

The big residual is always value for money. 大量的剩余物质 确实能创造很多价值和金钱。
All the time we are trying to get value for money. 我们一直在为财富而获取价值
What we don't look for is value for many, while we are generating value for money. 而没有去试着 为大众创造价值 当我们在为财富创造价值的时候
Do we care about those four billion people whose income levels are less than two dollars a day, the so-called bottom of the pyramid? 我们有们有考虑到有那么四十亿人口 那些日收入水平不超过两美元 被称为“金字塔”底层的人们
What are the challenges in getting value for money as well as value for many? 为财富创造价值 同时也能为大众创造价值的难处和挑战是什么呢?
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
We have described here in terms of the performance and the price. 我们会在这里 就性能 和价格阐述一下。
described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式) performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演;
If you have money, of course, you can get the value. 如果你拥有金钱,当然你也就拥有价值。
You can get a Mercedes for a very high price, very high performance. 你可以以非常高的价格 购买一辆性能优越的 奔驰轿车。
But if you don't have money, what happens? 但要是你没有钱,会怎样呢?
Well, you are to ride a bicycle, carrying your own weight and also some other weight, so that you can earn the bread for the day. 好吧, 那么你骑自行车, 承担你自己的重量以及其他的重量, 然后你才能赚到每天所需的“面包”。
Well, poor do not remain poor; they become lower-middle-class. 那么,穷人不再贫穷, 他们开始成为中下阶层。
And if they do so, then, of course, the conditions improve , and they start riding on scooters . 要是他们这样做下去, 理所当然,一段时间后他们的生活条件会得到提升, 他们开始骑摩托车。
improve:v.改进;改善; scooters:n.踏板车;小轮摩托车;滑行艇(scooter的复数);
But the challenge is, again, they don't get much value, because they can't afford anything more than the scooter. 但是,同样的问题依然存在,他们没有创造太多的价值, 因为他们不能承担比摩托车再多的了。
The issue is, at that price, can you give them some extra value? 问题是,以那样低的价格, 你愿意给他们额外的回报吗?
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外:
A super value, in terms of their ability to ride in a car, to get that dignity , to get that safety, looks practically impossible, isn't it. 只要会开车, 就有能力买到一辆价格低 外观好,安全性高的汽车。 似乎看起来非常不现实,不是吗?
dignity:n.尊严;高贵; practically:adv.实际地;几乎;事实上;
Now, this is something that we see on Indian streets all the time. 这是 我们在印度的街头 可以经常看到的。
But many people see the same thing and think things differently, and one of them is here, Ratan Tata . 看到的是同样的东西, 但很多人的想法却不一样, 其中一个就是,Ratan Tata (Tata集团的现任主席)。
The great thing about our leaders is that, should they not only have passion in their belly , which practically all of them have, they're also very innovative . 领导者之所以伟大, 除了他们的怀中有激情以外, 事实上他们都有, 也必须是有创新思维的。
passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; belly:n.腹部;胃;食欲;v.涨满;鼓起; innovative:adj.革新的,创新的;
An innovator is one who does not know it cannot be done. 一个创新者的字典中没有“不可能”
They believe that things can be done. 他们相信事情是可以实现的。
But great leaders like Ratan have compassion . 但是像Ratan那样的伟大的领导者, 也要有同情心。
And what you said, Lakshmi, is absolutely true: it's not just Ratan Tata, it's the house of Tatas over time. 吉祥天女(婆罗门教-印度教的幸福与财富女神)是绝对真实的: 不仅仅是Ratan Tata, 这些年来的Tata集团也是这样。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; Tatas:int.再见(tata的复数形式);
Let me confirm what she said. 让我来证实我们刚刚讲到的。
Yes, I went barefoot until I was 12. 事实上,我一直到12岁 都没有鞋穿
I struggled to [unclear] day was a huge issue. 那些在艰难中奋斗的日子 是我人生中的一件大事。
And when I finished my SSC, the eleventh standard , 当我完成了初中学习,
eleventh:第十一 standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的;
I stood eleventh among 125,000 students. 我在12万5千名学生中排行11.
