

[On April 3, 2016 we saw the largest data leak in history.] 2016年4月3日发生了历史上最大的信息泄露
[The Panama Papers exposed rich and powerful people] 巴拿马文件揭露了许多富人、官员
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式)
[hiding vast amounts of money in offshore accounts.] 藏匿大量未曝光的海外资产。
[What does this mean?] 这意味着什么?
[We called Robert Palmer of Global Witness to explain.] 我们邀请了来自全球见证组织的罗伯特·帕尔默为我们说明。
Palmer:n.朝圣者;变戏法的人;毛虫(尤指北美的小舌麦蛾幼虫); Global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; Witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证;
This week, there have been a whole slew and deluge of stories coming out from the leak of 11 million documents from a Panamanian-based law firm called Mossack Fonseca. 这周,有一千一百万的文件从一个叫莫萨克·冯赛卡 的巴拿马的律师事务所泄露出来 使得背后大量不为人知的故事被公之于众。
slew:n.回转; vi.扭转; vt.使扭转; v.杀害(slay的过去式); deluge:n.洪水;泛滥;暴雨;vt.使泛滥;压倒;
The release of these papers from Panama lifts the veil on a tiny piece of the secretive offshore world. 这些来自巴拿马的文件的泄露 掀开了海外世界神秘面纱的一角。
release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; veil:n.面纱;面罩;遮蔽物;托词;v.遮蔽;掩饰;以面纱遮掩;用帷幕分隔; secretive:adj.秘密的;偷偷摸摸的;促进分泌的;
We get an insight into how clients and banks and lawyers go to companies like Mossack Fonseca and say, "OK, we want an anonymous company, can you give us one?" 我们得以深入了解客户 银行和律师们 是如何找上像莫萨克·冯赛卡这样的公司 并对他们说“我们想要一个匿名公司, 你能帮我们搞一个吗?“
insight:n.洞察力;洞悉; clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数) anonymous:adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的;
So you actually get to see the emails, you get to see the exchanges of messages, you get to see the mechanics of how this works, how this operates. 我们可以真切地看到了那些电子邮件, 那些信件往来, 以及这个系统是如何运作, 如何维持的。
Now, this has already started to have pretty immediate repercussions . 至今此事已经产生了不小的反响。
The Prime Minister of Iceland has resigned . 冰岛的总理宣布辞职。
Prime Minister:n.首相;总理; resigned:adj.逆来顺受的;顺从的;v.辞职;辞去(某职务);(resign的过去分词和过去式)
We've also had news that an ally of the brutal Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad has also got offshore companies. 我们还得到消息称 残暴的叙利亚独裁者巴沙尔·阿萨德的一个助手 也拥有境外公司。
ally:n.盟友;同盟国;v.与…结盟 brutal:adj.残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的; Syrian:adj.叙利亚的;叙利亚人的;叙利亚语的;n.叙利亚人;叙利亚语; dictator:n.独裁者;命令者;
There's been allegations of a $2 billion money trail that leads back to President Vladimir Putin of Russia via his close childhood friend, who happens to be a top cellist . 还有证据表明一笔二十亿美元的资金流 通过一个儿时密友回流给俄罗斯总统 弗拉基米尔·普京, 他的儿时朋友后来变成一位顶尖的大提琴家。
allegations:n.(无证据的)说法,指控;(allegation的复数) trail:v.(被)拖,拉;疲惫地走,磨蹭;落后,失败;n.痕迹;踪迹;小路;路线; via:prep.通过;经由;n.道路;[医]管道; childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 cellist:n.大提琴演奏家;
And there will be a lot of rich individuals out there and others who will be nervous about the next set of stories and the next set of leaked documents. 仍有很多未被公开财产的富人 对事情下一步的发展和下一批泄露的文件 感到十分恐慌。
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); leaked:v.漏;渗漏;泄漏;渗入;漏出;透露(秘密信息);(leak的过去分词和过去式)
Now, this sounds like the plot of a spy thriller or a John Grisham novel . 现在这听起来很像谍报惊悚片 或是约翰·格里森姆的小说中的情节。
plot:n.情节;阴谋;布局;小块土地;v.密谋;暗中策划;(在地图上)标出;绘制(图表); thriller:n.惊险小说;使人毛骨悚然的东西;使人毛骨悚然的小说; novel:adj.新奇的;异常的;n.小说;
It seems very distant from you, me, ordinary people. 这似乎离你我这样的普通人的生活很远。
Why should we care about this? 我们为什么要关心这些呢?
