

Mockingbirds are badass . 嘲鸟都是坏蛋
Mockingbirds:n.模仿鸟;嘲鸫属鸣禽;蓝嘲鸫(等于mockingthrush); badass:n.坏蛋;adj.到处惹是生非的;
(Laughter) (笑)
They are. 确实如此
Mockingbirds -- that's Mimus polyglottos -- are the emcees of the animal kingdom. 嘲鸟--是会说不同语言的鸣禽-- 是动物王国的主持人
They listen and mimic and remix what they like. 他们边听边模仿,再组合成他们喜欢的东西
mimic:vt.模仿,摹拟;n.效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑;adj.模仿的,模拟的;假装的; remix:vt.使再混合;再搅拌;重新合成(乐曲等);n.混录版歌曲;
They rock the mic outside my window every morning. 它们每早都在我的窗口大展歌喉
I can hear them sing the sounds of the car alarms like they were songs of spring. 它们把汽车鸣笛声 唱的宛如春之颂
I mean, if you can talk it, a mockingbird can squawk it. 我的意思是,只要你能说出来的,嘲鸫就能唱出来
squawk:vi.抗议; n.抗议; vt.粗声叫出;
So check it, I'm going to catch mockingbirds. 为了检验他们这个能力,我要去抓嘲鸫
I'm going to trap mockingbirds all across the nation and put them gently into mason jars like mockingbird Molotov cocktails . 我将在全国都设下陷阱 再轻轻把它们放到罐子里,就像一个“嘲鸟级”燃烧弹
trap:v.使陷入困境;卡住;夹住;收集;吸收;n.陷阱;圈套;捕捉器;诡计; gently:adv.轻轻地;温柔地;温和地; mason:n.泥瓦匠;共济会会员(等于freemason);vt.用砖瓦砌成; Molotov:n.莫洛托夫(苏联乌拉尔城市彼尔姆); cocktails:n.鸡尾酒;凉菜;混合物;(cocktail的复数)
(Laughter) (笑)
Yeah. And as I drive through a neighborhood , say, where people got-a-lotta, I'll take a mockingbird I caught in a neighborhood where folks ain't got nada and just let it go, you know. 在我开车穿过一个 富裕的社区时,我要抓只嘲鸫 在一个贫穷的社区就给它条生路
Up goes the bird, out come the words, "Juanito, Juanito, viente a comer mi hijo!" 鸟儿飞走时还说道:“华尼托,华尼托, 我的孩子在吃风!“(西班牙语)
Oh, I'm going to be the Johnny Appleseed of sound. 哦!我将会拥有Johnny Appleseed的声音
(Laughter) (笑)
Cruising random city streets, rocking a drop-top Cadillac with a big backseat , packing like 13 brown paper Walmart bags full of loaded mockingbirds, and I'll get everybody. 开着敞篷凯迪拉克游荡在街上 车上有个大后座,后座上有13个棕色的沃尔玛纸袋 里面都是嘲鸫,这样我就能搜集到每个人的声音
Cruising:v.乘船游览;慢速行驶,巡行;(cruise的现在分词) random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; Cadillac:n.卡迪拉克(北美洲法国总督,底特律的创立者);卡迪拉克(高级轿车名); backseat:n.后座;次要位置; Walmart:n.沃尔玛(世界连锁零售企业);
(Laughter) (笑)
I'll get the nitwit on the network news saying, "We'll be back in a moment with more on the crisis ." 我会记录下在新闻上说: ”广告过后为您带来更多灾难详情。”的傻子
nitwit:n.傻子;笨人; in a moment:立刻; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
I'll get some asshole at a watering hole asking what brand the ice is. 我会记下在卖酒商店里问冰块的品牌的混球。
asshole:n.混蛋;肛门; watering hole:n.酒吧;酒馆; brand:v.铭刻于,铭记;打烙印于;印…商标于;n.商标,牌子;烙印;
I'll get that lady at the laundromat who always seems to know what being nice is. 我会记下洗衣店里不知好歹的女士
I'll get your postman making dinner plans. 我会记下计划晚餐食谱的邮递员
I'll get the last time you lied. 还有你上一次说谎的时候
I'll get, "Baby, just give me the frickin' TV guide." 我会记下:”亲爱的,给我那该死的节目预告。“
