

Twelve years ago, I founded Zipcar. 十二年前,我创建了Zipcar公司。
Zipcar buys cars and parks them throughout dense metropolitan areas for people to use, by the hour and by the day , instead of owning their own cars. Zipcar 购买汽车, 同时把它们投放到 人口稠密的市区, 供人们使用,顾客们可以按小时或按天付费的方式使用我们的车, 从而人们就可以不用拥有自己的汽车也有车用。
throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; dense:adj.稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的; metropolitan:adj.大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的;n.大城市人;大主教;宗主国的公民; by the day:按日;按日计算;
Each Zipcar replaces 15 personal cars, and each driver drives about 80 percent less because they're now paying the full cost, all at once, in real time . 我们每投入一辆Zipcar,就可以代替15 辆私人汽车, 同时每个使用Zipcar汽车的人,其用车时间减少了大约80%, 因为他们现在要支付全部的有关费用, 而且是立即支付!
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
But what Zipcar really did was make sharing the norm . 但 Zipcar 的真正的意义是使资源共享成为了一种模式
Now, a decade later, it's really time to push the envelope a little bit, and so a couple years ago I moved to Paris with my husband and youngest child, and we launched Buzzcar a year ago. 现在,十年后,这种模式需要作一点改进。 所以几年前, 我搬到了巴黎, 我丈夫和最小的小孩也随我来了, 一年前,,我们创办了Buzzcar公司。
envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹; launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词)
Buzzcar lets people rent out their own cars to their friends and neighbors. Buzzcar 的运作方式是让人们把闲置的车辆 出租给自己的朋友和邻居。
Instead of investing in a car, we invest in a community . 这样子,我们不再投资在车辆上,而是投在整个社区。
investing:v.投资;投入(时间、精力等);(invest的现在分词) community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
We bring the power of a corporation to individuals who add their cars to the network. 我们将原本是公司的运作方式 转化为带着自己的汽车加入我们的社区网络的人们的个人行为。
corporation:n.法人;(大)公司;法人团体;市政委员会; individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数);
Some people call this peer-to-peer . 有些人把这称之为群体共享。
This does express the humanity of what's going on, and the personal relationships, but that is also like saying that it's the same thing as a yard sale or a bake sale or babysitting . 这正体现了人性的发展 和人与人之间的关系, 但这也可以说是类似于 庭院旧货出售, 或是烘烤品义卖, 或是临时保姆。
express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; yard sale:n.庭院拍卖会(在自家庭院售卖二手家什); bake sale:n.烤饼义卖(为学校或慈善事业等募集资金); babysitting:v.照料;照顾小孩;(babysit的现在分词)
That's peer-to-peer. 这就是群体共享。
It's like saying yard sales are the same thing as eBay, or craft fairs are the same thing as Etsy. 这就像说庭院旧货出售和eBay一样, 或小手工艺品交易会等同于Etsy 。
But what's really happening is that we've got the power of a free and open Internet, and on top of that we're putting a platform for participation , and the peers are now in partnership with the company, creating shared value on shared values, and each strengthening the other, and doing what the other can't do. 但所有一切的发生都源于我们拥有一个 自由和开放的互联网, 在此基础上,我们建立了一个利于参与的平台, 而参与者与公司实际上成了合作伙伴关系, 在共享的基础上创造着共同的价值, 同时,相互取长补短.
