

They are an army unlike any other... 他们是一支非比寻常的军队
crusading across the stars toward a place called UnderVerse, their promised land ... 遨游星际之间 向着一个叫做暗黑星际的地方挺进 那是他们梦寐以求的乐土
crusading:v.长期坚定不移地奋斗;(crusade的现在分词) promised land:n.福地;乐土;安乐境界;
a constellation of dark new worlds. 一片黑暗新世界
Necromongers, they're called. 他们被称作死亡使者
And if they can not convert you, they will kill you. 如果你不归顺他们 就会被他们杀死
convert:v.转换; n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人;
Leading them, the Lord Marshal . 他们的领袖:马歇尔王
Lord:n.(英国)贵族,大人,大臣;v.使成贵族;作威作福; Marshal:n.元帅;司仪;执行官;v.收集;安排;控制人群;
He alone has made a pilgrimage to the gates of the UnderVerse... 曾经一个人去星际之门朝圣
and returned a different being. 回来后完全变了样
Stronger. Stranger. 更强大 更陌生
Half alive and half... 一半是生命 还有一半
something else. 说不上来是什么
If we are to survive, a new balance must be found. 如果我们要生存下来 就必须找到一个新的平衡
In normal times, evil would be fought by good. 一般情况下 善能制恶
But in times like these, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil. 但在此时此刻 只能以恶制恶 以毒攻毒
Linin' him up for you. Port-side shot comin'up. Steady . Here we go. 准备好了 左舷 稳住 来了
Steady:adj.稳定的; v.使稳定; v.稳定地; n.关系固定的情侣;
Steady. 稳住
Take it. Take it! 开火 开火!
Take the shot! 开火啊!
Shit! Toombs, we're runnin' out of road! 该死 - 图姆斯 我们无路可走了!
Shit! Toombs, we're runnin' out of road! 闭嘴!我明白!再来一次!
Now! 快!
Toombs! 图姆斯!
Riddick. 瑞迪
I don't know, Toombs. Looks kind of tight. 说不上来是什么 图姆斯 感觉有点玄
Not where I'm sittin'. This is the biggest payday ever, 不是我吹 我感觉今天我们会发大财
So throw on a fresh pair of panties . Let's get this right. 伙计们 加把劲 搞定他
Three meters clearance port-side. One and a half meters starboard . 左舷安全距离还有3米 右舷1.5米
clearance:n.清除;空隙; starboard:n.右舷;vt.向右转舵;vi.向右转舵;adj.右舷的;
We got a choke point comin'up. 前面有个障碍物
choke:n.窒息; v.阻塞; (尤指感情激动而)说不出话来;
What the shit was that? 是他妈什么玩意?
Tags , you got eyes on Riddick? 塔格 你看到瑞迪了吗?
Tags:n.标签; v.附加;
Tags? 塔格?
Jesus . 老天
He just ghosted two guys, and I never even saw him. 他神不知鬼不觉干掉两个家伙 我连他的影子都没有看见
What do you think, Toombs? I mean, maybe we ought to just... 你怎么想 图姆斯?也许我们应该…
I think you're my new gunner . 我想让你做我们的新炮手
Grab a Gat. 拿上枪
Stay on top of him this time. 这回到他上面去
You made three mistakes. 你犯了三个错误
First, you took the job. 第一 你接了这活儿
Second, you came light. 第二 你带的人手不够
A four-man crew for me? Fuckin' insulting . 只有4个人 简直是对我的侮辱
But the worst mistake you made... 但你犯的最大的错误是
Empty gun rack . 枪架空了
rack:n.架子; v.使痛苦不堪;
One-point-five. 一百五十万
What slam pays 1.5 for a convict ? 什么样的家伙会为一个罪犯付一百五十万?
slam:v.(使…)砰地关上; n.猛关(或推,摔,撞等); convict:vt.证明…有罪;宣告…有罪;n.罪犯;
Private party. 非官方人士
Hey, hey, hey, hey! Guy, guy! Easy! Anonymous . 嘿 嘿 嘿!伙计 伙计!别紧张!没留名字
That's what the sheet said. What planet? 悬赏单上这么写的 - 哪一个星球?
Helion Prime . 首阳星
Helion:n.氦核; Prime:adj.主要的; v.极好地; n.初期; v.使准备好;
Whoa. Where you goin'? Last question. 哦 你去哪里 赏金杀手?最后一个问题
And you better get this one right, merc . 你最好乖乖回答
Whose ship is this? 这是谁的飞船?
Mine? 我的?