

This is where I live. I live in Kenya, at the south parts of the Nairobi National Park . 这是我所生活的地方,肯尼亚, 在内罗毕国家公园的南部
National Park:n.国家公园;
Those are my dad's cows at the back, and behind the cows, that's the Nairobi National Park. 在我的身后是我父亲的奶牛 在奶牛的后边 就是内罗毕国家公园
Nairobi National Park is not fenced in the south widely, which means wild animals like zebras migrate out of the park freely. 内罗毕国家公园的南部并没有全部围起栅栏 这就意味着像斑马这样的野生动物 可以自由地在公园外移动
So predators like lions follow them, and this is what they do. 所以像狮子这样的捕食者会跟随他们 这就是他们的所作所为,
They kill our livestock . 他们捕杀了我们的家畜。
This is one of the cows which was killed at night, and I just woke up in the morning and I found it dead, and I felt so bad, because it was the only bull we had. 这就是其中一只在夜晚被杀害的奶牛 我在早晨醒来时就发现它已经死了, 我的心情槽透了, 因为这是我家里唯一的公牛
My community , the Maasai, we believe that we came from heaven with all our animals and all the land for herding them, and that's why we value them so much. 我们马赛族的人相信 我们是带着我们的动物和家园从天堂而来 然后放牧、生活,这就是我们为什么如此重视它们。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; herding:v.(使)向…移动;牧放(牲畜、兽群);(herd的现在分词)
So I grew up hating lions so much. 所以我逐渐地变得十分厌恶狮子
The morans are the warriors who protect our community and the livestock, and they're also upset about this problem. 莫兰人都是勇士 他们保护我们的家族和牲畜 但是他们同样对这个问题感到沮丧,素手无策
warriors:n.(尤指旧时的)武士,勇士,斗士(warrior的复数) upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱;
So they kill the lions. 所以他们决定杀了这些狮子
It's one of the six lions which were killed in Nairobi. 这是他们在内罗毕国家公园杀的六个狮子中的其中一个
And I think this is why the Nairobi National Park lions are few. 我想这就是内罗毕公园的狮子会那么少的原因。
So a boy, from six to nine years old, in my community is responsible for his dad's cows, and that's the same thing which happened to me. 在我们家族,凡是六到九岁的男孩 都有肩负着保卫他们父亲奶牛的责任, 同样的事业发生在我身上。
So I had to find a way of solving this problem. 所以我必须找到一个解决问题的方法。
And the first idea I got was to use fire, because I thought lions were scared of fire. 我想到的第一个办法是使用火, 因为我知道狮子们都惧怕火。
were scared of:害怕...
But I came to realize that that didn't really help, because it was even helping the lions to see through the cowshed . 但我又意识到这并没有什么成效, 反倒还帮助了狮子 看到了我们的牛棚。
see through:adj.透明的;穿透的; cowshed:n.牛棚;牛舍;
So I didn't give up. I continued. 但我并没有因此放弃,我坚持不懈着
And a second idea I got was to use a scarecrow . 于是有了第二个办法: 利用稻草人。
I was trying to trick the lions 我想要欺骗狮子
[into thinking] that I was standing near the cowshed. 让它们误以为是我站在牛舍旁边。
But lions are very clever. (Laughter) 但是狮子十分聪明。(笑声)
They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow, and they go back, but the second day, they'll come and they say, this thing is not moving here, it's always here. (Laughter) 他们第一天来时看到了稻草人,然后就回去了。 但是第二天,他们会再来并且说: 这个东西从没动过,他一直呆在这儿(笑声)
So he jumps in and kills the animals. 所以他们又跳进来,杀死了动物。
So one night, I was walking around the cowshed with a torch , and that day, the lions didn't come. 有一天晚上,我拿着手电筒在牛棚边走动, 那天晚上,狮子并没有来。
And I discovered that lions are afraid of a moving light. 我开始意识到狮子们会害怕移动的光。
So I had an idea. 所以我又有了个主意。
Since I was a small boy, 因为我当时是个小孩子,
I used to work in my room for the whole day, and I even took apart my mom's new radio, and that day she almost killed me, but I learned a lot about electronics . (Laughter) 我可以一整天不干别的,在自己的房间里鼓捣一天, 我甚至把我妈妈新买的收音机拆得七零八落, 那天她差点杀了我(笑声), 尽管如此,我学到了许多关于电子的知识。(笑声)
So I got an old car battery , an indicator box. It's a small device found in a motorcycle, and it helps motorists when they want to turn right or left. It blinks . 所以我找到了一个旧的车用蓄电池, 一个指示器。这是一个从摩托车中找到的小装备, 用来控制摩托车的转向灯,能够让灯闪烁。
battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位; indicator:n.指示器;[试剂]指示剂;[计]指示符;压力计; device:n.装置;策略;图案; motorists:n.驾车者;开汽车的人;(motorist的复数) blinks:n.闪光小鸡草;水生小鸡草;小繁缕;闪光繁缕;
And I got a switch where I can switch on the lights, on and off. 同时我找到了一个开关,可以控制灯的亮灭。
switch on:n.接通;
And that's a small torch from a broken flashlight. 灯泡来自于一个坏掉的手电筒。
So I set up everything. 一切都准备好了。
As you can see , the solar panel charges the battery, and the battery supplies the power to the small indicator box. I call it a transformer . 就如你所见,由太阳能接收板来给电池充电, 再由电池来指示器给提供能量 我把这个叫做“变压器”,