But I was about to leave the school, because my poor mother couldn't afford schooling. 但是因为经济状况不好的妈妈无法承受我的学费 我必须要辍学。
was about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
And it was [unclear] Tata Trust, which gave me six rupees per month, almost a dollar per month for six years. 这时候,Tata基金会给我每个月6卢布的资助, 将近1美金一个月,持续了6年。
That's how I'm standing before you. 这就是为什么我现在可以站在你们面前。
So that is the House of Tata. 这就是Tata集团。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Innovation , compassion and passion. 创新,怜悯和激情。
They combine all that. 他们结合了这些元素。
And it was that compassion which bothered them, because when he saw -- in fact, he told me about eight or nine years ago how he was driving his own car -- he drives his own car by the way -- and he saw in the rain, a family like the one that I showed to you getting drenched with an infant . 同时,同情心也困扰着他们, 因为当他看到... 事实上,大概8,,9年前他告诉我 他是怎么驾驶的 有一天他开着车, 那天下着雨, 他看到在路上有一个家庭,就像我刚刚给你们看的一样, 他们都淋湿了,车上还有一个婴儿。
bothered:adj.烦(恼)的; v.使(某人)烦恼; by the way:顺便说一下; drenched:adj.湿透的;充满的;v.浸湿;强使服药;覆盖(drench的过去分词); infant:n.婴儿;幼儿;未成年人;adj.婴儿的;幼稚的;初期的;未成年的;
And then he said, "Well, I must give them a car that they can afford, one lakh car, $2,000 car." 然后他决定,“我一定要给他们一辆车,一辆他们可以承担的起的车。 一辆只要2千美金的车。”
Of course, as soon as you say something like this people say it is impossible, and that's what was said by Suzuki. 当然,当你说出这些话的时候, 人们马上就会说这是不可能的。 而且这还是由铃木说的。
as soon as:一…就;
He said, oh, probably he is going to build a three-wheeler with stepney . 他说,“哦,他可能要制造 一台三轮车。”
And you can see the cartoon here. 你可以看到这幅漫画。
Well they didn't build that. They built a proper car. Nano . 可是他们没有这样做。他们制造了一辆正规的汽车。Nano.
And mind you, I'm six feet half an inch, 请留意,我身高1米8,
Ratan is taller than me, and we have ample space in the front and ample space in the back in this particular car. Ratan比我还高, 我们仍有富余的空间在车的前部, 和车的尾部。
And incredible car. 这辆特殊的,令人难以置信的车。
And of course, nothing succeeds like success; the cynics then turned around, and one after the other they also started saying, "Yes, we also want to make a car in the Nano Segment . 当然,一事成功,事事顺利; 一个接一个 想要改变社会的人出现了。 他们开始说,“我们也想制造Nano这样的汽车。
cynics:n.愤世嫉俗者;玩世不恭者;犬儒主义者(cynic的复数形式); one after the other:相继地,一个接一个地; Segment:n.段;部分;片;弓形;v.分割;划分;
We'll manufacture a car in the Nano Segment." 我们要大批生产Nano这样的汽车。“
manufacture:v.(用机器)大量生产; n.大量制造;
How did this great story unfold , the making of Nano? Nano诞生的伟大股市 是怎样展开的呢?
Let me tell you a bit about it. 让我告诉你一些事情。
For example, how we started: 举个例子,我们是这样开始的:
Ratan just began with a five-engineer team, young people in their mid-twenties. Ratan正要开始组建一个由五位工程师组成的团队, 这些都是二十多岁的年轻人。
And he said, "Well, I won't define the vehicle for you, but I will define the cost for you. 然后他说, “好吧,我不会给你限定一辆车, 但我会限定一个价格。
define:v.定义;使明确;规定; vehicle:n.[车辆]车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物;
It is one lakh, 100,000 rupees, and you are to make it within that." 10万卢布 (约1万5千人民币), 你们必须在这个价格范围内制造这辆汽车。”
And he told them, "Question the unquestionable . 他还告诉他们, “不要墨守成规。
Stretch the envelope ." 要极尽你们的想象力。”
Stretch:v.伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展;n.伸展;弹性;舒展;一片;adj.有弹力的; envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹;
And at a point in time, he got so engrossed in the whole challenge, that he himself became a member of the team. 并且在此刻, 他非常专注于这个挑战, 所以他自己也成为了团队的一名成员。
Can you believe it? 不可思议,是吧?
I still am told about this story of that single wiper design in which he participated . 还是这个故事, 他参加汽车的雨刷设计的时候。
wiper:n.擦拭之物;[通信]弧刷;滑动片;擦拭者;手帕; participated:v.参加;参与;(participate的过去式和过去分词)
Until midnight, he'd be thinking. 他一直思考到半夜。
Early morning he'll be coming back with sort of solutions. 然后在清早带着解决的方法回来了。
But who was the team leader? 但是,谁是团队的领队?