But the truth is that if rich and powerful individuals are able to keep their money offshore and not pay the taxes that they should, it means that there is less money for vital public services like healthcare , education, roads. 但事实上如果有钱有势的人们 能够把他们的财产离岸保管 逃避他们本应支付的税款, 也就意味着用于重要的公共服务的资金将变得更少, 如医疗、教育、道路维修,
vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的; healthcare:n.医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务;卫生保健;
And that affects all of us. 这会影响我们所有人。
Now, for my organization Global Witness, this exposé has been phenomenal . 对于我所在的全球见证组织来说, 这次爆料的影响是十分惊人的。
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; phenomenal:adj.现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的;
We have the world's media and political leaders talking about how individuals can use offshore secrecy to hide and disguise their assets -- something we have been talking about and exposing for a decade. 世界各地的媒体和政治头目 都在谈论个人如何利用海外庇护所 来隐藏和伪装他们的资产。 这也是我们在过去的十年一直谈论和揭发的。
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; secrecy:n.保密;秘密;隐蔽; disguise:v.掩饰;假装;隐瞒;n.伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) exposing:v.暴露;显露;揭露;揭穿;使面临;(expose的现在分词)
Now, I think a lot of people find this entire world baffling and confusing , and hard to understand how this sort of offshore world works. 我想很多人都认为这个世界太复杂、太难懂, 也很费解这种海外世界是怎么运行的。
baffling:adj.令人困惑的; v.使困惑; confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词)
I like to think of it a bit like a Russian doll . 我喜欢将其比作俄罗斯套娃。
Russian doll:n.俄罗斯套娃;
So you can have one company stacked inside another company, stacked inside another company, making it almost impossible to really understand who is behind these structures . 你可以将一个公司套在另一个里, 再套在另一个里, 让人几乎不可能分辨出 真正藏在背后的人是谁。
stacked:adj.放有大量…的; v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆); (stack的过去分词和过去式) structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式);
It can be very difficult for law enforcement or tax authorities , journalists , civil society to really understand what's going on. 这对于律师事务所、税务局、 媒体记者和整个社会来说, 理解这其中发生了什么都是很困难的。
enforcement:n.执行,实施;强制; authorities:n.权力;威权;职权;批准;(authority的复数) journalists:n.新闻记者(journalist的复数); civil:adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的;
I also think it's interesting that there's been less coverage of this issue in the United States. 我觉得很有意思的是 这次事件并没有涉及很多的美国人。
coverage:n.覆盖,覆盖范围; issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
And that's perhaps because some prominent US people just haven't figured in this exposé, in this scandal . 这可能是因为一些有钱有势的美国人 还没在这次揭露和丑闻中被发现。
prominent:adj.突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的; scandal:n.丑闻;流言蜚语;诽谤;公愤;
Now, that's not because there are no rich Americans who are stashing their assets offshore. 并不是因为那些有钱的美国人 没有将财产转到海外。
It's just because of the way in which offshore works, 只是因为他们的这种运作方式
Mossack Fonseca has fewer American clients. 使得莫萨克·冯赛卡的美国客户不多。
I think if we saw leaks from the Cayman Islands or even from Delaware or Wyoming or Nevada, you would see many more cases and examples linking back to Americans. 我相信如果我们能看到从开曼群岛 或者甚至特拉华州怀俄明州或者内华达州 泄露出的文件将会有大量美国的案件被牵扯出来。
leaks:n.泄漏; v.漏水; (leak的第三人称单数) Cayman:n.鳄鱼; Delaware:n.特拉华州(位于美国东部); Wyoming:n.美国怀俄明州;
In fact, in a number of US states you need less information, you need to provide less information to get a company than you do to get a library card. 实际上在美国的很多州 你成立一个公司所需要提供的资料 比办一张图书借阅卡所需的还要少。
That sort of secrecy in America has allowed employees of school districts to rip off schoolchildren . 这种美国的信息漏洞让学区的员工 可以剥削小学生,
rip off:v.剥削;抢劫;强奸; schoolchildren:n.学童;(schoolchild的复数)
It has allowed scammers to rip off vulnerable investors. 使得骗子们剥削易上当的投资者。
scammers:n.调情的人;骗子; vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的;
This is the sort of behavior that affects all of us. 这种行为会影响我们每一个人。
Now, at Global Witness, we wanted to see what this actually looked like in practice . 现在,我们全球见证组织 想要耐心的去看看它到底发生了什么
in practice:在实践中;实际上,事实上;
How does this actually work? 以及是如何运作的。
So what we did is we sent in an undercover investigator to 13 Manhattan law firms. 所以我们所做的就是 将一位便衣调查员送到13家曼哈顿的律师事务所。
undercover:adj.秘密工作的;暗中做的;私下进行的; investigator:n.研究者;调查者;侦查员;
