

Someday, we may have robots as smart as people, artificial intelligence , AI. 总有一天,机器人 会像人类一样聪明, 人工智慧,AI。
artificial intelligence:n.人工智能;
How could that happen? 那要如何做到呢?
One route is that we'll just keep accumulating better software, like we've been doing for 70 years. 其中一个方式就是, 我们只要继续累积更好的软体, 就像我们过去七十年所做的。
route:n.路线;路途;固定线路;途径;v.按某路线发送; accumulating:n.[数]累加;v.积累(accumulate的ing形式);
At past rates of progress, that may take centuries. 但以过去的进步速率推断, 这样要花上数百年。
Some say it'll happen a lot faster as we discover grand new powerful theories of intelligence. 有人说,它会提早实现, 因为我们发现了 全新的强大智慧理论。
I'm skeptical . 我持怀疑态度。
But a third scenario is what I'm going to talk about today. 但有第三种情况, 也是我今天要讲的。
The idea is to port the software from the human brain. 这个想法是从人脑中移植出软体。
To do this, we're going to need three technologies to be good enough, and none of them are there yet. 要做到这一点,我们需要 让三种技术的发展足够成熟, 但目前我们这些都还没达到。
First, we're going to need lots of cheap, fast, parallel computers. 第一,我们需要许多 廉价、快速、平行的电脑。
parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等);
Second, we're going to need to scan individual human brains in fine spatial and chemical detail, to see exactly what cells are where, connected to what, of what type. 第二,我们需要在适当的 空间与正确的化学成分下 扫瞄我们的大脑。 这样才能看出细胞的 精确位置、连结、类型。
individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; spatial:adj.空间的;存在于空间的;受空间条件限制的; chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的;
And third, we're going to need computer models of how each kind of brain cell works -- taking input signals, changing interval state and sending output signals. 第三,我们需要一种电脑模型, 关于各类脑细胞如何运作的模型── 可以让我们输入讯号, 改变区间的状态, 并再发送出讯号的模型。
input:n.投入; v.把(数据等)输入计算机; interval:n.间歇;音程;休息时间;(其他事情)穿插出现的间隙; output:n.(人、机器、机构的)产量;输出;输出功率;输出量;v.输出;
If we have good enough models of all the kinds of brain cells and a good enough model of the brain, we can put it together to make a good enough model of an entire brain, and that model would have the same input-output behavior as the original . 如果我们有够好的各种脑细胞模型、 够好的大脑模型, 我们可以把它们结合起来, 做出一个完整的大脑模型, 那个模型与原本大脑所想要的 输入和输出行为一致。
input-output:n.[计划]投入产出; original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的;
So if you talk to it, it might talk back. 所以,如果你跟它说话, 它可能会回话。
If you ask it to do things, it might do them. 如果你要它做事,它可能会去做。
And if we could do that, everything would change. 如果我们能做到这样, 一切都会改变。
People have been talking about this idea for decades, under the name of " uploads ." 几十年来人们以「上传」的方式 谈论这个想法。
under the name of:以…的名义;名叫…; uploads:vt.上传;
I'm going to call them "ems." 我打算称它为「仿真脑(ems)」。
When they talk about it, they say, "Is this even possible? 当他们在谈论这个想法时,他们说: 「这是可能的吗?」
If you made one, would it be conscious ? Or is it just an empty machine? 如果能做出来,它会是有意识的吗? 还是只是个空机器?
If you made one of me, is that me or someone else?" 如果你仿了我的大脑, 它会是我还是另一个人?
These are all fascinating questions that I'm going to ignore ... 我将忽略这些令人着迷的问题…...
fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词) ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬;
(Laughter) (笑声)
because I see a neglected question: 因为我看到了一个被忽视的问题:
neglected:adj.被忽略的; v.忽略; (neglect的过去分词和过去式)
What would actually happen? 究竟会发生什麽事?
