

Let's start with silence. 咱们从寂静开始。
Silence is one of the most precious conditions for humans, because it allows us to feel the depth of our presence . 对人类来说,寂静 是最珍贵的状态, 因为它让我们能够感受 我们的存在有多深刻。
precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的; presence:n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态;
This is one of the reasons why the advent of electric cars has generated lots of enthusiasm among people. 这就是电动车的出现让许多人 充满热忱的原因之一。
advent:n.到来;出现;基督降临;基督降临节; electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词) enthusiasm:n.热心,热忱,热情;
For the first time, we could associate the concept of cars with the experience of silence. 这是第一次, 我们能够把汽车的概念 和寂静的体验连结起来。
Cars can finally be quiet: peace in the streets, a silent revolution in the cities. 终于,也有安静的车了: 平静的街道, 城市中的寂静革命。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环;
(Hum) (车声)
But silence can also be a problem. 但,寂静也可能是个问题。
The absence of sound, in fact, when it comes to cars, it can be quite dangerous. 事实上,当车子没有声音时, 可能会很危险。
Think of blind people, who can't see a car which is approaching . 想想盲人, 他们无法看见车辆靠近。
And now, if it's electric, they can't even hear it. 如果车又是电动的, 他们甚至无法听见。
Or think of every one of us as we are walking around the city, we are absorbed in our thoughts, and we detach from the surroundings . 或者,想想我们每个人 走在街上的时候, 我们沉醉在自己的思绪当中, 和周围环境脱离。
absorbed in:全神贯注于…; detach:v.分离;派遣;使超然; surroundings:n.周围的环境;环境;(surrounding的复数)
In these situations, sound can become our precious companion . 在这些情况中, 声音可以成为可贵的同伴。
Sound is one of the most wonderful gifts of our universe. 宇宙给予我们最美好的 礼物之一,就是声音。
Sound is emotion and sound is sublime , and when it comes to cars, sound is also information. 声音是情绪, 声音是令人赞叹的, 就车子而言,声音也是资讯。
emotion:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感; sublime:adj.庄严的; n.崇高; vt.使…纯化; vi.升华;
In order to protect pedestrians and to give acoustic feedback to the drivers, governments around the world have introduced several regulations which prescribe the presence of a sound for electric vehicles . 为了保护行人, 也为了给驾驶声音 形式的回馈资讯, 各国政府推出了一些规定, 规范电动车的声音。
pedestrians:n.行人(pedestrian的复数); acoustic:adj.声学的;音响的;听觉的;n.原声乐器;不用电传音的乐器; feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈; regulations:n.章程;规则;法规;管理,控制;(regulation的复数) prescribe:v.给…开(药);让…采用(疗法);开(处方);命令; vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数)
In particular , they require minimum sound levels at specific frequency bands up to the speed of 30 kilometers per hour. 它们特别要求车的声音 要达到最低音量标准, 且要在指定的频带内, 速度最高为每小时三十公里。
In particular:尤其,特别; minimum:n.最低限度;最小值;最少量;极小量;adj.最低的;最小的;最低限度的; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; frequency:n.频率;发生率;重复率;频繁; bands:n.乐队;法官;
Besides this speed, the natural noise of the car is considered as sufficient . 除了这速度之外, 车的天然噪音也被 认为是足够的了。
Besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; sufficient:adj.足够的;充分的;
These regulations have generated different reactions among those who favor sounds and those who fear the presence of too much noise in the city. 这些规定造成了不同的反应, 毕竟有些人喜欢声音, 有些人则害怕城市中有太多噪音。
However, I don't see it as the noise of the car. 然而,我不会将它 视为是车的噪音。
I rather see it as the voice of the car. 我会将它视为是车的声音。
And this is one of my biggest challenges, and privileges , at the same time . 这既是我最大的挑战, 也是我的殊榮特权。
privileges:n.[计]特权(privilege的复数); v.给与…特权(privilege的第三人称单数形式); at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
I design the voice of electric cars. 我设计电动车的声音。
We all know how a combustion engine sounds like, and we do actually also know how an electric engine sounds like. 我们都知道燃油引擎 听起来是怎样的, 我们其实也知道电动引擎 听起来是怎样的。
Think of the electric tramway . 想想看电车轨道。
As soon as it moves, it creates this ascending high-frequency pitch sound, which we called " whistling " sound. 电车移动时, 会产生一种上升的高频高音, 我们称为「汽笛」声。
As soon as:一…就; ascending:adj.上升的;v.上升;获得(ascend的ing形式);追溯; high-frequency:adj.高频率的;高周波的; pitch:v.抛:用力扔:针对:触地:n.场地:程度:力度:推销的话:纵摇: whistling:n.口哨声;笛音;v.吹口哨;打呼哨;吹哨子;(whistle的现在分词)
However, if we would just amplify this sound, we would still not be able to fulfill the legal requirements. 但,如果我们把这种声音放大, 仍然无法符合法律的要求。
amplify:vt.放大,扩大;增强;详述;vi.详述; fulfill:v.执行,贯彻;完成,实现;兑现;达到;起到; legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的;
That's also why we need to compose new sound. 这就是为什么我们 得要创作出新的声音。
So how do we go after it? 所以,我们要怎么做?
