

Let's go south. 让我们向南去
All of you are actually going south. 你们所有人实际上正在向南
This is the direction of south, this way, and if you go 8,000 kilometers out of the back of this room, you will come to as far south as you can go anywhere on Earth, the Pole itself. 这个是向南的方向 如果你朝这个房间后面走8000公里 你将会走到你能在地球上到达的最南端 南极点
Now, I am not an explorer . 现在,我不是一个探险家
I'm not an environmentalist . 我也不是一个环境学家
I'm actually just a survivor, and these photographs that I'm showing you here are dangerous. 我实际上只是一个幸存者 我现在展示给你们的图片很危险
They are the ice melt of the South and North Poles . 它们是南极和北极融化的冰雪
melt:v.融化;(使)软化; Poles:n.极点(pole的复数形式);雪杖;杆位次数;
And ladies and gentlemen, we need to listen to what these places are telling us, and if we don't, we will end up with our own survival situation here on planet Earth. 女士们先生们 我们需要倾听这些地方正在告诉我们的话 如果我们不这样做,我们将会在地球上 严峻的生存情形面前死亡。
I have faced head-on these places, and to walk across a melting ocean of ice is without doubt the most frightening thing that's ever happened to me. 我曾亲眼见过这些地方, 走在融化海洋冰面上 无疑是我所做过的 最惊险的事情。
head-on:adj.正面的;直接的;头朝前的;adv.迎头;头朝前地;正面针对地; melting:adj.感人的;v.(使)熔化,融化;(melt的现在分词) frightening:adj.可怕的;骇人的;引起恐惧的;v.使惊吓;使惊恐(frighten的现在分词)
Antarctica is such a hopeful place. 南极是一个充满希望的地方。
It is protected by the Antarctic Treaty , signed in 1959. 南极被 1959 年所签署的南极条约保护着。
Antarctic:adj.南极(地方)的;n.南极地区;网络释义:南极的;南极区;南极地带的; Treaty:n.条约,协议;谈判;
In 1991, a 50-year agreement was entered into that stops any exploitation in Antarctica, and this agreement could be altered , changed, modified , or even abandoned starting in the year 2041. 在 1991 年,一个 50 年条约被签署实施 禁止一切对南极的开发利用, 但是从 2041 年开始 这个条约就可以被 修改,变换,改进,甚至是被摒弃。
exploitation:n.开发,开采;利用;广告推销; altered:adj.改变了的:v.(使)改变,更改,改动:(alter的过去分词和过去式) modified:adj.改进的,修改的;改良的;v.修改;缓和;(modify的过去分词); abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式)
Ladies and gentlemen, people already far up north from here in the Arctic are already taking advantage of this ice melt, taking out resources from areas already that have been covered in ice for the last 10, 20, 30,000, 100,000 years. 女士们先生们, 远在北极的人们 已经开始利用 冰在融化的这个优势, 将埋在冰下 有成千上万年的 资源开采出来。
advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
Can they not join the dots and think, "Why is the ice actually melting?" 难道他们不能和其他人一样 想一想:“为什么冰正在融化呢?”
This is such an amazing place, the Antarctic, and I have worked hard for the last 23 years on this mission to make sure that what's happening up here in the North does never happen, cannot happen in the South. 南极,这是一个充满神奇的地方, 在过去的 23 年里,我一直都 非常努力的工作 以确保在北极所发生的事情 绝不会发生在南极。
Where did this all begin? 这该从何说起呢?