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; solar panel:n.太阳能电池板; transformer:n.[电]变压器;促使变化的人;
And the indicator box makes the lights flash . 这个指示器又会使光线闪动,
flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的;
As you can see, the bulbs face outside, because that's where the lions come from. 你可以看到,这个电灯泡是朝外的, 因为狮子是从那儿过来的。
And that's how it looks to lions when they come at night. 当狮子晚上走近的时候看到的就是这个样子。
The lights flash and trick the lions into thinking I was walking around the cowshed, but I was sleeping in my bed. 这个灯光一闪动就会使狮子受到欺骗 它们会以为是我在牛棚附近走动, 但实际上,此时的我正在自己的床上做着春秋大梦。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thanks. 谢谢。
So I set it up in my home two years ago, and since then, we have never experienced any problem with lions. 我在两年前把这个装置装在了我家中, 从那时起,我们就再没有狮子捕食家禽的烦恼了。
And my neighboring homes heard about this idea. 我的邻居们都听说了这个办法。
One of them was this grandmother. 他们中的其中一个就是这位老奶奶。
She had a lot of her animals being killed by lions, and she asked me if I could put the lights for her. 她家有一大堆的家禽被狮子捕食了。 她问我是否可以帮她在家里也装一个这样的灯。
And I said, "Yes." 我欣然同意。
So I put the lights. You can see at the back, those are the lion lights. 我装上了这些灯,你们可以在背后看到,这些就是赶狮灯。
Since now, I've set up seven homes around my community, and they're really working. 至今为止,我已为我们家族社区中的七户家庭装上了这个赶狮灯, 它们非常有用。
And my idea is also being used now all over Kenya for scaring other predators like hyenas , leopards , and it's also being used to scare elephants away from people's farms. 现在,我的方法已经被肯尼亚的所有人使用 来驱赶其他类似的捕食动物,像鬣狗,美洲豹等 它们同样被用来 驱赶大象远离人类的农庄。
hyenas:n.土狼(hyena的复数形式); leopards:豹(leopard的复数);
Because of this invention, I was lucky to get a scholarship in one of the best schools in Kenya, 我也很幸运地因为这项发明而获得了奖学金 这是肯尼亚最好的学校——
Brookhouse International School, and I'm really excited about this. 布鲁克豪斯国际学校所颁发的, 我对此感到十分的兴奋。
My new school now is coming in and helping by fundraising and creating an awareness . 我的新学校现在也加入进来,并帮助我 提高知名度并筹集更多资金。
fundraising:n.筹款;募捐; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道;
I even took my friends back to my community, and we're installing the lights to the homes which don't have [any], and I'm teaching them how to put them. 我甚至将我的朋友带回我的社区, 帮助他们在没有赶狮灯的人家里安装这个 我教他们怎么安装。
So one year ago, I was just a boy in the savanna grassland herding my father's cows, and I used to see planes flying over, and I told myself that one day, I'll be there inside. 一年前,我只是一个热带大草原上 帮爸爸放牛的普通男孩, 我常常看着飞机飞过, 并且告诉自己:总有一天,我也会在里面。
savanna:n.[生态]热带草原;热带的稀树大草原; grassland:n.草原;牧草地;
And here I am today. 今天,我做到了。
I got a chance to come by plane for my first time for TED. 我获得了乘飞机来TED的机会,这是我的第一次
So my big dream is to become an aircraft engineer and pilot when I grow up. 所以我伟大的梦想是:当我长大以后,成为一个飞机工程师兼飞行员。
I used to hate lions, but now because my invention is saving my father's cows and the lions, we are able to stay with the lions without any conflict . 我过去讨厌狮子,但是现在,就是因为我的发明 拯救了我爸爸的牛以及狮子 我们终于可以狮子和平共处了。
(Applause) (掌声)
Chris Anderson: You have no idea how exciting it is to hear a story like yours. Chris Anderson:你不会相信, 听到你这样的故事是多么使人振奋。
So you got this scholarship.Richard Turere: Yep. 所以你已经拿到了这个奖学金。Richard Turere:是的。
CA: You're working on other electrical inventions. CA:你是不是正在进行另一项电子发明?
What's the next one on your list? 你的下一步计划是什么?
RT: My next invention is, RT:我的下一项发明是,
I want to make an electric fence .CA: Electric fence? 我想做一个电力栅栏。CA:电力栅栏?
electric fence:n.电篱笆;电铁丝网;
RT: But I know electric fences are already invented, but I want to make mine. RT:我知道,电力栅栏已经有了, 但是我只想做我自己的那一个。
(Laughter) (笑声)
CA: You already tried it once, right, and you --RT: I tried it before, but I stopped because it gave me a shock. (Laughter) CA:你已经尝试过一次了,对吧,但是你——RT:我之前有过尝试, 但我停止了,因为它惊吓到我了。(笑声)
CA: In the trenches . Richard Turere, you are something else. CA:会是一场苦战。Richard Turere,你与众不同。
trenches:n.战壕(trench复数); v.挖战壕于…;
We're going to cheer you on every step of the way, my friend. 我们将为你在成长中的每一步喝彩,朋友。
Thank you so much.RT: Thank you. (Applause) 很感谢你。RT:谢谢。(掌声)