In many cities, the traffic is already very chaotic , and we don't need more chaos . 在许多城市,交通已经非常混乱, 我们不需要更多混乱。
chaotic:adj.混沌的;混乱的,无秩序的; chaos:n.混沌,混乱;
But the streets of the 21st century are a great case study dealing with transience , cross purposes and disarray . 但二十一世纪的街道 是很棒的个案研究, 充满了无常、相互误解, 以及无秩序。
case study:n.个案研究;专题研究;案例研究; transience:n.短暂;无常;顷刻(等于transiency); cross purposes:n.相反的目的;有成见;话不投机; disarray:n.无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整;vt.使混乱;弄乱;使脱去衣服;
And this landscape offers a great opportunity for developing new solutions on how to reduce this chaos. 这种地景提供了很棒的机会, 可以针对减少混乱 来开发新解决方案。
I have conceived a new approach that tries to reduce the chaos by introducing harmony . 我想出了一个新方法,
conceived:v.构思;设想;(conceive的过去式); harmony:n.协调;和睦;融洽;调和;
Since many people don't know how an electric car could sound like, 既然许多人并不知道电动车 听起来应该是怎样的,
I have to define , first of all , a new sound world, something that doesn't belong to our previous experience but creates a reference for the future. 首先,我得要定义 一个新的声音世界, 它不属于我们过去的经验, 但它能为未来提供一种参考。
define:v.定义;使明确;规定; first of all:adv.首先; previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前; reference:n.参考,提及;参考书目;证明书;v.引用;
Together with a small team, we create lots of sonic textures that are able to transmit emotion. 我和一个小团队一起 创造出了许多声音的质地, 能够用来传递情绪。
sonic:adj.音速的;声音的;音波的; textures:n.纹理;材质(texture的复数);v.使具有某种结构(texture的三单形式); transmit:v.传送;发射;播送;传播;传染;
Just like a painter with colors, we are able to connect feelings and frequencies so that whenever one is approaching a car, we can feel an emotion which, besides fulfilling the legal requirements, speaks also about the character and the identity of the car. 就像是画家使用各种颜料, 我们能够将感受和频率连结, 当一个人靠近车子时, 就能够感受到一种情绪, 这么做除了满足法律的要求之外, 也是在呈现出车的个性和身分。
frequencies:n.频率;发生率;重复率;频繁;(frequency的复数) fulfilling:adj.让人感觉有意义的; v.实现; (fulfill的现在分词) identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
I call this paradigm "sound genetics ." 我把这种范式称为 「声音遗传学」。
paradigm:n.范例;词形变化表; genetics:n.遗传学;
With sound genetics, I define, first of all, an aesthetic space of sound, and at the same time, I search for new, innovative methods for generating soundscapes that we don't know, 有了声音遗传学,我首先 定义出声音的美感空间, 同时,我也在寻找新的、 创新的方法, 来产生出我们不知道的音景,
aesthetic:adj.美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的; innovative:adj.革新的,创新的; generating:v.产生;引起;(generate的现在分词) soundscapes:音画;声景;音声环境;
soundscapes that allow us to envision abstract worlds, to make them tangible and audible . 让我们能够想像抽象世界的音景, 并将抽象世界具体化且能够被听见。
envision:v.想象;预想; abstract:n.摘要; adj.抽象的; vt.摘要; vi.做摘要; tangible:adj.有形的;切实的;可触摸的;n.有形资产; audible:adj.听得见的;听得见地;
Sound genetics is based on three steps. 声音遗传学的基础是三个步骤。
The first one is the definition of a sonic organism , the second one is a description of sonic variations , and the third one is the composition of sound genes . 第一步是定义出一个声音有机体, 第二步是对声音变化的描述, 第三步是声音基因的组成。
definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; organism:n.生物;有机体;有机组织;(尤指)微生物; description:n.说明;形容;描写(文字);类型; variations:n.变奏曲,变更;[生物]变种(variation的复数形式); composition:n.成分;作文;构成;创作; genes:n.基因;(gene的复数)
The description of a sonic organism is based on a cluster of properties that every sound that I compose should have. 声音有机体的描述 根据的是一组特性, 我所创作的所有声音 都应该具有这些特性。
[Sound is moving.] 〔声音就是移动〕
I transfer to a small sound entity, such as the sound of a car, the power of the motion of music, so that sound can move so. 我转移给小型声音实体(如车声)的 是音乐的动作力, 这么一来,声音也能移动。
[Sound is acting.] 〔声音就是演戏〕 就像舞台上的舞者,
And just like a dancer on a stage, sound will project trajectories of sound in the air. 声音会投射空气中的声音轨道。
[Sound is memory.] 〔声音就是记忆〕 重点并不只是车的声音。
And it's not just about the sound of a car.