The team leader was Girish Wagh, a 34 year-old boy in [unclear]. 领队是Girish Wagh, 一个仅仅34岁的男人。
And the Nano team average age was just 27 years. Nano团队的平均年龄 才27岁。
And they did innovation in design and beyond. 他们确实在设计中做到了创新和超越。
Broke many norms of the standard conventions for the first time. 第一次打破了传统标准中的许多准则。
norms:n.[标准]标准,规范;基准(norm复数形式); conventions:n.[法]惯例;会议;[计]约定(convention的复数);
For example, that a two-cylinder gas engine was used in a car with a single balancer shaft . 举一个例子,一个两缸汽油发动机 只用了一个平衡轴。
balancer:n.平衡器;秤称的人;走钢丝者; shaft:n.拍杆;[机]轴;箭杆;杆状物;v.利用;在…上装杆;
Adhesives were replacing the rivets . 胶黏剂取代着鋶钉。
Adhesives:n.[胶粘]粘合剂(adhesive的复数); rivets:n.[机]铆钉;宽头锚钉(rivet的复数形式);
There was a co-creation, a huge co-creation, with vendors and suppliers. 这是一次共同创作,一个巨大的 来自厂商和供应商的共同创作。
All ideas on board were welcome. 在这个事情上的所有想法都受到欢迎。
100 vendors were co-located adjacent to the plant, and innovative business models for automobile dealerships were developed. 100个厂商驻扎在同一个地方, 开发了创新型的汽车经销模式。
co-located:同地协作; adjacent:adj.邻近的,毗连的; automobile:n.汽车;v.开汽车;坐汽车;adj.自动的; dealerships:n.代理权;代理商;经销权;
Imagine that a fellow who sells cloth, for example, will be selling Nano. 想象一下一个卖衣服的家伙, 举个例子,将要卖汽车。
I mean, it was incredible innovation. 这是难以置信的创新。
Seeking solutions for non-auto sectors . 去寻求非汽车行业的解决方法。
Seeking:v.寻找;寻求;谋求;争取;(向人)请求(seek的现在分词) sectors:n.部门; v.把…划成扇形;
It was an open innovation, ideas from all over were welcome. 这是一个开放的创新, 欢迎来自各界的想法。
The mechanism of helicopters seats and windows was used, by the way, as well as a dashboard that was inspired by two-wheelers. 顺便提一下,直升机的座位和窗户的机制, 以及仪表板的设计, 都是被两轮汽车所启发的。
mechanism:n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧; dashboard:n.汽车等的仪表板;马车等前部的挡泥板; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
The fuel lines and lamps were as in two-wheelers. 以及两轮车中的 燃料管和灯。
lamps:n.灯具(lamp的复数); v.看;
And the crux of the matter was, however, getting more from less. 事情的关键在于, 如何花费更少而获得更多。
All the time, you have been given an envelope. 一直以来,他们都有一个任务,
You can't cross that envelope, which is 100,000 rupees, 2,000 dollars. 你不能违反任务的原则, 成本必须低于2千美金。
And therefore, each component had to have a dual functionality . 所以,每一个原件 都必须是有双重功效的。
component:n.成分;部件;组成部分;adj.构成的; functionality:n.功能;[数]泛函性,函数性;
And the seat riser , for example, serving as a mounting for the seat as well as a structural part of the functional rigidity . 举个例子,座位的提升器 既有着座位的架置作用, 也是架构中 负责加固的组成部分。
riser:n.起床者;起义者;竖板;叛徒; mounting:n.安装;固定;悬挂;adj.上升的;增长的;v.准备;安排;登上;(mount的现在分词) structural:adj.结构的;建筑的; rigidity:n.[物]硬度,[力]刚性;严格,刻板;僵化;坚硬;
Half the number of parts are contained in Nano in comparison to a typical passenger car. 相比起典型的轿车, Nano汽车只包含了 以往一半数量的组件。
comparison:n.比较;对比;相比; typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; passenger:n.旅客;乘客;白吃饭的人;闲散人员;
The length is smaller by eight percent by the way. 车身长度缩短了百分之八。
But the current entry-level cars in comparison to that is eight percent less, but 21 percent more inside space. 但目前的入门级轿车相比, Nano缩短了8%的车身长度, 却增加百分之二十一的内部空间。
And what happened was that -- more from less -- you can see how much more for how much less. 这确实是真的, 不减反增, 切切实实的看到哪里增加哪里减少。
When the Model T was launched -- and this is, by the way, all the figures that are adjusted to 2007 dollar prices -- 当福特T型车发布的时候, 所有的数额 都被调整为2007年的价格,
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) adjusted:adj.调整过的,调节了的;v.调整;校正(adjust的过去分词);
Model T was 19,700 by Ford. 福特T型汽车是1万9千7百美元。
Volkswagon was 11,333. 大众汽车是11333美元。
And British Motor was around 11,000. 英国汽车是大约1万1千美元。
And Nano was, bang , 2,000 dollars. Nano是,2千美元。
bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好;
This is why you started actually a new paradigm shift , where the same people who could not dream of sitting in a car, who were carrying their entire family in a scooter, started dreaming of being in a car. 这就是为什么 他们真正的开创了 一个新的模范, 这就让 那些从前不能梦想坐在车中的人, 那些把一家人都载在摩托车上的人, 可以开始梦想他们坐在汽车里。
paradigm shift:n.范式转移(指行事或思维方式的重大变化);
