

Oh! Finally ! 终于进了
You're still down by 10. 还比我少10分
I'll beat you someday. 总有一天会击败你
Check. - You beat me at everything. 接招 -你什么都比我强
Let me be better at something. Okay? 让我也有个强项 总行吧
Come on. - You ready? 来吧 -准备好了没
Come on, come on. Ah! 来呀 来呀
All right, all right, all right. Here it is. 好了 好了 我抢到球了
Game point . 一决胜负吧
Game point:n.局点;
Rizzoli-Rizzoli. 里佐利姐弟对决赛
Take the shot! 快投篮呀
Yeah. Oh! 好 我赢了
Hey, hey, you all right? 你没事吧
Yeah, yeah. 还好 没事
No, no. Come on, let me see it. 不可能 过来让我看看
No, I'm good. - Aw! 我没事 -糟了
What? - No, no, no, no. That's bad. Come on. 怎么了 -流鼻血了 过来
It's bad? - Yeah, let's get you some ice. 很多吗 -是啊 我给你拿点冰块来
Hold your head up, hold your head up. 别低头 别低头
Come on. Come on, come on. 坚持 坚持一下
All right, all right. 就好了 快到了
All right, just don't touch. 没事 你别摸就行
Oh, yeah, that's broken. Oh, yeah. 这下好了 骨折了 惨了
It's broken? - Let me see. 骨折了 -我看看
Ow! God! Hey! - Okay, okay. 天啊 你干嘛 -好 我不动
Why you got to do that? 你想害死我吗
Well, let's get some ice on it! Come on! 我给你找点冰块敷上 坚持
Hurry up. 快点
Come on. Come on, come on. 坚持 多坚持一会
Keep it up, keep it up. - It's up. 别低头 别低头 -不是没低吗
Get something before mom comes home. 趁老妈没回来赶紧止住血
All right, all right, all right. Here. - Thank you very much. 就好了 来 给 -真谢谢你
There you go. - Thank you. 好了 -谢啦
On the good towel! 真会糟蹋毛巾
What? 怎么了
Excuse me. Aah! 拜托 你啊
What happened?! God! 怎么回事 天啊
How do you always manage to turn Sunday dinner into a circus every week? 你怎么每次都能把周末聚餐 搅得一团糟
Me? - Yeah, you. 说我吗 -不然说谁呢
It was my fault. I did it. - It's his fault! 都怪我 是我弄的 -都怪他
No, I know you didn't mean to do it. 不是你 我知道你不是故意的
So this is my fault? 这么说又是我错
Look, I tell you all the time, don't roughhouse with him! 听着 我说过你多少次了 别和他打打闹闹
Oh, someone, uh...bird! Bird keeps calling you. 有个 鸟人 一直给你打电话
Detective Crowe? 克罗警探吗
You answered my phone? 你接我电话了
Ma, why didn't you just tell me?! 妈 你干嘛不告诉我
Because you were having so much fun having your... 还不是看着你玩得正开心
Rizzoli. 我是里佐利
It's Frost. Bad things in West Roxbury. 是弗罗斯特 西罗克斯伯里区发生命案
All right, I'll be right there. 好的 我这就过去
Dad and Tommy are gonna be here any minute for dinner. 你爸爸和汤米一会儿就过来
I told you I was on call. 我说了我随时待命