

On Mondays and Thursdays, I learn how to die. 每周一和周四,我都要学习如何死去。
I call them my terminal days. 我把它们称作我的终结日。
My wife Fernanda doesn't like the term, but a lot of people in my family died of melanoma cancer and my parents and grandparents had it. 我妻子费尔南达不喜欢这个词, 但是我的家族中很多人都死于黑色素瘤癌, 我的父母和祖父母也都患有这种病。
melanoma:n.[肿瘤]黑素瘤;胎记瘤; cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤;
And I kept thinking, one day I could be sitting in front of a doctor who looks at my exams and says, "Ricardo, things don't look very good. 我不由得想,总有一天我会去见医生, 他/她看着我的检验结果说, “里卡多,情况看起来不太好。
You have six months or a year to live." 你的生命只剩下半年到一年的时间了。“
And you start thinking about what you would do with this time. 如果是你就会开始思考要如何利用这余下的时间。
And you say, "I'm going to spend more time with the kids. 你通常会说,”我得花更多的时间在孩子身上。
I'm going to visit these places, 我要翻山越岭,
I'm going to go up and down mountains and places and I'm going to do all the things I didn't do when I had the time." 走南闯北, 我要完成之前一直没做成的事。
But of course, we all know these are very bittersweet memories we're going to have. 不过当然,我们都知道 这些都会成为苦乐参半的回忆。
It's very difficult to do. 这很难做到。
You spend a good part of the time crying, probably. 你可能会把大量的时间拿来痛哭一场。
So I said, I'm going to do something else. 于是我决定,要做点别的事。
Every Monday and Thursday, I'm going use my terminal days. 每个周一和周四,我会好好利用我的终结日。
And I will do, during those days, whatever it is I was going to do if I had received that piece of news. 如果我得到了这个(不幸的)消息, 我就会在那些天里去完成我想做的事。
(Laughter) (笑声)
When you think about -- 当你想到—
(Applause) (掌声)
when you think about the opposite of work, we, many times, think it's leisure . 当你想到工作的反义词, 我们在很多时候会想到”休闲“。
And you say, ah, I need some leisure time, and so forth. 你会说,噢,我需要一些闲暇时间,等等。
But the fact is that, leisure is a very busy thing. 不过实际上,休闲是个非常累人的过程。
You go play golf and tennis, and you meet people, and you're going for lunch, and you're late for the movies. 你要去玩高尔夫球和网球,约见朋友, 要去吃午饭,赶着去看电影。
It's a very crowded thing that we do. 我们要做的事多得让人应接不暇。
The opposite of work is idleness . 其实工作的反义词是”无所事事“。
But very few of us know what to do with idleness. 不过很少有人知道要怎么才能做到无所事事。
When you look at the way that we distribute our lives in general , you realize that in the periods in which we have a lot of money, we have very little time. 你可以大致看一下我们是如何分配这一生的, 你会发现存在一些周期,当我们有很多钱的时候, 我们没有什么时间。
distribute:v.分发;分配;分销;分散; in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
And then when we finally have time, we have neither the money nor the health. 当我们有时间的时候,却没什么钱,身体也出了状况。
So we started thinking about that as a company for the last 30 years. 于是在过去的三十年中,我们一直在以运营公司的方式思考这个问题。
This is a complicated company with thousands of employees, hundreds of millions of dollars of business that makes rocket fuel propellent systems, runs 4,000 ATMs in Brazil , does income tax preparation for dozens of thousands. 这是个结构复杂的公司,拥有几千名雇员, 几亿美元的 火箭燃料推进系统的生意,在巴西运营着4000台ATM机, 为几万人准备收入税材料。
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) propellent:adj.推进的;n.同"propellant"; ATMs:abbr.高级文本管理系统(AdvancedTerminalManagementSystem); Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家); income tax:所得税;
So this is not a simple business. 所以这不是一个简单的生意。
We looked at it and we said, let's devolve to these people, let's give these people a company where we take away all the boarding school aspects of, this is when you arrive, this is how you dress, 我们看着这一切说, 我们不如把业务下放给这些员工吧,让他们自己运营一个公司, 我们把董事会所有那些条条框框的部分去掉, 比如你要什么时间来,你要如何打扮,
devolve:vi.被移交;转让;vt.转移;移交;使滚下;衰落; boarding school:n.寄宿学校; aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数);
this is how you go to meetings, this is what you say, this is what you don't say, and let's see what's left. 你要如何参加会议,你要说些什么, 你不能说什么, 再看看接下来会如何。
So we started this about 30 years ago, and we started dealing with this very issue . 我们30年前就开始这样做了, 开始着手处理这个事情。
And so we said, look, the retirement , the whole issue of how we distribute our graph of life. 于是我们说,看吧,退休, 这就是我们如何分配生命的问题。
Instead of going mountain climbing when you're 82, why don't you do it next week? 与其等到82岁的时候再去登山, 你为什么不下周就动身呢?
