

All the birds of the feather 拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊
Do what they love most of all 尽情舒展婀娜之姿
We are the best at rhythm and laughter 充满韵律 欢声笑语
That's why we love Carnival 我们最爱嘉年华
All so clear we can sing to 拥有美妙歌声的鸟儿啊
Some adventures reborn 与生俱来爱冒险
Dance to the music, passion and knowledge 随音乐舞动 激情四溢 才华横溢
Show us the best you can do 展现最棒的你
Everyone here is on fire 每人在这劲歌热舞
Get up and join in the fun 动起来 加入欢乐的海洋
Dancing with strangers, don't mess with danger 与陌生人共舞 但别卷入麻烦
Magic could happen for Rio 奇迹之地里约
In Rio, all by itself 自由自在的里约
Your dancing and knowing 你在此欢跳 生活自如
You can't find it anywhere else 这个天堂无可比拟
Yes Rio, in Rio 就在里约
You know something else 你能感受更多
You can feel it happy 你能感受欢乐
You can feel it all by yourself 无拘无束生活
It's okay, it's okay. 别怕 别怕
I'll take care of you. 我会照顾你的
Stupid clock! 破闹钟
Good morning Blu. 早上好 布鲁
Tyler Blu Gandersen. 泰勒.布鲁.甘德森
You know these vitamins are good for you. 吃维生素对你有好处
Uuh, what's this? 看这是什么
Gotcha . 中招了吧
Enjoy the new book. 希望你喜欢这本书
Thanks Linda. 谢谢琳达
Bye now. 再见啦
Yes, Mum. I'd love to visit. 是的 妈妈 我也想去看您
But who'll take care of Blu? 但谁来照顾布鲁呢
Mum, they don't have candles for parrots. 没有特别照顾鹦鹉的保姆
Here's your hot chocolate , Blu. 这是你的热巧克力 布鲁
hot chocolate:n.巧克力热饮;一杯巧克力热饮;
Just how you like it. 你最爱的口味
Because I don't trust leaving Blu with just anyone. 把布鲁留给别人照看我也不放心啊
No, I don't have a bird sitter . 没有 我没雇鹦鹉保姆
What is a bird sitter... 什么叫鹦鹉保姆啊
This is the life. 这才叫生活
The perfect marshmallow to cocoa ratio . 棉花糖数量刚刚好
marshmallow:n.棉花糖;蜀葵糖剂;药蜀葵; ratio:n.比率;比例;v.用比例方式表达;求出…的比值;使…成比例;
One, two, three, four, five... 一 二 三 四 五
Six! 六个
Well, if it isn't my favorite nerd bird. 看看 那可不是我最爱的大笨鸟
Very funny, real mature . 好笑极了 你俩真是一点都不幼稚
mature:v.成熟; adj.明白事理的;
Hey Pet, where are you migrating to this year? 宠物鸟 你今年要迁徙去什么地方啊
The 'broad-first' nook ? 广阔的角落吗
Throw all the snow balls you want. 随便你们怎么扔
I'm protected by this magical force field, called "Glass". 反正我有这神奇的防护罩保护 这学名叫玻璃
It's what keep us so toasty and warm in here, while you guys are out there freezing your... 我在这里面温暖又舒服 你们就只能待在外面冻得你们...
Classy . 真无聊
Are you all right? 你还好吗
I'm not really built for this weather. 我真有点不适应这天气
Oh, are you looking for some books? 你是来找什么书的吗
No, no. 不 不是