑板招式的创作过程 就像我刚刚说的那样的。
So, next — Oh, mind you. (Laughs) Those are the community . 哦!小心!(笑声) 这是一个滑板圈。
These are some of the best skaters in the world. 这些人是世界上最优秀的滑板手。
These are my friends. Oh my gosh, they're such good people. 他们是我的朋友,都是些高手!
And the beauty of skateboarding is that, no one guy is the best. In fact, I know this is rotten to say, they're my friends, but a couple of them actually don't look that comfortable on their board. 滑板运动之美, 在于没有人是最好的。我知道,这么说挺逊的, 他们是我的朋友 但在滑板上,他们依然不是所向披靡。
What makes them great is the degree to which they use their skateboarding to individuate themselves. 但了不起的是, 他们用滑板来彰显自我。
Every single one of these guys, you look at them, you can see a silhouette of them, and you realize, like, "Oh, that's him, that's Haslam, that's Koston, there's these guys, these are the guys. 当你认真看他们中的每个人, 都能看到他们清晰的轮廓, 这时你就会知道,“噢,这是……那是Haslam,那是Koston。” 他们就是这样的人。
And skaters, I think they tend to be outsiders who seek a sense of belonging, but belonging on their own terms, and real respect is given by how much we take what other guys do, these basic tricks, 360 flips , 我觉得,滑板手都更倾向于户外。 他们追求一种归属感, 是由自己定义的归属感, 真正的尊重,来源于对他人经验的吸收学习, 基本的技巧、360度大翻转,
outsiders:n.[劳经]局外人,外来者(outsider复数形式); seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; flips:n.菲力普类(酒的一种);vt.掷;弹;轻击(flip的第三人称单数);
we take that, we make it our own, and then we contribute back to the community the inner way that edifies the community itself. 我们学习这些招式,创造自己的招式, 为这个圈子做出自己的贡献, 从而为这一圈子带来更多的启发。
contribute:v.贡献,出力;投稿;捐献; inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; edifies:vt.熏陶;启发;教诲;
The greater the contribution , the more we express and form our individuality , which is so important to a lot of us who feel like rejects to begin with. 我们的贡献越大, 自我的表达就越强,个性标签也就越显著, 这对很多在一开始就被否决的人来说是至关重要的。
contribution:n.捐款;捐资;定期缴款;贡献;促成作用;稿件; express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务; individuality:n.个性;个人;个人特征;个人的嗜好(通常复数); rejects:n.不良品; v.拒绝;
The summation of that gives us something we could never achieve as an individual. 这给予我们无穷的力量, 使我们能够做到一个人难以完成的事情
I should say this. There's some sort of beautiful symmetry that the degree to which we connect to a community is in proportion to our individuality, which we are expressing by what we do. 应该这么来说:在滑板圈里有种十分美好的平衡, 即我们与这个圈子相互关联的程度, 与我们个人特征成正比, 我们通过团体的行为来表达自我。
symmetry:n.对称(性);整齐,匀称; in proportion to:与…成比例,与…相称; expressing:v.表示;表达;表露;显而易见;(express的现在分词)
Next. These guys. Very similar community that's extremely conducive to innovation . 接下来,请大家看看这些人。这是个类似的圈子, 一个对创新有极大引导作用的圈子。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; conducive:adj.有益的;有助于…的; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
Notice a couple of these shots from the Police Department . 来看看这些在警察局里拍的照片。
Police Department:n.(美国城市中的)警察局;
But it is quite similar. I mean, what is it to hack , right? 他们做的事和黑客很像,对不?
hack:n.砍; v.砍; adj.出租的;
It's knowing a technology so well that you can manipulate it and steer it to do things it was never intended to do, right? 当你对一门技术掌握得游刃有余的时候,你就能控制这门技术, 从而在这门技术中做你从来没有想过的事,对吗?