And we'll do it like this, we'll sell you back your Wednesdays for 10 percent of your salary. 我们一般会这样做, 我们会以你工资10%的价格把你的周三返卖给你。
So now, if you were going to be a violinist, which you probably weren't, you go and do this on Wednesday. 这样一来,如果你想要成为一个小提琴家,但这个愿望还没有实现, 你就可以在周三去做。
And what we found -- we thought, these are the older people who are going to be really interested in this program. 我们发现—— 我们认为,真正对这个项目感兴趣的 都会是些资历更老的人。
And the average age of the first people who adhered were 29, of course. 当然,第一批参与这个项目的人的 平均年龄是29岁。
And so we started looking, and we said, we have to do things in a different way. 我们开始了观察, 我们决定,要以一种不同的方式来运作。
So we started saying things like, why do we want to know what time you came to work, what time you left, etc.? 于是我们开始这样说, 为什么我们想要知道你什么时间去工作, 什么时间下班之类的信息?
Can't we exchange this for a contract for buying something from you, some kind of work? 我们难道不能以此为交换签署一个合同, 从你那里购买点什么,比如一些工作?
exchange:n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换;v.交换;交易;兑换; contract:v.收缩;感染;订约;n.合同;婚约;
Why are we building these headquarters ? 我们为什么要建立这么多总部?
Is it not an ego issue that we want to look solid and big and important? 这不是一个关于我们想要高瞻远瞩进行 自我提升的问题吗?
But we're dragging you two hours across town because of it? 但我们是因为这个才让你们花2个小时从城那头跑过来干活儿的吗?
So we started asking questions one by one . 于是我们开始一个接一个的提问。
one by one:一个接一个;
We'd say it like this: 我们会这样描述它:
One: How do we find people? 一:我们怎样招聘?
We'd go out and try and recruit people and we'd say, look, when you come to us, we're not going to have two or three interviews and then you're going to be married to us for life. 我们会出去尝试招募人们,跟他们说, 看,当你来找我们, 我们并不是进行几次面试, 然后你就需要一辈子为我们效力。
recruit:n.新兵; v.吸收(新成员); (通过招募)组成; interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);
That's not how we do the rest of our lives. 这不是我们利用余下生命的方式。
So, come have your interviews. 那么,来参加面试吧。
Anyone who's interested in interviewing , you will show up. 任何对面试感兴趣的人,都会出现。
And then we'll see what happens out of the intuition that rises from that, instead of just filling out the little items of whether you're the right person. 然后我们会看到从由此产生的直觉之外能获得什么, 而不只是通过填写表格来判断你是不是最佳人选。
intuition:n.直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识; items:n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一则,一条(新闻)(item的复数)
And then, come back. 然后再让你回来。
Spend an afternoon, spend a whole day, talk to anybody you want. 花一个下午,一整天,跟任何你想找的人谈话。
Make sure we are the bride you thought we were and not all the bullshit we put into our own ads. 确定我们是你想找的对象, 别被我们广告里的写的破玩意儿忽悠了。
bride:n.新娘; bullshit:v.胡说,哄骗;n.胡说;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Slowly we went to a process where we'd say things like, we don't want anyone to be a leader in the company if they haven't been interviewed and approved by their future subordinates . 慢慢的我们进入了一个过程,我们会这样说, 我们不想让任何还没有被未来的下属 面试和肯定的人成为 公司的领导。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; interviewed:v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈); (媒体)采访(interview的过去分词和过去式) approved:adj.被正式接受的,被正式认可的; v.赞成; (approve的过去分词和过去式) subordinates:n.下级; v.把…置于次要地位; (subordinate的第三人称单数和复数)
Every six months, everyone gets evaluated , anonymously , as a leader. 每半年,每个人都要以领导的身份接受匿名评估。
evaluated:v.估计;评价;评估;(evaluate的过去分词和过去式) anonymously:adv.不具名地;化名地;
And this determines whether they should continue in that leadership position, which is many times situational , as you know. 这决定了他们是否应该继续在领导层任职, 多数情况下都是场景面试,这个你们应该了解。
determines:v.查明;测定;准确算出;决定;裁决;安排;(determine的第三人称单数) situational:adj.环境形成的;情形的;
And so if they don't have 70, 80 percent of a grade, they don't stay, which is probably the reason why I haven't been CEO for more than 10 years. 如果他们得不到百分之七八十的肯定,他们就得走人, 这可能就是我已经从CEO的位子上下来了10多年的原因。
And over time, we started asking other questions. 过了一段时间,我们开始问其他的问题。
We said things like, why can't people set their own salaries? 我们会说, 为什么员工不能自己定薪水?
What do they need to know? 他们需要知道什么?
There's only three things you need to know: how much people make inside the company, how much people make somewhere else in a similar business and how much we make in general to see whether we can afford it. 你只需要知道3件事: 员工在公司内部创造了多少价值, 员工在别的地方的类似公司创造了多少价值, 以及整体上我们付出了多少努力才能负担得起这些薪水?