I became obsessed with this question. 我对这个问题很着迷。
I spent four years trying to analyze it, using standard academic tools, to guess what would happen, and I'm here to tell you what I found. 我花了四年时间来分析它, 用标准的学术工具, 来猜测可能会发生什么事, 我来这里是要告诉各位我的发现。
analyze:v.对…进行分析,分解(等于analyse); standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; academic:adj.学术的;理论的;学院的;n.大学生,大学教师;学者;
But be warned -- 但,请注意──
I'm not offering inspiration, I'm offering analysis . 我不是要提供灵感, 我是要提供分析。
I see my job as telling you what's most likely to happen if we did the least to avoid it. 我认为我的工作是 告诉你们最有可能发生的情况, 如果我们不花心思去预防,
If you aren't at least a bit disturbed by something I tell you here, you're just not paying attention. 如果你对于我今天告诉你的事 并不感到担心, 那表示你没在注意听。
disturbed:adj.不安的; v.干扰; (disturb的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK, the first thing I can tell you is that ems spend most of their life in virtual reality . 好,我能告诉各位的第一件事是, 仿真脑的大部分时间 都是在虚拟现实生活中度过的。
virtual reality:n.(计算机创造的)虚拟现实;
This is what you might look like if you were using virtual reality. 如果你使用虚拟实境, 这就是你的样子。
And this is what you might see: sunlight glinting off of water, you might hear gulls flying above, you might even feel the wind on your cheeks or smell seawater , with advanced hardware . 这也是你可能会看到的: 阳光在水面上闪闪发光, 可能还会听到海鸥从上面飞过, 你甚至可以用先进的硬体 感受到风吹抚过脸颊或 闻到海水的味道。
sunlight:n.日光; glinting:v.闪光;闪亮;流露出强烈情感;(glint的现在分词) gulls:n.[鸟]鸥; v.诈欺,骗(gull的第三人称单数形式); seawater:n.海水; advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) hardware:n.计算机硬件;五金器具;
Now, if you were to spend a lot of time here, you might want a dashboard where you could do things like make a phone call, move to a new virtual world, check your bank account . 如果你要花很多时间在这里, 你可能会想要一个仪表板, 让你可以做一些事, 比如打电话、 移动到一个新的虚拟世界、 查看银行帐户。
dashboard:n.汽车等的仪表板;马车等前部的挡泥板; bank account:n.银行账户;
Now, while this is what you would look like in virtual reality, this is what an em would look like in virtual reality. 这是你在虚拟实境中 看起来的样子, 这是仿真脑在虚拟实境中 看起来的样子。
It's computer hardware sitting in a server rack somewhere. 它是电脑硬体, 就放在某个伺服器的机架上。
rack:n.架子; v.使痛苦不堪;
But still, it could see and experience the same thing. 但它仍然能够 看见和体验同样的东西。
But some things are different for ems. 但对仿真脑来说, 有些东西是不同的。
First, while you'll probably always notice that virtual reality isn't entirely real, to an em, it can feel as real to them as this room feels to you now or as anything ever feels. 第一,你可能会留意到 虚拟实境并不全是真实的, 但仿真脑感受到的真实度, 就像你现在对这空间 或对任何其它东西 感受到的真实度一样。
And ems also have some more action possibilities. 仿真脑还有更多的行为可能性。
For example, your mind just always runs at the same speed, but an em can add more or less computer hardware to run faster or slower, and therefore, if the world around them seems to be going too fast, they can just speed up their mind, and the world around them would seem to slow down. 比如,你的大脑 总是以同样速度运作, 但仿真脑可以透过增加或减少一些 电脑硬体来运作地更快或更慢, 因此,如果它们觉得周围的世界 发展地似乎太快了, 它们可以加快思考的速度, 这样它们周遭的世界 似乎就会慢了下来。
more or less:或多或少;
In addition , an em can make a copy of itself at that moment. 此外,仿真脑可以在 那个时候复制它自己。
This copy would remember everything the same, and if it starts out with the same speed, looking at the same speed, it might even need to be told, "You are the copy." 这个复制品会记住所有的东西, 如果它用同样的速度开始运作, 以同样的速度观察世界, 它们甚至可能需要被告知: 「你只是个复制品。」
And em could make archive copies, and with enough archives , an em can be immortal -- in principle , though not usually in practice . 仿真脑可以做归檔副本, 一旦有足够的归檔副本, 仿真脑就可以永生—— 那是理论上,虽然实务上不常见。
archives:n.档案;档案馆;v.把…存档;(archive的第三人称单数和复数) immortal:adj.不朽的;神仙的;长生的;n.神仙;不朽人物; in principle:大体上,原则上; in practice:在实践中;实际上,事实上;
And an em can move its brain, the computer that represents its brain, from one physical location to another. 仿真脑可以移动它的脑, 也就是代表它的脑的那台电脑, 从一个实体地点移到另一个地点。
represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位
Ems can actually move around the world at the speed of light, and by moving to a new location, they can interact more quickly with ems near that new location. 仿真脑可以用光速在全世界移动, 藉由移动到一个新地点, 它可以更快速地与新地点 附近的仿真脑做互动。
move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转; interact:v.互相影响;互相作用;n.幕间剧;幕间休息;
So far, I've been talking about what ems can do. 目前,我说的都是仿真脑能做什么。
What do ems choose to do? 那仿真脑会选择做什么?
