

(Sings) (唱歌)
Water 送水的
Boy 孩子,
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
where are you hidin'? 你躲藏在哪儿?
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
If you don't come right here, 如果你不马上过来这里,
I'm gonna tell your pa on you. 我要向你爸爸 告你的状,
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
There ain't no hammer -- 没有铁锤──
hammer:n.锤子; v.锤打;
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
that's on this mountain 在这山上
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
That ring like mine, boy -- 能敲得像我的那么响,孩子──
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
that ring like mine. 像我的那么响。
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
I'm gonna bust this rock, boy -- 我将要打破这块石头,孩子──
bust:n.(石或金属的)半身像; v.打破; adj.破碎;
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
from here to Macon . 从这里到美肯。
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
All the way to the jail , boy -- 一路通到监狱,孩子──
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
all the way to the jail. 一路通到监狱。
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
You jack of diamonds -- 你这方块J(扑克牌用语),
(Music) (音乐)
you jack of diamonds 你这方块J。
I know you of old boy, 我认识你很久了,孩子,
I know you of old. 我认识你很久了。
You done robbed my pocket, you done robbed my pocket of silver and gold, boy, of silver and gold. 你已经抢劫了我的口袋, 你已经抢劫了我的口袋, 抢走了金和银,孩子, 抢走了金和银。
silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的;
Water Boy, where are you hidin'? 送水的孩子, 你躲藏在哪儿?
If you don't come right here, 如果你不马上过来这里,
I'm gonna tell your pa on you. 我要向你爸爸告你的状。
There ain't no hammer that's on this mountain that ring like mine, boy, that ring like mine. 没有铁锤, 在这山上 能敲得像我的那么响,男孩, 像我的那么响。
I'm gonna bust this rock, boy, from here to Macon. 我将要打破这块石头,孩子, 从这里到美肯。
All the way to the jail, boy, all the way to the jail. 一路通到监狱,孩子, 一路通到监狱。
Water 送水的
Boy 孩子,
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
where are you hidin'? 你躲藏在哪儿?
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
If you don't come right here, if you don't come right here, if you don't come right here, 如果你不马上过来这里, 如果你不马上过来这里, 如果你不马上过来这里,
I'm gonna tell your pa on you. 我要向你爸爸 告你 的状。
(Guitar strum) (吉他弹拨)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
That was a song based on numerous work songs, and it was arranged by Odetta, a hero of mine. 刚刚那首歌灵感 来自许多首劳动的歌曲, 编曲者为 Odetta, 他是我的英雄。
numerous:adj.许多的,很多的; arranged:adj.安排的;v.安排;计划;准备(arrange的过去式和过去分词);
And this next song, well, 接下来的歌曲,
I do a lot of historical music, starting with the Carolina Chocolate Drops and continuing on in my solo endeavors . 我唱了很多历史音乐, 一开始是在 Carolina Chocolate Drops 乐队, 也会在我的独唱表演中继续下去。
historical:adj.历史的;史学的;基于史实的; Carolina:n.卡罗莱纳州(在美国东南部); solo:n.独奏; adj.独奏的; v.单人攀登; v.单独地; endeavors:尽力;
And I believe that knowing your history as a musician is super important -- it's important as a person, it's important as a country, it's important as a people. 我相信,身为音乐家, 知道自己的历史 是极重要的。 对个人来说很重要, 对国家来说很重要, 对民族来说很重要。
So I read a lot about where the music comes from and where this country comes from. 我阅读了很多音乐起源的资讯, 也去了解这个国家的来源,
I've been reading a lot about the Civil War and about slavery . 我读了很多关于内战的资料, 关于奴隶制度。
Civil:adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的; slavery:n.奴隶制;奴隶身份;蓄奴;adj.流口水的;被口水弄脏的;
And it's really tough. 那真的很不容易,
You know? 你们知道吗?
It's really tough reading. 阅读那些真的很不容易。
And so as an artist, what I do with all that emotion , reading these people's stories, not just, "Oh, slavery was terrible." 身为艺术家, 我对那些情绪的应用, 阅读这些人的故事, 并不只是「喔,奴隶制度很糟」。
Yes, it was. 是的,它很糟,
But it's reading individual narratives of how it was for these people. 但我是在阅读个人的故事, 了解这些人的状况感受,
individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; narratives:n.叙述,故事;叙述的手法(narrative复数);
You know? 你们知道吗?