So let's give people these three pieces of information. 那么我们提供给人们这三样信息。
So we started having, in the cafeteria, a computer where you could go in and you could ask what someone spent, how much someone makes, what they make in benefits, what the company makes, what the margins are, and so forth. 于是在公司的就餐区, 我们设立了一台计算机,你可以进去查询 什么人花了多少钱,有了多少收入, 他们创造了多少利润,公司盈利了多少, 还有多少利润,等等。
margins:n.边缘; v.给…镶边; (margin的复数)
And this is 25 years ago. 这是在25年以前。
As this information started coming to people, we said things like, we don't want to see your expense report, we don't want to know how many holidays you're taking, we don't want to know where you work. 当人们开始接触这些信息, 我们会说,我们对你们的花费报告没有兴趣, 不想知道你们花了多少天休假, 也不想知道你们在哪工作。
We had, at one point, 14 different offices around town, and we'd say, go to the one that's closest to your house, to the customer that you're going to visit today. 我们在某个时期在一个城镇有14个不同的办公室, 我们会说,去那个离你家最近, 离你今天要见的客户最近的地方上班。
Don't tell us where you are. 不要告诉我们你在哪。
And more, even when we had thousands of people, 5,000 people, we had two people in the H.R. department, and thankfully one of them has retired. 还有,即便我们有几千个雇员,5000人左右, 我们的HR部门只有2个人, 谢天谢地其中一个已经退休了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so, the question we were asking was, how can we be taking care of people? 那么我们问的问题就是,我们要怎么关心员工呢?
People are the only thing we have. 员工是我们拥有的一切。
We can't have a department that runs after people and looks after people. 我们无法设立一个部门专门照顾员工们的日常事务。
So as we started finding that this worked, and we'd say, we're looking for -- and this is, I think, the main thing I was looking for in the terminal days and in the company, which is, how do you set up for wisdom ? 于是当我们开始发现这种方式能够奏效,我们就开始寻找—— 我觉得这是我在公司时的终结日里 重点要探索的东西, 就是说,我们要怎样让公司以更睿智的方式运作?
We've come from an age of revolution, industrial revolution , an age of information, an age of knowledge, but we're not any closer to the age of wisdom. 我们已经走过了革命时代,工业革命, 信息时代,知识时代, 但是我们从未走近过睿智时代。
industrial revolution:n.工业革命;
How we design, how do we organize , for more wisdom? 我们要如何更智慧的进行设计和组织活动?
So for example, many times, what's the smartest or the intelligent decision doesn't jive . 比方说,有很多次, 最聪明或者最明智的决定并不奏效。
intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 jive:n.摇摆舞;隐语;vi.跳摇摆舞;哄骗;vt.取笑;演奏;欺骗;adj.假的;
So we'd say things like, let's agree that you're going to sell 57 widgets per week. 我们就会说, 我们来做这样一个约定:你每周要售出57个器件。
If you sell them by Wednesday, please go to the beach. 如果你在周三前卖完,就赶紧去休假吧。
Don't create a problem for us, for manufacturing , for application , then we have to buy new companies, we have to buy our competitors, we have to do all kinds of things because you sold too many widgets. 不要给我们制造问题,不管是在制造上还是应用上, 否则我们就得买新的公司,我们就得把我们的竞争对手买下来, 就因为你卖了太多器件,我们就得忙到不可开交。
manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;
So go to the beach and start again on Monday. 所以赶紧去休假吧,周一再回来继续干活儿。
(Laughter) (Applause) (笑声)(掌声)
So the process is looking for wisdom. 所以这个过程就是寻找智慧。
And in the process, of course, we wanted people to know everything, and we wanted to be truly democratic about the way we ran things. 在这个过程中,我们当然想让员工了解每件事, 我们想要在一切行动中都做到真正的民主。
So our board had two seats open with the same voting rights, for the first two people who showed up. 所以我们的董事会还有2个具有相同选举权的空位, 先过来应征的2个人就能得到。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so we had cleaning ladies voting on a board meeting, which had a lot of other very important people in suits and ties. 于是我们的董事会上出现了清洁工大妈在投票, 其他的都是西装革履的权高位重之人。
And the fact is that they kept us honest. 事实就是他们让我们始终保持坦诚。
This process, as we started looking at the people who came to us, we'd say, now wait a second, people come to us and they say, where am I supposed to sit? 这个过程,当我们开始关注来应聘的人, 我们会说,等一下, 来找我们的人会说,我要坐在哪儿等呢?
How am I supposed to work? Where am I going to be in 5 years' time? 我要怎么工作?工作5年之后我的职业发展是什么样子?
And we looked at that and we said, we have to start much earlier. 我们看着这种情况说,我们得早点行动。
Where do we start? 我们要从哪儿开始呢?