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; participation:n.参与;分享;参股; peers:n.平辈,同事(peer的复数);v.凝视;比得上(peer的三单形式); partnership:n.合伙;[经管]合伙企业;合作关系;合伙契约;
I call this Peers, Inc. 我把这一运作模式叫 群体共享公司 。
The incorporated side, the company, is doing things that it does really well. 从公司构成方面来看,这种公司 业绩显著。
incorporated:adj.合并的; v.合并;
What does it do really well? It creates economies of scale , significant and long-term resource investment , the expertise of many different kinds of people and different kinds of minds, and for individuals, 它有何成绩呢?它创建了规模经济, 拉动了显著的、长远的资源投资, 为各色各类的合作者创立了一种可以参与的公司 而这些合作都拥有多样的恩维方式, 同时对个人、
economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数) scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; resource:n.资源;资料;才智;财力;v.向…提供资金(或设备); investment:n.投资;投入;封锁; expertise:n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见;
consumers , it's bringing the standards , rules and recourse that we really want as consumers , and this is kind of bound up in a brand promise, and the companies are providing this on a platform for participation. 对消费者来说,它提供标准, 法规和索赔的权利, 这一切都是我们作为消费者梦寐以求的, 这些都与 品牌承诺 紧密相关, 这种公司为参与者们提供了一个参与的平台。
consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数) standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数) recourse:n.求援,求助;[经]追索权;依赖;救生索; bound up in:专心,沉迷于,忙于; brand:v.铭刻于,铭记;打烙印于;印…商标于;n.商标,牌子;烙印;
Peers are giving and doing things that are incredibly expensive for companies to do. 这些参与的个体所能提供的东西和所能做的事情 其投入之少是一般公司可望而不可及的。
What do they bring? They bring this fabulous diversity , expensive for companies. And what does that deliver? 它们带来了什么?它们带来难以想象的多元化, 而一般公司要做到这点就要花投入巨资。那这又意味着什么呢?
fabulous:adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化:
It delivers localization and customization , specialization , and all of this aspect about social networks and how companies are yearning and eager to get inside there? 这意味着产品服务本地化,具体化, 专业化,揭开了社交网络的 面纱 , 为什么那么多的公司积极踊跌的参与进来呢?
localization:n.[计]定位;局限;地方化; customization:n.定制;[计]用户化;客制化服务; specialization:n.专门化;特殊化;特化作用; aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位; yearning:n.向往;渴望;adj.思慕的;渴望的;v.渴望;渴求;(yearn的现在分词)
It's natural for me. Me and my friends, I can connect to them easily. 对于我,这很自然。我和我的朋友们可以很容易的互相联络。
And it also delivers really fabulous innovation , and I'll talk about that later. 更让人惊喜的是它鼓励创新的一面, 我会稍后再谈。
So we have the peers that are providing the services and the product, and the company that's doing the stuff that companies do. 因此,我们有 群体共享 意识的人们提供着服务和产品, 同时有公司做着它应该做的事情,
The two of these are delivering the best of both worlds . 二者结合,为我们提供了一个完美的世界。
the best of both worlds:两全其美;两个世界一样美好;最好的两个世界;
Some of my favorite examples: in transportation , Carpooling .com. Ten years old, three and a half million people have joined up, and a million rides are shared every day. 下面是一些我最喜欢的案例: 在交通业, 十年前, Carpooling.com (拼车公司网站)组建, 目前拥有350 万会员, 每天有1,000,000次的拼车纪录。
transportation:n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放; Carpooling:n.共乘制;v.合伙用车(carpool的现在分词形式);
It's a phenomenal thing. It's the equivalent of 2,500 TGV trains, and just think, they didn't have to lay a track or buy a car. 这是一件很了不起的事。1,000,000人相当于 2,500列TGV 列车的满载量, 试想想,公司不需要铺设一根轨道,也不需投入一辆小汽车.
phenomenal:adj.现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的; equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
This is all happening with excess capacity . 这些业绩只是用那些过剩的生产力来取得的。
excess:n.超过,超额;过度,过量;无节制;adj.额外的,过量的;附加的; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力;
And it's not just with transportation, my love, but of course in other realms . Here's Fiverr.com. 这不仅仅存在于运输业, 亲爱的, 当然还有其他领域。比如 Fiverr.com网络公司(5元公司)。
I met these founders just weeks after they had launched, and now, in two years, what would you do for five dollars? 在他们开业几周后,我拜见了那些创建者, 现在,两年后,你会用五美元做什么呢?
