

The thing you need to know is it's all about sex. 你需要明白的一点是 一切为了性福
It's true. 是真的
In fact, they say men think about sex every 28 seconds. 事实上 人们都说男人每28秒会联想到性一次
Of course, that's straight men. 当然了 那说的是异性恋男人
Gay men it's every nine. 同性恋是每9秒一次
You could be at the supermarket, or the laundromat or buying a fabulous shirt when suddenly you find yourself checking out some hot guy, hotter than the one you saw last weekend or went home with the night before, 也许你在超市或是洗衣房里 又或是在买一件帅毙了的上衣时 突然间瞄上了个帅哥 比你上周末看到的 或是前一夜带回家的那个还要帅
laundromat:n.(美)自助洗衣店; fabulous:adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的;
which explains why we're all at Babylon at one in the morning instead of at home, in bed. 所以凌晨1点 我们还流连于巴比伦夜店 而不是只身在家 赖在床上
But who wants to be at home, in bed? 而谁又愿意待在家 赖在床上呢
Especially alone, when you can be here, knowing that at any moment, you might see him. 特别是单身的时候 明知自己有机会 说不定何时就会遇到那个 他
The most beautiful man who ever lived. 那个帅得绝种了的 他
That is, until tomorrow night. 当然 到了明晚又有更帅的了
By the way , that's me, 6'1", 46-inch chest, 16-inch biceps , 28-inch waist . 顺便提一下 那就是我 身高185厘米 胸围117厘米 臂围40厘米 腰围71厘米
By the way:顺便说一下; biceps:n.[解剖]二头肌,强健的筋肉;臂力; waist:n.腰;腰部;(衣服的)腰部;有…腰身的;
A veritable god... 天煞猛男
I wish. 是我就好了
Okay, that's me. 好吧 这才是我
Michael Novotny, the semi-cute "boy next door" type. 迈克.诺瓦特尼 算是半个邻家男孩型
29, 5'10", 140, 9-1/2 cut; 29岁 身高177厘米 63.5公斤 阴茎长24厘米 无包皮
All right, so I exaggerate , but like, who's told the truth since they invented cybersex ? 好吧 我夸张了 但在有了网络性爱以后 谁会说真话呢
exaggerate:v.夸大;夸张;言过其实; cybersex:n.计算机空间的"性";
When did '70s night become '80s night? 70年代之夜 怎么开始放80年代的歌了
I remember this song from high school. 第一次听这歌的时候 我在读高中
Talk about feeling ancient. 突然觉得好老
Speak for yourself, honey, 就你一个人老了 亲爱的
Speak for:要求得到;代表…讲话;
I was a mere child. 当时我还是个小朋友
Those are my two buddies , Ted and Emmett. 这两位是我的好朋友泰德和艾美特
Give me those Divas of disco any day. Gloria Gaynor. 迪斯科女王的金曲百听不厌 格洛丽亚.基诺
Divas:n.著名女歌唱家(diva的复数); disco:n.迪斯科舞厅;的士高;
Donna Summer. - And miss Alisha Bridges. 唐娜.萨莫 -还有艾丽西亚.布里奇斯
I love the night life. 我爱夜生活
I like to boogie , on the disco floor. 站在迪吧舞池中 我要劲舞狂歌
O-oh...My god. 我的...天呐
Have you ever seen anything more beautiful? 你见过比他更美的东西吗
Venice , at sunset . 只有日落时的威尼斯了
Venice:n.威尼斯(意大利港市); sunset:adj.霞红色的; n.日落(时分); v.(使)定期届满废止;
Fine, you go down the Grand Canal, 好吧 那你去威尼斯的大运河游玩
I'll go down on him. 我去玩他的屌
Emmett can be a little campy . 艾美特是有点娘
Okay, a lot campy. but you got to admit, these days it takes real guts to be a queen in a world full of commoners . 好吧 非常娘 但你得承认 在这个满是平民的世界里 当皇后[娘炮基佬]是需要勇气的
guts:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;(gut的第三人称单数和复数) commoners:n.平民;(commoner的复数)
The problem with perfection is its inability to recognize anything less perfect than itself. 完美主义者的问题在于 他们无法接受 任何不如他们完美的东西
perfection:n.完善;完美; inability:n.无能力;无才能; recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;
In other words, you hit on him and he turned you down. 说通俗点 你要是跟他搭讪 他肯定拒绝你
Ted's this really smart guy and he's got a really big heart. 泰德很聪明 心肠也好