

So what does it mean for a machine to be athletic ? 機器的運動能力好是什麼意思?
We will demonstrate the concept of machine athleticism and the research to achieve it with the help of these flying machines called quadrocopters, or quads , for short. 我們將展示機器運動能力的概念 以及為了實現而進行的研究 靠的是這些飛行機器,叫做「四軸飛行器」 (quadrocopters) 簡稱為「四軸」
demonstrate:vt.证明;展示;论证;vi.示威; athleticism:n.崇尚运动,竞技热;运动竞赛; quads:abbr.股四头肌(quadriceps); n.[印刷]空铅; v.用空铅填(等于quadrat,quad的第三人称单数形式);
Quads have been around for a long time. 四軸已經存在很久了
have been around:见识(很)多;世故(很)深;遍布全球;世故深;遍布各地;
The reason that they're so popular these days is because they're mechanically simple. 最近很受歡迎的原因 是因為在機械方面很簡單
By controlling the speeds of these four propellers , these machines can roll, pitch , yaw, and accelerate along their common orientation . 只要控制這四個螺旋槳的速度 這些機器可以側滾,俯仰,偏擺 以及沿著共同方向加速
propellers:n.[航][船]螺旋桨;[印刷]螺旋辊(propeller的复数); pitch:v.抛:用力扔:针对:触地:n.场地:程度:力度:推销的话:纵摇: accelerate:v.加快;加速;n.接受速成教育的学生; orientation:n.方向;定向;适应;情况介绍;向东方;
On board are also a battery , a computer, various sensors and wireless radios. 上面還有電池及一台電腦 各種感測器和無線收發器
battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位; sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); wireless:adj.无线的;无线电的;n.无线电;v.用无线电发送;
Quads are extremely agile , but this agility comes at a cost. 四軸極為靈活,但要付出代價
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; agile:adj.敏捷的;机敏的;活泼的; agility:n.敏捷;灵活;机敏;
They are inherently unstable , and they need some form of automatic feedback control in order to be able to fly. 它本質上不穩定,需要某種形式的 自動回饋控制,才可能飛行
inherently:adv.内在地;固有地;天性地; unstable:adj.不稳定的;变化莫测的;(行为、情绪)反复无常的 automatic:adj.自动的;无意识的;必然的;n.自动步枪;自动换挡汽车; feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈;
So, how did it just do that? 要怎麼做到這點呢?
Cameras on the ceiling and a laptop serve as an indoor global positioning system. 天花板上的攝影機和一台筆記型電腦 就像是室內的全球定位系統
laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑; indoor:adj.(在)室内的;在户内进行的;在室内用的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
It's used to locate objects in the space that have these reflective markers on them. 用來為物體在空間中定位 物體上有這些反光標記
locate:v.确定…的准确地点;把…安置在(或建造于);创办于(某地); reflective:adj.反射的;反映的;沉思的; markers:n.(表示方位的)标记,记号;标识;表示;记号笔;(marker的复数)
This data is then sent to another laptop that is running estimation and control algorithms, which in turn sends commands to the quad, which is also running estimation and control algorithms. 定位資料送到另一台筆記型電腦 執行估計與控制的演算法 再反過來把命令送到四軸 四軸本身也在執行估計與控制的演算法
The bulk of our research is algorithms. 我們的研究大部分都是演算法
It's the magic that brings these machines to life. 演算法是使這些機器活過來的魔法
So how does one design the algorithms that create a machine athlete ? 要怎麼設計演算法 才能創造出機器運動員?