Then it's like, "Yeah, that could've been me." 那就像「是啊,那些 本来可能发生在我身上。」
And it is people now. You know? 现在是关乎所有的人们的事, 你们知道吗?
So what you do with all that emotion is you've got to do something with it. 所以对于那些情绪的应用, 你得要拿它们来做点什么。
As an artist, I write. 身为艺术家,我创作音乐。
So I wrote a song based on some of those narratives that I read, and it's called, "Come Love Come." 我根据其中一些我读的 故事,写了一首歌, 它叫做「来吧,爱人,来吧」。
We're going to do it for you now. 我现在为各位表演。
(Claps) (掌声)
(Sings) Come love come, the road lies low, the way is long and hard, I know. (唱歌)来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很隐密, 路很漫长也很艰辛,我知道。
Come love come, the road lies free, 来吧,爱入,来吧, 这条道路很自由,
I'll wait for you in Tennessee . 我在田纳西等你。
(Music) (音乐)
(Sings) When I was four, my loving mam was cornered by the boss's man. (唱歌)当我四岁时, 我慈爱的母亲被 老板的人逼入绝境。
She turned her head and got struck down, they buried her in the cold, cold ground. 她偏过她的头,被击倒而死, 他们把她掩埋在 很冰冷很冰冷的地下。
Come love come, the road lies low, the way is long and hard, I know. 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很隐密, 路很漫长也很艰辛,我知道。
Come love come, the road lies free, 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很自由,
I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我在田纳西等你。
(Music) (音乐)
When I was 12, my father dear was strong of arm and free of fear until the day he raised his hand, then he was sold to Alabama . 当我十二岁时, 我亲爱的父亲, 有强壮的手臂,什么都不怕, 直到那天他举起他的手, 接着他就被卖到了阿拉巴马。
Come love come, the road lies low, the way is long and hard, I know. 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很隐密, 路很漫长也很艰辛,我知道。
Come love come, the road lies free, 来吧,爱吧,来吧, 这条道路很自由,
I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我在田纳西等你。
(Music) (音乐)
When I was 16, found my bloom and found my man, we jumped the broom . 当我十六岁时,找到我焕发的青春, 找到我的男人, 我们结了婚。
bloom:v.盛开;开花;繁殖;繁盛;n.水华;风华正茂;霜;青春; broom:n.扫帚;扫把;金雀花(野生,开小黄花);v.扫除;
We pledged each other the rest of our lives and on Saturday nights we were man and wife. 我们将一辈子许诺给彼此, 周六晚上我们成了夫妻。
Come love come, the road lies low, the way is long and hard, I know. 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很隐密, 路很漫长也很艰辛,我知道。
Come love come, the road lies free, 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很自由,
I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我在田纳西等你。
(Music) (音乐)
When I was 18, bugles called and boys in blue came o'er the wall. 当我十八岁时, 军号响起, 穿蓝色衣服的男孩爬过墙来,
I took my chance and followed free, they led the way to Tennessee. 我决定冒险并追随自由, 他们引领着去田纳西的路。
Come love come, the road lies low, the way is long and hard, I know. 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很隐密, 路很漫长也很艰辛,我知道。
Come love come, the road lies free, 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很自由,
I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我在田纳西等你。
(Music) (音乐)
Now here I sit in a tiny shack with 13 others at my back. 现在我坐在这小木屋里, 身后还有其他十三个人,
I've sent you word, so all I can do is wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait for you. 我已经寄出了讯息给你, 所以我能做的只有 等待、等待、等待、等待、 等待、 等待你。
Come love come, the road lies low, the way is long and hard, I know. 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很隐密, 路很漫长也很艰辛,我知道。
Come love come, the road lies free, 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很自由,
I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我在田纳西等你。
