

(Applause) (观众掌声)
It's really quite an honor to be here tonight, and I'm really glad that I stayed here and listened because I've really been inspired . 今夜能在这里演唱真是荣幸, 我很高兴自己待在这里聆听, 因为我真的受到了不小的启迪。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
And I'm going to play some songs for you tonight that are, literally , world premieres . 今夜我将为你们演奏一些曲子, 这真的是我的首次世界公演。
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: premieres:n.首映式(premiere的复数);
I've been working on my new record and I've never played these songs for anybody except the microphone . 我一直在为我的新唱片付出努力 还没有为任何人演唱过这些歌曲 除了我的麦克风。
This is a song that I wrote about the meaning of technology , which goes perfectly with this gathering. 我写的这首歌 是关于科技的意义, 这和我们这次集会的目的暗合。
I started thinking about when I was in college, especially as a blind person, doing a research paper was a major undertaking . 我开始想起我在大学的时光, 尤其是作为一个盲人学生, 做一份学术论文是一个重要的任务。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; undertaking:n.事业;企业;保证;殡仪业;v.同意;担任;许诺;(undertake的现在分词)
You had to go to the library, see if you could get them to find the books for you, you know, footnotes and all that. 你得去图书馆, 看看你能不能麻烦别人帮你找到你要的书籍, 你知道的,还要做脚注等等。
Now you can just go on Google . Just look it up. 现在你只需要谷歌一下。只要在那上面查一下。
I wish I had that when I was in college. 我希望我在大学时就有这个网。
Anyway, this is a song about -- we have all this, but what are we going to do with it? 不论怎样,这首歌是关于-- 我们都能接触到这些科技,但我们该怎样应对它们?
It's called "All the Answers." 歌名是“所有的答案”。
? What is the weather in Cincinatti? ? 辛辛那提是怎样的天?
? What is the time in Tokyo? ? 东京现在到了几点?
? Who is this little child's daddy? ? 这个小娃娃的爹爹是谁?
? And who the hell needs to know? ? 谁又需要得到指点?
? Why do memories of you linger ? 为什么对你仍有缠绵记忆
? when I'm trying to reach my goal? ? 当我正尝试达到目的?
? And why must I move my fingers ? 为什么我还需要移动我的手指
? to the music in my soul? ? 当我已与音乐融为一体?
? I don't know ? 我不懂
? I don't have to know ? 我不需要懂
? 'Cause here I go ... ? 因为在这里
? And I got all the answers ? 我拥有所有的答案
? Right here in my hand ? 尽在我身畔
? And I got all the answers ? 我有了所有的答案
? And I don't have to understand ? 我不需要再让心思乱转
? 'Cause I got all the answers ? 因为我有了所有答案
? Think I'll rummage through the century ? 我想我会搜遍整个国度
rummage:vt.检查; n.翻找; vi.翻找;
? while I listen to the sea ? 当我听着海滨之音在沙滩上漫步
? Oh, it's good to be so free ? 哦,自由是那样美好
? so free ? 我是那样地自由
? Who was mayor of Chicago ? 谁是芝加哥市长
? back in 1964? ? 在1964那个年度?
? And why did Shakespeare create Iago ? 为什么莎士比亚创造了埃古
? to tear apart a love so pure? ? 将如此纯洁的爱情变成一场事故?
tear apart:把…弄乱;使…分裂;
? How can my dreams be so vivid ? 我们的梦怎么会这样栩栩如生
? in a psychosonic way? ? 仿佛心里充满美妙的音乐?
? Why must I become so livid ? 我为什么一定要变得那样栩栩如生
? about the news I had today? ? 关于我今天发生的新的故事?
? I don't know ? 我不懂
? I don't have to know ? 我不想懂
? And here I go ... ? 我会这样开始...
? 'Cause I got all the answers ? 因为我有所有的答案
? right here in my hand ? 尽在我的身畔
? And I got all the answers ? 我有所有的答案
? See, I don't have to understand ? 看,我不需要懂
? 'Cause I got all the answers ? 因为我有所有的答案
? I think I'll browse on through ? 我会去浏览
? the tabloid news ? 小报上的新闻
? while I sip my tea ? 当我品着好茶
? Mm, it's good to be so free ? 嗯,这样的自由真好
(Trumpet sounds) (喇叭声)
? I never ever have to be alone ? 我从不会被迫孤独
? I can do it all right here in my home ? 我可以在我的房间里做一切的事
? Yeah, mm-hmm ... ? 耶,嗯哼...
? Everything that's ever been known ? 所有的已知的事
? I can punch it up right here on my phone ? 我都可以把它敲进我的手机
punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
? Freedom train, coming soon ? 自由的火车,它就要驶来
? Right here in my living room ? 驶向我的起居室
living room:n.客厅;起居室;
? From Baton Rouge to Saskatoon ? 从巴吞鲁日到萨斯卡通
Baton:n.(乐队)指挥棒;(接力赛的)接力棒; Rouge:n.胭脂; v.擦口红; adj.(罕)红的(只用于:R-Croix(英国)纹章局四属官之一; Saskatoon:n.七度科植物;唐棣属植物(等于Juneberry);
? and all points in between ? 以及中间所有的连接点
? 'Cause I got all the answers ? 因为我有所有的答案
? right here on my screen ? 就在我的屏幕之上
? And I got all the answers, yeah ? 因为我有所有的答案,耶
? I got every book and magazine ? 我有每一本书和杂志
? I got all, I got all, I got all ... ? 我有所有的,我有所有的,我有所有的...