We use something broadly called model-based design. 我們使用的方法泛稱為模型化基礎設計
broadly:adv.明显地;宽广地;概括地;露骨地;粗鄙地; model-based:基于模型的;
We first capture the physics with a mathematical model of how the machines behave . 我們首先用數學模型捕捉 機器行為的物理法則
capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 mathematical:adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的; behave:v.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用;
We then use a branch of mathematics called control theory to analyze these models and also to synthesize algorithms for controlling them. 然後用數學的一個分支— 「控制理論」來分析這些模型 並合成控制的演算法
mathematics:n.数学;数学运算; analyze:v.对…进行分析,分解(等于analyse); synthesize:vt.合成;综合;vi.合成;综合;
For example, that's how we can make the quad hover . 例如我們想讓四軸原地懸停
We first captured the dynamics with a set of differential equations . 我們首先捕捉動態 是一組微分方程式
captured:adj.捕获的;被俘的;v.捕获;占领;引起;(capture的过去式和过去分词) dynamics:n.动力学,力学; differential:adj.微分的;差别的;特异的;n.微分;差别; equations:n.方程式;等式;均等;均势(equation的复数形式);
We then manipulate these equations with the help of control theory to create algorithms that stabilize the quad. 然後操縱這些方程式 在控制理論建立的演算法幫忙下讓四軸得以穩定
manipulate:vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改; stabilize:vt.使稳固,使安定;vi.稳定,安定;
Let me demonstrate the strength of this approach . 讓我展示這種方法的優點
Suppose that we want this quad to not only hover but to also balance this pole . 假設我們希望四軸不止是懸停 還要讓桿子平衡
Suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想: pole:n.磁极;电极;柱子;杆子;v.用篙撑船;摆船;
With a little bit of practice, it's pretty straightforward for a human being to do this, although we do have the advantage of having two feet on the ground and the use of our very versatile hands. 經過一些練習 人類很容易可以做到 雖然我們有優勢 雙腳可以著地 還有極為靈活的手
straightforward:adj.简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的;adv.直截了当地;坦率地; advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: feet on the ground:脚踏实地; versatile:adj.多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的;
It becomes a little bit more difficult when I only have one foot on the ground and when I don't use my hands. 像這樣就有點困難: 如果只有一腳著地 而且不准用手
Notice how this pole has a reflective marker on top, which means that it can be located in the space. 請注意,桿子頂上有反光標記 表示可在空間中定到它的位置
located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式)
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You can notice that this quad is making fine adjustments to keep the pole balanced. 你可以看到,這架四軸正進行微調 以讓桿子保持平衡
How did we design the algorithms to do this? 我們是怎麼設計演算法來做到的?
We added the mathematical model of the pole to that of the quad. 我們加入了桿子的數學模型 到四軸中
Once we have a model of the combined quad-pole system, we can use control theory to create algorithms for controlling it. 一旦我們有了結合四軸與桿子的模型 就可以用控制理論建立控制的演算法
Here, you see that it's stable, and even if I give it little nudges , it goes back to the nice, balanced position. 這裡,你看,很穩定 就算我輕輕推一下 它仍可回到完全平衡的位置
We can also augment the model to include where we want the quad to be in space. 我們還可以加強模型,以包括 我們希望四軸在空間的位置
Using this pointer , made out of reflective markers, 用這根有反光標記的指示棒
I can point to where I want the quad to be in space a fixed distance away from me. 可以指出我要四軸到的位置 和我保持固定的距離
The key to these acrobatic maneuvers is algorithms, designed with the help of mathematical models and control theory. 這些特技動作的關鍵是演算法 它的設計要靠數學模型 與控制理論
acrobatic:adj.杂技的;特技的; maneuvers:n.军事演习(maneuver的复数);
Let's tell the quad to come back here and let the pole drop, and I will next demonstrate the importance of understanding physical models and the workings of the physical world. 我要告訴四軸回來這裡 並讓桿子倒下來 接下來我要展示 了解物理模型、 以及實體世界運作的重要性
physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; workings:n.作用;工作方式;操作(working的复数);
Notice how the quad lost altitude when I put this glass of water on it. 注意四軸的高度降低了 我把這杯水放上去
Unlike the balancing pole, I did not include the mathematical model of the glass in the system. 不像平衡桿,我並未把玻璃杯 的數學模型加到系統裡
In fact, the system doesn't even know that the glass of water is there. 事實上,系統根本不知道有杯水
Like before, I could use the pointer to tell the quad where I want it to be in space. 我一樣可以用指示棒來告訴四軸 我希望它在空間中的位置
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Okay, you should be asking yourself, why doesn't the water fall out of the glass? 好吧,你應該問自己 為什麼杯中的水不會灑出來?