And those dreams are getting fulfilled . 而这些梦想也得到了实现。
fulfilled:adj.感到满足的; v.实现; (fulfill的过去式和过去分词)
This is a photograph of a house and a driver and a car near my own home. 这是一张照片, 照片里有一个屋子,一个司机和一辆汽车, 摄于我家附近。
The driver's name is Naran. 司机的名字叫Naran。
He has bought his own Nano. 他买了属于自己的Nano。
And you can see, there is a physical space that has been created for him, parking that car, along with the owner's car, but more importantly, they've created a space in their mind that "Yes, my chauffeur is going to come in his own car and park it." 你可以看到, 这为他创造了一片空地, 让他可以停靠属于他自己的汽车。 更重要的是, 他们在他脑海中创造了一个空间, 让他相信 “没错,我的司机是驾驶自己的汽车来,而且停在这里。”
physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; chauffeur:n.司机;vt.为开车;当…司机
And that's why I call it a transformational innovation. 这就是为什么我称之为“变革创新”。
It is not just technological , it is social innovation that we talk about. 我们谈及的不仅仅是技术上的创新, 还是一种社会创新。
And that is where, ladies and gentlemen, this famous theme of getting more from less for more becomes important. 所以,先生女士们, 这个著名的,从更少中获得更多 的主题 会越来越重要。
I remember talking about this for the first time in Australia, about one and a half years ago, when their academy honored me with a fellowship . 我还记得大约一年半前, 第一次到澳大利亚演讲这个主题的时候, 我被他们国家学术界授予了奖学金。
academy:n.学院;研究院;学会;专科院校; fellowship:n.友谊;奖学金;研究员职位;
And unbelievably , in 40 years, 令人难以置信的是,在40年里,
I was the first Indian to be honored. 我是第一个被授予奖学金的印度人。
And the title of my talk was therefore "Indian innovation from Gandhi to Gandhian engineering ." 我的演讲的标题 因此从“甘地的印度变革” 变成“印度的创新”。
Gandhi:n.甘地(印度政府,社会和宗教领袖); engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词)
And I titled this more from less for more and more people as Gandhian engineering. 我把演讲名称简短为“甘地工程” 就是为了更多人们知道并且得益于“甘地工程”。
And Gandhian engineering, in my judgment , is the one which is going to take the world forward, is going to make a difference , not just for a few, but for everyone. 根据我的判断, 甘地工程即将推动世界前进, 即将为人们创造不一样的世界, 不仅仅是一些人,而是所有人。
judgment:n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力; make a difference:有影响,有关系;
Let me move from mobility in a car to individual mobility for those unfortunates who have lost their legs. 为了那些不幸 失去双脚的人们, 让我从汽车的流动性,转移到谈谈个人的流动性。
mobility:n.移动性;机动性;[电子]迁移率; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; unfortunates:n.不幸的人;(unfortunate的复数)
Here is an American citizen and his son having an artificial foot. 这里是一个美国人和他的儿子, 这位先生用假肢行动。
What is its price? 20,000 dollars. 这双假肢花费多少钱?2万美金。
And of course, these feet are so designed that they can walk only on such perfect pavement or roads. 当然,这双假肢的设计 只能适用于行走在 完好无缺的的行人道或路上。
Unfortunately , that's not the case in India. 很遗憾的是,在印度情况就不一样了。
You can see him walk barefoot on an awkward land, sometimes in a marshy land, and so on and so forth. 你可以看到人们赤着脚 在不方便的道路上行走,有时是在沼泽地上, 等等等等。
awkward:adj.尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的; marshy:adj.沼泽的;湿地的;
More importantly, they not only walk far to work, and not only do they cycle to work, but they cycle for work, as you can see here. 更重要的是, 他们不仅仅是走这么远的路去工作, 也不仅仅是骑行去工作, 他们还以骑行为一种工作,正如你可以从这里看到。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
And they climb up for their work. 还有,他们还需要因为工作缘故而攀爬。
You have to design an artificial foot for such conditions. 你必须为这些情况设计一双假肢。
A challenge, of course. 这当然是一个挑战。
Four billion people, their incomes are less then two dollars a day. 40亿人口,他们的收入不到两美金一天。
And if you talk about a 20,000-dollar shoe, you're talking about 10,000 days of income. 如果你提及一双2万美金的鞋子, 就相当于1万天的收入。
You just don't have it. 他们是不可能买下的。
And therefore, you ought to look at alternatives . 因此,你应该想想替代方法。
And that is how Jaipur Foot was created in India. 这促成了Jaipur Foot (斋浦尔足)在印度的诞生。
It had a revolutionary prosthetic fitment and delivery system, a quick molding and modular components , enabling custom-made , on-the-spot limb fitments . 它有一个革命性的假肢装修和配送系统, 快捷的模型和组件, 实现了现场订制的假肢设置。