Seven hundred and fifty thousand gigs are now posted after two years, what people would do for five dollars. 两年之后,75 万个小型音乐表演的信息张贴在这个网站上, 人们会为5美元做什么呢?
gigs:n.轻便两轮马车; v.用鱼叉捕鱼(gig的三单形式);
And not just easy things that anyone can do. 而且这些事情并不是轻而易举。
This Peers, Inc. concept is in a very difficult and complex realm. 群体共享"公司这个概念是个非常错综复杂的问题。
TopCoder has 400,000 engineers who are delivering complex design and engineering services. TopCoder 有四十万工程师承担着 复杂的设计和工程服务工作。
When I talked to their CEO, he had this great line. 当我跟他们的首席执行官讨论时,发现他有一个宏观的理念:
He said, "We have a community that owns its own company." 他说, 其实我们任何一个社区都可以拥有一间自己的公司。
And then my all-time favorite, Etsy. 而我的最爱是 Etsy。
Etsy is providing goods that people make themselves and they're selling it in a marketplace . Etsy 提供了一个网上交易市场, 人们可以买卖他们手工制作的商品。
It just celebrated its seventh anniversary, and after seven years, last year it delivered 530 million dollars' worth of sales to all those individuals who have been making those objects. 它刚刚庆祝了开业七周年, 七年后,也就是去年, 它的全部会员的商品成交额达到 5 亿 3000 万美元, 这些可以他们亲手制作的货物。
I know you guys out there who are businesspeople , are thinking, "Oh my God, I want to build one of those. 在座的许多都是商人, 你们可能正在盘算: 上帝!我也想建立一个这样的公司。
I see this incredible speed and scale. 有这种令人难以置信的速度和规模发展,
You mean all I have to do is build a platform and all these people are going to put their stuff on top and I sit back and roll it in?" 而你的意思是说我所要做的就是建这么个网上平台, 人们就会 把东西拿到上面来卖买,而我就可以什么都不做, 只等着钱滚滚而来?
Building these platforms for participation are so nontrivial to do. 建立这些平台让人们来参与并不是件简单的事情。
platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上; nontrivial:adj.非平凡的;
I think of the difference of Google Video versus YouTube. 我总是在思考 Google 视频与 YouTube 的差异。
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; versus:prep.对;与...相对;对抗;
Who would have thought that two young guys and a start-up would beat out Google Video? Why? 谁会想到这两个年轻人, 一个刚刚起步的小公司 会击败 Google 视频呢?为什么?
I actually have no idea why. I didn't talk to them. 我其实也不知道为什么。我没有跟他们谈过。
But I'm thinking, you know, they probably had the "share" button a little bit brighter and to the right, and so it was easier and more convenient for the two sides that are always participating on these networks. 但我想,他们可能运用了 共享 这个理念稍微好了一点, 因此使得群体与公司平台之间结合得更容易和紧密, 从而把人们牢牢吸引?