Our investigator posed as an African minister who wanted to move suspect funds into the United States to buy a house, a yacht , a jet. 我们的调查员化装成一名 想要将一笔来路不明的资金转到美国的非洲高官 来购买一栋房子一艘游艇和一架喷气飞机。
suspect:n.犯罪嫌疑人;v.怀疑;不信任;adj.可疑的; funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金; yacht:游艇;帆船;v.乘快艇;
Now, what was truly shocking was that all but one of those lawyers provided our investigator with suggestions on how to move those suspect funds. 随后让我们震惊的是 除了一位律师以外其他所有律师都为我们的调查员 提供了如何转移可疑资金的建议。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式)
These were all preliminary meetings, and none of the lawyers took us on as a client and of course no money moved hands, but it really shows the problem with the system. 这只是初来乍到的会面, 没有一位律师把我们视为委托人来办案 自然也没有钱转手 但它仍然说明了这个系统的一些问题。
It's also important to not just think about this as individual cases. 值得注意的是 我们不能只把它看成一起个案。
This is not just about an individual lawyer who's spoken to our undercover investigator and provided suggestions. 这不仅仅是一位律师 向我们的调查员提供了建议,
It's not just about a particular senior politician who's been caught up in a scandal. 这不仅仅是某位特定的官员 被爆出丑闻,
senior:adj.大;级别(或地位)高的;成人的;高级水平的;n.上级;上司;较…年长的人; politician:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;
This is about how a system works, that entrenches corruption , tax evasion , poverty and instability . 这代表了整个系统的运作方式: 根深蒂固的腐败、逃税贫困还有基础的薄弱。
entrenches:vt.确立,牢固;用壕沟围住;挖掘;vi.侵犯;挖掘壕沟; corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落; tax evasion:n.偷税;漏税;(非法)逃税; poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; instability:n.不稳定(性);基础薄弱;不安定;
And in order to tackle this, we need to change the game. 想要改善这一切, 我们需要改变游戏,
tackle:v.处理; n.用具;
We need to change the rules of the game to make this sort of behavior harder. 改变游戏的规则 让这样的行为难以实现。
This may seem like doom and gloom , like there's nothing we can do about it, like nothing has ever changed, like there will always be rich and powerful individuals. 看起来似乎前景黯淡, 好像我们没有什么能做的, 好像一切都没有变过, 好像永远都会有有钱有势的人。
doom:n.厄运;毁灭;劫数;死亡;v.使…注定失败(或遭殃、死亡等); gloom:n.忧郁;阴暗;v.变阴暗;变忧沉;使黑暗;使忧郁;
But as a natural optimist , 但作为一个天生的乐观主义者,
I do see that we are starting to get some change. 我能看到人们是在改变的。
Over the last couple of years, we've seen a real push towards greater transparency when it comes to company ownership. 过去的这几年里, 我们见证了民众对公司所有权 的透明度问题上施加的更大压力。
This issue was put on the political agenda by the UK Prime Minister David Cameron at a big G8 Summit that was held in Northern Ireland in 2013. 这个问题被英国首相戴维·卡梅伦 在2013年北爱尔兰举办的 八国峰会上提上了政治议程。
agenda:n.议事日程; Summit:n.峰会;山顶;顶点;最高点;
And since then, the European Union is going to be creating central registers at a national level of who really owns and controls companies across Europe. 从那以后,欧盟开始实行 国家级的中央注册中心 来管理拥有和控制着欧洲的各个公司的人。
European Union:n.欧洲联盟; registers:n.登记; v.登记;
One of the things that is sad is that, actually, the US is lagging behind. 但令人难过的是美国一直没有动作。
There's bipartisan legislation that had been introduced in the House and the Senate , but it isn't making as much progress as we'd like to see. 两党的立法被 众议院和参议院审议, 但却没有达到我们希望看到的效果。
bipartisan:adj.两党连立的;代表两党的; legislation:n.立法;法律; Senate:n.参议院,上院;(古罗马的)元老院;
So we'd really want to see the Panama leaks, this huge peek into the offshore world, be used as a way of opening up in the US and around the world. 所以我们十分愿意看到巴拿马泄露这样的事情发生, 让我们对离岸世界有了更深入的了解, 对美国和整个世界来说都是一个新的公开方式。
peek:v.窥视;偷看;探出;n.偷看,窥视;看一眼; opening up:n.解禁;开放;供开发;启用;
For us at Global Witness, this is a moment for change. 对于在全球见证组织的我们来说,这是一个值得纪念的改变的时刻。
We need ordinary people to get angry at the way in which people can hide their identity behind secret companies. 我们需要普通百姓的愤而起身 抵制这些用地下公司 来隐瞒身份的人。
We need business leaders to stand up and say, "Secrecy like this is not good for business." 我们需要商业领袖愤起而呼: “这样的地下活动是被商业所摒弃的。”
We need political leaders to recognize the problem, and to commit to changing the law to open up this sort of secrecy. 我们需要政治首领意识到这个问题的严重性, 立志要改变法律将这类恶性公之于众。
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; commit:v.犯(罪等);干(坏事等);[法]提(审);判处;
Together, we can end the secrecy that is currently allowing tax evasion, corruption, money laundering to flourish . 团结一心我们就可以结束这不为人知的罪行。 结束这些愈演愈烈的 逃税、腐败和洗钱活动。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; laundering:v.洗熨(衣物);洗钱;(launder的现在分词) flourish:n.兴旺; vt.夸耀; vi.繁荣,兴旺;