

What I wanted to talk to you about today is two things: one, the rise of a culture of availability , and two, a request. 我今想要谈论的有两件事, 第一,文化可用性的兴起, 第二,是一个请求(呼吁)。
So we're seeing a rise of this availability being driven by mobile device proliferation , globally, across all social strata . 我们见证了这个在全球世界范围内,遍及所有社交媒体, 由移动设备的普及引起的 文化可用性日益凸显。
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; device:n.装置;策略;图案; proliferation:n.增殖,扩散;分芽繁殖; strata:n.层;[地质]地层;阶层;
We're seeing, along with that proliferation of mobile devices , an expectation of availability. 随着移动设备的普及也见证了 对于文化可用性的期望。
devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); expectation:n.预料;预期;期待;希望;指望;
And, with that, comes the third point, which is obligation -- and an obligation to that availability. 并且随之也带来的第三个问题 就是一个对文化可用性的责任或义务。
And the problem is, we're still working through, from a societal standpoint , how we allow people to be available. 并且我们一直站在社会的视角 来试图解决这个问题。 人们如何使用这种媒介文化。
societal:adj.社会的; standpoint:n.立场;观点;
There's a significant delta , in fact, between what we're willing to accept -- apologies to Hans Rosling. 这有一个关于我们的所愿意接受的事实 的重大问题-- 我要先向汉斯罗斯林Hans Rosling道歉。
significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; delta:n.(河流的)三角洲;德耳塔(希腊字母的第四个字);
He said anything that's not using real stats is a lie -- but the big delta there is how we deal with this from a public standpoint. 他说:“任何没有事实数据支持的言论都是谎言。” 但是,这里有一个很大的问题 是关于我们如何在公众的角度解决这个问题。
So we've developed certain tactics and strategies to cover up. 所以我们研发出一些战术和战略 来掩饰。
tactics:n.战术:策略:手段:兵法(tactic的复数) strategies:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;(strategy的复数)
This first one's called "the lean ." 第一个叫做“屈身”
And if you've ever been in a meeting where you sort of play meeting "chicken," 你是否在会议中扮演“小鸡”(非主要参与者)的角色,
you're sitting there, looking at the person, waiting for them to look away, and then quickly checking the device. 你坐在那里,看着其他人,等着他们转过头, 并且迅速的检查手机。
Although you can see the gentleman up on the right is busting him. 甚至你看见在他右边的人让他很生气。
'"The stretch ." 第二个“拽东西”,
OK, the gentleman on the left is saying, " Screw you, 这个人对他说“去你的,
I'm going to check my device." 我要查看我的手机。”
But the guy, here, on the right, he's doing the stretch. 但是在右边的人 他在做伸手的动作
It's that reeeee-e-e-each out, the physical contortion to get that device just below the tabletop . 他在用他的身体动作 试图在桌子底下去拿那部手机
physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; contortion:n.扭弯;扭歪; tabletop:n.桌面;
Or, my favorite, the "Love you; mean it." 或者,我最喜欢的“我真的爱你”。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Nothing says "I love you" 说“我爱你”
like "Let me find somebody else I give a damn about." 绝对要比说“让我找一下我讨厌的人”要好。
Or, this one, coming to us from India. 还有这一个,这个图片来自印度
You can find this on YouTube, the gentleman who's recumbent on a motorcycle while text-messaging. 你可以在Youtube上找到这个, 这位先生在摩托车上休息时 还一边发短信。
Or what we call the "sweet gravy, stop me before I kill again!" 我们也可以称之为“甜蜜的墓地,在我去世之前阻止我!”
That is actually the device. 这就是手机功用。
What this is doing is, we find a -- 我们发现,这是
(Laughter) (笑声)
a direct collision -- we find a direct collision between availability -- and what's possible through availability -- and a fundamental human need -- which we've been hearing about a lot -- the need to create shared narratives . 一个直接的冲突。 我们发现这个在可用性 和可用性间可能发生的事情之间的直接冲突 和人类基本的需求,这个需求我们已经听到了很多次 那就是一个需要分享故事的需求。
collision:n.抵触;碰撞(或相撞)事故; fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; narratives:n.叙述,故事;叙述的手法(narrative复数);
We're very good at creating personal narratives, but it's the shared narratives that make us a culture. 我们对于个人的故事叙述很在行, 但是正是这种叙述分享让我们得以培养文化。
And when you're standing with someone, and you're on your mobile device, effectively what you're saying to them is, "You are not as important as, literally , almost anything that could come to me through this device." 当你支持一个人时, 你很有效率的通过你的手机来交流, 对他们说: “实际上,你对于我来说就如同 我这部手机一样很重要。”
Look around you. 看一看你周围
There might be somebody on one right now, participating in multi-dimensional engagement . 现在可能正有些人在 进行多方的信息交流。
participating:v.参加;参与(participate的现在分词) multi-dimensional:adj.多维; engagement:n.婚约;约会;交战;诺言;n.参与度;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Our reality right now is less interesting than the story we're going to tell about it later. 一会我要讲的故事 要比现在还要有意思。
This one I love. 我喜欢这张照片。
This poor kid, clearly a prop -- don't get me wrong, a willing prop -- but the kiss that's being documented kind of looks like it sucks . 这个可怜的孩子,很明显他是个道具, 别误解我,他是一个自愿的道具, 但是这个被记录下来的吻看着总觉得并不甜蜜。
prop:n.道具;支柱;支持者;后盾;v.支撑; sucks:v.吮吸;吸;咂;啜;抽吸;抽取;(suck的第三人称单数)
This is the sound of one hand clapping . 而这张照片则让我们感受到什么是单手的鼓掌(单手用于照相而不能双手鼓掌)。
So, as we lose the context of our identity , it becomes incredibly important that what you share becomes the context of shared narrative, becomes the context in which we live. 正当我们失去我们的身份背景时, 分享成为了故事叙述的主体, 成为了我们生活的主体, 同时也变得越来越重要。
context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地;
The stories that we tell -- what we push out -- becomes who we are. 这些故事告诉我们,我们所分享的事情 成就了今天的我们。
We aren't simply projecting identity, they're creating it. 我们不只是在凸显个性身份, 我们是在创造文化。
And so that's the request I have for everybody in this room. 这就是我对在做各位的请求。
We are creating the technology that is going to create the new shared experience, which will create the new world. 我们在创造技术 这些技术将创造崭新的分享经验, 而这些经验将创造一个崭新的世界。
And so my request is, please, let's make technologies that make people more human, and not less. 而我的请求是, 让我们一起来创造使人类 更加具有人性以及更多 这样的科技。
Thank you. 谢谢大家