We said, oh, kindergarten seems like a good place. 我们说,哦,幼儿园看起来是个不错的地儿。
So we set up a foundation , which now has, for 11 years, three schools, where we started asking the same questions, how do you redesign school for wisdom? 于是我们设立了一个基金,到目前为止,在11年内已经开设了3所学校, 在那里我们开始问同样的问题, 你们要如何重新设计出更睿智的学校?
foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; redesign:vt.重新设计;n.重新设计;新设计;
It is one thing to say, we need to recycle the teachers, we need the directors to do more. 总结一下可以这么说,我们需要更新师资队伍, 我们需要校长做更多的事情。
But the fact is that what we do with education is entirely obsolete . 但事实是我们在教育上做的事情已经完全过时了。
The teacher's role is entirely obsolete. 教师的角色也已经完全过时了。
Going from a math class, to biology , to 14th-century France is very silly. 上完数学课,去上生物课,再了解下14世纪的法国,这简直太傻了。
(Applause) (掌声)
So we started thinking, what could it look like? 于是我们开始想,新式的学校应该是什么样子呢?
And we put together people, including people who like education, people like Paulo Freire, and two ministers of education in Brazil and we said, if we were to design a school from scratch , what would it look like? 我们把大家聚在一起,他们当中包括热爱教育的人们, 像保罗弗雷勒(巴西教育家,哲学家)这样的人,还有巴西的教育部长们, 我们问,如果我们要彻底重新建立一所学校, 应该是一所什么样的学校呢?
put together:..放在一起;组合;装配; ministers:n.部长,大臣; v.辅助; (minister的第三人称单数和复数) from scratch:白手起家;从头做起;
And so we created this school, which is called Lumiar, and Lumiar, one of them is a public school , and Lumiar says the following: 于是我们创立了这么一类学校,叫做Lumiar, 其中一所是公立学校, Lumiar的口号是这样的:
public school:(美国和苏格兰的初等或中等的)公立中小学;寄宿学校;
Let's divide this role of the teacher into two. 我们要把教师的角色分成两部分。
One guy, we'll call a tutor. 其中一部分我们叫他家庭教师。
A tutor, in the old sense of the Greek "paideia": Look after the kid. 一个家庭教师,古希腊语称作 paideia“:也就是照看孩子的人。
What's happening at home, what's their moment in life, etc.. 主要负责家里杂事,他们生命中的重要时刻,等等。
But please don't teach, because the little you know compared to Google , we don't want to know. 但是不要教课, 因为你知道的那点儿东西跟谷歌比起来根本不算什么,我们也不想知道。
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词) Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎;
Keep that to yourself. 你自己留着就好了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now, we'll bring in people who have two things: passion and expertise , and it could be their profession or not. 现在,我们主要招募的是具备如下两个条件的人: 有热情,并且具备专业能力,不过未必要跟他们从事的职业相关。
passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; expertise:n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见; profession:n.行业,职业;业内人士;同行;
And we use the senior citizens , who are 25 percent of the population with wisdom that nobody wants anymore. 我们雇佣年长一些的公民, 他们占据了25%的人口,具备其他人不具备的智慧。
senior citizens:老人(尤指退休者);
So we bring them to school and we say, teach these kids whatever you really believe in. 于是我们邀请他们来到学校,跟他们说, 教会这些孩子你们所信仰的东西。
So we have violinists teaching math. 于是我们的小提琴家在教授数学。
We have all kinds of things where we say, don't worry about the course material anymore. 在很多事情上我们都会说, 不要再担心教学材料了。
We have approximately 10 great threads that go from 2 to 17. 我们大概有针对2-17岁年龄的10种绝佳的设想。
approximately:adv.大约,近似地;近于; threads:n.线; v.穿(针); (thread的第三人称单数和复数)
Things like, how do we measure ourselves as humans? 例如,作为人类,我们要如何定位自己?
So there's a place for math and physics and all that there. 于是就有了一个教授数学和物理等学科的地方。
How do we express ourselves? 我们要如何表达自己的想法和感受?
express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
So there's a place for music and literature , etc., but also for grammar. 于是就有了一个教授音乐和文学的地方,等等, 还有语法。
And then we have things that everyone has forgotten, which are probably the most important things in life. 我们还做了一些几乎所有人都忘记了的事, 这些可能是生命中最重要的事。
The very important things in life, we know nothing about. 生命中最重要的一些事,我们却一无所知。
We know nothing about love, we know nothing about death, we know nothing about why we're here. 我们完全不了解爱, 完全不了解死亡, 我们完全不知道自己为什么会在这里。
So we need a thread in school that talks about everything we don't know. 所以我们需要学校提供一些思路告诉我们每一件我们不知道的事。
So that's a big part of what we do. 那就是我们工作的主要部分。
(Applause) (掌声)
So over the years, we started going into other things. 过去的这些年,我们开始涉足其他领域。
We'd say, why do we have to scold the kids and say, sit down and come here and do that, and so forth. 我们会问,为什么我们需要斥责孩子们, 告诉他们坐下,过来,做那个,等等。
We said, let's get the kids to do something we call a circle, which meets once a week. 我们决定让孩子们做一件我们称之为周期的事, 也就是每周会面一次。
And we'd say, you put the rules together and then you decide what you want to do with it. 我们对他们说,你们自己制定规则, 然后自己来决定你们要怎么做。
So can you all hit yourself on the head? 那么你们能每周想出一个点子吗?