It began for me at the age of 11. 故事从我 11 岁时开始。
Check out that haircut. It's a bit odd . (Laughter) 看看我当时的发型是不是有点奇怪。(笑声)
And at the age of 11, I was inspired by the real explorers to want to try to be the first to walk to both Poles. 在 11 岁之际,我被真正的探险家所打动 我想成为第一个走过南极和北极的人。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) explorers:n.探险者;勘探者;考察者;(explorer的复数)
I found it incredibly inspiring that the idea of becoming a polar traveler went down pretty well with girls at parties when I was at university. 这个想法真的是非常的鼓舞人心, 成为极地旅行者的想法 在大学的派对里非常受到女生的欢迎。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; inspiring:adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟;(inspire的现在分词) polar:adj.极地的;南极(或北极)的;n.极线;极面;
That was a bit more inspiring. 这样一来就更加令我振奋。
And after years, seven years of fundraising , seven years of being told no, seven years of being told by my family to seek counseling and psychiatric help, 经过足足七年的筹资, 连续七年的被反对, 连续七年的被家人劝说 去接受心理治疗,
fundraising:n.筹款;募捐; seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; counseling:n.咨询服务;v.建议;劝告;商讨;(counsel的现在分词形式) psychiatric:adj.精神病学的;精神病治疗的;
eventually three of us found ourselves marching to the South Geographic Pole on the longest unassisted march ever made anywhere on Earth in history. 最终我们其中三个人实现梦想,在无人协助的情况下 完成了有史以来在南极最长旅行。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; Geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的; unassisted:adj.无助的(等于unaided);
In this photograph, we are standing in an area the size of the United States of America , and we're on our own. 在张照片里,我们站在一个和 美国一样大小的地方, 而且只有我们。
United States of America:un.美利坚合众国;
We have no radio communications, no backup . 我们没有电子通讯设备,没有后方补给。
Beneath our feet, 90 percent of all the world's ice, 70 percent of all the world's fresh water. 在我们脚下,是全世界 90% 的冰, 全世界 70% 的淡水资源。
We're standing on it. 我们就站在它上面。
This is the power of Antarctica. 这就是南极的魅力。
On this journey , we faced the danger of crevasses , intense cold, so cold that sweat turns to ice inside your clothing, your teeth can crack , water can freeze in your eyes. 在这个路途中,我们面对着冰隙的危险 严峻寒冷, 冷到你身上出的汗在衣服里结成冰, 你的牙齿碎裂, 水在你的眼睛里结冰。
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; crevasses:n.裂缝;破口,崩溃处; intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; crack:v.使破裂;打开;变声;n.裂缝;声变;噼啪声;adj.最好的;高明的;
Let's just say it's a bit chilly . (Laughter) 说真的那里实在有点冷。(笑声)
And after 70 desperate days, we arrive at the South Pole . 在 70 天的孤注一掷后我们到达了南极点。
desperate:adj.不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的; South Pole:n.南极;
We had done it. 我们做到了。
But something happened to me on that 70-day journey in 1986 that brought me here, and it hurt. 但是在 1986 年的那 70 天里所发生的事情 让我来到这里,而且那件事非常伤人。
My eyes changed color in 70 days through damage. 我们眼睛在 70 天里受到损伤,改变了颜色。
Our faces blistered out. 我们的脸起满了水饱。
The skin ripped off and we wondered why. 皮肤被撕下,我们却不知道为什么。
And when we got home, we were told by NASA that a hole in the ozone had been discovered above the South Pole, and we'd walked underneath it the same year it had been discovered. 当我们回家后,NASA 告诉我们, 在南极上方 发现了臭氧层的漏洞, 在它被发现的那年,我们就走它下面。
ozone:n.[化学]臭氧;新鲜的空气; underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
Ultraviolet rays down, hit the ice, bounced back, fried out the eyes, ripped off our faces. 紫外线射到冰上,反射回来,烧坏了我们的眼睛, 撕裂了我们的脸。
It was a bit of a shock -- (Laughter) -- and it started me thinking. 这确实够震惊的(笑声) 这样我开始思考。
In 1989, we now head north. 在 1989 年,我们向北进军。
Sixty days, every step away from the safety of land across a frozen ocean. 在 60 天里,我们离开安全的陆地, 穿越冰封的海洋。
It was desperately cold again. 那一次又是冷人绝望的寒冷。
Here's me coming in from washing naked at -60 Celsius . 这是我,裸身在 -60 摄氏度洗澡回来。
naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的; Celsius:adj.摄氏的;n.摄氏度;
And if anybody ever says to you, "I am cold" -- (Laughter) -- if they look like this, they are cold, definitely . 所以,如果任何人和你说:“我很冷”(笑声) 如果他们看上去是这个样子,他们绝对很冷。
(Applause) (掌声)
And 1,000 kilometers away from the safety of land, disaster strikes. 1000 千米远离安全的陆地, 灾难发生了。
The Arctic Ocean melts beneath our feet four months before it ever had in history, and we're 1,000 kilometers from safety. 北冰洋在我们脚下融化了,历史性的提早了四个月, 那时我们安全的陆地千里之遥。
The ice is crashing around us, grinding , and I'm thinking, "Are we going to die?" 并在我们周围轰然裂开,我想:“我们要死了么?”