It's the memory of my father coming back home. 还有我爸爸回家的记忆。
[Sound is hypnotizing .] 〔声音就是催眠〕
And sound has the power to create an unexpected sense of wonder, which hypnotizes . 声音有能力可以创造出未预期的惊奇感, 能够催眠人。
unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的; hypnotizes:vt.使着迷;对…施催眠术;使恍惚;vi.施催眠术;使进入睡觉状态;
And ultimately , 最终,
[Sound is superhuman .] 〔声音就是超人的〕
sound goes beyond the human condition, because it allows us to transcend . 声音能超出人类的条件, 因为它让我们能超越。
As a second step, we define the sonic variations. 第二步,我们定义声音变化。
[Identity prism] 〔身分棱柱〕
Just like humans, where different bodies generate different voices, also different car shapes have a different acoustic behavior which depends on the geometry and the materials. 和人一样,不同的身体 会产生出不同的声音, 不同的车型也有不同的声音行为, 会依据几何和材料而异。
So we have to know, first of all, how this car propagates the sound outside by means of acoustic measurements . 所以,我们得要先知道藉由声音测量来得知 这台车如何传播外界的声音。
propagates:vt.传播;传送;繁殖;宣传;vi.繁殖;增殖; by means of:用,依靠; measurements:n.测量值,尺寸(measurement的复数);
And just like a single voice is able to produce different tones and timbres , at the same time, we produce different sonic variations within a space of eight words that I defined . 就如同单一声音能够产生出 同时,我们也会在我所定义的 八个字的空间中产生不同的声音变化。
tones:n.声调;基本音色(tone的复数);v.调节音调(tone的第三人称单数); timbres:n.[声]音色;音质;音品; defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确;
And some of them are, to me, really important, such as the concept of " visionary ," 对我来说,当中 有些是非常重要的, 比如这些概念:「幻觉的」、
of " elegance ," of " dynamic ," of " embracing ." 「优雅的」、 「动态的」、「拥抱」。
elegance:n.典雅;高雅; dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的; embracing:n.拥抱;v.拥抱,包含;(embrace的现在分词)
And once we have defined these two aspects , we have what I call the identity prism , which is something like the sonic identity card of a car. 一旦我们定义好了这两个面向, 就有了我所谓的身分棱柱, 它有点像是车子的声音身分证。
aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数); prism:n.棱镜;[晶体][数]棱柱; identity card:n.身份证;身份卡;
And as a third step, we enter the world of the sound design, where the sound genes are composed and a new archetype is conceived. 第三步,我们进入 声音设计的世界, 声音基因就是在那里组成的, 原型亦是在那里构想出来的。
composed:adj.由…组成的; v.组成; (compose的过去分词和过去式) archetype:n.原型;
Now let me show you another example of how I transform a sound field into a melody . 让我再用一个例子 说明我如何把声场转变成旋律。
transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; melody:n.旋律;歌曲;美妙的音乐;
Think that I am a violin player on stage. 想像我是舞台上的小提琴家。
If I would start to play the violin, 如果我要开始拉小提琴, 我会产生出一个声场,
I would generate a sound field which would propagate in this hall, and at some point, the sound field would hit the side walls and would be scattered all over the place. 它会在这个厅内传播, 在某个时点,这个声场 会撞到旁边的墙, 会散落到整个地方。
scattered:adj.零散的; v.撒; (scatter的过去分词和过去式)
And this is how it looked like. 它看起来就是这样。
Some time ago, I captured several ways of sound to hit side walls. 不久前,我捕捉声音 撞到旁边墙壁的数种方式。
And last year, I was asked by the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra to compose ringtones that they were going to play. 去年,巴伐利亚广播交响乐团找我 幫他们创作手机铃声让他们演奏。
Bavarian:adj.巴伐利亚的;巴伐利亚人的;n.巴伐利亚方言;巴伐利亚人; Symphony Orchestra:n.交响乐团; ringtones:n.铃声(ringtone的复数);