Sure, for a week, try. 当然,花一周的时间试试看。
They came up with the very same rules that we had, except they're theirs. 他们想到了跟我们制定的规则一样的规矩, 只不过这是他们自己的点子。
And then, they have the power, which means, they can and do suspend and expel kids so that we're not playing school, they really decide. 然后他们就有权力了, 也就是说他们能够让孩子们停课甚至把他们开除, 这样一来就不是我们在运营学校,他们才是真正做决定的人。
suspend:v.暂停;悬浮;中止;挂; expel:v.把…开除(或除名);驱逐出境;排出;喷出;
And then, in this same vein , we keep a digital mosaic , because this is not constructivist or Montessori or something. 然后,用同样的方式, 我们保留了一个数码马赛克, 因为这不是构成论法或者蒙特梭利(意大利女医师及教育家)之类的教育法。
vein:n.血管;叶脉;[地质]岩脉;纹理;翅脉;性情;vt.使成脉络;象脉络般分布于; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; mosaic:adj.摩西的;拼成的;嵌花式的;n.马赛克;镶嵌;镶嵌细工; constructivist:n.构成主义者;
It's something where we keep the Brazilian curriculum with 600 tiles of a mosaic, which we want to expose these kids to by the time they're 17. 我们的做法能够以600块马赛克的形式 保留巴西的教育课程, 希望这些孩子在17岁前都能够接触到。
curriculum:n.课程;总课程; tiles:n.[建]瓷砖(tile的复数形式);v.铺砖(tile的第三人称单数形式); expose:v.揭露,揭发;使曝光;显示;
And follow this all the time and we know how they're doing and we say, you're not interested in this now, let's wait a year. 我们一直在追踪他们的进度,我们知道他们表现的如何, 我们会说,你现在对这个不太感兴趣,再等一年看看。
And the kids are in groups that don't have an age category , so the six-year-old kid who is ready for that with an 11-year-old, that eliminates all of the gangs and the groups and this stuff that we have in the schools, in general. 这些孩子被划分成了很多组,但是并不以年龄为划分标准, 于是6岁的孩子可以跟一个11岁的孩子上同样的课, 这就消除了所有的帮派和团体, 通常这些现象在普通的学校都很常见。
category:n.种类,分类;[数]范畴; eliminates:消除;排除; gangs:n.帮派(gang的复数);v.成帮结伙;合伙行动(gang的三单形式); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
And they have a zero to 100 percent grading, which they do themselves with an app every couple of hours. 我们有0到100%的评分制度, 每隔几个小时他们自己就用应用软件给自己打分。
Until we know they're 37 percent of the way we'd like them to be on this issue, so that we can send them out in the world with them knowing enough about it. 直到我们认为他们已经掌握了我们所要求的37%左右的技能, 我们就会把他们推到社会上去,因为他们已经掌握了足够的知识技能。
And so the courses are World Cup Soccer, or building a bicycle. 我们提供的的课程就是看世界杯足球赛,或者拼装一辆自行车。
And people will sign up for a 45-day course on building a bicycle. 学生们一般都会注册一个45天的自行车组装课。
Now, try to build a bicycle without knowing that pi is 3.1416. 尝试在不知道pi的值是3.1416的情况下组装一辆自行车。
You can't. 你们做不到吧。
And try, any one of you, using 3.1416 for something. 你们都试一下用3.1416做点什么。
You don't know anymore. 你们应该都想不出来了。
So this is lost and that's what we try to do there, which is looking for wisdom in that school. 也就是说这种能力已经丧失了,这也正是我们在学校里教的, 也就说在我们的学校里寻找智慧。
And that brings us back to this graph and this distribution of our life. 这就把我们带回了这幅蓝图,以及我们生活的这种分布状态。
I accumulated a lot of money when I think about it. 当我想到这个问题,我募集了很多钱。
When you think and you say, now is the time to give back -- well, if you're giving back, you took too much. 你们仔细想想之后就会说,现在是时候回馈社会了—— 不过,如果你想要回馈,那就说明你已经拿的太多了。
(Laughter) (Applause) (笑声)(掌声)
I keep thinking of Warren Buffet waking up one day and finding out he has 30 billion dollars more than he thought he had. 我总是会想到沃伦·巴菲特(美国投资家,“股神”)某天醒来, 发现他拥有的资产比之前想象的还要多300亿美元。
Warren:n.养兔场;大杂院;拥挤的地区; Buffet:n.自助餐; vt.对…打来打去; adj.快餐式的
And he looks and he says, what am I going to do with this? 他看着这个数字说道,我要拿这些钱干点什么呢?