revolutionary:adj.革命性的;革命的;彻底变革的;n.改革者;革命者; prosthetic:adj.假体的;非朊基的; delivery:n.[贸易]交付;分娩;递送; molding:n.线脚;v.用可塑材料塑成;浇铸;发霉;(mold的现在分词) modular:adj.模块化的;模数的;有标准组件的; components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数); enabling:adj.授权的;v.使能够;授权给(enable的现在分词); custom-made:adj.定制的;v.定做(custom-make的过去式); on-the-spot:adj.现场的; limb:n.肢,臂;分支;枝干;v.切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝; fitments:n.设备(fitment的复数);
You could feel it actually in an hour, by the way, whereas the equivalent other feet took something like a day, as so on. 你可以在一个小时之内就装上它, 而其他同样的假肢 则需要一天的时间,甚至更长。
whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之; equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物;
Outer socket made by using heated high-density polyethylene pipes, rather than using heated sheets . 采用高密度聚乙烯管制作的外加热插座 而不是由加热板制作而成的。
Outer:adj.外面的,外部的;远离中心的;n.环外命中; socket:n.插座;窝,穴;牙槽;vt.给…配插座; high-density:adj.高密度的; polyethylene:n.[高分子]聚乙烯; sheets:n.床单;被单;薄片,薄板;(sheet的复数)
And unique high-ankle design and human-like looks, 独特的高脚踝设计和仿真外观,
[unclear] and functions. 新潮而又具有好的功用性。
And I like to show how it looks and how it works. 我接下来展示一下这双假肢是怎么样的, 和怎样使用。
(Music) (配乐)
See, he jumps. You can see what stress it must have. 看看,他可以跳起来。你可以看到它可以承受怎样的压力。
(Text: ... any person with a below the knee limb could do this. (文字:......任何人使用膝下假肢都可以做到。
... above the limb, yes, it would be difficult ... 假肢以上,是的,会有点困难......
'"Did it hurt?" “觉得痛吗?
'"No ... not at all ." 不......一点也不痛。”
not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
... he can run a kilometer in four minutes and 30 seconds ...) 他可以四分30秒跑完一千米......)
One kilometer in four minutes and 30 seconds. 四分30秒跑完一千米。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
So that's what it is all about. 这就是所有关于它的一切。
And therefore Time took notice of this 28-dollar foot, basically . 因此时代周刊也关注了 这双28美金的“双腿”。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
An incredible story. 一个非常厉害的故事。
Let's move on to something else. 让我们换到讨论别的事情。
I've been talking about getting more from less for more. 我一直在讲从花费更少中获得更多。
Let's move to health. 让我们来讲一下健康。
We've talked about mobility and the rest of it, let's talk about health. 我们已经讲了汽车和假肢,让我们讲一下保健。
What's happening in the area of health? 在保健的领域里正在发生什么事情呢?
You know, you have new diseases that require new drugs. 你知道的,总有些新型疾病需要新型的药物来治愈。
And if you look at the drug development 10 years ago and now, what has happened? 要是你看看10年前以及现在的药物发展, 发生了什么?
10 years ago, it used to cost about a quarter billion. 10年前,药物的发展花费了2.5亿。
Today it costs 1.5 billion dollars. 现在的花费是15亿美金。
Time taken for moving a molecule to marketplace , after all the human and animal testing, was 10 years, now it is 15 years. 从一个分子开始到药物最终发放到市场, 经过所有的人类和动物测试, 以前所需的时间是10年,而现在是15年。
molecule:n.[化学]分子;微小颗粒,微粒; marketplace:n.市场;集市;
Are you getting more drugs because you are spending more time and more money? 我们有因为花费了更多的金钱和时间而得到更多的药物吗?
No, I'm sorry. 很抱歉,没有。
We used to have 40, now they have come down to 30. 过去我们拥有40,现在下降到30.
So actually we are getting less from more for less and less people. 所以,事实上我们从花费更多中 获得的却是越来越少人能拥有的更少。
Why less and less people? Because it is so expensive, so very few will be able to basically afford that. 为什么越来越少人拥有呢,因为非常的昂贵。 所以很少人能够承担得起。
Let us just take an example. 我们来看看一个例子。
Psoriasis is very dreadful disease of the skin. 疥疮是一种非常可怕的 皮肤病。
Psoriasis:n.[皮肤]牛皮癣;银屑癣; dreadful:adj.可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的;
The cost of treatment , 20,000 dollars. 治愈这个疾病所需的费用是2万美金。
1,000-dollar antibody injections under the skin, by the way, and 20 of them. 1千美金的抗体皮下注射,顺便提一句, 20次。
antibody:n.[免疫]抗体; injections:n.注射(injection的复数);注射剂;注射室;
Time for development -- it took around 10 years and 700 million dollars. 发展治愈方法的时间,是10年, 以及700万美金。
Let's start in the spirit of more from less and more for more and start putting some targets. 让我们从 花费更少为更多的人获得更多 的精神开始设定一些目标。
For example, we don't want 20,000 dollars; we don't have it. 举个例子,我们不想要2万美金,我们没有。
Can we do it [for] 100 dollars? 我们可以用100块美金做到这个事情吗?