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; manipulate:vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改; steer:v.引导;控制;操纵;驾驶(船、汽车等);n.建议;劝告;忠告;阉公牛; intended:adj.预定的;计划的;v.打算;计划;想要;(intend的过去分词和过去式)
And they're not all bad. 而这些事并不都是些坏事,
You can be a Linux kernel hacker , make it more stable , right? 你可以做Linux核心程序的黑客,让它更稳定更安全。
Linux:n.Linux操作系统(一种类似于UNIX的计算机操作系统); kernel:n.核心,要点;[计]内核;仁;麦粒,谷粒;精髓; hacker:n.电脑黑客,企图不法侵入他人电脑系统的人; stable:n.马厩;牛棚;adj.稳定的;牢固的;坚定的;vi.被关在马厩;赶入马房;
More safe, more secure. You can be an iOS hacker, make your iPhone do stuff it wasn't supposed to. 你也可以是IOS黑客, 让你的iPhone具有它原本没有的功能。
Not authorized , but not illegal . 你也许没有获得授权,但也不违法。
authorized:adj.核准的;v.批准;授权;(authorize的过去式和过去分词) illegal:adj.不合法的;非法的;n.非法移民;非法劳工;
And then you've got some of these guys, right? 这些人不也是一样么?
What they do is very similar to our creative process. 他们所做的和我们创新的过程十分相似。
They connect disparate information, and they bring it together in a way that a security analyst doesn't expect. Right? 他们将分散的信息联系起来, 再把这些信息安全地组合到一起 这是连一个安全分析技术员都难以预料到的,对吗?
disparate:adj.不同的;不相干的;全异的;n.无法相比的东西; analyst:n.分析者;精神分析医师;分解者;
It doesn't make them good people, but it's at the heart of engineering , at the heart of a creative community, an innovative community, and the open source community, the basic ethos of it is, take what other people do, make it better, give it back so we all rise further. 这也许不能使这些人成为超级大好人, 但是,这却是工程技术的核心, 也是创意革新圈子的核心, 也是开放性资源的核心力量, 其基本的理念就是:取他人之长,更上一层楼, 再回馈大众一同享用。
engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词) innovative:adj.革新的,创新的; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; ethos:n.民族精神;气质;社会思潮;
Very similar communities , very similar. 非常相似的圈子,非常的相似~!
We have our edgier sides, too. It's funny, my dad was right. 我父亲说得对,我们也有我们自己犀利的一面。
These are my peers . 这些都是我的同龄人。
But I respect what they do, and they respect what I do, because they can do things. It's amazing what they can do. 因为我们各自的创举, 我们互相尊重!
In fact, one of them, he was Ernst & Young's 事实上,他们中有一位是安永的企业家,(安永公司在全球提供审计、税务、财务交易和咨询等服务)
Entrepreneur of the Year for San Diego County , so they're not, you never know who you're dealing with. 还是圣地亚哥县的年度企业家, 所以,你从来都不知道你所见到的人是怎样的人。
Entrepreneur:n.企业家;承包人;主办者; County:n.郡,县; you never know:(非正式)很难说,不可预知;
We've all had some degree of fame. 我们都在各自的领域小有名气。
In fact, I've had so much success that I strangely always feel unworthy of. 事实上,我成功了好多次, 多到我都觉得我不配拥有这些成就。
strangely:adv.奇怪地;奇妙地;不可思议地; unworthy:adj.不值得的;无价值的;不相称的;
I've had a patent , and that was cool, and we started a company, and it grew, and it became the biggest, and then it went down, and then it became the biggest again, 我曾有过专利,这挺牛的, 我们还建立了一个公司,并不断地发展成业内最大的公司, 后来,公司没落了,但很快就东山再起了,
patent:vt.授予专利; adj.专利的; n.专利权;
which is harder than the first time, and then we sold it, and then we sold it again. 却比之前艰难得多,之后,我们把公司卖了。 后来,又再卖了一次。
So I've had some success. And in the end, when you've had all of these things, what is it that continues to drive you? As I mentioned, the knee stuff and these things, what is it that will punch you? 所以,我有过成功。最终,拥有了一切。 那么,是什么在鞭策着我向前走呢? 正如我所之前提到过的,膝盖啊--之类的事情, 什么样的事情能促使你继续前进呢?