Come love come, the road lies low, the way is long and hard, I know. 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很隐密, 路很漫长也很艰辛,我知道。
Come love come, the road lies free, 来吧,爱人,来吧, 这条道路很自由,
I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我在田纳西等你。
Oh, oh, oh. 喔, 喔, 喔,
Whoa ... oh I'll wait for you. 喔……我会等待你。
I'll wait for you. 我会等待你。
I'll wait for you 我会等待你。
I'll wait for you. 我会等待你。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
So, with the dark you have to have the light. 所以,有黑暗,就一定会有光明。
And in the African-American community , it's been the work of many hundreds of years to find a way to lift ourselves up. 在非裔美国社区中, 数百年来人们都在努力着, 找到一种方式让自己振作起来。
African-American:非洲裔美国人(指美国黑人); community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
So I'm going to end with a couple of tunes from Sister Rosetta Tharpe, one of the more influential American music figures that most of you probably never heard of. 所以我最后要用 Sister Rosetta Tharpe 的曲子来作结, 她是美国乐坛最有 影响力的人物之一, 但大部份人可能没听过她。
tunes:n.曲调;曲子;v.(为乐器)调音;调整;调频道;(tune的第三人称单数和复数) influential:adj.有影响的;有势力的;n.有影响力的人物;
If you have, I'm so happy. 如果你听过,我很高兴。
She's one of the innovators of rock 'n' roll guitar, and one of the first crossover artists from gospel to secular . 她是摇滚乐吉他的创新者之一, 也是最先从福音音乐跨到世俗音乐的 混合类型音乐艺术家之一。
innovators:n.创新者;发明家签证;革新消费者(innovator的复数形式); crossover:n.交叉;天桥;转线路;变向运球过人; gospel:n.真理;信条;adj.传播福音的;福音赞美诗的; secular:adj.世俗的; n.修道院外的教士,(对宗教家而言的)俗人;
She's an incredibly important figure, and I'm going to talk about her whenever I can. 她是很出色的重要人物, 一旦有机会,我都会谈谈她。
So these are a couple of her tunes. 这些是她的一些曲子。
And don't worry -- you're going to get your chance to sing. 别担心……你会有机会唱的。
(Music) (音乐)
(Sings) Look down, look down that lonesome road before you travel on. (唱歌)向下看,向下看, 看向那荒僻的道路, 在你踏上它之前。
Look up, look up and greet your maker, for Gabriel blows his horn . 向上看,向上看, 迎接你的造物主, 因为加百列吹响了祂的号角。
Weary totin' such a load, goin' down that lonesome road. 疲劳地背负这么重的负担, 走上那荒僻的道路。
Look down that lonesome road, before you travel on. 向下看向那荒僻的道路, 在你踏上它之前。
Look down, look down that lonesome road before you travel on. 向下看,向下看, 看向那荒僻的道路, 在你踏上它之前。
Look up, look up and greet your maker, for Gabriel blows his horn. 向上看,向上看, 迎接你的造物主, 因为加百列吹响了祂的号角。
Weary totin' such a load, goin' down that lonesome road. 疲劳地背负这么重的负担, 走上那荒僻的道路。
Look down, look down, look down, look down that lonesome road before you travel on. 向下看,向下看, 向下看,向下看, 看向那荒僻的道路, 在你踏上它之前。
Up above my head up above my head 在我的头顶上, 在我的头顶上,
I hear music in the air music in the air. 我听见空气中的音乐, 空气中的音乐。
Up above my head up above my head 在我的头顶上, 在我的头顶上,
I hear music in the air 我听见空气中的音乐,
I hear music in the air. 我听见空气中的音乐。
Up above my head up above my head 在我的头顶上, 在我的头顶上,
I hear music in the air music in the air and I really do believe 我听见空气中的音乐, 空气中的音乐。 而我真的相信,
I really do believe there's a Heaven somewhere. 我真的相信, 天堂就在某处。
Up above my head up above my head 在我的头顶上, 在我的头顶上,
I hear singin' in the air singin' in the air. 我听见空气中的歌声, 空气中的歌声。
Up above my head up above my head 在我的头顶上, 在我的头顶上,
I hear singin' in the air 我听见空气中的歌声,
I hear singin' in the air. 我听见空气中的歌声。
Up above my head up above my head 在我的头顶上, 在我的头顶上,
I hear singin' in the air singin' in the air and I really do believe 我听见空气中的歌声, 空气中的歌声, 而我真的相信,
I really do believe there's a Heaven somewhere. 我真的相信, 天堂就在某处。
(Speaks) All right now, guitar man! (说话)好,现在,吉他手!