To understand that, we'll need to understand three key facts. 要了解这一点,我们得要 先了解三项关键事实。
First, ems by definition do what the human they emulate would do in the same situation. 第一,定义上, 仿真脑在相同情境下, 会模仿出人类会做的事。
definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; emulate:vt.仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同…竞争;n.仿真;仿效;
So their lives and behavior are very human. 所以它们的生活和行为 都非常像人类。
They're mainly different because they're living in a different world. 它们与人主要的差异在于 它们活在不同的世界里。
Second, ems need real resources to survive. 第二,仿真脑需要真实资源来存活。
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
You need food and shelter or you'll die. 你需要食物和住所,不然就会死亡。
Also, ems need computer hardware, energy, cooling, or they can't exist. 同样的,仿真脑需要电脑硬体、 能源、冷却,不然它们将不能生存。
For every subjective minute that an em experiences, someone, usually that em, had to work to pay for it. 仿真脑所经历的主观每一分钟, 都是得有人付出才能得到的, 而付出的那个人通常是仿真脑本身。
Third, ems are poor. 第三,仿真脑很穷。
(Laughter) (笑声)
The em population can grow quicker than the em economy , so that means wages fall down to em subsistence levels. 仿真脑数量的成长会快过 仿真脑的经济成长, 那意味着薪资水平会落到 仿真脑能维持生计的水平。
economy:n.经济;节约;理财; wages:n.[劳经]工资; v.开展(运动等)(wage的第三人称单数形式); subsistence:n.生活;生存;存在;
That means ems have to be working most of the time. 那意味着仿真脑 大部份的时间得要工作。
So that means this is what ems usually see: beautiful and luxurious , but desks -- they're working most of the time. 那意味着仿真脑通常看见的是这个: 美丽又奢华的,办公桌── 它们大部份的时间都在工作。
Now, a subsistence wage scenario, you might think, is exotic and strange, but it's actually the usual case in human history, and it's how pretty much all wild animals have ever lived, so we know what humans do in this situation. 你可能会认为,这种勉强糊口的 工资的情景是奇异并奇怪的, 但这是人类历史上常见的情况, 这基本是所有野生动物的生活方式, 所以我们知道人类 在这种情况下会做什么。
Humans basically do what it takes to survive, and this is what lets me say so much about the em world. 人类基本上会为了生存而行动, 这就是让我说了这麽多 关于仿真脑世界的原因。
When creatures are rich, like you, you have to know a lot about what they want to figure out what they do. 当生物富有时,就像你们一样, 你得先要知道他们想要什么, 才能猜出他们会做什么。
When creatures are poor, you know that they mostly do what it takes to survive. 当生物很贫穷时, 你知道的,他们会做的 就只是生存下来。
So we've been talking about the em world from the point of view of the ems -- now, let's step back and look at their whole world. 我们已经从仿真脑的观点 谈了仿真脑的世界。 现在我们退后一步, 来看看它们的整个世界。
point of view:观点;见地;立场;
First, the em world grows much faster than ours, roughly a hundred times faster. 第一,仿真脑世界的成长速度 比我们的世界快很多, 大约快上一百倍。
So the amount of change we would experience in a century or two, they would experience in a year or two. 我们经历了一、两个世纪的改变, 它们在一、两年内就能完成。
And I'm not really willing to project this age much beyond that, because plausibly by then something else will happen, I don't know what. 我其实不想预测更遥远的未来, 因为,理论上到那时就会有 其它事发生,我们无法知道。
Second, the typical emulation runs even faster, roughly a thousand times human speed. 第二,典型的仿真脑运作得更快, 大约是人类的一千倍。
typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; emulation:n.[计]仿真;竞争;效法;