I'll get a lonely, little sentence with real error in it, "Yeah, I guess I could come inside, but only for a minute ." 还会记下一个孤独、简短的错句 ”我想我会进来,不过就一分钟。“
for a minute:一会儿;
(Laughter) (笑)
I'll get an ESL class in Chinatown learning, "It's Raining, It's Pouring ." 我会记下中国城的一堂非母语英语课程,能听到”下雨了,倾盆大雨。“
Chinatown:n.唐人街,中国城; Pouring:v.倾倒;倾泻;连续流出;倒出;喷发;(pour的现在分词)
I'll put a mockingbird on a late-night train just to get an old man snoring . 为了记录到夜班车上老头的鼾声,我会放只嘲鸠
late-night:adj.深夜的;午夜的; snoring:v.打鼾;鼾声;正在打呼噜(snore的现在分词);
I'll get your ex-lover telling someone else, "Good morning." 我还能得到你昔日恋人给别人的甜言蜜语
I'll get everyone's good mornings. 我会记录下每个人的早晨问候
I don't care how you make them. 不管是什么语言的
Aloha . Konichiwa. Shalom . Ah-Salam Alaikum. 你好(夏威夷语)、你好(日语)、你好(希伯来语)
Aloha:int.再见;欢迎;你好;n.爱(等于love);adj.友好的;热情好客的; Shalom:int.再见;您好;
Everybody means everybody, means everybody here. 每个人意味着所有的人,包括在座的各位
And so maybe I'll build a gilded cage. 我会建成一个丰富多彩的笼子
I'll line the bottom with old notebook pages. 下面铺满了一页页旧笔记
Inside it, I will place a mockingbird for -- short explanation, hippie parents. 在笼子里放只嘲鹊 简而言之,是为嬉皮父母准备的
(Laughter) (笑)
What does a violin have to do with technology ? 小提琴和科技有什么关系?
have to do with:与…有关; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
Where in the world is this world heading? 这个世界会前往何方?
On one end, gold bars -- on the other, an entire planet. 一端是,金色的栅栏 另一端是整个星球
We are 12 billion light years from the edge. 我们离宇宙的边际有120亿光年
That's a guess. 这只是推测
Space is length and breadth continued indefinitely , but you cannot buy a ticket to travel commercially to space in America because countries are beginning to eat like us, live like us and die like us. 宇宙横向纵向不断扩大 但在美国你却买不到漫游宇宙的飞机票 因为其他国家开始像我们人类一样吃饭、生活、死去
breadth:n.宽度;(知识、兴趣等)广泛; indefinitely:adv.不确定地,无限期地;模糊地,不明确地; commercially:adv.商业上;通商上;
You might want to avert your gaze , because that is a newt about to regenerate its limb , and shaking hands spreads more germs than kissing. 你也许想转移注意力了,因为 一个水螈将要伸展它的四肢 摇晃着手臂传播更多的细菌而不是吸血
avert:vt.避免,防止;转移; gaze:v.凝视;注视;盯着;n.凝视;注视; newt:n.蝾螈;笨蛋;新手; regenerate:vt.使再生;革新;vi.再生;革新;adj.再生的;革新的; limb:n.肢,臂;分支;枝干;v.切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝; germs:n.[微]细菌; v.发生(germ的单三形式);
There's about 10 million phage per job. 每一次抖动大约有100万德噬菌体散播出去
It's a very strange world inside a nanotube . 从纳米的视角来看,这是一个奇怪的世界
Women can talk, black men ski, white men build strong buildings, we build strong suns. 女人们交谈着,黑人们在滑雪,白人在建造坚实的建筑 我们建造了许多繁荣
The surface of the Earth is absolutely riddled with holes, and here we are, right in the middle. 地球的表面充满了各种洞 我们就在这里,正好在最中央
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; riddled:adj.布满的;遍布的;到处是…的;v.使布满窟窿;(riddle的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