convenient:adj.实用的;便利的;方便的; participating:v.参加;参与(participate的现在分词)
So I actually know a lot about building a peer platform now, and a Peers, Inc. company, because I've spent the last two years doing that in Paris. 所以,我其实总结了很多关于建立群体共享平台 和公司的经验,因为我花了 过去的两年时间,在巴黎做着类似的事情。
So let me take you back how it's so incredibly different building Buzzcar than it was building Zipcar, because now every single thing we do has these two different bodies that I have to be thinking about: the owners who are going to provide the cars and the drivers who are going to rent them. 所以让我带你回到最初的话题,看一看 建立 Buzzcar 与建立Zipcar 是多么的截然不同, 因为现在我们做每一件事都要考虑到两个 不同的主体, 一方面是提供车的车主们, 另一方面是来租车的司机们。
Every single decision, I have to think about what is right for both sides. 每一项决定,我都要考虑到两方面的利益得失。
There are many, many examples and I'll give you one that is not my favorite example: insurance . 有很多很多的例子,我给你举一个, 就是那个最让我头疼的例子: 保险。
It took me a year and a half to get the insurance just right. 我花了一年半的时间去搞定这个棘手的问题。
Hours and hours of sitting with insurers and many companies and their thoughts about risk and how this is totally innovative , they'd never thought of it before. 我走访了许多保险公司, 花去了大量的时间, 和他们探讨风险问题和如何创立一套新的保险体系 (这种体系)他们以前想都没想过。
insurers:n.[保险]保险公司;承保人(insurer的复数形式); innovative:adj.革新的,创新的;
Way too much money, I just can't even go there, with lawyers, trying to figure out how this is different, who's responsible to whom, and the result was that we were able to provide owners protection for their own driving records and their own history. 商谈的过程太繁琐了, 我真的不想再想那些事了,我与律师一起, 试图找出这种保险有何不同,谁应向谁负责, 最终的结果是:我们可以为车主提供 保护他们自己的驾驶记录和自己的驾驶历史的保险。
responsible to:负责;
The cars are completely insured during the rental , and it gives drivers what they need, and what do they need? 在租赁期间, 车子获得全保, 和司机们的最大利益。那是什么呢?
insured:n.被保险人;adj.已投保的;v.确保;给…保险(insure的过去式和过去分词); rental:n.租金收入,租金;租赁;adj.租赁的;收取租金的;
They need a low deductible , and 24-hour roadside assistance. 他们需要最低的免赔额, 和 24 小时救援服务。
deductible:adj.可扣除的;可减免的; roadside:n.路边;路旁;adj.路边的;路旁的;
So this was a trick to get these two sides. 这就是如何使双方满意的小例子。
So now I want to take you to the moment of -- 所以,现在我们回到正题上来:
When you're an entrepreneur , and you've started a new company, there's the, here's all the stuff we do beforehand , and then the service launches . What happens? 你是一名企业家,正要开办一个新的公司, 上面提到的前期准备工作也已经齐备, 然后公司开业大吉。然后会发生什么事呢?
entrepreneur:n.企业家;承包人;主办者; beforehand:adv.事先;预先;adj.提前的;预先准备好的; launches:n.汽艇(launch的复数);v.[航]发射;下水;投入(launch的单三形式);
So all those months of work, they come into play. 所有这几个月准备的工作,开始发挥作用。
Last June 1, we launched. It was an exciting moment. 去年六月一日,我们推出了我们的服务,那是一个令人兴奋的时刻。
And all the owners are adding their cars. It's really exciting. 所有车主都在我们的网站添加他们的汽车。真是激动人心。
All the drivers are becoming members. It's excellent. 所有的未来租车人也成为了会员。真是太棒了。
The reservations start coming in, and here, owners who were getting text messages and emails that said, "Hey, Joe wants to rent your car for the weekend. 用车预订喷涌而来,同时 车主也获得了短信和电子邮件 说, 嘿,乔想这个周末租你的车,
You can earn 60 euros . Isn't that great? Yes or no?" 你可以赚 60 欧元。很棒吧?行还是不行?
No reply. Like, a huge proportion of them couldn't be bothered after they had just started, they just signed up, to reply. 没有答复。好象很大一部分人都是这样, 就在他们签约承诺给予答复后没多久就消声匿迹了....
