

So if someone asked you for the three words that would sum up your reputation, what would you say? 如果有人请你 你会选用哪三个?
How would people describe your judgment , your knowledge, your behaviors, in different situations? 别人会怎样去评价你在不同情况下
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; judgment:n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力;
Today I'd like to explore with you why the answer to this question will become profoundly important in an age where reputation will be your most valuable asset .
explore:v.探索:探测:探险: profoundly:adv.深刻地;深深地;极度地; valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; asset:n.资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物;
I'd like to start by introducing you to someone whose life has been changed by a marketplace fueled by reputation. 他的人生曾被一个特别的市场改变。
Sebastian Sandys has been a bed and breakfast host on Airbnb since 2008. 作为一个住家向游客提供早餐和住宿。
bed and breakfast:提供住宿与早餐的; Airbnb:寻找奇居;爱本卜(一个网站);
I caught up with him recently , where, over the course of several cups of tea, he told me how hosting guests from all over the world has enriched his life. 一起喝了几杯茶之后,他告诉我
recently:adv.最近;新近; hosting:v.主办,主持;主持;做东;(host的现在分词) enriched:v.使丰富;使饱含(某物);使富有;(enrich的过去分词和过去式)
More than 50 people have come to stay in the 18th-century watchhouse he lives in with his cat, Squeak . 他和他名叫Squeak的猫住在一个18 世纪哨所模样的房子里。
Now, I mention Squeak because Sebastian's first guest happened to see a rather large mouse run across the kitchen, and she promised that she would refrain from leaving a bad review on one condition: he got a cat.
run across:偶然遇到;跑着穿过; refrain:vi.节制,克制;避免;制止;n.叠句,副歌;重复;
And so Sebastian bought Squeak to protect his reputation. 所以为了保护他的名声,Sebastian买来了Squeak。
Now, as many of you know, Airbnb is a peer-to-peer marketplace that matches people who have space to rent with people who are looking for a place to stay in over 192 countries. 有多余空间的房主发布自己的房屋信息, 有需要的人可在上面预订。 Airbnb用户遍布了超过192 个国家。
The places being rented out are things that you might expect, like spare rooms and holiday homes, but part of the magic is the unique places that you can now access: treehouses, teepees , airplane hangars , igloos . 比如树屋,圆锥形帐篷, 飞机机库,雪屋等等。
spare:v.节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让;adj.多余的;瘦的;少量的;n.剩余;备用零件; unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; teepees:n.(美)圆锥形帐篷; airplane:n.飞机; hangars:n.[航]飞机库;[航]飞机棚(hangar的复数); igloos:n.冰屋;圆顶建筑(igloo的复数);
If you don't like the hotel, there's a castle down the road that you can rent for 5,000 dollars a night. 你可以住在5000美元一晚的城堡里。
down the road:只要沿着这条路;将来;在路上;
It's a fantastic example of how technology is creating a market for things that never had a marketplace before. Airbnb这个例子说明 科技正在那些我们未曾想到的 领域上创造出崭新的市场。
fantastic:奇异的,空想的 technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
Now let me show you these heat maps of Paris to see how insanely fast it's growing. 现在请大家看这些巴黎的热点地图, 这里你可以看到这个市场是如何疯狂增长的。
This image here is from 2008. 这幅图片是从 2008 年开始的。
The pink dots represent host properties.
Even four years ago, letting strangers stay in your home seemed like a crazy idea.