grinding:adj.没完没了的; v.磨碎; (grind的现在分词)
But something clicked in my head on this day, as I realized we, as a world, are in a survival situation, and that feeling has never gone away for 25 long years. 但是我脑海中突然意识到, 我们作为一个世界在一个生存境遇中, 那个感觉一直在我的心里有 25 年了。
Back then, we had to march or die. 在那时候,我们要么前进要么死亡。
And we're not some TV survivor program. 我们不是什么野外生存电视节目。
When things go wrong for us, it's life or death, and our brave African-American Daryl, who would become the first American to walk to the North Pole , his heel dropped off from frostbite 200 klicks out. 当情况出现问题的时候,便是生与死的问题, 我们勇敢的非裔美国人达里尔, 他将会成为第一个走到北极的人, 可是他的脚跟因为严重冻伤掉了下来。
African-American:非洲裔美国人(指美国黑人); North Pole:n.北极; heel:n.脚后跟;足跟;卑鄙的家伙;v.给(鞋等)修理后跟;倾侧;倾斜 frostbite:n.冻伤;冻疮;vt.参加冬季帆船比赛使冻伤;使受霜害 klicks:n.公里(东南亚国家用语);
He must keep going, he does, and after 60 days on the ice, we stood at the North Pole. 他必须继续前行,而且他做到了, 在冰面行走的 60 天后,我们站在了北极点上。
We had done it. 我们做到了。
Yes, I became the first person in history stupid enough to walk to both Poles, but it was our success. 是的,我成为历史上第一个愚蠢到走到两极的人, 但这是我们的成功。
And sadly, on return home, it was not all fun. 但不幸的是,在我们回家的途中, 并不总是充满愉悦,
I became very low. 我情绪变得非常低落。
To succeed at something is often harder than actually making it happen. 成功比付出行动要更难。
I was empty, lonely, financially destroyed. 我当时空虚,孤独,贫穷。
I was without hope, but hope came in the form of the great Jacques Cousteau, and he inspired me to take on the 2041 mission. 我当时失去了希望, 但是我从伟大的雅克·库斯托那里找回了希望, 他鼓舞我接手 2041 任务。
Being Jacques, he gave me clear instructions: 雅克给了我明确的指示:
Engage the world leaders, talk to industry and business, and above all, Rob, inspire young people, because they will choose the future of the preservation of Antarctica. 鼓舞世界领袖,与工商业交谈, 而最重要的是鼓舞年轻人, 因为他们将选择对南极保护。
Engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; preservation:n.保存,保留;
For the world leaders, we've been to every world Earth Summit , all three of them, with our brave yacht , 2041, twice to Rio, once in '92, once in 2012, and for the Earth Summit in Johannesburg, 至于世界领袖,我们访遍了每一个地球峰会, 他们三个,承载着勇敢帆船 2041 号 分别在 1992 年和 2012 年达到里约热内卢, 为了约翰内斯堡的地球峰会,
Summit:n.峰会;山顶;顶点;最高点; yacht:游艇;帆船;v.乘快艇;
we made the longest overland voyage ever made with a yacht, 13,000 kilometers around the whole of Southern Africa doing our best to inspire over a million young people in person about 2041 and about their environment. 我们完成最长的陆地帆船的航行, 围绕着整个南非 13000 公里, 我们尽最大努力用 2041 和他们的环境 激发百万的年轻人。
overland:adj.陆上的;经由陆路的;adv.经由陆路;vt.转地放牧;vi.由陆路长途跋涉; voyage:v.航行;远行;(尤指)远航;n.航行;(尤指)航海;
For the last 11 years, we have taken over 1,000 people, people from industry and business, women and men from companies, students from all over the world, down to Antarctica, 在过去的 11 年里,我们带着超过 1000 人 来自工商的男女人们 世界各地的学生们,去往南极,
and during those missions , we've managed to pull out over 1,500 tons of twisted metal left in Antarctica. 在任务之中,我们成功的将超过 1500 的废铁 清理出南极。
missions:n.任务; v.给…交代任务; (mission的复数) twisted:adj.扭曲的; v.使弯曲,使扭曲; (twist的过去分词和过去式)