Two facts: The first is that gravity acts on all objects in the same way. 兩個事實:第一點是重力 對所有的物體作用相同
The second is that the propellers are all pointing in the same direction of the glass, pointing up. 第二點是,推進器都指向 和杯子相同的方向,也就是向上
You put these two things together, the net result is that all side forces on the glass are small and are mainly dominated by aerodynamic effects, which as these speeds are negligible . 兩個原因加在一起,最終結果是 玻璃杯各方向的側向力都很小 還是以空氣動力學效應為主 因此這些速度是微不足道的
mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; dominated:v.支配;控制;左右;影响;(dominate的过去式和过去分词) aerodynamic:adj.空气动力学的,[航]航空动力学的; negligible:adj.微不足道的,可以忽略的;
And that's why you don't need to model the glass. 這就是為什麼不需要杯子的模型
It naturally doesn't spill no matter what the quad does. 水自然不會灑出來不管四軸怎麼動
naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; spill:v.溢出;涌出;蜂拥而出;n.跌落;洒出(量);泼出(量);溢出(量); no matter what:不管什么…;
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The lesson here is that some high-performance tasks are easier than others, and that understanding the physics of the problem tells you which ones are easy and which ones are hard. 這裡學到的是,有些高性能任務 比其他的容易 還有,理解問題背後的物理 可告訴我們哪些容易、哪些困難
In this instance , carrying a glass of water is easy. 以此為例,載運水很容易
Balancing a pole is hard. 平衡桿子則很困難
We've all heard stories of athletes performing feats while physically injured . 我們都聽過運動員的故事 雖然身體受傷,仍然完成壯舉
athletes:n.运动员;身强体健的人(athlete的复数形式); performing:adj.表演的;演奏的;v.做;执行;演出;运转(perform的现在分词) feats:n.功勋(feat的复数);特技; injured:adj.受伤的:委屈的: v.伤害,使受伤: n.伤员;
Can a machine also perform with extreme physical damage? 機器可以在 受重傷的情況下運作嗎?
Conventional wisdom says that you need at least four fixed motor propeller pairs in order to fly, because there are four degrees of freedom to control: roll, pitch, yaw and acceleration . 傳統觀念認為,你需要 至少四個固定的馬達螺旋槳才能飛 因為有四個自由度要控制: 側滾、俯仰、偏擺、加速
Conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问; acceleration:n.加速,促进;[物]加速度;
Hexacopters and octocopters, with six and eight propellers, can provide redundancy , but quadrocopters are much more popular because they have the minimum number of fixed motor propeller pairs: four. 六軸和八軸分別有六和八個螺旋槳 可提供冗餘 但四軸則普及多了 因為它具有最小數目的 固定馬達螺旋槳:四個
redundancy:n.[计][数]冗余(等于redundance);裁员;人浮于事; minimum:n.最低限度;最小值;最少量;极小量;adj.最低的;最小的;最低限度的;
Or do they? 是這樣嗎?