So one of them, I had the idea to start from this sound field. 我有个点子,打算 从这个声场着手,
I took a section, 我挑了一个部分,
I superimposed the section over the distribution of the musicians onstage , and then I followed the blooming of the sound field by means of three parameters : time, intensity and frequency. 把这个部分迭在舞台上 音乐家的分布上, 接着我遵循着声场的消涨, 用到三个参数: 时间、强度、频率。
superimposed:adj.[地物]叠加的;上叠的;重迭的;叠覆的,重叠的; distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销; onstage:adj.台上的;台上演出的;adv.上台;上场; blooming:adj.盛开的;妙龄的;v.[植]开花;(bloom的现在分词) parameters:n.决定因素;规范;范围;(parameter的复数) intensity:n.强度;强烈;[电子]亮度;紧张;
Then I wrote down all the gradients for each instrument , and as you can see , for instance , the piece will start with the string section playing very softly , 然后,针对每种乐器, 我写下所有的梯度, 你们可以看到,比如, 这件作品一开始是弦乐器 非常柔和地演奏,
gradients:n.渐变,[数][物]梯度(gradient复数形式); instrument:n.仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械; as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; string:n.字符串; v.悬挂; adj.由弦乐器组成的; softly:adv.温柔地;柔和地;柔软地;静静地;
and then it's going to have a crescendo as the brasses , the woods will jump in, and the melody will end with a harp and a piano playing on the highest range. 接着有铜管乐器的渐强音, 旋律的最后是竖琴和钢琴, 在最高的范围中演奏。
crescendo:n.声音渐增;adv.渐次加强地;adj.渐强的;vi.音量逐渐增强; brasses:n.铜管乐器(brass的复数形式); harp:n.竖琴;竖琴状的东西;v.弹竖琴;唠叨地反复讲;
Let's listen how it sounded like. 咱们来听听它。
(Ethereal music) (飘逸的音乐)
(Music ends) (音乐结束)
So this is the sound of my alarm clock , actually, in the morning. 事实上,这是我早上 起床闹钟的音乐。
alarm clock:n.闹钟;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And now let's go back to electric cars. 咱们回到电动车。
And let's listen to the first example that I showed you. 来听听我最先提出的例子。
(Hum) (车声)
And now I would like to show you how a potential sound, based on the sound genetics for electric cars, could sound like. 现在,我想让各位知道, 有声音遗传学做基础, 电动车的声音有可能 变成什么样子。
(Ethereal music) (飘逸的音乐)
(Pitch rises with acceleration) (音调随着加速升高)
Cars are a metaphor of time, distance and journey , of setting out and returning, of anticipation and adventure , but, at the same time, of intelligence and complexity , of human intuition and accomplishment . 车子象征的是时间、 象征出发与返回, 象征预期和冒险, 但同时,也象征智慧和复杂, 人类的直觉和成就。
metaphor:n.暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; anticipation:n.希望;预感;先发制人;预支; adventure:n.冒险;奇遇;经历;冒险游戏;v.探险;以…冒险;大胆进行;闯; intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报; complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势 intuition:n.直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识; accomplishment:n.成就;完成;技艺,技能;
And the sound has to glorify all that. 声音必须要能够赞颂所有这些。
I see cars both as living creatures and as highly complex performative art installations . 我把车子视为是生物, 以及非常复杂的表演艺术装置。
creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数) highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; performative:adj.表述行为的;n.述行成分,述行语; installations:n.[军]设施;装置(installation的复数形式);[机]设备;
The sounds that we envision through sound genetics allow us not only to celebrate this complexity but also to make the world a more elegant and safe space. 透过声音遗传学所想像出来的声音 不仅让我们能够颂扬这种复杂度, 也能够让世界成为 更优雅、安全的空间。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)