It is the voice of life that calls us to come and learn. 生活呼唤我们来学习
When all the little mockingbirds fly away, they're going to sound like the last four days. 当所有的小嘲鸟飞走了 它们的言语里全是过去的这四天(TED大会的4天)
I will get uptown gurus , downtown teachers, broke-ass artists and dealers, and Filipino preachers , leaf blowers , bartenders , boob-job doctors, hooligans , garbage men, your local Congressmen in the spotlight , guys in the overhead helicopters. 我将会记录下居民区的专家,闹市区的教师 愚蠢的艺术家和商人,还有菲律宾的牧师,金属薄片制作工人 酒间侍者,乳房切割手术的医生,街头恶棍还有拾荒者 聚光灯下众议员,头顶上直升飞机中的小伙子
uptown:n.住宅区;adj.住宅区的;adv.(美)在住宅区;(美)在城镇非商业区; gurus:n.古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家; downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的; Filipino:n.(西)菲律宾人;菲律宾语;adj.菲律宾的; preachers:n.牧师;传教士;鼓吹者; blowers:n.[机]鼓风机;排风机;吹制者(blower的复数); bartenders:n.酒吧招待;(bartender的复数) hooligans:小流氓,街头恶棍(hooligan的名词复数); garbage:n.垃圾;废物; Congressmen:n.国会议员(congressman的复数); spotlight:n.聚光灯;反光灯;公众注意的中心;v.聚光照明;使公众注意; overhead:n.开销;经常费用;经常开支;adj.头上方的;地面以上的;adv.在头上方;在空中
Everybody gets heard. 每个人都听到
Everybody gets this one, honest mockingbird as a witness . 每个人都会听到这些声音,诚实的嘲鸟是见证者
And I'm on this. 我已经准备就绪了
I'm on this until the whole thing spreads, with chat rooms and copycats and moms maybe tucking kids into bed singing, " Hush , little baby, don't say a word, wait for the man with the mockingbird." 我将会支持这一切直到所有的思想都散播出去 聊天室里的谈论,模仿者的出现,还有妈妈们把她们床上的孩子盖好被子 哼唱着:“嘘~,小宝贝,一句话也不要说, 等那个拥有嘲鸟的男人。”
copycats:n.无主见的人;盲目的模仿者; tucking:v.塞进,折叠,卷起;收藏;用…盖住;(tuck的现在分词) Hush:v.安静;别说话;别叫喊;使安静下来;n.寂静;鸦雀无声;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Yeah. And then come the news crews, and the man-in-the-street interviews , letters to the editor. 嗯,然后新闻界的一群人会出来 普通人也会出来采访,写好文章给编辑
interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);
Everybody asking, just who is responsible for this citywide , nationwide mockingbird cacophony and somebody finally is going to tip the City Council of Monterey , California off to me, and they'll offer me a key to the city. 每个人都在问:“谁对这个全市的 甚至是全国性的嘲鸟的吵闹声负责?“最后,某个人前去 建议加州的蒙特利市政会来找我 然后,他们会给我一把这个城市的钥匙
responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; citywide:adj.全市的,全市性的; cacophony:n.刺耳的音调;不和谐音; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; tip:n.小窍门,小费;v.给…小费;使倾斜; Council:n.(市、郡等的)政务委员会;市政(或地方管理)服务机构; Monterey:n.蒙特利(美国一座城市);
A gold-plated , oversized key to the city and that is all I need, because if I get that, I can unlock the air. 一个镀金的,大号的钥匙 这正是我所需要的,因为,一旦我得到它,我就可以打开天空的枷锁
gold-plated:adj.镀金的; oversized:adj.过大的,极大的;
I'll listen for what's missing, and I'll put it there. 我会倾听缺少了什么,然后我将把缺憾填补上
listen for:倾听;
Thank you, TED. 谢谢!TED
(Applause) (掌声)
Chris Anderson: Wow. Chris Anderson说:”哇~“
(Applause) (掌声)
Wow. 哇~
(Applause) (掌声)