And he says, I'll give it to someone who really needs this. 他说,我得把它给真正需要的人。
I'll give it to Bill Gates. (Laughter) 我要把它给比尔·盖茨。(笑声)
And my guy, who's my financial advisor in New York, he says, look, you're a silly guy because you would have 4.1 times more money today if you had made money with money instead of sharing as you go. 我在纽约的财务顾问, 他说,看,你太傻了, 如果你用钱生钱,而不是把它们捐出去, 你现在就会拥有相当于之前4.1倍的资产了。
But I like sharing as you go better. 不过我还是更喜欢把它们捐出去。
(Applause) (笑声)
I taught MBAs at MIT for a time and I ended up, one day, at the Mount Auburn Cemetery . 我以前在麻省理工给MBA学生们上过课, 有一天我路过 Mount Auburn公墓。
for a time:暂时;一段时期; Mount:n.山;坐骑;山峰;衬纸板;v.登上;爬上;攀登;准备; Auburn:n.赤褐色;adj.赤褐色的,赭色的; Cemetery:n.墓地;公墓;
It is a beautiful cemetery in Cambridge . 这片坐落在剑桥镇的公墓很漂亮。
And I was walking around. It was my birthday and I was thinking. 我在公墓里走来走去。那天是我的生日,我在思考。
And the first time around, I saw these tombstones and these wonderful people who'd done great things and I thought, what do I want to be remembered for? 第一次,我看到了这些墓碑, 还有这些建立了丰功伟绩的出色的人们, 我就在想,我想要别人因为什么记住我呢?
And I did another stroll around, and the second time, another question came to me, which did me better, which was, why do I want to be remembered at all? 我又在墓地里绕了一圈, 第二次,我又想到了一个问题, 对我更有帮助, 为什么我要让人们记住我呢?
(Laughter) (笑声)
And that, I think, took me different places. 我觉得是这种想法把我带去了不同的地方。
When I was 50, my wife Fernanda and I sat for a whole afternoon, we had a big pit with fire, and I threw everything I had ever done into that fire. 在我50岁的时候,我和妻子费尔南德花了一个下午, 我们有一个大火坑, 我把自己过去的所有成就全都付之一炬了。
This is a book in 38 languages, hundreds and hundreds of articles and DVDs, everything there was. 有一本被译成了38种语言的书, 成百上千的文章和DVD,几乎所有手边的东西。
And that did two things. 这就产生了两个结果。
One, it freed our five kids from following in our steps, our shadow -- 一个是解放了我们的5个孩子,他们不需要继承我们的家业,生活在我们的阴影中——
They don't know what I do. 他们不会知道我做了什么。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Which is good. 这很好。
And I'm not going to take them somewhere and say, one day all of this will be yours. 我也不会把他们带去什么地方, 跟他们说,有一天这一切都会是你们的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
The five kids know nothing, which is good. 这五个孩子一无所知,这很好。
And the second thing is, 第二个就是,
I freed myself from this anchor of past achievement or whatever. 我把自己从过去的成就之类的东西中解放了出来。
I'm free to start something new every time and to decide things from scratch in part of those terminal days. 我可以自由的利用那些终结日做些新鲜事儿, 从零开始做决定。
And some people would say, oh, so now you have this time, these terminal days, and so you go out and do everything. 一些人会说, 噢,现在你有了这些终结日里的时间, 可以走出去做任何事。
No, we've been to the beaches, so we've been to Samoa and Maldives and Mozambique, so that's done. 不是的,我们去过了海滩, 我们去了萨摩亚群岛,马尔代夫,和莫桑比克, 这些都做过了。
I've climbed mountains in the Himalayas. 我爬过了喜马拉雅的山峰。
I've gone down 60 meters to see hammerhead sharks. 我也下潜到过60米的深海,见到了锤头鲨。
I've spent 59 days on the back of a camel from Chad to Timbuktu . 我花了59天的时间骑着骆驼从乍得(中非国家)到了延巴克图(西非马里共和国城市)。
I've gone to the magnetic North Pole on a dog sled. 我坐着雪橇犬拉的爬犁到过北磁极。
magnetic:adj.像磁铁的;有磁性的;磁的;富有吸引力的; North Pole:n.北极;
So, we've been busy. 我们一直很忙。
It's what I'd like to call my empty bucket list . 我把这叫做空清单。
bucket list:遗愿清单(电影名);
(Laughter) (笑声)
And with this rationale , I look at these days and I think, 带着这种逻辑,我回顾这些日子,我就想,
I'm not retired. I don't feel retired at all. 我还没退休呢。我一点也没觉得自己已经退休了。
And so I'm writing a new book. 于是我又开始写一本新书。
We started three new companies in the last two years. 我们在过去的两年里又开设了3个新公司。
I'm now working on getting this school system for free out into the world, and I've found, very interestingly enough, that nobody wants it for free. 我现在正在努力让这种教育系统面向全世界免费开放, 我还发现一个非常有趣的现象,没有人希望免费的接受这种教育。