Now the same view in 2010. 现在,是在 2010 年的同一视图。
And now, 2012. 和现在,2012 年。
There is an Airbnb host on almost every main street in Paris. 在巴黎几乎每个主要的街道上有 一个Airbnb 住家。
main street:n.大街(城镇的主要商业街道);典型的美国中产阶级;
Now, what's happening here is people are realizing the power of technology to unlock the idling capacity and value of all kinds of assets , from skills to spaces to material possessions , in ways and on a scale never possible before. 现在正在发生的,即是人们正在认识到 让各种类型的的资产价值得以体现:
idling:n.[电]空载;空运转; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) possessions:n.拥有;个人财产;私人物品;控球状态;(possession的复数) scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
It's an economy and culture called collaborative consumption , and, through it, people like Sebastian are becoming micro-entrepreneurs. 正在成为微型企业家。
economy:n.经济;节约;理财; collaborative:adj.合作的,协作的; consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨;
They're empowered to make money and save money from their existing assets. 挖掘出了创造财富的方法。
But the real magic and the secret source behind collaborative consumption marketplaces like Airbnb isn't the inventory or the money. 协作消费市场的 不是库存或钱。
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; marketplaces:n.市场;集贸市场(marketplace的复数); inventory:n.存货,存货清单;详细目录;财产清册;
It's using the power of technology to build trust between strangers. 是利用技术的力量建立陌生人
This side of Airbnb really hit home to Sebastian last summer during the London riots .
He woke up around 9, and he checked his email and he saw a bunch of messages all asking him if he was okay. 接着他看到了许多信息都来确认他 是否安然无事。
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆;
Former guests from around the world had seen that the riots were happening just down the street, and wanted to check if he needed anything. 他曾经来自世界各地的客人知道了 问他需要什么帮助。
Sebastian actually said to me, he said, "Thirteen former guests contacted me before my own mother rang." (Laughter) Sebastian其实对我说,他说, 在十三个客人 与我联系之后我母亲才打来电话。 (笑声)
Now, this little anecdote gets to the heart of why 现在,这段小插曲联系到了我真正为何
I'm really passionate about collaborative consumption, and why, after I finished my book, I decided 对协作消费有巨大热情的原因了。 并且联系到为什么,当我我完成了我的书之后,我决定
I'm going to try and spread this into a global movement.
Because at its core , it's about empowerment .
core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; empowerment:n.许可,授权;
It's about empowering people to make meaningful connections, connections that are enabling us to rediscover a humanness that we've lost somewhere along the way, 它赋予人们力量来进行有意义的互动与联系, 这些联系能让我们能够重新找回
empowering:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;增加(某人的)自主权;(empower的现在分词) meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; enabling:adj.授权的;v.使能够;授权给(enable的现在分词); rediscover:vt.重新发现;再发现; humanness:n.为人,为人的资格;人性;
by engaging in marketplaces like Airbnb, like Kickstarter, like Etsy, that are built on personal relationships versus empty transactions . 通过像 Airbnb,Kickstarter,Etsy 而不是那些空洞的网络交易。
engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词) personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; versus:prep.对;与...相对;对抗; transactions:n.处理,[图情]会报;汇报(transaction复数);
Now the irony is that these ideas are actually taking us back to old market principles and collaborative behaviors that are hard-wired in all of us. 现在具有讽刺意味的是,这些创意实际上正在带我们回归到
irony:n.讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事;adj.铁的;似铁的; principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) hard-wired:adj.[计]硬连线的,硬接线的;
They're just being reinvented in ways that are relevant for the Facebook age. 他们都只是以不同方式被重新塑造了,跟上
reinvented:v.以新形象示人;以新形式出现;(reinvent的过去分词和过去式) relevant:adj.相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的;
We're literally beginning to realize that we have wired our world to share, swap , rent, barter or trade just about anything. We're sharing our cars on WhipCar, 我们的世界来共享、 交换、 租赁、 易货或贸易
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: swap:n.交换;交换之物;vt.与...交换;以...作交换;vi.交换;交易; barter:vi.进行易货贸易; vt.以…作为交换; n.易货贸易;
our bikes on Spinlister, our offices on Loosecubes, our gardens on Landshare. We're lending and borrowing money from strangers on Zopa and Lending Club. 我们在 Spinlister上分享自行车,在Loosecubes上分享办公室
We are trading lessons on everything from sushi-making to coding on Skillshare, and we're even sharing our pets on DogVacay. 我们用Skillshare来分享一切经验,从如何做寿司, 我们甚至在 DogVacay 上分享宠物。
Now welcome to the wonderful world of collaborative consumption that's enabling us to match wants with haves in more democratic ways. 这使我们能够将供与求 以更民主的方式匹配起来。
haves:n.富人;富国; democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的;
Now, collaborative consumption is creating the start of a transformation in the way we think about supply and demand , but it's also a part of a massive value shift underway , 现在,协作消费正在开始 改变我们看待供求关系的方式, 但它也造成价值观地重大改变,
transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革; in the way:妨碍;挡道; supply and demand:n.供求关系; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; underway:adj.进行中的;起步的;航行中的;n.[公路]水底通道;
where instead of consuming to keep up with the Joneses , people are consuming to get to know the Joneses.