Time for development, not 10 years. 发展的时间,不是10年。
We are in a hurry. Five years. 我们赶时间。5年把它做到。
Cost of development -- 300 million dollars. 成本,300万美金。
Sorry. I can't spend more than 10 million dollars. 对不起,我不能支付比10万美金再多的了。
Looks absolutely audacious . 看起来绝对大胆。
Looks absolutely ridiculous . 绝对可笑。
You know something? This has been achieved in India. 你知道吗?然而,在印度却实现了。
These targets have been achieved in India. 这些目标都在印度实现了。
And how they have been achieved ... 他们是怎样做到的呢.....
Sir Francis Bacon once said, "When you wish to achieve results that have not been achieved before, it is an unwise fancy to think that they can be achieved by using methods that have been used before." 弗兰西斯·培根先生曾经说过, “当你希望达到一些 从来没有被实现过的结果, 幻想着 用被用过的方法而达到 是不明智的。”
Bacon:n.咸肉;腌肉;熏猪肉; unwise:adj.不明智的;愚蠢的;轻率的; fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象;
And therefore, the standard process , where you develop a molecule, put it into mice, into men, are not yielding those results -- the billions of dollars that have been spent. 也因为这样, 那个把分子放进老鼠体内,再放到人体内的标准流程 没有达到这些效果 -- 但上亿的美金却已经花掉了。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; yielding:adj.顺从的; v.屈服; (yield的现在分词)
The Indian cleverness was using its traditional knowledge, however, scientifically validating it and making that journey from men to mice to men, not molecule to mice to men, you know. 印度人的聪明 是使用传统的知识, 但以科学验证 使这个旅程从人到老鼠再到人, 而不是正如我们所知道的那样,从分子到老鼠再到人体。
cleverness:n.聪明;机灵; traditional:传统的,惯例的, scientifically:adv.系统地;合乎科学地;学问上; validating:n.确认;adj.确认的;有效的;v.验证(validate的ing形式);确认; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行;
And that is how this difference has come. 所以这就是差别。
And you can see this blending of traditional medicine, modern medicine, modern science. 而且你可以看到 这种传统医学,现代医药和现代科学的结合。
I launched a big program 我9年前推行了一个大项目
[unclear] CSIR about nine years ago. 名为CSIR?
He is giving us not just for Psoriasis, for cancer and a whole range of things, changing the whole paradigm. 这个项目不仅仅为疥疮病而设立, 还有癌症和各种其他的疾病,改变了整个模式。
And you can see this Indian Psoriasis breakthrough obtained by this reverse form of [unclear] 而且你可以看到印度疥疮治愈的突破 是因为相反地
breakthrough:n.突破;开始取得成功之时;adj.突破性的; obtained:v.获得(obtain的过去分词); reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的;
by doing things differently. 使用了不同的方法而达到的。
You can see before treatment and after treatment. 你可以从图中看到治愈之前和之后的不同。
This is really getting more from less for more and more people, because these are all affordable treatments now. 这就是真正的从花费更少中让越来越多的人获得更多。 因为它们都是可以承担的治疗。
affordable:adj.负担得起的; treatments:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;(treatment的复数)
Let me just remind you of what Mahatma Gandhi had said. 让我提醒你们一下 甘地曾经说过的话。
remind:v.提醒;使想起; Mahatma:n.大圣;超人;
He had said, "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed ." 他说过,“地球是可以足够地 提供每个人所需的,但不是每个人所贪的。”
satisfy:vt.满足(要求,需要等):使满意:使确信: greed:n.贪婪,贪心;
So the message he was giving us was you must get more from less and less and less so that you can share it for more and more people, not only the current generation, but the future generations. 所以他传达给我们的这个信息 就是你必须从越来越少中获得更多, 以致于你可以与越来越多的人们分享。 不仅仅是当下的这一代人, 而且是未来的人们。
And he also said, "I would prize every invention of science made for the benefit for all." 他还说过,“我会为所有 造福全民的科学发明嘉奖。”
So he was giving you the message that you must have it for more and more people, not just a few people. 所以他是在传达一个越来越多人受益, 不仅仅是一小撮人。
And therefore, ladies and gentlemen, this is the theme, getting more from less for more. 也因此,女士们先生们, 这就是主题, 从更少中让更多人得到更多。
And mind you, it is not getting just a little more for just a little less. 而且你要知道, 这不是从小幅度的减少中获得小幅度的增加。
It's not about low cost. 而是低成本,
It's about ultra-low cost. 这都是关于超低成本。
You cannot say it's a mere treatment 10,000 dollars, but because you are poor I'll give it for 9,000. 我们不能认为,这个1万美金的治疗 就可以因为你穷而我给你降价到9千。