That took eight years, and I'm so proud of it because we recycled all of it back here in South America . 这花了我们 8 年时间,但是我很为此自豪, 因为我们将那些废铁全部在南美回收利用了。
recycled:n.再生纸;回收站;adj.[环境]回收利用的;可循环再造的; South America:n.南美洲;
I have been inspired ever since I could walk to recycle by my mum. 自从我可以走路时 我就和我妈学习资源回收,
Here she is, and my mum -- 这就是她,我妈妈
(Applause) -- my mum is still recycling , and as she is in her 100th year, isn't that fantastic ? (掌声) 我妈妈仍然坚持回收利用, 她现在都已经 100 岁了,这难道不是非常棒么?
recycling:n.(资源,垃圾的)回收利用;v.回收;再循环利用(recycle的现在分词); fantastic:奇异的,空想的
(Applause) (掌声)
And when -- I love my mum. 当---我爱我妈。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But when Mum was born, the population of our planet was only 1.8 billion people, and talking in terms of billions, we have taken young people from industry and business from India, from China. 当我妈出生的时候, 当我母亲出生的时候,世界人口只有 18 亿, 在这数亿人中, 我们带着来自中国和印度工商业的 年轻人。
These are game-changing nations, and will be hugely important in the decision about the preservation of the Antarctic. 这些都是具有颠覆性的国家,在将来对于保护南极的决定中 将扮演举足轻重的角色。
Unbelievably , we've engaged and inspired women to come from the Middle East , often for the first time they've represented their nations in Antarctica. 难以置信的是,niudai我们还激发和鼓舞了来自中东的女性 第一次代表她们的国家现身于南极。
Unbelievably:adv.难以置信地;不可信地; engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式) Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部); represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
Fantastic people, so inspired. 了不起的人们,各个志气焕发。
To look after Antarctica, you've got to first engage people with this extraordinary place, form a relationship, form a bond, form some love. 一起来保护南极, 你们已经初步鼓舞人们参与到这了不起的地方, 形成了一种关系,形成了一种纽带, 还产生了一些爱。
It is such a privilege to go to Antarctica, 能够去往南极真的是我的荣幸,
I can't tell you. 我不知道该怎么告诉你
I feel so lucky, and I've been 35 times in my life, and all those people who come with us return home as great champions, not only for Antarctica, but for local issues back in their own nations. 我当时感到多么幸运, 我已在我一生中去了 35 次了, 所有和我们一起去的人,作为伟大的胜利者返回各国, 不仅仅是为了南极, 还是为了他们国家各自的问题。
Let's go back to where we began: the ice melt of the North and South Poles. 让我们退回到我们开始的地方:南北极的冰融化的事情。
And it's not good news. 这不是一个好消息。
NASA informed us six months ago that the Western Antarctic Ice Shelf is now disintegrating . NASA 6 个月之前告诉我们 南极西部的冰架正在解体。
informed:adj.见多识广的; v.通知; (inform的过去分词和过去式) Ice Shelf:n.冰架(与陆地相接的厚层浮动冰体); disintegrating:adj.瓦解的;分裂的;v.瓦解(disintegrate的ing形式);分裂;
Huge areas of ice -- look how big Antarctica is even compared to here -- 大面积的冰-- 看看南极和这里比有多大--
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
Huge areas of ice are breaking off from Antarctica, the size of small nations. 大面积的冰正从南极脱离 有一个小国家的大小。
And NASA have calculated that the sea level will rise, it is definite, by one meter in the next 100 years, the same time that my mum has been on planet Earth. NASA 还计算出海平面在未来 100 年里 会上升 1 米 是必定无疑的事情, 和我妈活着时间一样长。
sea level:海平面;