consuming:adj.消费的;强烈的;v.消耗(consume的ing形式); keep up with:赶得上;和…保持联系; Joneses:n.邻居;与自己社会地位相等的人;
But the key reason why it's taking off now so fast is because every new advancement of technology increases the efficiency and the social glue of trust to make sharing easier and easier. 但如此快速发展的关键原因在于 科技的每次新进展 都提高了效率和社会信任度
advancement:n.前进,进步;提升; efficiency:n.效率;效能;功效; glue:n.胶;胶水;v.粘贴;
Now, I've looked at thousands of these marketplaces, and trust and efficiency are always the critical ingredients . 信任度和效率始终是两个最重要的因素。
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; ingredients:n.成分;(尤指烹饪)原料;(成功的)要素;(ingredient的复数)
Let me give you an example. 让我举一个例子。
Meet 46-year-old Chris Mok, who has, I bet , the best job title here of SuperRabbit.
Now, four years ago, Chris lost his job, unfortunately , as an art buyer at Macy's, and like so many people, he struggled to find a new one during the recession . 他在这个经济衰退期间艰难地寻找新的工作。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; struggled:v.奋斗;努力;争取;艰难地行进;抗争;(struggle的过去式和过去分词) recession:n.经济衰退;经济萎缩;退后;撤回;
And then he happened to stumble across a post about
Now, the story behind TaskRabbit starts like so many great stories with a very cute dog by the name of Kobe.
by the name of:名叫;以…的名义;
Now what happened was, in February 2008,
Leah and her husband were waiting for a cab to take them out for dinner, when Kobe came trotting up to them and he was salivating with saliva. 还流着口水。
trotting:v.快步;疾走;小跑;骑马小跑;(trot的现在分词) salivating:v.垂涎,流口水;(salivate的现在分词)
They realized they'd run out of dog food. 他们意识到狗粮快吃完了,
run out of:用完;
Kevin had to cancel the cab and trudge out in the snow. Kevin不得不取消了出租车服务,开始在雪地里跋涉。
Now, later that evening, the two self-confessed tech geeks starting talking about how cool it would be if some kind of eBay for errands existed. 后来那天晚上,两个自称科技爱好者 来帮人做些杂活儿。
self-confessed:adj.公开承认的; geeks:n.奇葩(指反常的人,畸形人,野人,现也指智力超群,善于钻研但不懂与人交往的学者或知识分子); errands:n.差使;差事;(errand的复数)
Six months later, Leah quit her job, and TaskRabbit was born. 然后TaskRabbit平台诞生了。
At the time, she didn't realize that she was actually hitting on a bigger idea she later called service networking. 当时,她并没有意识到她其实开创了一个 更大的平台,她之后命名其为服务网络。
It's essentially about how we use our online relationships to get things done in the real world. 来完成现实中的工作。
Now the way TaskRabbit works is, people outsource the tasks that they want doing, name the price they're willing to pay, and then vetted Rabbits bid to run the errand. 现在 TaskRabbit 的工作方式是,人们将他们 他们想做的事外包给他人,标出自己愿意付的价格, 来完成他们想要做的事。
outsource:vt.把…外包;vi.外包; vetted:v.审查;仔细检查,审查(内容、质量等);(vet的过去分词和过去式)
Yes, there's actually a four-stage, rigorous interview process that's designed to find the people that would make great personal assistants and weed out the dodgy Rabbits. 用以来找到可以成为非常优秀的个人助理的人, 并淘汰那些不可靠的“Rabbits”。
rigorous:adj.严格的,严厉的;严密的;严酷的; interview:n.接见,采访;面试,面谈;v.采访;接见;对…进行面谈; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; weed:v.除草;铲除;n.杂草,野草;菸草; dodgy:adj.狡猾的,逃避的;善于骗人的;躲闪的;
