

? Picture yourself in a world where there's no-one else ? ?想象你身处一个没有他人的世界?
? nobody anywhere ? ?无依无靠?
? A moment ago there were voices and faces to look upon ? ?曾经可以聆听的声音 可以仰望的面孔?
? you can't see them anywhere ? ?已无处可寻?
? Nothing more to say ? ?无法再去诉说?
? and no-one left to say it to anyway. ? ?也没人可以倾听?
? Oh, listen to what I say ? ?噢,来听听我的想法?
? Everybody can be somebody ? ?每个人都可以成为一个有用之人?
? and everybody is free to make a difference ? ?每个人都有带来改变的自由?
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
? Everybody can be somebody ? ?每个人都可以成为一个有用之人?
? Everybody is free to make a difference in this world. ? ?每个人都有改变世界的自由?
? Now picture a world where the people all feel their worth ? ?再来想象一个人人都感受到自我价值的世界?
? Children are everywhere ? ?孩童四处皆是?
? Now there is a reason for everyone's time on Earth ? ?每个人都有存在于世的原因?
? Wondering why you should care, yeah ? ?不解你为何要在意?
? Nothing more to say ? ?无需多言?
? And only love can see us through, anyway ? ?只有真爱能将我们看透?
? Oh, listen what I say, yeah ? ?噢,来听听我的想法?
? Everybody can be somebody ? ?每个人都可以成为一个有用之人?
? And everybody is free to make a difference ? ?每个人都有带来改变的自由?
? Everybody can be somebody ? ?每个人都可以成为一个有用之人?
? Everybody is free to make a difference ? ?每个人都有带来改变的自由?
? You don't have to be a big celebrity ? ?你不需要成为一个名人?
? To feel the power, the power in your soul, no ? ?来感受到你灵魂中的力量?
? You don't have to be a big star on MTV ? ?你不需要成为MTV的大明星?
? To realize that in your eyes is a view that only you can see ? ?来意识到你眼中的一切只有你自己能看到?
? Everybody can be somebody ? ?每个人都可以成为一个有用之人?
? Everybody is free to make a difference in this world ? ?每个人都有改变世界的自由?
? You can make a little difference in this world ? ?你可以改变世界?
? I can make a little difference in this world ? ?我可以改变世界?
? She can make a little difference in this world ? ?她可以改变世界?
? He can make a little difference in this world ? ?他可以改变世界?
? You can, I can, she can, he can ? ?你可以,我可以,她可以,他可以?
? We can make a little bit of difference in this world ? ?我们可以小小地改变这个世界?
? Everybody gonna make a little ? ?每个人都可以带来小小的改变?
? Little difference, woo hoo ? ?小小的改变?
? Talking 'bout everybody gonna make a little difference ? ?每个人都可以带来小小的改变?
? Everybody gonna make a little difference in this world ? ?每个人都可以小小地改变这个世界?
? Oh yeah ? ?噢也?
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you so much. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)
This is a song that came about because I think it's difficult to be in the world and not be aware of what's going on, and the wars and so forth. 我有了这首歌的灵感 是当我想到生存于世 却不知晓诸如战争等等周边所发生的一切 将会是件多么困难的事情。
This song kind of came out of all of that. 这首歌也因此而来。
And I wrote a lot of happy songs on my first record, which I still stand by, but this has got something else in it. 我为我的第一张唱片写了许多欢欣的歌曲, 现在我依然坚持着, 但这首歌却有些额外的东西在其中。
It's called "Peace on Earth." 这首歌名叫做《世界和平》
? There is no hope ? ?没有希望?
? There is no future ? ?没有未来?
? No faith in God to save the day ? ?没有上帝拯救世界的信仰?
? There is no reason, no understanding ? ?没有理由,没有理解?
? No sacred place to hide away ? ?没有神圣的藏身之处?
? There is no earnest conversation ? ?没有渴求的对话?
? No words of wisdom from the wise ? ?没有智人的至理名言?
? There is no reconciliation ? ?没有化解?
? And no collective compromise ? ?没有退步?
collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; compromise:n.妥协;折中;互让;和解;v.妥协;违背(原则);达不到(标准);使陷入危险;
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? That's what we want ? ?是我们的需求?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? That's what we all say ? ?是我们的诺言?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? Yet, there in the hallway ? ?但在走廊深处?
? lurks the ghost of war. ? ?仍然潜藏着战争的鬼魂?
lurks:v.潜伏;潜藏;埋伏;n.潜伏;埋伏;(lurk的第三人称单数和复数) ghost:n.鬼,幽灵;v.作祟于;替…捉刀;为人代笔;
? He wants more and more and more and more ? ?他只想要更多、更多、更多?
? and more and more and more and more ? ?更多、更多、更多?
? There is no darkness, no sunshine ? ?没有黑暗,没有日照?
? There is no great society ? ?没有伟大的社会?
? There is no freedom of conviction ? ?没有宣判的自由?
? There is no freedom to be free ? ?没有解放的自由?
? There is no heaven, no fire and brimstone ? ?没有天堂、烈火与硫磺?
? There is no brotherhood of man ? ?没有团结在一起的兄弟?
? There is no country, no one religion ? ?没有国家,没有宗教?
? There is no universal plan. ? ?没有统一的计划?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? That's what we want ? ?是我们的需求?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? That's what we all say ? ?是我们的诺言?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? Yet, there in the hallway ? ?但在走廊深处?
? lurks the ghost of war ? ?仍然潜藏着战争的鬼魂?
? He wants more and more and more and more ? ?他只想要更多、更多、更多?
? and more and more and more and more ? ?更多、更多、更多?
? The answer is ? ?结果是?
? mutual assured destruction ? ?两败俱伤?
mutual:adj.共同的;相互的,彼此的; assured:adj.确定的;自信的;n.被保险人;v.保证;确实;(assure的过去分词和过去式); destruction:n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁;
? A balance of power ? ?权力的均衡?
balance of power:n.(国际政治或军事的)均势;
? A weapon for everyone ? ?人人手持武器?
? Mutual assured destruction ? ?两败俱伤?
? bringing peace to everyone. ? ?将和平带给每个人?
(Trumpet sounds) (小号演奏)
(Trumpet sounds) (小号演奏)
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? That's what we want ? ?是我们的需求?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? That's what we all say ? ?是我们的诺言?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? There in the hallway ? ?在走廊深处?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
? Peace on Earth ? ?世界和平?
(Applause) (掌声)