

I wrote this poem after hearing a pretty well-known actress tell a very well-known interviewer on television, "I'm really getting into the Internet lately. 我写了这首诗,当我看到电视上一个很著名的女星 对一个非常著名的记者说: “我最近迷上互联网了”
well-known:adj.著名的;众所周知的;清楚明白的; interviewer:采访者
I just wish it were more organized ." 不过我希望互联网更加有秩序
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式)
So -- 所以...
(Laughter) (笑声)
if I controlled the Internet, you could auction your broken heart on eBay, take the money, go to Amazon , buy a phonebook for a country you've never been to, call folks at random until you find someone who flirts really well in a foreign language. 如果我主宰了互联网 你可以在eBay(全球最大C2C电子商务网站)上拍卖你破碎的心 拿到钱,就上Amazon(全球最大B2C电子商务网站) 买一本你从没去过的国家的电话号码本,随机的拨打 直至你找到一个可以用流利的外语调情的人
auction:v.拍卖;竞卖;n.拍卖; broken heart:n.破碎的心;哀恸; Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士; phonebook:n.电话簿; random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; flirts:vi.调情; vt.挥动; n.急扔;
(Laughter) (笑声)
If I were in charge of the Internet, you could Mapquest your lover's mood swings. 如果我主宰了互联网 你可以知道你情人的心情地图
in charge of:负责;主管; mood:n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛;
Hang a left at cranky , right at preoccupied , 在抑郁的路口左转,在心神不宁处右转
cranky:adj.暴躁的;古怪的;动摇的; preoccupied:adj.心事重重; v.使日夜思考; (preoccupy的过去分词和过去式)
U-turn on silent treatment , all the way back to tongue kissing and good love, and you could navigate and understand every emotional intersection . 在冷战的路口掉头 直至回到甜蜜亲吻的瞬间 你将理解并驶过每个感情的交叉口
U-turn:n.掉头;U形转弯;大转变;vi.作U形转弯; silent treatment:沉默对待;沉默相待; navigate:vt.驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于;vi.航行,航空; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; intersection:n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点;
Some days, I'm as shallow as a baking pan, but I still stretch miles in all directions. 有时候,我像烤盘一样浅薄 但我同样畅通无阻
baking:n.烘焙,烘烤; adj.烘烤的; v.烤,烘焙; (bake的现在分词) stretch:v.伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展;n.伸展;弹性;舒展;一片;adj.有弹力的;
If I owned the Internet, Napster, Monster and Friendster.com would be one big website. 如果我主宰了互联网,Napster(P2P音乐分享网站),Monster(求职网站)和Fridendser.com(社交网站) 将会合并成一个网站
That way you could listen to cool music while you pretend to look for a job and you're really just chatting with your pals . 你可以欣赏美妙的音乐 却假装你在找工作 而事实上,你只是在跟朋友们聊天
(Laughter) (笑声)
Heck , if I ran the web, you could email dead people. 嘿!如果我主宰了互联网,你可以给死人发送电邮
(Laughter) (笑声)
They would not email you back -- 他们不会给你回信
(Laughter) (笑声)
but you'd get an automated reply. 但是你会收到一封自动回复
(Laughter) (笑声)
Their name in your inbox -- 他们的名字,在你的收件箱
(Laughter) (笑声)
it's all you wanted anyway. 别无所求
And a message saying, "Hey, it's me. I miss you. 一条信息:“嘿,是我,我想你。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Listen, you'll see being dead is dandy . 你会明白死亡是一种幸运
Now you go back to raising kids and waging peace and craving candy." 然后,继续为了生活而奔波劳碌
waging:v.开始,进行,继续(战争、战斗等);(wage的现在分词) craving:n.渴望;热望;v.渴望;恳求;(crave的现在分词);
If I designed the Internet, childhood .com would be a loop of a boy in an orchard , with a ski pole for a sword, trashcan lid for a shield , shouting, "I am the emperor of oranges. 如果我主宰了互联网,“童年.com”将是一个循环 一个孩子在果园里,以滑雪杆为剑 以垃圾桶盖为盾,呼喊:“我是橙子大帝,
childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 loop:n.循环;回路;环路;圈;v.使成环;使绕成圈;成环形移动; orchard:n.果园;果树林; ski pole:n.滑雪杖;滑雪杆; trashcan:n.垃圾桶; lid:n.盖子;(容器的)盖;vt.给…盖盖子; shield:n.盾;防护物;保护者;v.遮蔽;包庇;避开;保卫;
I am the emperor of oranges. I am the emperor of oranges." 我是橙子大帝,我是橙子大帝。”
Now follow me, OK? 接下来
(Laughter) (笑声)
Grandma.com would be a recipe for biscuits and spit-bath instructions. “祖母.com”将会是饼干秘方和性爱指南
One, two, three. 一,二,三
That links with hotdiggitydog.com. 那会链接到“爽歪歪.com”
That is my grandfather. 那是我的祖父
They take you to gruff-ex-cop-on-his-fourth-marriage.dad. 它们会带你到“脾气暴躁婚姻失败.爸爸”
He forms an attachment to kind-of-ditzy-but-still-sends-ginger-snaps-for-Christmas.mom, who downloads the boy in the orchard, the emperor of oranges, who grows up to be me -- the guy who usually goes too far. 他发送了附件给 “有点神经兮兮但是依然派发圣诞点心.妈妈” 她下载了果园中的男孩,那个橙子大帝 男孩长大后,便成了我 无比彪悍的我
So if I were emperor of the Internet, 所以,如果我是互联网大帝
I guess I'd still be mortal , huh? 我想,我将依然是个凡人,对吧?
But at that point, I would probably already have the lowest possible mortgage and the most enlarged possible penis -- 不过,到那时候,我将会 拥有最地利率的抵押贷款 和大的已经无法再大的阳具
mortgage:vt.抵押;n.抵押;房屋抵押贷款; penis:n.阴茎;
(Laughter) (笑声)
so I would outlaw spam on my first day in office. 在我上班的第一天,我会禁止所有垃圾广告
outlaw:n.歹徒; vt.宣布…为不合法; spam:n.垃圾邮件;罐头猪肉;
I wouldn't need it. 我不需要那些
I'd be like some kind of Internet genius , and me, 我会像互联网天才和我自己
I'd like to upgrade to deity and maybe just like that -- pop -- I'd go wireless . 我将涅磐,就像那样... 砰 - 我无线了
upgrade:v.使升级;提升;改良品种;n.升级;上升;上坡;adv.往上;adj.向上的; deity:n.神;神性; wireless:adj.无线的;无线电的;n.无线电;v.用无线电发送;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Huh? Maybe Google would hire this. 哈?或者Google会聘用我
I could zip through your servers and firewalls like a virus until the World Wide Web is as wise, as wild and as organized as I think a modern-day miracle/oracle can get, but, ooh-eee, you want to bet just how whack and un-PC 我可以在你的服务器和防火墙中畅通无阻,像个病毒 直到万维网成为智能、狂热、整洁 的现代奇迹,但是, 你想知道你的电脑将会变得如何不像电脑吗,
firewalls:n.防火墙(firewall的复数); World Wide Web:n.万维网; modern-day:adj.当代的;今日的; bet:n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿; whack:v.重打;猛击;击败;削减;n.重击;尝试;份儿;机会;
your Mac or PC is going to be when I'm rocking hot shit, hot shot god.net? 当我在主宰了 互联网之后?
I guess it's just like life. 我猜,那就像生活
It is not a question of if you can. 不是你能不能的问题
It's, do ya? 而是,你是否愿意
We can interfere with the interface . 我们可以介入界面
interfere:v.干涉;干预;介入; interface:n.接口;人机界面;连接电路;v.连接;
We can make "You've got Hallelujah " the national anthem of cyberspace every lucky time we log on. 我们可以把“哈里路亚”作为虚拟世界的国歌 每次我们登录
Hallelujah:n.赞美上帝的颂歌;int.哈利路亚; national anthem:n.国歌; cyberspace:n.网络空间;赛博空间; log:原木,日志
You don't say a prayer. 你不祈祷
You don't write a psalm . 你不写圣诗
You don't chant an om. 你不吟诵赞歌
You send one blessed email to whoever you're thinking of at dah da la dat da dah da la dat dot com. 你发一封祝福的邮件给所有人 在“???.com”
blessed:adj.神圣的; v.求上帝降福于; (bless的过去分词和过去式) whoever:任何人:无论是谁:
Thank you, TED. 谢谢,TED
(Applause) (鼓掌)