Sorry, it doesn't work. You have to give it for 100 dollars, 200 dollars. 对不起,这没有用。这必须是100或者200美金。
Is it possible? It has been made possible, by the way, for certain other different reasons. 这可能吗?我一直都在为各种各样的 理由创造可能性。
for certain:肯定地;确凿地;
So you are not talking about low cost, you are talking about ultra-low cost. 所以当你谈论低成本的时候,你是在谈论超低成本。
You are not talking about affordability , you are talking about extreme affordability. 你不是单纯地讨论负担能力, 而是超级的负担能力。
affordability:n.支付能力;负担能力;可购性; extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物;
Because of the four billion people whose income is under two dollars a day. 因为这些每天收入不多于2美金的4亿人口。
You're not talking exclusive innovation. 你不是单纯地讨论专属的创新,
You're talking about inclusive innovation. 而是包容性的创新。
And therefore, you're not talking about incremental innovation, you're talking about disruptive innovation. 也因此,你不是在讨论渐进性创新, 而是破坏性创新。
incremental:adj.增加的,增值的; disruptive:adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的;
The ideas have to be such that you think in completely different terms. 这个主张就是 你必须从一个完全不一样的方法想问题。
And I would also add, it is not only getting more from less for more by more and more people, the whole world working for it. 我还要增加一点, 这不仅仅是从花费更少中让更多人得到更多, 还是越来越多人甚至是全世界都在为这个目标努力。
I was very touched when I saw a breakthrough the other day . 那天我看到一个突破,感到非常感动。
the other day:不久前某一天;几天以前;
You know, incubators for infants , for example. 举个例子,婴儿保温箱。
incubators:n.育成中心;培养器;[禽]孵化员(incubator的复数); infants:n.婴儿(infant的复数);婴幼儿;
They're not available in Africa. 在非洲是没有的。
They're not available in Indian villages. 在印度的村落里也没有。
And infants die. 然后,婴儿就会死去。
And incubator costs 2,000 dollars. 婴儿保温箱需要花费2千美金。
And there's a 25-dollar incubator giving that performance that had been created. 然而却出现了一个25美金的婴儿保温箱, 提供了了这个已被创造的性能。
And by whom? 由谁来创造呢?
By young students from Standford University on an extreme affordability project that they had, basically. 是一群来自斯坦福大学的学生, 基本上是从一个非常廉价的项目中做到的。
Their heart is in the right place, like Ratan Tata. 他们的心是在一个正确的位置,就好像Ratan Tata。
It's not just innovation, compassion and passion -- compassion in the heart and passion in the belly. 不仅仅是创新,同情和热情 -- 在心中怜悯在腹腔中热情。
That's the new world that we want to create. 这就是我们想要创造的新世界。
And that is why the message is that of Gandhian engineering. 所以这就是为什么这个信息叫“甘地工程”。
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to end before time. 女士们先生们,我希望时间到之前结束。
I was also afraid of those 18 minutes. 我也害怕那18分钟,
I've still one and a half to go. 我还有一分半钟。
The message, the final message, is this: 这个信息,最后的信息就是
India gave a great gift to the world. 印度为世界提供了一个伟大的礼物。
What was that? 是什么?
[In the] 20th century, we gave Gandhi to the world. 在20世纪里,印度给世界提供了甘地。
The 21st century gift, which is very, very important for the whole world, whether it is global economic meltdown , whether it is climate change -- any problem that you talk about is gaining more from less for more and more -- not only the current generations, for the future generations. 而21世纪的礼物, 一个对全世界都很重要的礼物, 无论是不是经济崩溃, 无论是不是气候变化 -- 你能想到的任何问题, 是从花费更少中让越来越多人得到更多, 不仅仅是当前的一代人, 而且也是未来的人们。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; meltdown:n.灾难;彻底垮台;熔化;暴跌;
And that can come only from Gandhian engineering. 这只可能来自甘地工程。
So ladies and gentlemen, I'm very happy to announce, this gift of the 21st century to the world from India, 所以女士们先生们,我非常荣庆地宣布 在21世纪, 这份来自印度带给全世界的礼物
Gandhian engineering. 是甘地工程。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Lakshmi Pratury: Thank you, Dr. Mashelkar. (R.A. Mashelkar: Thank you very much.) Lakshmi Pratury:谢谢,Mashelkar博士。(讲者:非常谢谢你)
LP: A quick question for you. LP:有一个简单的问题想要问你。
Now, when you were a young boy in this school, what were your thoughts, like what did you think you could become? 当你只是这所学校里的一名小男孩的时候, 你有什么想法,比方说你将来会成为什么人?