So for them, they experience thousands of years in this year or two, and for them, the world around them is actually changing more slowly than your world seems to change for you. 所以,对它们而言,它们会在 这一、两年就经历我们的数千年, 相对于你对你的周围世界的感觉, 它们会觉得它们周围的 世界改变很缓慢。
Third, ems are crammed together in a small number of very dense cities. 第三,仿真脑会挤在 少数几个高密度城市中。
crammed:adj.塞满的;挤满的;v.把…塞进;挤满;塞满;(cram的过去分词和过去式) dense:adj.稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的;
This is not only how they see themselves in virtual reality, it's also how they actually are physically crammed together. 这不只是它们在虚拟实境中 看到的自身状况, 它们的实体也确实是 挤在同一个地方的。
So at em speeds, physical travel feels really painfully slow, so most em cities are self-sufficient , most war is cyber war, and most of the rest of the earth away from the em cities is left to the humans, because the ems really aren't that interested in it. 以仿真脑速度来看, 实体旅行是要命的缓慢, 所以大部份的仿真脑城市 是自给自足的, 大部份的战争是网路战争, 而地球上远离 仿真脑城市的其它地方, 就留给人类,因为仿真脑 对这些地方真的不感兴趣。
painfully:adv.痛苦地,费力地; self-sufficient:adj.自给自足的;极为自负的;过于自信的; cyber:adj.网络的,计算机的;
Speaking of humans, you were wanting to hear about that. 说到人类, 你会想要听到这个。
Humans must retire, at once, for good. 人类必须要退休, 一旦发生了,你就好好退休吧。
They just can't compete . 人类无法和仿真脑竞争。
Now, humans start out owning all of the capital in this world. 一开始,人类拥有 这个世界上所有的资本。
The economy grows very fast, their wealth grows very fast. 经济成长非常快, 他们的财富也成长非常快。
Humans get rich, collectively . 整体而言,人类变富有了。
As you may know, most humans today don't actually own that much besides their ability to work, so between now and then , they need to acquire sufficient assets , insurance or sharing arrangements , or they may starve. 如你所知,现今大部份人 除了拥有工作能力外, 其它其实拥有的并不多。 所以从现在起到那时后, 他们需要获得足够的资产、 准备保险或股权的配置, 不然他们就要挨饿了。
besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; now and then:偶尔;有时; acquire:v.获得;取得;学到;捕获; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) insurance:n.保险;保险业;保险费;保费;adj.胜券在握的; arrangements:n.安排;筹备;布置;商定;(arrangement的复数)
I highly recommend avoiding this outcome . 我强烈建议要避免这个结果。
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; recommend:v.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议;使受欢迎; outcome:n.结果,结局;成果;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now, you might wonder, why would ems let humans exist? 你们可能会好奇, 为什么仿真脑要让人类存在?
Why not kill them, take their stuff ? 为什么不杀了人类, 拿走他们的东西?
But notice we have many unproductive retirees around us today, and we don't kill them and take their stuff. 别忘了,现今我们身边就有很多 没有生产力的退休者, 我们不会杀了他们,拿他们的东西。
unproductive:adj.非生产性的;徒劳的;不毛的;不生产的; retirees:n.退休人员(retiree的复数);
(Laughter) (笑声)
In part, that's because it would disrupt the institutions we share with them. 部份原因是因为这样会使得 我们与他们共同的制度被瓦解。
disrupt:vt.破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱;adj.分裂的,中断的;分散的; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数)
Other groups would wonder who's next, so plausibly, ems may well let humans retire in peace during the age of em. 其他族群就会想,谁会下一个遭殃? 所以仿真脑比较合理的做法,是让 人类在仿真脑的时代能平静地退休。