Now, there's over 4,000 Rabbits across the United States and 5,000 more on the waiting list . 现在,全美国有超过 4,000 位“Rabbits”, 还有 5000以上的人在等候名单里。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) waiting list:n.(服务或医疗的)等候者名单;
Now the tasks being posted are things that you might expect, like help with household chores or doing some supermarket runs. 现在正在发布的任务都是你会想到的, 或者去超市买点东西。
I actually learned the other day that 12 and a half thousand loads of laundry have been cleaned and folded through TaskRabbit. 已被清理和折好了。
the other day:不久前某一天;几天以前; laundry:n.洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服;
But I love that the number one task posted, over a hundred times a day, is something that many of us have felt the pain of doing: yes, assembling Ikea furniture . (Laughter) (Applause) 被张贴超过一百次的任务,是我们很多人
assembling:v.聚集;集合;收集;装配;组装;(assemble的现在分词) furniture:n.家具;设备;储藏物;
It's brilliant. Now, we may laugh, but Chris here is actually making up to 5,000 dollars a month running errands around his life. 这真是太有创意了。现在,我们或许觉得好笑,但Chris在这里 实际上每月工资达到了5000 美元
And 70 percent of this new labor force were previously unemployed or underemployed . 曾经失业或者是就业不足的。
previously:adv.先前;以前; unemployed:adj.失业的;下岗的;n.(集合词)失业者; underemployed:adj.未充分就业的;学非所用的;只有部分时间被雇用的;n.大材小用的人;
I think TaskRabbit and other examples of collaborative consumption are like lemonade stands on steroids . They're just brilliant.
lemonade:n.柠檬水; steroids:n.甾族化合物;类固醇;(steroid的复数)
Now, when you think about it, it's amazing, right, that over the past 20 years, we've evolved from trusting people online to share information to trusting to handing over our credit card information, and now we're entering the third trust wave: 在过去的 20 年中,我们已经发展到 到把我们的信用卡信息交出来 我们现在进入第三个信任潮流:
evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) credit card:n.[经]信用卡;
connecting trustworthy strangers to create all kinds of people-powered marketplaces. 连接可信赖的陌生人来创建所有类型
I actually came across this fascinating study by the Pew Center this week that revealed that an active Facebook user is three times as likely as a non-Internet user to believe that most people are trustworthy. 我碰巧看到这个很棒的研究 较非互联网用户有高出2倍的几率认为人是值得信赖的。
fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词) revealed:v.揭示;显示;露出;(reveal的过去分词和过去式)
Virtual trust will transform the way we trust one another face to face.
Now, with all of my optimism , and I am an optimist , comes a healthy dose of caution, or rather, an urgent need to address some pressing, complex questions. 也有一份恰如其量的谨慎,或者,也有迫切需求
optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义; optimist:n.乐观主义者;乐天派; dose:n.剂量;一剂,一服;v.服药;给药;给…服药; urgent:adj.紧急的;急迫的; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施;
How to ensure our digital identities reflect our real world identities? Do we want them to be the same? 真实世界的身份?我们希望两者一致吗?
ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; identities:n.身份;本身;本体;特征;同一性;相同;(identity的复数) reflect:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达;
How do we mimic the way trust is built face-to-face online?
mimic:vt.模仿,摹拟;n.效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑;adj.模仿的,模拟的;假装的; face-to-face:adj.面对面的;当面的;adv.面对面地;
How do we stop people who've behaved badly in one community doing so under a different guise ?
behaved:v.表现;表现得体;有礼貌;(behave的过去分词和过去式) community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; guise:n.伪装;装束;外观;vt.使化装;vi.伪装;
In a similar way that companies often use some kind of credit rating to decide whether to give you a mobile plan, or the rate of a mortgage , marketplaces that depend on transactions between relative strangers 企业往往以类似的方式使用一些 陌生人之间交易的市场
credit rating:信用评级; mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; mortgage:vt.抵押;n.抵押;房屋抵押贷款; relative:adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物;
need some kind of device to let you know that Sebastian and Chris are good eggs, and that device is reputation.
Reputation is the measurement of how much a community trusts you. 信誉测量社会信任你的程度。
Let's just take a look at Chris.
take a look at:看一看;检查;
You can see that over 200 people have given him an average rating over 4.99 out of 5. 您可以看到 200 多人给予他
There are over 20 pages of reviews of his work describing him as super-friendly and fast, and he's reached level 25, the highest level, making him a SuperRabbit. 关于他的工作评价有超过20页
reviews:n.综述; v.回顾; describing:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的现在分词)
Now 〞 (Laughter) -- I love that word, SuperRabbit. 现在 — — (笑声)--我爱这个词,SuperRabbit(超级兔子)。
And interestingly , what Chris has noted is that as his reputation has gone up, so has his chances of winning a bid and how much he can charge. 有趣的是,Chris已经注意到是,随着他的名声 上升,他的中标几率也 以及他的收费随之上升。
In other words, for SuperRabbits, reputation has a real world value. 换句话说,对于 SuperRabbits(超级兔子),名声
Now, I know what you might be thinking.
Well, this isn't anything new. Just think of power sellers on eBay or star ratings on Amazon . 在eBay上的出色卖家或亚马逊网站的星评级。
ratings:n.评级;等级(rating的复数形式); Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士;
The difference today is that, with every trade we make, comment we leave, person we flag, badge we earn, we leave a reputation trail of how well we can and can't be trusted. 今天,两者区别在于,我们做的每次贸易 我们留下的名声的踪迹 知道我们可以如何被人和不被人信任。
badge:n.徽章;证章;标记;v.授给…徽章; trail:v.(被)拖,拉;疲惫地走,磨蹭;落后,失败;n.痕迹;踪迹;小路;路线;
And it's not just the breadth but the volume of reputation data out there that is staggering .
breadth:n.宽度;(知识、兴趣等)广泛; volume:n.体积;容积;音量;响度;一册;合订本 staggering:adj.惊人的; v.蹒跚; (stagger的现在分词)
Just consider this: Five million nights have been booked on Airbnb in the past six months alone.
30 million rides have been shared on Carpooling .com. Carpooling.com 上分享了 3000 万次游乐项目。
This year, two billion dollars worth of loans will go through peer-to-peer lending platforms . 今年价值 20 亿美金的贷款 将通过对等贷款平台完成。
platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上;
This adds up to millions of pieces of reputation data on how well we behave or misbehave . 记录我们表现的好坏
Now, capturing and correlating the trails of information that we leave in different places is a massive challenge, but one we're being asked to figure out. 这是一个巨大的挑战,
capturing:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;(capture的现在分词) correlating:vi.关联;vt.使有相互关系;互相有关系;n.相关物;相关联的人;adj.关联的; trails:n.山径;踪迹(trail的复数)vt.拖尾(trail的第三人称单数);
What the likes of Sebastian are starting to rightfully ask is, shouldn't they own their reputation data?
