

This means I'm smiling. 这个表示我正在笑。
So does that. 这个也是笑。
This means mouse. 这个表示老鼠。
Cat. 猫。
Here we have a story. 现在让我们来看一个故事。
The start of the story, where this means guy, and that is a ponytail on a passer-by . 故事的开始,这是一个男生, 而这是梳着马尾辫的路人。
ponytail:n.马尾辫; passer-by:n.过路人;经过的人;
Here's where it happens. 这是故事发生的地点。
These are when. 这是发生的时间。
This is a cassette tape the girl puts into her cassette tape player. 这是一个录音磁带,被放在了女孩录音机里。
She wears it every day. 女孩每天都携带着它。
It's not considered vintage -- she just likes certain music to sound a certain way. 这并不是女孩想要复古。 她只是喜欢特有的音乐用特有的方式播出。
vintage:n.葡萄收获期; adj.古老的; v.采葡萄; vi.采葡萄;
Look at her posture , it's remarkable . 看她姿态优雅,非常引人注目。
posture:n.姿势;态度;看法;立场;处理方式;v.故作姿态;装样子 remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的;
That's because she dances. 那是因为她常跳舞。
Now he, the guy, takes all of this in, figuring, "Honestly, geez , what are my chances?" 现在他,一个男孩,看到了所有这些,不禁想到: 说真的,老天,我的机会是多少啊?
(Laughter) (笑声)
And he could say, "Oh my God!" 他本可以说:“哦,我的天啊!”
or "I heart you!" 或者“我爱你。”
I'm laughing out loud. “我在大笑。”
I want to give you a hug. “我想给你个拥抱。”
But he comes up with that, you know. 但他最后竟然说────
He tells her, "I'd like to hand-paint your portrait on a coffee mug ." “我想在马克杯上手绘你的肖像。”
portrait:n.肖像;描写;半身雕塑像; mug:n.指圆筒形;啤酒杯;(非正式)傻瓜;(非正式)脸;v.抢劫;做鬼脸;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Put a crab inside it. 放一只螃蟹进去。
Add some water. 加点水。
Seven different salts. 七种不同的盐。
He means he's got this sudden notion to stand on dry land, but just panhandle at the ocean. 他想说他突发奇想,想站在大陆上, 向海洋乞讨,
notion:n.观念;信念;理解; panhandle:n.平锅柄;(美)柄状的狭长区域;vt.向…乞讨;乞得;vi.行乞;
He says, "You look like a mermaid , but you walk like a waltz ." 他说:你看上去,就像个美人鱼,但是你走路的时候,又象华尔兹一样优美。"
mermaid:n.美人鱼(传说中的);女子游泳健将; waltz:v.跳华尔兹舞; adj.圆舞曲的; n.华尔兹舞;
And the girl goes, "Wha'?" 而女孩说:“啥?”
So, the guy replies, "Yeah, I know, I know. 男孩回答说:“是的,我知道,我知道的。
I think my heartbeat might be the Morse code for inappropriate . 我的心跳在莫斯代码中代表着不合时宜。
heartbeat:n.心跳;情感; Morse code:n.莫尔斯电码; inappropriate:adj.不适当的;不相称的;
At least, that's how it seems. 至少,它看上去是这样的。
I'm like a junior varsity cheerleader sometimes -- for swearing, awkward silences, and very simple rhyme schemes . 我有的时候像高中三年级的拉拉队队长──── 常讲脏话、突然安静、只懂得简单的押韵。
junior varsity:na.(大学院校的)体育代表队二队; cheerleader:n.拉拉队队员; awkward:adj.尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的; rhyme:韵律 schemes:n.方案,计划;阴谋(scheme的复数);v.计划,设计;谋划(scheme的三单形式);
Right now, talking to you, I'm not even really a guy. 但是现在,和你说话,我感觉自己甚至不是一个男孩了。
I'm a monkey, 我是一只猴子。
(Laughter) (笑声)
blowing kisses at a butterfly. 把飞吻 献给一只蝴蝶.
But I'm still suggesting you and I should meet. 但我还是建议你和我见个面。
First, soon, and then a lot. 第一次,渐渐的,直到很多次。
I'm thinking the southwest corner of 5th and 42nd at noon tomorrow, but I'll stay until you show up, ponytail or not. 我在想明天中午在第5街和第42街的十字路口的西南角, 但我会一直在那里等你,直到你的到来,不管你梳马尾辫,还是不梳。
Hell, ponytail alone. 见鬼,还是只要马尾辫吧。
I don't know what else to tell you. 我不知道还有什么可以告诉你的。
I got a pencil you can borrow. 我有一只铅笔,你可以借用。
You can put it in your phone." 你也可以记在你的手机里。”
But the girl does not budge , does not smile, does not frown . 但是,女孩,没有让步,也没有微笑,也没有不满。
budge:vi.挪动; vt.使让步; n.羔羊皮; frown:n.皱眉;蹙眉头;v.皱眉;
She just says, "No thank you." 她只是说:"不了,谢谢你。
You know? 你知道吗?(我不需要写下来。)
[ "i don't need 2 write it down." ]
(Applause) (鼓掌)