? I got all the answers ? 我有所有的答案
? All the answers, oh yeah ? 所有的答案,哦耶
? Uh-huh ... ? 啊哈...
? But I tell you what I'm going to do ? 但让我告诉你我将要做什么
? I'm going to find the capitol of Peru ? 我要去寻找秘鲁的首都
? Or the latitude of Kathmandu ? 或者加德满都的维度
? I'm gonna Google it ? 我要谷歌一下
? 'Cause everybody's doing it ? 因为每个人都爱谷歌一下
? And then I'll rummage through the century ? 然后我要搜遍整个国度
? I got all, I got all, I got all ... ? 我有所有的,我有所有的,我有所有的...
? I got all the answers ? 我有所有的答案
? Yeah, yeah ? 耶,耶
? I got all the answers ? 我有所有的答案
(Applause) (观众掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
Whew ! It's a miracle I didn't make any mistakes on that song. 呼!这首歌我一点错都没犯,真是个奇迹。
Whew:int.哟!;唷!(表示惊讶,失望,厌恶等); miracle:n.奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例;
That's the first time I've ever played it. 这是我第一次演奏它。
(Applause) (观众掌声)
It's a "feel the fear and do it anyway" kind of thing. 这是种“感到恐惧但是还是迎头而上”的事。
This next song is a song that started out as a dream -- a childhood dream. 下面这首歌 来自一个梦境--一个儿时的梦。
It was one of the titles that I was sort of thinking about calling my record except there's a couple of problems. 它的歌名 是我设想里的专辑名之一 除了有几个问题
One thing is, it's unpronouncable. 一个是它很难发音。
And it's a made-up word. 并且它是个造出来的词。
It's called "Tembererana." 它叫“弹拨若然娜”。
And the song is based on what I think was my first, sort of, childhood attempts to think about invisible forces. 这首歌的基础 我觉得是我的第一次 儿时的尝试 去思索看不见的力量。
attempts:n.企图,试图;尝试(attempt的复数);v.试图;努力去做(attempt的三单形式); invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物;
So "tembererana" was these dreams ... 所以“弹拨若然娜”就是这些梦境
in which I would be running away from bad feelings -- is the only way I can put it. 在梦中,我想从 坏情绪中逃走--我只能这样去表达它。
So this is called "Tembererana." 所以这就是我的“弹拨若然娜”。
It's based on an Argentinian rhythm called carnivalito. 它以一个阿根廷韵调为基础 一个小型嘉年华的韵调。
? A dream within a dream ? 梦境里的梦境
? A world within a world ? 世界中的世界
? The sound of a primal scream ? 原始的尖叫呻吟
primal:adj.原始的; n.被压抑童年情绪的释放; vt.释放(被压抑的童年情绪);
? Travels out across the land ? 跨越整片大地
? Images flickering ? 闪烁摇曳的像影
Images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) flickering:adj.扑动的; v.闪现; (flicker的现在分词)
? The sound of the war machine ? 战争机器发出的声音
? A procession of limousines ? 豪华轿车不停前行
procession:n.行列; v.排队前进; limousines:豪华轿车(limousine的复数形式);
? Travels slowly across the land ? 缓缓游遍整片大地
? Another child could use a hand ? 另一个孩童用手可以
? Reaching out from within ? 丛里向外触摸过去
? Tembererana, hey, tembererana ... ? 弹拨若然娜,嘿,弹拨若然娜...
? Annihilation moves ? 歼灭正在上映
? The earth is an open tomb ? 大开的坟墓就是大地
? The sound of the final boom ? 最后的隆隆声音
? Rumbles fiercely across the land ? 隆隆声猛烈地游遍整片大地
Rumbles:vt.使隆隆响;低沉地说;vi.隆隆作响;n.隆隆声;抱怨声; fiercely:adv.猛烈地;厉害地;
? Fear, you're the enemy ? 恐惧,你是我们的仇敌
? Obliterating all but thee ? 毁灭一切,除了自己
Obliterating:adj.清除的;盖销的;v.消灭;擦去(obliterate的ing形式); thee:pron.(第二人称单数的宾格)你;
? You see what you want to see ? 你看见想要看见的东西
? Before I'm blinded I will toast ? 在我失明前我将举杯欢庆
toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯;
? the shade of power that I love most ? 向我最爱的权力的阴影
? The power of creation ? 创造的权力
? Tembererana, hey, tembererana ... ? 弹拨若然娜,嘿,弹拨若然娜...
? Da, da, da, da ? 哒,哒,哒,哒
? Da, da, da, da, da, da, da ? 哒,哒,哒,哒,哒,哒,哒
? As a child, alone and afraid ? 当我是个孩子时,我孤独又恐惧
? Escaping the impressions every feeling made ? 对一切感情的印象只想逃离
? I would run, run away ? 我会逃离,逃离
? To a world where the good was the aim of the game ? 逃向一个世界,那里的良善就是游戏的意义
? And the sum of invisible power ? 看不见的权力加在一起
? had a name ? 有一个名字
? It's the same ... ? 还是这个名字...
? Tembererana, hey, tembererana ... ? 弹拨若然娜,嘿,弹拨若然娜...
? Da, da, da, da, da, da, da ? 哒,哒,哒,哒,哒,哒,哒
? Tembere, tembere, tembere, tembererana ? 弹拨,弹拨,弹拨,弹拨若然娜
? Tembere, tembere, tembere, tembererana, hey ? 弹拨,弹拨,弹拨,弹拨若然娜,嘿
? Tembererana, hey ? 弹拨若然娜,嘿
? Tembererana ... ? 弹拨若然娜......
(Applause) (观众掌声)