What do you think that drove you? 你觉得是什么驱使你?
Was there a vision you had? What is it that drove you? 是你曾经有的一个愿景吗?是什么驱动你?
RAM : I'll tell you a story that drove me, that transformed my life. RAM:让我来告诉你一个驱动我的小故事,它改变了我的一生。
RAM:v.相撞;挤进;n.公羊; transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式)
I remember, I went to a poor school, because my mother could not gather the 21 rupees, that half a dollar that was required within the stipulated time. 我记得,我去一所贫穷的学校 是因为我妈妈不能在限定的时间里, 筹到所需的21卢布, 相当于2分之1的美元。
It was [unclear] high school. 那是一所中学。
But it was a poor school with rich teachers, honestly. 老实说,是一所贫穷的学校以及富裕的老师。
And one of them was [unclear] who taught us physics. 其中一个教我们物理。
One day he took us out into the sun and tried to show us how to find the focal length of a convex lens . 有一天,他带我们到太阳下 尝试让我们找到 一个凸透镜的焦距。
focal length:n.焦距; convex:adj.凸面的;凸圆的;n.凸面体;凸状; lens:n.透镜,镜头;晶状体;隐形眼镜;汽车的灯玻璃;v.给…摄影;
The lens was here. The piece of paper was there. He moved it up and down. 那个凸透镜在这里,一张纸在这里。 他从上到下的移动。
And there was a bright spot up there. 然后有一个亮点在这里。
And then he said, "This is the focal length." 然后他说,“这就是焦距。”
But then he held it for a little while, Lakshmi. 然后持续着这个动作一阵子。
And then the paper burned. 接着这张纸烧着了。
When the paper burned, for some reason he turned to me, and he said, "Mashelkar, like this, if you do not diffuse your energies, if you focus your energies, you can achieve anything in the world." 当纸在燃烧的时候,他跟我说, “Mashelkar,就像这样, 如果你不分散你的能量, 如果你集中精力, 你可以实现世界上任何东西。”
That gave me a great message: focus and you can achieve. 这给我带来了一个很伟大的信息:专注然后就能达成。
I said, "Whoa, science is so wonderful, 我说,“哇,科学真伟大,
I have to become a scientist." 我以后要成为一名科学家。”
But more importantly, focus and you can achieve. 更重要的是,专注然后你能达成。
And that message, very frankly, is valuable for society today. 这个信息,坦白说, 是对今天的社会非常有价值的。
What does that focal length do? 焦距能做什么呢?
It has parallel lines, which are sun rays. 这是一条平行线,是太阳光。
parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等);
And the property of parallel lines is that they never meet. 平行线的性质就是 永远不相遇。
What does that convex lens do? 凸透镜做什么呢?
It makes them meet. 它让平行线相遇。
This is convex lens leadership. 这是凸透镜的领导作用。
You know what today's leadership is doing? Concave length. 你知道今天的领导做什么吗?凹长度。
They divide them farther. 他们让这些平行线隔得更远
So I learned the lesson of convex lens leadership from that. 所以我从凸透镜的引领作用 学到了教训。
And when I was at National Chemical Laboratory [unclear]. 当我在国家化学实验室
Chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的; Laboratory:n.实验室,研究室;
When I was at Council of Scientific Industry Research -- 40 laboratories -- when two laboratories were not talking to each other, 和科学工业研究委员会的时候, 有40个实验室,但其中2个互相不理睬对方,
Council:n.(市、郡等的)政务委员会;市政(或地方管理)服务机构; laboratories:n.实验室;(laboratory的复数)
I would [unclear]. 我就把他们团结一齐。
And currently I'm president of Global Research Alliance , 60,000 scientists in nine counties , right from India to the U.S. 目前,我是全球研究联盟的主席, 云集了来自9个国家的6万名科学家,从印度到美国。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; Alliance:n.联盟,联合;联姻; counties:n.郡,县;(county的复数)
I'm trying to build a global team, which will look at the global grand challenges that the world is facing. 我在尝试建立一个全球性的团队, 这个团队会为世界所面临的全球性大挑战而工作。
That was the lesson. That was the inspirational moment. 这就是那堂课。 这就是灵感的启发时刻。
LP: Thank you very much. (RAM: Thank you.) LP:非常谢谢你。(RAM:谢谢你)
(Applause) (鼓掌)