If we analyze the mathematical model of this machine with only two working propellers, we discover that there's an unconventional way to fly it. 我們分析這台機器的數學模型 如果只有兩個螺旋槳可運作 我們發現有種非傳統的方式可飛行
We relinquish control of yaw, but roll, pitch and acceleration can still be controlled with algorithms that exploit this new configuration . 我們放棄控制偏擺 仍然可以控制側滾、俯仰、加速 只要演算法能處理這種新配置
relinquish:vt.放弃;放手;让渡; exploit:v.利用…为自己谋利;剥削;压榨;运用;发挥; configuration:n.配置;结构;外形;
Mathematical models tell us exactly when and why this is possible. 數學模型告訴我們何時 和為何這是可能的
In this instance, this knowledge allows us to design novel machine architectures or to design clever algorithms that gracefully handle damage, just like human athletes do, instead of building machines with redundancy. 此例中,這種知識讓我們能設計出 新穎的機器架構 或優雅應對損害的巧妙演算法 就像人類運動員 而不必建構具有冗餘的機器
novel:adj.新奇的;异常的;n.小说; architectures:n.建筑;架构(architecture的复数); gracefully:adv.优雅地;温文地; handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸;
We can't help but hold our breath when we watch a diver somersaulting into the water, or when a vaulter is twisting in the air, the ground fast approaching . 我們不禁屏住呼吸 當我們看到跳水選手翻個筋斗入水、 或撐竿跳選手在空中扭轉、 同時快速接近地面
diver:n.潜水者;跳水的选手;潜鸟; somersaulting:vi.翻筋斗;n.筋斗;(意见,观点,态度等)180度的转变; vaulter:n.撑竿跳高运动员; twisting:v.使弯曲;转动(身体部位);(twist的现在分词) approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词)
Will the diver be able to pull off a rip entry? 跳水選手入水時能否成功壓水花?
Will the vaulter stick the landing? 撐竿跳選手能否完美著地?
Suppose we want this quad here to perform a triple flip and finish off at the exact same spot that it started. 假設我們希望四軸 表演三轉空翻,並結束在 開始的同一地點
triple:adj.三部分的; n.三倍的数[量]; v.成为三倍; flip:n.浏览;空翻;轻抛;捻掷;v.迅速翻动;按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等);
This maneuver is going to happen so quickly that we can't use position feedback to correct the motion during execution . 這個動作太快了 無法用位置回饋信號糾正執行過程中的動作
motion:n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;v.运动;打手势; execution:n.执行,实行;完成;死刑;
There simply isn't enough time. 時間根本不夠
Instead, what the quad can do is perform the maneuver blindly , observe how it finishes the maneuver, and then use that information to modify its behavior so that the next flip is better. 相反的,四軸只能盲目進行動作 觀察四軸如何完成動作 再用這些資訊來修改行為 讓下次空翻更進步
blindly:adv.盲目地;轻率地;摸索地; observe:v.观察;看到;庆祝;监视; modify:vt.修改,修饰;更改;vi.修改;
Similar to the diver and the vaulter, it is only through repeated practice that the maneuver can be learned and executed to the highest standard . 就像跳水選手和撐竿跳選手 只有通過反覆練習 才能學會動作 並達到最完美的境界
executed:v.(尤指依法)处决,处死;实行;执行;实施;(execute的过去分词和过去式) standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的;
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Striking a moving ball is a necessary skill in many sports. 打擊移動中的球對許多運動是必要技能
How do we make a machine do what an athlete does seemingly without effort? 我們如何讓一台機器做出 對運動員看似毫不費力的動作?
