

*What is love if it's not with you?* *如果没有你 爱又有何意义*
*I know when you're alone you feel it too* *当你孤单时就会明白*
*In your arms is where I long to be* *你的怀抱才是我的归宿*
*'Cause being with you gives me sanity* *只有和你在一起 我才是我自己*
*Welcome to Rio!* *欢迎光临里约*
*Listen to me, darling* *亲爱的请听我唱*
*I wake up every morning thinking about the way you feel* *每天醒来我都在想你*
*I wonder if you know it* *你是否知道*
*And what good is the party If you're not around?* *如果没有你 狂欢也毫无意义*
*But listen to me now* *现在听我唱*
*What good is love?* *爱又有何意义*
*If it's not your love* *如果没有你*
*What good is love?* *爱又有何意义*
*Am I your baby love?* *我是你的最爱吗*
*If it's not your love* *如果没有你*
*Is it a crazy love?* *我们爱得疯狂吗*
*This is a crazy party I'm so glad I'm here with everybody* *这是个疯狂的派对 真高兴大家都在*
*Baby, move your body shake it to the ground* *宝贝 摇动身体 狂欢到底*
*Break it, break it, break it down, Blu* *尽情 尽情 尽情逍遥 布鲁*
*What's a song if you can't hear it too?* *除非是和你分享 否则歌唱有何意义*
*Can't imagine dancing without you* *不能想象缺了你的舞步*
*A shooting star ain't really nothing to see* *哪怕流星也毫无意义*
shooting star:n.流星;
*If you're not right here standing next to me* *除非有你和我一起许愿*
*Listen to me, darling* *亲爱的请听我唱*
*I wake up every morning* *每天醒来*
*Thinking about the way you feel* *我都在想你*
*I wonder if you know it* *你是否知道*
*What good is the party if you're not around?* *如果没有你 狂欢也毫无意义*
*Listen to me now* *现在听我唱*
*What good is love?* *爱又有何意义*
*If it's not your love* *如果没有你*
For a bird from Minnesota , you've got some moves. 作为一只明尼苏达鸟 你的舞步真不赖
That wasn't a move. That was an accident. 那不是舞步 只是个意外
But I accept the compliment . 不过表扬我接受了
It's great Rafael could watch the kids. 多亏有拉斐看着孩子们
Yeah, it looks like you're stuck with me all night. 看来今晚你只能是我的了
You're my one and only , Blu. 你就是我的唯一 布鲁
one and only:唯一的;
That's a good thing, since I'm the only other one. 多亏你爱我 因为也没有别的鸟给你选了
Hey, you lovebirds ! Happy New Year! 你们这对比翼鸟 新年快乐
Rafi? Where are the... 拉斐 孩子们呢
The kids are with Luiz. No worries! 孩子们有路易斯看着呢 别担心
Worries. Right here. 我已经在担心了
Luiz? Where are the kids? 路易斯 孩子们呢
What? I don't have any kids. 什么 我没有孩子啊
Our kids! 我们的孩子
Oh, right. I left them with Tiny. 对了 我交给小小了
Tiny? 小小
What? She's an excellent babysitter . 怎么啦 她很会带孩子的
I'm a terrible babysitter! 我不会带孩子啊
This is gonna be awesome ! 这样肯定很好玩
All right, I've done all the calculations... 我已经计算过全过程了
and each explosion will be perfectly synced to the beat. 每次爆炸都将和音乐完美同步
explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增; synced:[口语][电影,电视]=synchronize;
Unless I didn't carry the one... 我是不是没有考虑到...
Here's my vision . 我的观点是
Red, blue, green, yellow, yellow! Purple . 红 蓝 绿 黄 黄 还有紫