proportion:n.比例;部分;份额;均衡;v.摊派;使相称; bothered:adj.烦(恼)的; v.使(某人)烦恼;
So I thought, "Duh, Robin , this is the difference between industrial production and peer production." 所以我想, 啊,罗宾,学着点,这就是 工业生产和 群体共享 之间的区别。
Robin:知更鸟,罗宾(人名) industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票;
Industrial production, the whole point of industrial production is to provide a standardized , exact service model that is consistent every single time, and I'm really thankful that my smartphone is made using industrial production. 工业生产, 重点在于 提供一个标准化的, 完全一致的服务模式, 这就是每一次都一样, 我真的感激我的智能手机是通过 工业生产制作的。
standardized:adj.标准的; v.使合乎标准; consistent:adj.始终如一的,一致的;坚持的; smartphone:n.智能手机;
And Zipcar provides a very nice, consistent service that works fabulously . 同样,Zipcar 提供了一个很好的、 一致的服务 它运作得也很棒。
But what does peer production do? Peer production is this completely different way of doing things, and you have a big quality range, and so eBay, cleverly , 但群体共享做些什么呢?群体共享 运作起来完全不同, 你有一个参差不齐的资源范畴,所以eBay 很聪明,
the first peer production, Peer, Inc. company, I'd say, they figured out early on, we need to have ratings and commentaries and all that yucky side stuff. 这家最早的群体共享平台, 我认为, 他们早些时候想出对策,我们需要对参与者打分, 写评语和揭露所有令人作呕的行为。
ratings:n.评级;等级(rating的复数形式); commentaries:n.评注,评注(commentary的复数形式);注释; yucky:adj.讨厌的;令人生厌的;令人厌恶的
We can flag that and we can put it to the side, and people who are buyers and consumers don't have to deal with it. 我们可以给这些人加标识,冷落他们, 让 买家和消费者不必理会他们。
So going back, this is my look of excitement and joy, because all this stuff that I'd also been hoping for actually really did happen, and what's that? 所以回过头来看,这些才是我所认知的兴奋和喜悦, 因为这一切的东西也是我所期望的, 而且事实上确实出现了,那是什么呢?
That is the diversity of what's going on. 就是这种多样性。
You have these different fabulous owners and their different cars, different prices, different locations . (Laughter) 你有这些各式各样热情的车主们, 和他们不同的汽车,不同的价格, 来自不同的地区。(笑声)
They dress differently, and they look different, and, really, I love these photos every time I look at them. 他们着装不同,长相各异, 而且,真的,每次看到这些照片我都爱不释手。
Cool guys, excited guys, and here is Selma, who -- I love this driver. 很酷的家伙,兴奋的家伙, 这里是塞尔玛,— — 我很喜欢这个司机。
And after a year, we have 1,000 cars that are parked across France and 6,000 people who are members and eager to drive them. 一年后,我们有 1000 辆汽车 它们遍布整个法国和 6000 个 成员随时等待使用它们。
This would not be possible to do that in economic fashion for a traditional company. 对于一个传统的公司来说,这种经济时尚 简直是天方夜谭。
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; traditional:传统的,惯例的,
Back to this spectrum . 返回到此座标轴,
So what's happening is, we had the yuck side, but we actually had this real wow side. 到底发生了什么: 我们看到不好的一端, 但我们其实还有非常出色的一面。
And I can tell you two great stories. 我可以告诉你两个动人的故事。
A driver was telling me that they went to rent a car to go up the coast of France and the owner gave it to them, and said, "You know what, here's where the cliffs are, 有个司机告诉我他们要租一辆车 去法国海岸游玩, 车主不但把车租给了他, 并且告诉他那些悬崖在哪里,
and here's all the beaches, and this is my best beach, and this is where the best fish restaurant is." 哪里有海滩,哪里是我们最好的海滩, 哪里是最好的海鲜餐厅。
And the peers also become, peers and owners create relationships, and so at the last minute people can -- a driver can say, "Hey, you know what, I really need the car, is it available?" And that person will say, "Sure, my wife's at home. Go pick up the keys. Go do it." 而且 群体共享 为 租车者和车主建立了友好的关系, 因此,在最后一刻, 有人可以- 例如一个司机可以说, 嘿,老兄,我真的需要用一下车, 行吗? 车主会说: 当然可以,,我妻子在家。你去问她拿钥匙。开走它。
So you can have these really nice things that can't happen, and it's a kind of "Wow!" and I want to say "Wow!" 因此你会遇到这些你以前没碰到过的好事, 碰到这种事你肯定会说: 哇噻“的, 而且我想要说 哇!