Because it's not just the mind. 不仅仅是思想。
What is it that will punch you and make you do something and bring it to another level, and when you've had it all, sometimes, guys, they die on the vine with all of that talent, 是什么刺激你而使你有所行动, 使你更上一层楼呢?你所拥有的一切, 会随着你的才华流逝而夭折,
and one of the things we've had, all of us, is fame, 而我们都曾有过自己的名声,
I think the best kind of fame, because you can take it off. 再好的名声也会消失。
I've been all around the world, and there will be a thousand kids crying out your name, and it's such a weird , visceral experience. 我周游世界, 常常会有许多孩子呼喊我的名字, 你会有一种难以言表的、发自肺腑的喜悦。
weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; visceral:adj.内脏的;出于本能的;发自肺腑的;粗俗的;
It's like, it's disorienting . 这种经历让人迷失方向。
And you get in a car, and you drive away , and 10-minute drive, and you get out, and no one gives a rat's who you are. (Laughs) 你坐进车里, 十分钟后,到了另外一个地方, 在那里,却没人知道你是何方神圣。(笑声)
drive away:赶走
And it gives you that clarity of perspective of, man, 而这又会使你清楚地明白,
clarity:n.清楚,明晰;透明; perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的;
I'm just me, and popularity , what does that really mean again? Not much. 我只是我而已, 名气有什么意义呢?没多大意义。
It's peer respect that drives us. That's the one thing that makes us do what we do. I've had over a dozen bones, these guys, this guy, over, what, eight, 10 concussions , to the point where it's comedy , right? 正是同辈间的尊重促使我们去做点什么。 我有过数十次的骨头损伤, 而这些人,也许都有过八次、十次骨头损伤, 受伤太多,都快成喜剧了,对不?
concussions:n.冲击;震荡;脑震荡; comedy:n.喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情;
It is actually comedy. They mess with him. 其实这就是喜剧,这里面的各种混乱就像戏剧一样。
Next. And this is something deeper, and this is where I'm — 接下来,我想再讲一些更深涵义的东西,
I think I was on tour when I, I was reading one of the 我往来于各地比赛的时候曾读过费因曼的传记,
Feynman biographies . It was the red one or the blue one. 是一本蓝色或是红色的书。
And he made this statement that was so profound to me. 他说过一些话,对我影响深远。
statement:n.声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单; profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的;
It was that the Nobel Prize was the tombstone on all great work, and it resonated because I had won 35 out of 36 contests that I'd entered over 11 years, and it made me bananas. 他是这样说的: 诺贝尔奖是所有伟大工作的墓碑, 这句话让我很有共鸣,11年中,我参加36场比赛,赢了35次, 而这都快把我弄疯了。
Nobel Prize:n.诺贝尔奖; tombstone:n.墓碑;墓石; resonated:vt.共鸣;共振;vi.共鸣;共振;
In fact, winning isn't the word. I won it once. 事实上,胜利不是进行时,而是过去时。
The rest of the time, you're just defending, and you get into this, like, turtle posture , you know? 在剩下的时间里,你只是卫冕。 然后,你就会活得像海龟一样,
turtle:海龟,乌龟 posture:n.姿势;态度;看法;立场;处理方式;v.故作姿态;装样子
Where you're not doing. It usurped the joy of what I loved to do because I was no longer doing it to create and have fun, and when it died out from under me, that was one of the most liberating things because I could create. 什么也干不了。它篡夺了你所热爱事情的乐趣, 因为,你永远都不是在为了创造和娱乐而做这件事, 而这种名声一旦消失,就会觉得非常的释然, 因为我又能创造了。