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This quad has a racket strapped onto its head with a sweet spot roughly the size of an apple, so not too large. 這架四軸頂部綁了個球拍 甜蜜點大約一個蘋果大小所以不會太大
racket:n.球拍;吵闹;喧哗;诈骗;勒索;墙网球; strapped:adj.缺钱的; v.用带子系; (strap的过去分词和过去式) sweet spot:n.(球拍或球棒的)最佳击球点;最有效点;所有特点的完美组合; roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地;
The following calculations are made every 20 milliseconds , or 50 times per second. 以下的計算每二十毫秒執行一次 也就是每秒執行五十次
We first figure out where the ball is going. 我們首先弄清楚球會飛到哪裡
We then next calculate how the quad should hit the ball so that it flies to where it was thrown from. 然後計算四軸如何擊中球 四軸飛到球丟出的附近
Third, a trajectory is planned that carries the quad from its current state to the impact point with the ball. 第三,規劃出四軸由目前位置 到擊球位置的軌道
trajectory:n.[物]轨道,轨线;[航][军]弹道; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
Fourth, we only execute 20 milliseconds' worth of that strategy . 第四,只需執行這戰略二十毫秒
Twenty milliseconds later, the whole process is repeated until the quad strikes the ball. 二十毫秒過後,再重複整個過程 直到四軸擊中球
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Machines can not only perform dynamic maneuvers on their own, they can do it collectively . 機器不僅可以自主執行動態操作 還可以互相合作
These three quads are cooperatively carrying a sky net. 這三架四軸合作張開網子
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They perform an extremely dynamic and collective maneuver to launch the ball back to me. 它們執行的,是非常動態 且需要合作的動作 把球丟回給我
launch:v.发射(导弹,火箭等); n.发射;
Notice that, at full extension , these quads are vertical . 請注意的,在完全伸展時這些四軸是垂直的
extension:n.延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机; vertical:n.垂直线;垂直位置;adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的;
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In fact, when fully extended , this is roughly five times greater than what a bungee jumper feels at the end of their launch. 事實上,在完全伸展時 大約產生五倍於高空彈跳 最低點的力量
extended:adj.延长了的;扩展了的;v.使伸长;扩大;扩展;(extend的过去式和过去分词) bungee:n.蹦极;橡皮筋;松紧绳;
The algorithms to do this are very similar to what the single quad used to hit the ball back to me. 做到這點的演算法非常相似於 單一四軸把球打回我身邊
Mathematical models are used to continuously re-plan a cooperative strategy 50 times per second. 使用數學模型不斷重新規劃 合作策略,每秒五十次
Everything we have seen so far has been about the machines and their capabilities. 到目前為止,我們看到的一切 都是關於機器及其功能
What happens when we couple this machine athleticism with that of a human being? 我們若把這台機器的運動能力 和人結合,會發生什麼事?
What I have in front of me is a commercial gesture sensor mainly used in gaming. 在我面前的是一具商業的人體動作感測器 主要用於遊戲(Kinect)
commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告; gesture:n.手势;姿势;示意动作;表示;v.做手势;用手势表示;
It can recognize what my various body parts are doing in real time . 可以即時識別我身體 各部位的動作
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
Similar to the pointer that I used earlier, we can use this as inputs to the system. 就像剛才我用指示棒 我們可用這個作為系統的輸入
We now have a natural way of interacting with the raw athleticism of these quads with my gestures . 我們就有了自然的互動方式 用我的手勢和四軸的原始運動能力互動
interacting:v.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;(interact的现在分词) gestures:n.手势; v.做手势; (gesture的第三人称单数和复数)
(Applause) (掌聲)
Interaction doesn't have to be virtual . It can be physical. 互動不一定是虛擬也可以是實體的
Interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰; virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认);
Take this quad, for example. 以此四軸為例
It's trying to stay at a fixed point in space. 它試著要待在空間裡固定的一點
If I try to move it out of the way, it fights me, and moves back to where it wants to be. 如果我試著將它移開,它會抵抗 並移回它想待的地方
We can change this behavior, however. 但我們可以改變這種行為
We can use mathematical models to estimate the force that I'm applying to the quad. 我們可以用數學模型 估算出我對四軸施力的大小
estimate:v.估计;估算;估价;n.估价;(对大小、数量、成本等的)估计;估计的成本; applying:v.申请,请求;使用;应用;(apply的现在分词)
Once we know this force, we can also change the laws of physics, as far as the quad is concerned , of course. 一旦知道了力量大小我們也可以改變物理規則 當然是對四軸而言
as far as:至于…; concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词)
Here the quad is behaving as if it were in a viscous fluid . 這架四軸的行為就好像它 在黏性流體中一樣
behaving:v.表现:表现得体:有礼貌:(behave的现在分词) viscous:adj.粘性的;黏的; fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体;
We now have an intimate way of interacting with a machine. 我們現在有了親密的方式 可與機器互動
intimate:n.知己; v.暗示; adj.亲密的;
I will use this new capability to position this camera-carrying quad to the appropriate location for filming the remainder of this demonstration . 我要用這新功能把載著相機的四軸 定位到適當位置 以拍攝接下來的示範
capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量; appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位 remainder:n.[数]余数,残余; adj.剩余的; vt.廉价出售; vi.廉价出售; demonstration:n.示范;演示;论证;证明;
So we can physically interact with these quads and we can change the laws of physics. 我們可以與四軸進行實體互動 我們也可以改變物理定律
Let's have a little bit of fun with this. 讓我們來玩一下
For what you will see next, these quads will initially behave as if they were on Pluto . 接下來你會看到這些四軸 一開始像是在冥王星的引力
initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; Pluto:n.冥王;冥王星;
As time goes on, gravity will be increased until we're all back on planet Earth, but I assure you we won't get there. 隨著時間過去,重力逐漸增加 直到全都回到地球的引力 但我保證不會發生
Okay, here goes. 好的,開始
(Laughter) (笑聲)
(Laughter) (笑聲)
(Applause) (掌聲)
Whew ! 呼!