type of thing that's happening here, because individuals, if you're a company, what happens is you might have 10 people who are in charge of innovation, or 100 people who are in charge of innovation. 这种事情发生是因为个体化的原因。 如果你是一家公司,有可能 你也许有十个人负责创新, 或是一百人。
in charge of:负责;主管;
What happens in Peer, Inc. companies is that you have tens and hundreds and thousands and even millions of people who are creating experiments on this model, and so out of all that influence and that effort, 但是在群体共享这种模式下 有成百上千甚至上百万的 人在此模式基础上实践着, 所以在此类影响和各方努力下,
hundreds and thousands:n.着色珠子糖(装饰糕点等用); influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变;
you are having this exceptional amount of innovation that is coming out. 你会有数以万计的新生事物 孕育而生。
So one of the reasons, if we come back to why did I call it Buzzcar? I wanted to remind all of us about the power of the hive , and its incredible facility to create this platform that individuals want to participate and innovate on. 所以其中原因之一,如果我们追溯为什么我会 叫它Buzzcar?我想要提醒所有的人 有关蜂巢的力量, 和创造这一平台令人难以置信容量 它为每一个工蜂创建了参与与创新的平台。
remind:v.提醒;使想起; hive:vi.群居; n.蜂房,蜂巢; vt.入蜂箱; facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资; participate:v.参加;参与; innovate:vi.创新;改革;革新;vt.改变;创立;创始;引人;
And for me, when I think about our future, and all of those problems that seem incredibly large, the scale is impossible, the urgency is there, 对我而言,当我想到我们公司的未来, 和所有的那些貌似非常棘手问题, 规模不可想象, 而且还非常紧迫,
Peers, Inc. provides the speed and scale and the innovation and the creativity that is going to answer these problems. 群体共享 公司不正提供了这种速度和规模, 这种公司的改进和创新不正是问题之答案?
All we have to do is create a fabulous platform for participation -- nontrivial. 我们所要做的就是建立这种有意义的平台让人们参与进来--不简单。
So I continue to think that transportation is the center of the hard universe. 于是, 我还在想, 交通是全球最令人头痛的问题。
All problems come back to transportation for me. 所有问题都回到我的运输上面来。
But there are all these other areas that are these profound , big problems that I know that we can work on, and people are working on them in many different sectors , but there's this really fabulous group of things with the power of this Peers, Inc. model. 但这里还有许多其他领域的问题, 很深远, 矛盾重重, 但我知道我们可以努力解决, 而且人们正在为许多不同的部门探求着答案, 与此同时,我们发现了 群体共享 的神奇力量。
profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; sectors:n.部门; v.把…划成扇形;
So over the last decade, we've been reveling in the power of the Internet and how it's empowered individuals, and for me, what Peers, Inc. does is it takes it up a notch . We're now bringing the power of the company and the corporation and supercharging individuals. 所以过去十年,我们已经沉迷在 互联网的巨大魔力之中,亲眼目睹了个人的力量是如何变得万般强大, 对我来说, 群体共享 公司 实际上起到了推波助澜的效益。我们现在要集 大,小公司的资源 和充分利用个体参与者的力量来进行公司的动作。
reveling:vi.狂欢;陶醉;n.狂欢;闹饮;喜庆狂欢活动; empowered:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;(empower的过去分词和过去式) notch:n.刻痕,凹口;等级;峡谷;v.赢得;用刻痕计算;在…上刻凹痕; supercharging:n.增压作用;v.增压(supercharge的ing形式);
So for me, it's a collaboration . 所以对我来说,这就是协作精神。
Together, we can. (Applause) 让我们一起努力吧!(掌声)
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)