And look, I understand that I am on the very edge of preachy , right here. I'm not here to do that. 我知道,也许我听起来有点说教, 但我并不是来这里说教的。
It's just that I'm in front of a very privileged audience. 只是我现在所面对的观众都是不一般的人。
privileged:adj.有特权的; v.给予特权; (privilege的过去式和过去分词)
If you guys aren't already leaders in your community, you probably will be, and if there's anything I can give you that will transcend what I've gotten from skateboarding, 就算你们现在不是人群中的领袖, 将来你们也会成为领袖, 如果说我能用我从滑板中获得的感悟来感染你们的话,
the only things of meaning, I think, and of permanence , it's not fame, it's not all these things. What it is is that there's an intrinsic value in creating something for the sake of creating it, and better than that, 那么我认为,唯一有意义的是就是坚持, 而不是名声,这些都没有意义。 真正有意义的是因为创造而去创造所固有的价值, 而更重要的是,
permanence:n.持久;永久; intrinsic:adj.本质的,固有的; for the sake of:为了;为了…的利益;
because, man, I'm 46 years old, or I'll be 46, and how pathetic is that I'm still skateboarding, but there is — 同志们,我都46岁了,或者说我马上都46岁了, 如果我一把年纪了还只是在机械地玩滑板,那该有多可悲!
(Laughter) -- there is this beauty in dropping it into a community of your own making, and seeing it dispersed , and seeing younger, more talented, just different talent, take it to levels you can never imagine, because that lives on. So thank you for your time. (笑声)滑板却让我看到一种美好,你能将自己的创造, 贡献给这个圈子,见证着它一步步地变得完善, 并看着更有天分或具备其他天赋的年轻人, 将其发展到你无法想象的程度, 从而使其发扬光大,世代传承。谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)
Krisztina Holly : I have a question for you. Krisztina Holly: 我想问你个问题。
So you've really reinvented yourself in the past from freestyle to street, and, I think it was about four years ago you officially retired. Is that it? What's next? 你是成功地从自由式滑板渐渐进入了街头滑板的圈子, 但我听说,四年前你正式地退出了滑板圈, 对吗? 那么下一步你要做什么呢?
Rodney Mullen: That's a good question. Rodney Mullen: 好问题!
KH: Something tells me it's not the end. KH: 但貌似你还没有完全结束你的滑板事业。
RM: Yeah. I, every time you think you've chased something down, it's funny, no matter how good you are, and I know guys like this, it feels like you're polishing a turd . RM: 是啊! 每次当你觉得你在追求什么东西的时候, 有趣的是,不管你有多么牛, 你都像在翻新一辆残破不堪的车一样,没有尽头,
polishing:v.擦光;修改;润饰;润色;(polish的现在分词) turd:n.粪,粪便;可鄙的人;
You know? (Laughter) 我就知道这样的人(笑声)
And I thought, the only way I can extend this is to change something infrastructural , and so that's what I proceeded to do, through a long story, one of desperation, so if I do it, rather than talk about it, if I do it, you'll be the first to know. KH: All right, we won't ask you any more. 我曾以为,唯一能使这件毫无希望的事变得有希望的方法是 改变最基本的东西, 而我一直都是这样做的,这是一个很长很长的故事, 一个充满绝望的故事,而我应该去做,而不是一直说。 所以,如果我有所行动,我肯定最先让在座的各位知道。KH: 那好吧,那我们不问了。
extend:vt.延伸; vi.延伸; infrastructural:adj.基础结构的;构造基底的; proceeded:v.继续做;接着做;继而做;行进;前往;(proceed的过去分词和过去式)
RM: You'll get a text. RM: 我会发短信告诉你的。
KH: (Laughs) Right. Thank you. Good job. (Applause)RM: Thank you. Thank you. (Applause) KH: (笑声)好的,谢谢你! 演讲非常棒。(掌声)RM:谢谢大家!(掌声)
(Applause) (掌声)