You should worry more that the age of em only lasts a year or two and you don't know what happens next. 你们比较该担心的是, 仿真脑的时代可能只有一、两年, 而你却不知道接下来会发生什么事。
Ems are very much like humans, but they are not like the typical human. 仿真脑和人类很像, 但它们不像典型的人类。
The typical em is a copy of the few hundred most productive humans. 典型的仿真脑是 几百个最有生产力的人的翻版。
So in fact, they are as elite , compared to the typical human, as the typical billionaire , Nobel Prize winner, 所以事实上, 与一般人相比它们是菁英, 它们是典型的亿万富翁、 诺贝尔奖得主、
elite:n.精英;精华;杰出人物; compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词) billionaire:n.亿万富翁; Nobel Prize:n.诺贝尔奖;
Olympic gold medalist , head of state . 奥运金牌得主、国家元首。
medalist:n.奖牌获得者; head of state:n.国家元首;
Ems look on humans perhaps with nostalgia and gratitude , but not so much respect, which is, if you think about it, how you think about your ancestors. 仿真脑在看人类时,可能是带着 怀旧之情和感激之情的, 但不会带有很多尊重, 就像你仔细想想, 你是怎麽看待你的祖先的。
nostalgia:n.乡愁;怀旧之情;怀乡病; gratitude:n.感谢(的心情);感激;
We know many things about how humans differ in terms of productivity . 我们知道许多关于 不同个体在生产力方面的不同之处。
We can just use those to predict features of ems -- for example, they tend to be smart, conscientious , hard-working, married, religious , middle-aged . 我们可以用那些知识 来预测仿真脑的特征── 比如,它们往往是 聪明的、认真的、努力的、 已婚的、有宗教信仰的、中年的。
predict:v.预报;预言;预告; conscientious:adj.勤勉认真的;一丝不苟的; religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑; middle-aged:adj.中年的;具有中年人特点的;适合于中年人的;
These are features of ems. 这些是仿真脑的特点。
Em world also contains enormous variety . 仿真脑世界也有很高的多样性。
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; variety:n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化;
Not only does it continue on with most of the kinds of variety that humans do, including variety of industry and profession , they also have many new kinds of variety, and one of the most important is mind speed. 它不只延续了人类的各种多样性, 包括产業及职業的多样性, 它们也在很多新型特点上 体现了多样性, 最重要的之一就是思维速度。
Ems can plausibly go from human speed up to a million times faster than human speed, and down to a billion times slower than human speed. 仿真脑的速度, 慢可以慢到与人类一样的速度 快可以快到比人类快 几百万倍的速度, 往下还可以比人类慢 十亿倍的速度。
Faster ems tend to have markers of high status . 更快的仿真脑往往具有较高的地位。
markers:n.(表示方位的)标记,记号;标识;表示;记号笔;(marker的复数) status:n.地位;状态;情形;重要身份;
They embody more wealth. They win arguments. 它们有比较多的财富。 它们能在争论中胜出。
They sit at premium locations . 它们位于金字塔顶端。
premium:n.额外费用;奖金;保险费;(商)溢价;adj.高价的;优质的; locations:n.地方;地点;位置;定位(location的复数)
Slower ems are mostly retirees, and they are like the ghosts of our literature . 比较慢的仿真脑多半是已退休的, 它们就像是我们小说中看到的鬼魂。
ghosts:n.鬼魂;幽灵;一点点;v.无声地行进(ghost的第三人称单数和复数) literature:n.文学;文献;文艺;著作;
If you recall , ghosts are all around us -- you can interact with them if you pay the price. 如果你有注意到, 书中的鬼魂都在我们周围, 如果你愿意付出代价, 就可以与它们互动。
But they don't know much, they can't influence much, and they're obsessed with the past, so what's the point? 但它们知道的不多, 它们的影响不大, 且它们沉陷在过去中, 但那有什么意义?
