

Morty, you got to come on. Morty 来
You got to come with me. 跟我走一趟
What's going on? 咋回事儿
I got a surprise for you, morty. 我给你个惊喜
It's the middle of the night. What are you talking about? 可现在是半夜啊
I got a surprise for you. Come on, hurry up. 有惊喜 快来
Ow! You're tugging me too hard. - I got a surprise for you, Morty. 别拉得这么用劲儿啊 - 给你个惊喜 Morty
What do you... what do you 你觉得
Think of this flying vehicle , Morty? 这飞船咋样啊 Morty
I built it out of stuff I found in the garage . 我拿车库里的东西造的
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: garage:n.车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库;v.把…送入车库;把(汽车)开进车库;
Yeah, Rick, it's 挺好的 Rick
It's great. 挺棒的
Is this the surprise? 惊喜就是这个吗
Morty, I had to I had to do I had to I had Morty 我必须必须必须
To I had to make a bomb, Morty. 必须得搞个炸弹 Mory
I had to create a bomb. 我造了个炸弹
What?! A bomb?! 啥 炸弹
We're gonna drop it down there just get a whole fresh start, Morty. 炸弹投下去 创造新天地
Create a whole fresh start. 新呀新天地
T-t-that's absolutely crazy! 这太疯了吧
Come on, Morty. 来嘛Morty
Just take it easy , Morty. 淡定点Morty
take it easy:从容;不急;松懈;
It's gonna be good. 会很赞的
Right now, we're gonna go pick up your little friend jessica. 现在咱去接你的小伙伴Jessica
Jessica Jessica?
From my math class? 我数学课上那个
When I drop the bomb, I don't, you know, I want you to 我扔炸弹下去的时候 我不想
Have somebody, you know 我想让你有人陪着
I want you to have the thing 我希望你能那啥
I'm gonna make it like a new adam and eve , and you're gonna be adam. 就和新世界的亚当与夏娃一样 你就是亚当
And jessica's gonna be eve, and so that's the surprise, Morty. Jessica就是夏娃 惊喜吧 Morty
No, you can't! 不行
J-jessica doesn't even know I exist. Jessica根本不认识我
But but but forget about that, because you can't blow up humanity . 先别管这个 你不能毁灭人类
I-I get what you're trying to say, M-Morty. 我知道你想说啥 Morty
Listen, I'm not you don't y-y-you don't got to worry about me trying to fool around with with jessica or mess around with jessica or anything. 听着 我不 你不 你不用担心 我不会调戏Jessica 或者玩弄Jessica 之类的
fool around with:与不三不四的人鬼混;乱搞男女关系;玩弄 mess around with:瞎搞;乱动;与…勾搭;
I'm I'm not that kind of guy, Morty. 我不是那种人 Morty
What are you talking about, Rick? Rick 你在说什么
You you you don't 你你你不用
Have to worry about me getting 担心我会
With jessica or anything. 和Jessica搞上什么的
She she she she she's all for you, Morty. 她她她是你一个人的 Morty
I don't care about Jessica! Jessica不是重点
You know what, Morty? You're right. Morty 没错 你说得对
Let's forget the girl all together. 别管这妹子了
She she's probably nothing but trouble, anyways. 留下也是祸患
Arming neutrino bomb. 中微子炸弹装载中
That's it that's it, Rick. 够了
I'm taking the wheel . 方向盘给我
Get off of me, Morty! 闪开 Morty
I'm taking charge of this situation, buddy . 我不能让你这样
What's gotten into you? 你发啥疯
I'm I'm I'm i'm not gonna stand around like some sort of dumb ... 我才不会在边上跟个傻