(Guitar music) (吉他音乐)
That's Hubby Jenkins , y'all. 各位,那位是 Hubby Jenkins,
Hubby:n.丈夫; Jenkins:n.(姓氏)詹金斯;詹金(斯);
(Sings) Up above my head up above my head (唱歌) 在我的头顶上,
I hear shoutin' in the air shoutin' in the air. 我听见空气中的叫喊, 空气中的叫喊。
Up above my head up above my head 在我的头顶上, 在我的头顶上,
I hear shoutin' in the air 我听见空气中的叫喊,
I hear shoutin' in the air. 我听见空气中的叫喊。
Up above my head up above my head 在我的头顶上, 在我的头顶上,
I hear shoutin' in the air, that's right, and I really do believe I really do believe there's a heaven somewhere. 我听见空气中的叫喊,是的, 而我真的相信,我真的相信, 天堂就在某处。
(Speaks) All right now, give me some of that bass . (说话)好,现在,来点贝斯。
(Bass solo) (贝斯独奏)
Yeah! 好啊!
Woo! 耶!
Jason Sypher on the bass. 贝斯手 Jason Sypher。
Jamie Dick on those drums. 鼓手 Jamie Dick 。
All right now, 好,现在,
I'm running out of time. 我快没时间了。
So it's time for y'all to sing. 所以该是你们唱歌的时候了。
This is the call-and-response . 这是呼喊与回应。 (注:一种爵士乐形式)
I call, you respond . 我呼喊,你们回应。
There are so many songs like this, y'all know how it goes, don't you? 有好多像这样的歌曲, 你们都知道做,对吧?
You're going to sing along? 你们要一起唱吗?
I said, are you going to sing along? 我说,你们要一起唱吗?
Audience members: Yes! 观众:要!
Rhiannon Giddens: Here we go! 芮安嫩:来吧!
(Sings) Up above my head (唱歌)在我的头顶上,
AM: up above my head 观众:在我的头顶上,
RG: music in the air 芮安嫩:空气中的音乐。
AM: music in the air. 观众:空气中的音乐。
RG: up above my head 芮安嫩:在我的头顶上,
AM: up above my head 观众:在我的头顶上,
RG: music in the air 芮安嫩:空气中的音乐。
AM: music in the air 观众:空气中的音乐。
RG: up above my head 芮安嫩:在我的头顶上,
AM: up above my head 观众:在我的头顶上,
RG: music in the air 芮安嫩:空气中的音乐。
AM: music in the air 观众:空气中的音乐。
RG: and I really do believe I really do believe there's a heaven somewhere. 芮安嫩:而我真的相信,我真的相信, 天堂就在某处。
One more time! 再一次!
Up above my head 在我的头顶上,
AM: up above my head 观众:在我的头顶上,
RG: I hear music in the air 芮安嫩:我听见空气中的音乐。
AM: music in the air. 观众:空气中的音乐。
RG: Up above my head 芮安嫩:在我的头顶上,
AM: up above my head 观众:在我的头顶上,
RG: I hear music in the air 芮安嫩:我听见空气中的音乐。
AM: music in the air. 观众:我听见空气中的音乐。
RG: Up above my head 芮安嫩:在我的头顶上,
AM: up above my head 观众:在我的头顶上,
RG: I hear music in the air 芮安嫩:我听见空气中的音乐。
AM: music in the air 观众:空气中的音乐。
RG: and I really do believe I really do believe there's a heaven somewhere. 芮安嫩:而我真的相信,我真的相信, 天堂就在某处。
I said I really do believe I really do believe there's a heaven somewhere. 我说我真的相信,我真的相信, 天堂就在某处。
Heaven somewhere. 天堂在某处。
(Holds note) (拉长音)
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与欢呼声)
(Music ends) (音乐结束)
(Applause) (掌声)