

I know what you're thinking. 我知道你在想什么
A lone rider . 一个孤独的骑士
A dystopian world. 一个反乌托邦的世界
A land that's gone to waste. 一片荒废的土地
How did this world getso broken? 这个世界是怎么破碎的
Well, that all began 500 years ago. 一切都始于500年前
Kumandra. 龙佑之邦
This is what we used to be. 这是我们曾经的样子
When our land was whole, and we lived harmoniously alongside... dragons . 那时 我们的国度是完整的 人类能够跟龙 和睦相处
harmoniously:adv.和谐地;调和地; dragons:n.龙;悍妇;母夜叉;(dragon的复数)
Magical creatures who brought us waterand rain and peace. 它们是神奇的生物 能给我们带来雨水与和平
It was paradise . 那曾是天堂
But then, the Druun came. 但是后来 庄魔来了
A mindless plague that spread like wildfire , multiplying as they consumed life and turned everyone they touched into stone. 无情的瘟疫像野火一样蔓延开来 它吞噬的人越多 力量就越强大 把接触到的所有人都变成了石头
mindless:adj.愚蠢的;不小心的;不需要动脑筋的;不顾虑的; plague:n.瘟疫;灾祸;麻烦;讨厌的人;vt.折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸; wildfire:n.火灾;磷火,鬼火;散布极快的事物; multiplying:n.繁殖;adj.乘法的;v.乘;繁殖;增加(multiply的ing形式); consumed:adj.沉迷…的; v.消耗,耗费; (consume的过去分词和过去式)
The dragons fought for us the best they could, but it wasn't enough. 龙竭尽所能地为我们而战 但这还不够
That's when the Mighty Sisudatu, the last dragon, concentrated all her magic into a gem and... 因此 强大的希苏达图 最后一条龙 把她所有的魔力都注入了一颗龙珠中
Mighty:adj.强而有力的;巨大的;非凡的;adv.非常;很;极其; concentrated:adj.决心要做的; v.集中(注意力); (concentrate的过去式和过去分词) gem:n.宝石,珍宝; vi.点缀; adj.最佳品质的;
... blasted the Druun away. 赶走了庄魔
blasted:adj.该死的,可恶的; v.炸毁,把…炸成碎片; (blast的过去分词和过去式)
Everyone that was turned to stone came back. 所有被石化的人都恢复了
Except the dragons. 除了龙
All that was left of Sisu was her gem. 希苏也不见了 只剩下她的龙珠
It should have been this big inspirational moment, where humanity united over her sacrifice . 人类本应该受到启发 靠着她的牺牲而幸存的人类 本应该团结起来
inspirational:adj.鼓舞人心的;带有灵感的,给予灵感的; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; united:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) sacrifice:n.牺牲;舍弃;祭献;祭祀;祭品;v.牺牲;献出;作祭献
But instead, people being people, they all fought to possess the last remnant of dragon magic. 但是事实正相反 人就是人 他们互相争斗 试图独占残存的龙之魔法
possess:vt.控制;持有;迷住;具备; remnant:n.剩余;adj.剩余的;
Borders were drawn, Kumandra divided. 人们开始划定边界 龙佑之邦分裂了
We all became enemies, and the gem had to be hidden. 大家相互为敌 而龙珠则必须被藏起来
But that's not how the world broke. 但世界并不是这样分崩离析的
That didn't truly happen until 500 years later, when I came into the story. 这些都是500年后才发生的 这时 我出现在了故事中
Looks like someone's trying to be clever. 某人真是自作聪明
All right, Tuk Tuk, let's show 'em what clever really looks like. 好了 图图 让他们看看 什么才是真的聪明
Tuk Tuk! 图图
Come on! 快点
Focus! 集中精力
Thank you. 谢谢
Hey, bud , that was awesome . Give me some shell . 小家伙 太棒了 来击个爪
bud:n.芽,萌芽;蓓蕾;vi.发芽,萌芽;vt.使发芽; awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的; shell:n.壳;炮弹;壳层;骨架;v.脱壳;剥壳;采集贝壳;用壳体包被;short.shewill;
I got ya. 我帮你
Wait a second. 等等
This feels too easy. 不可能这么简单吧
Chief Benja. 班加酋长
I know it's your job to try and stop me, but you won't. 我知道阻止我是你的职责 但你不会成功的
Don't mistake spirit for skill, young one. 年轻人 别把勇气误认为是能力
I promise you will not set foot on the Dragon Gem's inner circle . 我保证 你绝对无法踏入 龙珠阵内圈一步
set foot on:踏上; inner circle:n.核心集团;
Not even a toe . 连一趾头都伸不进去