You're all thinking now, these guys are having way too much fun, and you're probably also asking yourself, why exactly are they building machine athletes? 各位現在可能在想 這些傢伙也太愛玩了吧 你可能也在問自己 他們到底為何要建造機械運動員?
Some conjecture that the role of play in the animal kingdom is to hone skills and develop capabilities. 一個推測是,就像動物王國中遊戲的作用 可以磨練技能和發展能力
conjecture:n.推测;猜想;v.推测;揣摩;; hone:v.磨练,训练;磨(刀);n.磨刀石;
Others think that it has more of a social role, that it's used to bind the group. 其他人則認為這有更多的社會角色 可讓團體聚在一起
Similarly , we use the analogy of sports and athleticism to create new algorithms for machines to push them to their limits. 同樣,我們用運動和運動能力類比 來建立機器的新演算法 將其能力推昇到極限
Similarly:adv.同样地;类似于; analogy:n.类比;类推;类似;
What impact will the speed of machines have on our way of life? 機器的速度會對我們的生活方式產生什麼影響?
Like all our past creations and innovations , they may be used to improve the human condition or they may be misused and abused . 就像我們過去的各種創作及創新 它們可能被用來改善人類生活條件 也可能會被誤用和濫用
creations:n.创作;创造物(creation的复数形式); innovations:n.创新(innovation的复数);改革; improve:v.改进;改善; misused:vt.滥用;误用;虐待;n.滥用;误用;虐待; abused:v.滥用(以致危害健康); (abuse的过去分词和过去式)
This is not a technical choice we are faced with; it's a social one. 我們面臨的,不是技術選擇 而是社會選擇
Let's make the right choice, the choice that brings out the best in the future of machines, just like athleticism in sports can bring out the best in us. 讓我們做出正確的選擇 最能發揮未來機器優點的選擇 就像運動的能力 能讓人類發揮出最好的部分
bring out:出版,生产;使显示;说出;
Let me introduce you to the wizards behind the green curtain. 讓我來介紹綠色布幕後面的魔法師
They're the current members of the Flying Machine Arena research team. 他們是飛行機器競技場研究團隊的現任成員
Flying Machine:n.航空器; Arena:n.舞台;竞技场;
(Applause) (掌聲)
Federico Augugliaro, Dario Brescianini , Markus Hehn, Federico Augugliaro,Dario Brescianini, Markus Hehn,
Sergei Lupashin, Mark Muller and Robin Ritz . Sergei Lupashin, Mark Muller和 Robin Ritz
Muller:n.研磨机;粉碎机;搅棒; Robin:知更鸟,罗宾(人名) Ritz:n.豪华旅馆;炫耀;夸示;
Look out for them. They're destined for great things. 注意他們,他們將會有偉大成就
Look out for:当心,提防 destined:adj.注定的;命定的;去往…的;v.注定;(destine的过去式和过去分词)
Thank you. 謝謝
(Applause) (掌聲)