It's going to happen, and I've realized that the preservation of Antarctica and our survival here on Earth are linked. 这件事情会发生的, 我已经意识到对南极的保护 与我们的生还紧密相连。
And there is a very simple solution . 对此,有一个简单的解决办法。
If we are using more renewable energy in the real world, if we are being more efficient with the energy here, running our energy mix in a cleaner way, there will be no financial reason to go and exploit Antarctica. 如果我们在现实世界中更多的使用可再生能源, 如果我们能够更高效的利用现有能源, 使我们的能源结构更加清洁, 我们就不会因为经济上的问题去开采南极。
renewable:adj.可再生的;可更新的;可继续的;n.再生性能源; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的;
It won't make financial sense, and if we manage our energy better, we also may be able to slow down, maybe even stop, this great ice melt that threatens us. 这种行为一点都不经济, 如果我们可以更好的管理我们的能源, 我们也许减慢,甚至停止 对我们有威胁的大面积冰层融化。
It's a big challenge, and what is our response to it? 这是个巨大挑战,我们该怎样应对?
We've got to go back one last time, and at the end of next year, we will go back to the South Geographic Pole, where we arrived 30 years ago on foot, and retrace our steps of 1,600 kilometers, but this time only using renewable energy to survive. 我们需要再回去一次, 在明年年底, 我们将会回到南极点, 我们 30 年前徒步到达过的地方, 追溯我们 1600 千米的步行, 但是这一次只使用再生能源来存活。
We will walk across those icecaps , which far down below are melting, hopefully inspiring some solutions on that issue. 我们将会走过那些底层正在融化的冰盖, 或许我们可以找到解决那个问题的方法。
This is my son, Barney. 这是我的儿子,巴尼。
He is coming with me. 他将同我一起前行。
He is committed to walking side by side with his father, and what he will do is to translate these messages and inspire these messages to the minds of future young leaders. 他将和他的父亲肩并肩一起前行, 他将翻译这些信息, 用这些新信息去鼓舞未来年轻的领袖们。
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式) side by side:adj.并肩的;并行的; translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变;
I'm extremely proud of him. 我为他感到非常自豪。
Good on him, Barney. 祝巴尼好运。
Ladies and gentlemen, a survivor -- and I'm good -- a survivor sees a problem and doesn't go, "Whatever." 女士们先生们,一个幸存者, 可以看见一个问题无论如何他会停留下来。
A survivor sees a problem and deals with that problem before it becomes a threat. 一个幸存者发现问题, 在它变成威胁之前解决它。
We have 27 years to preserve the Antarctic. 我们有 27 年的时间去保护南极。
We all own it. 我们共同拥有它。
We all have responsibility. 我们共同承担着责任。
The fact that nobody owns it maybe means that we can succeed. 它并不属于仍和人的这个事实也许意味着我们会成功。
Antarctica is a moral line in the snow, and on one side of that line we should fight, fight hard for this one beautiful, pristine place left alone on Earth. 南极是一个埋在雪里的道德线, 在那条线的一边我们应该斗争, 为地球上这片美丽、纯净的土地斗争。
moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的; pristine:adj.原始的,古时的;纯朴的;
I know it's possible. 我知道这是可能的。
We are going to do it. 我们将会去斗争。
And I'll leave you with these words from Goethe. 我将歌德说的一些话留给你们。
I've tried to live by them. 我尝试将它们作为我的信条。
'"If you can do, or dream you can, begin it now, for boldness has genius , power and magic in it." “如果你们可以做到,或是梦想能做到, 现在就开始吧, 因为勇气中包含着聪慧,力量,和魔法。”
boldness:n.大胆;冒失;显著; genius:n.天才;天资;才能,本领;
Good luck to you all. 祝你们好运。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)