Shouldn't the reputation that he's personally invested on building on Airbnb mean that it should travel with him from one community to another? 难道他个人在airbnb上建立的名声 不是该跟随着他
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; invested:v.投资;投入;(invest的过去分词和过去式)
What I mean by this is, say he started selling second-hand books on Amazon. Why should he have to start from scratch ? 我的意思是,比方说他开始在亚马逊网站上卖二手书,
second-hand:adj.旧的,二手的;adv.间接地,第二手地; start from scratch:从头开始;白手起家;从起跑线开始;
It's a bit like when I moved from New York to Sydney. 这有点像我从纽约搬到悉尼。
It was ridiculous . I couldn't get a mobile phone plan because my credit history didn't travel with me. 这很可笑。我不能办移动电话计划的原因
ridiculous:adj.可笑的;荒谬的; mobile phone:移动电话
I was essentially a ghost in the system. 我本质上不存在他们的体系中。
Now I'm not suggesting that the next stage of the reputation economy is about adding up multiple ratings into some kind of empty score. 名声经济因该增加多项评级 增加某种空洞的评分。
People's lives are too complex, and who wants to do that? 人们的生活够复杂了,谁还想那么做?
I also want to be clear that this isn't about adding up tweets and likes and friends in a clout-like fashion. 我也想说明白这不是说 要一下子增加贴文,赞和好友。
Those guys are measuring influence , not behaviors that indicate our trustworthiness . 这些东西反映的是影响力,不是 显示我们值得信赖的行为。
influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; indicate:v.表明;显示;象征;暗示; trustworthiness:n.可信赖;确实性;
But the most important thing that we have to keep in mind is that reputation is largely contextual . 但我们要记住最重要的是
keep in mind:记住; largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; contextual:adj.上下文的;前后关系的;
Just because Sebastian is a wonderful host does not mean that he can assemble Ikea furniture. 只是因为Sebastian是个很棒的房东, 不表示他能组合宜家家私。
The big challenge is figuring out what data makes sense to pull, because the future's going to be driven by a smart aggregation of reputation, not a single algorithm. 因为未来的发展 细小的名声数据叠加推动的,
It's only a matter of time before we'll be able to perform a Facebook- or Google-like search and see a complete picture of someone's behaviors in different contexts over time. 像Facebook或谷歌这种搜索 总体表现。
perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好); contexts:n.环境,[计]上下文(context复数);
I envision a realtime stream of who has trusted you, when, where and why, your reliability on TaskRabbit, your cleanliness as a guest on Airbnb, the knowledge that you display on Quora or [unclear], they'll all live together in one place, 时间,地点,原因,你在TaskRabbit上的可靠度, 你在Airbnb上作为旅客的整洁度, 你在Quora上展示过的信息,或其他, 这些信息都会聚集起来
envision:v.想象;预想; realtime:adj.实时的;适时的; reliability:n.可靠性; cleanliness:n.清洁; display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的;
and this will live in some kind of reputation dashboard that will paint a picture of your reputation capital. 会出现在某种名声信息图里
Now this is a concept that I'm currently researching and writing my next book on, and currently define as the worth of your reputation, your intentions , capabilities and values across communities and marketplaces. 能力和价值观的价值,他们跨越社区和市场。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; define:v.定义;使明确;规定; intentions:n.目的,意向,意图;打算;(intention的复数) communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
This isn't some far-off frontier. 这不是什么不可到达的领域。
There are actually a wave of startups like Connect.Me and Legit and TrustCloud that are figuring out how you can aggregate , monitor and use your online reputation. 你如何聚集,监管,使用你的在线名声。
startups:n.创业(startup的复数);开办; Legit:adj.合法的;n.正统剧;正统剧院; aggregate:vi.集合; vt.集合; n.合计; adj.聚合的;
Now, I realize that this concept may sound a little 我想这个概念听起来有点像