And so I've been trying for 10 years to get the public system to take over this school rationale, much as the public schools we have, which has instead of 43 out of 100, as their rating, as their grades, has 91 out of 100. 我已经尝试了10年, 想让公共系统接受这种教育理念, 比如让我们目前的公立学校, 不再使用43/100的评分制度, 而是使用91/100的制度。
take over:接管;继承;接收;接任;接替;
But for free, nobody wants it. 但是如果免费,没有人想要。
So maybe we'll start charging for it and then it will go somewhere. 所以可能我们要开始收点钱,慢慢的人们就会接受它。
But getting this out is one of the things we want to do. 但是让这个办法奏效是我们的目的之一。
And I think what this leaves us as a message for all of you, 我觉得这就给我们所有人留下了一个信息,
I think is a little bit like this: 我觉得可以这样理解:
We've all learned how to go on Sunday night to email and work from home. 我们都知道如何在周日晚上 在家里收发邮件和工作。
But very few of us have learned how to go to the movies on Monday afternoon. 但是我们当中很少有人知道 如何在周一下午去看电影。
And if we're looking for wisdom, we need to learn to do that as well. 如果我们在寻找智慧,我们就也需要知道如何做到这一点。
And so, what we've done all of these years is very simple, is use the little tool, which is ask three whys in a row. 所以我们这些年做的事情其实很简单, 比如利用一些小技巧,也就是同时问三个为什么。
Because the first why you always have a good answer for . 因为第一个问题你总是有一个很好的答案。
answer for:因…而受罚;对…负责;
The second why, it starts getting difficult. 第二个问题,就有点难了。
By the third why, you don't really know why you're doing what you're doing. 到了第三个问题,你根本不知道为何你要做现在正在做的事。
What I want to leave you with is the seed and the thought that maybe if you do this, you will come to the question, what for? 我想让这种想法在你们的头脑中扎根,可能如果你们这么做了, 会遇到一个问题,为什么要做这个呢?
What am I doing this for? 我现在做的事是为了什么呢?
And hopefully, as a result of that, and over time, 希望随着时间过去,可以得到这样的结果,
as a result:结果;
I hope that with this, and that's what I'm wishing you, you'll have a much wiser future. 我希望,也是对你们的期待, 你们会有一个更睿智的未来。
Thank you very much. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)
Chris Anderson: So Ricardo, you're kind of crazy. Chris Anderson(以下称CA): 那么里卡多,您还真是疯狂啊。
(Laughter) (笑声)
To many people, this seems crazy. 对于很多人来说,这看起来很疯狂。
And yet so deeply wise, also. 不过也蕴藏了很深的智慧。
The pieces I'm trying to put together are this: 我想试着总结一下:
Your ideas are so radical . 您的理念非常的前卫。
How, in business, for example, these ideas have been out for a while , probably the percentage of businesses that have taken some of them is still quite low. 比如说,在商业中,这些理念一直被排斥在外, 可能采用这些理念的公司 比例还是非常低的。
for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时; percentage:n.百分比;百分率;利润的分成;提成;
Are there any times you've seen some big company take on one of your ideas and you've gone, "Yes!"? 有没有哪次你见到某个大公司 采纳了您的某个理念,而您也接受了呢?
Ricardo Semler: It happens. It happened about two weeks ago with Richard Branson, with his people saying, oh, I don't want to control your holidays anymore, or Netflix does a little bit of this and that, but I don't think it's very important. Ricardo Semier(以下称RS):这种情况发生过,大概两周前吧, 理查德·布兰森(英国维珍集团执行长)的人说, 哦,我再也不想过问你的假期了, 或者Netflix(美国最大的在线DVD租赁商)也做了一些类似的事情, 不过我不觉得这很重要。
I'd like to see it happen maybe a little bit in a bit of a missionary zeal , but that's a very personal one. 我希望看到它以类似传教的形式被传播, 不过这只是我个人的观点。
missionary:adj.传教的;传教士的;n.传教士; zeal:n.热情;热心;热诚; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词;
But the fact is that it takes a leap of faith about losing control. 不过事实是它很快就会成为带有失控风险的一种信念飞跃。
leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲; faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰;
And almost nobody who is in control is ready to take leaps of faith. 几乎没有哪个有控制力的人会接受信念的飞跃。
It will have to come from kids and other people who are starting companies in a different way. 它会首先在孩子,或者以不同方式在 创业者身上发生。
CA: So that's the key thing? CA:所以这就是关键所在吗?