(Laughter) (笑声)
Ems also have more variety in the structure of their lives. 仿真脑的人生结构 也有较高的多样性。
This is your life: you start and you end, really simple. 这是你的人生: 开始、结束就这么简单。
This is the life of an em, who every day splits off some short-term copies to do short-term tasks and then end. 这是仿真脑的人生, 每天都会分裂出一些短暂的复制品, 用来完成短期任务,然后结束。
We'll talk more about those short term versions in a moment , but they are much more efficient because they don't have to rest for the next day. 我们稍后再讨论这些短期版本, 但是它们的效率更高, 因为它们不需要在第二天休息。
in a moment:立刻; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的;
This em is more opportunistic . 这个仿真脑是比较机会主义者的。
They make more copies of themselves when there's more demand for that. 当有需要时,它们就会 把自己复制更多份。
They don't know which way the future's going. 它们不知道未来的走向。
This is an em designer, who conceives of a large system and then breaks recursively into copies who elaborate that, so ems can implement larger, more coherent designs. 这是一个仿真脑设计师, 它构想了一个很大的系统, 然后再递归地分裂成复制品 来详细说明它的构想, 因此,仿真脑可以实现更大、 更连贯的设计。
conceives:vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有;vi.怀孕;设想;考虑; recursively:adv.递归地;递回地; elaborate:adj.精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的;v.精心制作;详细描述;变复杂; implement:v.实施;执行;贯彻;使生效;n.工具; coherent:adj.连贯的,一致的;明了的;清晰的;凝聚性的;互相耦合的;粘在一起的;
This an emulation plumber who remembers that every day, for the last 20 years, they only ever worked two hours a day, a life of leisure . 这是个仿真脑世界里的水管工, 它记得过去二十年的每一天, 它们一天只工作两小时, 很悠闲的人生。
plumber:n.水管工;堵漏人员; leisure:n.休闲;闲暇;空闲;adj.闲暇的;
But what really happened is, every day they had a thousand copies, each of whom did a two-hour plumbing job, and only one of them went on to the next day. 但实情是,它们每天都得 复制出数千个复制品, 每个复制品得做两个小时的工作, 它们之中只有一个 第二天会接着工作。
Objectively , they're working well over 99 percent of the time. 客观上,它们 99% 的时间 都在努力工作。
Subjectively , they remember a life of leisure. 主观上,它们还记得 甚么是悠闲的生活。
(Laughter) (笑声)
This, again, is you. You start and you end. 同样的,这还是你。 你开始,你结束。
This could be you if at the start of party, you took a drug that meant you would not remember that party ever after that day. 这可能是你,如果在派对开始时, 你吃了颗药, 它会让你在那天之后再也 想不起那场派对。
Some people do this, I'm told. 据我所知,有些人会这样做。
Toward the end of the party, will you say to yourself, "I'm about to die, this is terrible. 到派对尾声时, 我要问你的是,你是否会告诉自己: 「我快要死了,这太可怕了。
That person tomorrow isn't me, because they won't remember what I do." 明天的那个我其实不是我, 因为他不会记得我做过的事。」
Or you could say, "I will go on tomorrow. I just won't remember what I did." 或者说:「明天,我还是我, 只是不记得我过去做了什麽。」
This is an em who splits off a short-term copy to do a short-term task and then end. 这是分裂出短期复制品的仿真脑, 用来做短期工作,然后就结束。
They have the same two attitude possibilities. 它们同样也有这两种可能的态度。
They can say, "I'm a new short-term creature with a short life. I hate this." 它们会说:「我是新的短期生物, 生命很短。我讨厌这样。」
Or "I'm a part of a larger creature who won't remember this part." 或「我是更大生物的一部份, 只是记不得是哪一部份。」
I predict they'll have that second attitude, not because it's philosophically correct, but because it helps them get along. 我预测它们会采用第二种态度, 不是因为哲学正确性,而是因为 那种态度能幫助它们相处。
Today, if the president says we must invade Iraq, and you say, "Why?" 如果今天总统说 我们必须要侵略伊拉克, 你说:「为什么?」
and they say, "State secret," 他们说:「国家机密。」
you're not sure if you can trust them, but for ems, a copy of the president and a copy of you can go inside a safe, explain all their secret reasons, and then one bit comes out from your copy to yourself, telling you if you were convinced . 你不确定是否可以信任他们, 但对仿真脑而言,总统的复制品和 你的复制品可以进入一个保险箱, 解释它们所有的秘密原因, 然后有一个位元讯号 从你的复制品回来告知你, 让你知道你是否有被说服。
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
So now you can know there is a good reason. 这样你就会知道有个好理由存在。
I know you guys are all eager to evaluate this world. 我知道你们都很渴望评估那个世界。
You're eager to decide if you love it or hate it. 你想尽快决定 你是否喜欢它或讨厌它。
But think: your ancestors from thousands of years ago would have loved or hated your world based on the first few things they heard about it, because your world is really just weird . 但想想:你数千年前的祖先 会根据他们听闻的最初的几件事, 来选择爱或恨你现在这个世界吗? 因为你的世界听起来是很奇怪的。
So before judging a strange future world, you should really learn a lot about it, maybe read a whole book about it, and then, if you don't like it, work to change it. 所以在评断一个奇怪的 未来世界之前, 你应该好好学习它, 也许读一本关于它的书,
Thank you. 然后,如果你不喜欢它, 就努力去改变它。
(Applause) 谢谢。