

Don't know\nhow many times 天知道我被放逐
I've been crossed off the list\nand left for dead. 并自生自灭多少次了
Guess when it first happens\nthe day you were born, you're gonna lose count. 打从一出生就开始 数都数不清了
So this, this ain't nothing new. 所以这种情况... 我早就习惯了
There are bad days, and then there are\nlegendary bad days. 有倒楣的日子 以及无与伦比的倒楣日子
Whole damn planet\nwanted a piece of me. 整座星球都想吃了我
Can't stay in the open . 不能抛头露面
in the open:在户外;在野外;
Can't risk another attack. 不能再遭到袭击
It's always the punch you don't\nsee coming that puts you down. 突如其来的暗箭最难防
punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
But why didn't I see it? 但我为何没留意到?
But why didn't I see it?
Of course they were\ngonna try to kill me. 当初他们想杀了我
Death is what\nthey do for a living. 死亡就是他们生存的乐趣
So the question 所以问题不是“出了什么事?”\nain't ”What happened?”
The question is "What happened to me?" 而是... “我出了什么事?”
You are\nthe Lord Marshal now. 你现在是大元帅了
Lord:n.(英国)贵族,大人,大臣;v.使成贵族;作威作福; Marshal:n.元帅;司仪;执行官;v.收集;安排;控制人群;
How did they get so close? 敌人是怎么接近的?
How did I let them\nblindside me like that? 我是如何让他们攻其不备的?
Threshold !\nTake us to the threshold! 传输口!带我们到传输口!
Necromongers. 是死亡教派
Some wanted to put\na crown on my head. 有些人尊我为王
Some wanted to put\na noose around my neck. 有些人则想宰了我
Okay, more nooses than crowns . 好吧 想宰了我的比尊我为王的多得多
nooses:n.套索;束缚;绞刑;vt.用套索捉;使落入圈套; crowns:n.王冠(crown的复数形式);v.使…成王(crown的第三人称单数形式);
I needed a way out. 我需要另谋出路
Some new place. 换个新环境
Or maybe just an old one. 或是干脆回家乡去
But how do you find something\nyou've never seen? 但是如何发现你从未见过的东西?
Please, come back to bed. 请回到床上吧
Sometimes I think you never\nsleep, Lord Marshal. 有时候我认为您从未睡觉 大元帅
How can I sleep\nwhen I have so many... 在有如此多烦恼的情况下
Distractions ? 我怎么能够安心入睡
So what is the best way\nto a man's heart? 那么如何才能了解一个男人的内心呢?
Between the fourth\nand fifth rib . 在第四根肋骨和第五根肋骨之间
rib:n.肋骨; v.嘲笑;
That's where I usually go. 就是那个位置
I'll put a twist at the end\nif I wanna make sure. 如果我想 我可以再那里打个结 (这句实在不理解)
They'll never let you stand at the threshold\nof Underverse without embracing the faith . 如果你没有信仰 他们永远不会让你进入传输口的
embracing:n.拥抱;v.拥抱,包含;(embrace的现在分词) faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰;
That's why they come\nafter you, these assassins . 所以他们来了 刺客们
They think of you\nas something wrong. 他们认为你变了
Cursed .\nIllegitimate. 被诅咒了 不正常了
What are you gonna do\nwhen you're born that way? 如果你生来就是那样 你会怎么做?
Did you hear? 听见了吗?
Do you think the guards\nare still there? 警卫们还在吗?
Lord Marshal! 大元帅!
Something like that? 像这样?
I said between\nthe fourth and fifth. 我是说在第四和第五根肋骨之间
Fifth and sixth?\nBody cavity . 第五和第六根肋骨之间?那是空的
Making more friends,\nI see. 又交到新朋友了
But who put her up to it? 谁把她带到这的?
Which commander ? 哪个指挥官?
It could be any of many. 可能是他们之中的任何一个
Don't doubt it for a second, 不要迟疑