Big Brother to some of you, and yes, there are some enormous transparency and privacy issues to solve, but ultimately , if we can collect our personal reputation, we can actually control it more, and extract the immense value that will flow from it. 这里面有很多透明度和隐私的问题要解决, 但最终,如果我们可以收集个人名声信息, 我们就更能控制它,提取
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; transparency:n.透明,透明度;幻灯片;有图案的玻璃; privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹; immense:adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的;
Also, more so than our credit history, we can actually shape our reputation. 我们可以塑造我们的名声。
Just think of Sebastian and how he bought the cat to influence his. 看看Sebastian,
Now privacy issues aside, the other really interesting issue 先把隐私问题放一边,我正在研究的另一个非常有趣的问题是
I'm looking at is how do we empower digital ghosts , people [who] for whatever reason, are not active online, but are some of the most trustworthy people in the world? 我们如何授权那些数码幽灵? 也就是那些不管什么原因,在线不活跃的人们, 但他们中有的却是世界上最值得信赖的人。
How do we take their contributions to their jobs, their communities and their families, and convert that value into reputation capital? 我们如何把他们各方面的贡献,工作中的, 社区里的,家庭里的
contributions:n.捐款;捐资;定期缴款;贡献;促成作用;(contribution的复数) convert:v.转换; n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人;
Ultimately, when we get it right, reputation capital could create a massive positive disruption in who has power, trust and influence. 会产生巨大的正向力
positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; disruption:n.破坏,毁坏;分裂,瓦解;
A three-digit score, your traditional credit history, that only 30 percent of us actually know what it is, will no longer be the determining factor in how much things cost, what we can access, and, in many instances , limit what we can do in the world. 一个三位数的分数,你的传统信用记录, 不会再是一个关键的因素 及决定其他事情,限制我们可以在世界上所做的事。
traditional:传统的,惯例的, determining:v.查明;测定;准确算出;决定;支配;裁决;(determine的现在分词) factor:n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;v.做代理商;v.把…作为因素计入; instances:n.相依物体,例子; v.举例说明(instance的第三人称单数形式);
Indeed, reputation is a currency that I believe will become more powerful than our credit history in the 21st century. 确实,我相信名声是一种货币 在21是世纪将变得比我们的信用记录更有力量的货币。
Reputation will be the currency that says that you can trust me. 名声是这么一种货币,显示
Now the interesting thing is, reputation is the socioeconomic lubricant that makes collaborative consumption work and scale, but the sources it will be generated from, and its applications, are far bigger than this space alone. 有趣的是,名声 是一种社会经济润滑剂, 让协作消费运作并规模化,
socioeconomic:adj.社会经济学的; lubricant:n.润滑剂;润滑油;adj.润滑的; sources:n.来源;出处;起源;根源;原因;v.(从…)获得(source的第三人称单数和复数) generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词)
Four years ago, tech bloggers and entrepreneurs
bloggers:n.写博客的人;博客使用者; entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数)
Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood, decided to start something called Stack Overflow . Joel Spolsky和Jeff Atwood决定开创 Stack Overflow。
Joel:n.约珥(圣经人物);(圣经中的)约耳书; Stack:n.堆栈;一摞;大量;许多;v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞,一堆); Overflow:vi.溢出;泛滥;充溢;n.充满,洋溢;泛滥;超值;溢值;vt.使溢出;使泛滥;使充溢;
Now, Stack Overflow is basically a platform where experienced programmers can ask other good programmers highly detailed technical questions on things like tiny pixels and chrome extensions . Stack Overflow基本上是一个平台, 其他优秀的程序员请教高度具体的技术性问题, 比如微小像数和chrome扩展程序。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; pixels:n.像素(组成屏幕图像的最小独立元素);(pixel的复数) chrome:n.铬,铬合金;铬黄;谷歌浏览器; extensions:n.扩大;延伸;扩建部分;增建部分;(extension的复数)
This site receives five and a half thousand questions a day, and 80 percent of these receive accurate answers. 这个网站每天接收五千五百条问题, 八成问题都得到正确答案。