From your point of view the evidence is there, in the business point of view this works, but people just don't have the courage to -- (Whoosh) 依据您的观点,证据就在那里, 从一个商业的观点来看这是可行的, 不过人们就是没有勇气去——闪电般的立刻行动。
point of view:观点;见地;立场; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
RS: They don't even have the incentive . RS:他们根本就没有动机。
You're running a company with a 90-day mandate . 你正在运作一个有90天授权的公司。
It's a quarterly report. 这是个季度报告。
quarterly:adj.季度的,按季度的; v.按季度,[农]一季一次地; n.季刊;
If you're not good in 90 days, you're out. 如果你在90天内没有好的表现,你就得出局。
So you say, "Here's a great program that, in less than one generation --" 如果你说,”这里有个很不错的项目,只用不到一代人的时间——“
And the guy says, " Get out of here ." 对方就会说,”你可以离开这儿了。“
Get out of here:出去(表示气愤或不耐烦等)
So this is the problem. 这就是问题。
(Laughter) (笑声)
CA: What you're trying to do in education seems to me incredibly profound . CA:您在教育领域尝试做的事情在我看来具有极其深刻的意义。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的;
Everyone is bothered about their country's education system. 每个人对自己国家的教育系统都颇有微词。
bothered:adj.烦(恼)的; v.使(某人)烦恼;
No one thinks that we've caught up yet to a world where there's Google and all these technological options . 没人觉得我们已经步入了一个 可以自由使用谷歌和各种技术的世界。
technological:adj.技术[工程](上)的;因工艺技术高度发展而引起的; options:n.选择; v.得到或获准进行选择; (option的三单形式)
So you've got actual evidence now that the kids so far going through your system, there's a dramatic increase in performance . 您现在已经有了确切的证据,从您的教育系统中走出来的孩子们, 都在能力上有了飞跃性的进步。
dramatic:adj.突然的;巨大的;令人吃惊的;激动人心的; performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演;
How do we help you move these ideas forward? 那么我们要如何帮助您推广这种理念呢?
RS: I think it's that problem of ideas whose time has come. RS:我认为理念问题的时代已经来临了。
And I've never been very evangelical about these things. 我从来就没有觉得这些是需要传播的福音。
We put it out there. 我们就把它放在那儿。
Suddenly, you find people -- there's a group in Japan, which scares me very much, which is called the Semlerists, and they have 120 companies. 突然,你就发现人们—— 在日本有一群人,让我感到很不安, 他们被称作塞姆勒主义者,他们拥有120所公司。
They've invited me. I've always been scared to go. 他们邀请过我。我总是觉得很恐慌,不太想去。
And there is a group in Holland that has 600 small, Dutch companies. 在荷兰有一个组织,有600个小型荷兰公司。
Holland:n.荷兰; Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
It's something that will flourish on its own. 它们能够自己蓬勃发展。
flourish:n.兴旺; vt.夸耀; vi.繁荣,兴旺;
Part of it will be wrong, and it doesn't matter. 其中一部分会出现问题,但是没关系。
This will find its own place. 这一部分会自己找到立足之地。
And I'm afraid of the other one, which says, this is so good you've got to do this. 让我感到害怕的是另一部分,他们会说, 这个很不错,你应该去做一下。
Let's set up a system and put lots of money into it and then people will do it no matter what . 我们来建立一个系统,投一些钱进去, 然后人们无论如何都会做下去。
no matter what:不管什么…;
CA: So you have asked extraordinary questions your whole life. CA:那么您这一生已经问了很多卓越的问题。
It seems to me that's the fuel that's driven a lot of this. 在我看来这些都是这一切发生的动力。
Do you have any other questions for us, for TED, for this group here? 您还有什么其他问题要问我们,或者TED,或者在座的观众吗?
RS: I always come back to variations of the question that my son asked me when he was three. RS:我总是会回想我儿子在三岁的时候 问过的各种各样的问题。
We were sitting in a jacuzzi , and he said, "Dad, why do we exist?" 我们坐在按摩浴缸里,他说,”爸爸,我们为什么会存在?“
There is no other question. 没有别的问题了。
Nobody has any other question. 也没人问过其他的问题。
We have variations of this one question, from three onwards . 从三岁以后,我们就有了很多基于这同一个问题的千变万化的问题。
So when you spend time in a company, in a bureaucracy , in an organization and you're saying, boy -- how many people do you know who on their death beds said, boy, I wish I had spent more time at the office? 当你花时间在公司,在政府,在某个组织, 你会说,孩子—— 你认识多少人临终前会说, 孩子,我希望把更多的时间花在办公室?
bureaucracy:n.官僚主义;官僚机构;官僚政治; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体;
So there's a whole thing of having the courage now -- not in a week, not in two months, not when you find out you have something -- to say, no, what am I doing this for? 所以现在有件需要你拿出勇气的事—— 不是一个星期,不是2个月, 也不是当你突然有了什么想法—— 你要说,不,我做这个是为了什么呢?
Stop everything. Let me do something else. 先停下。做点别的事情吧。
And it will be okay, it will be much better than what you're doing, if you're stuck in a process. 一切都会好的, 会比你现在做的事情要好得多, 如果你在某件事情中困住了。
CA: So that strikes me as a profound and quite beautiful way to end this penultimate day of TED. CA:这就让我能够以一种深刻和美妙的方式 结束倒数第二天的TED讲座。
Ricardo Semler, thank you so much. 里卡多·塞姆勒,非常感谢!
RS: Thank you so much. RS:谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)