site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; accurate:adj.精确的;
Now users earn reputation in a whole range of ways, but it's basically by convincing their peers they know what they're talking about. 但基本上只说服了他们的同伴, 因为他们才知道彼此谈论的是什么。
convincing:adj.令人信服的; v.使确信; (convince的现在分词) peers:n.平辈,同事(peer的复数);v.凝视;比得上(peer的三单形式);
Now a few months after this site launched , the founders heard about something interesting, and it actually didn't surprise them. 听说了有趣的事, 倒没有在他们意料之外。
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) founders:n.创办人;造物者(founder的复数);
Now thousands of programmers today are finding better jobs this way, because Stack Overflow and the reputation dashboards provide a priceless window into how someone really behaves , and what their peers think of them. 展现人们的真实表现, 以及同伴对他们的想法。
dashboards:n.(汽车上的)仪表盘(dashboard的复数); priceless:adj.无价的;极贵重的;非常有趣的;n.非卖品; behaves:v.表现;表现得体;有礼貌;(behave的第三人称单数)
But the bigger principle of what's happening behind Stack Overflow, 但Stack Overflow这个故事背后的更重要的原理,
I think, is incredibly exciting. 在我看来是非常振奋人心的。
People are starting to realize that the reputation they generate in one place has value beyond the environments from which it was built.
You know, it's very interesting. 这是非常有趣的。
When you talk to super-users, whether that's SuperRabbits or super-people on Stack Overflow, or Uberhosts, they all talk about how having a high reputation unlocks a sense of their own power. 他们都会谈到,拥有高名声
On Stack Overflow, it creates a level playing field , enabling the people with the real talent to rise to the top. 让真正有才能的人脱颖而出。
level playing field:公平竞争环境;公平竞争的环境;公平赛场;
On Airbnb, the people often become more important than the spaces. On TaskRabbit, it gives people control of their economic activity. Airbnb上,人与人之间的互动, 比房子更重要。TaskRabbit,
Now at the end of my tea with Sebastian, he told me how, on a bad, rainy day , when he hasn't had a customer in his bookstore, he thinks of all the people around 回到我和Sebastian的茶会,他告诉我 在一个忧郁的雨天,他的书店没有一个顾客的时候,
rainy day:雨天;穷困时期;
the world who've said something wonderful about him, and what that says about him as a person. 那些称赞过他的人们, 从他们的话语可以看出他的为人。
He's turning 50 this year, and he's convinced that the rich tapestry of reputation he's built on Airbnb will lead him to doing something interesting with the rest of his life. 他在Airbnb上建立起来的好名声 做些有趣的事情。
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) tapestry:n.织锦;挂毯;绣帷;vt.用挂毯装饰;
You know, there are only a few windows in history where the opportunity exists to reinvent part of how our socioeconomic system works. 历史上只有几扇窗 蕴含着机会,让我们重新改变 社会经济体系的某些运作。
We're living through one of those moments. 我们现在正处其中的一个时机。
I believe that we are at the start of a collaborative revolution that will be as significant as the Industrial Revolution . 我相信我们现在所处的协作革命的开始
significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; Industrial Revolution:n.工业革命;
In the 20th century, the invention of traditional credit transformed our consumer system, and in many ways controlled who had access to what. 20世纪,传统信用的建立 改造了我们的经济体系,也在很多方面
transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) consumer:n.[经]消费者;[生,生态]消费者;
In the 21st century, new trust networks, and the reputation capital they generate, will reinvent the way we think about wealth , markets, power and personal identity , in ways we can't yet even imagine. 21世纪,新的信用网络, 及它们产生名声值,会以我们无法想象的方式改变 我们对财富,市场,力量,
wealth:n.财富;大量;富有; identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
Thank you very much. (Applause)
(Applause) (掌声)