

Surely one of the most remarkable animals that had ever existed, and certainly one of the most famous, is a dinosaur. 恐龙毫无疑问是曾经存在过的最了不起 也绝对是最著名的动物之一
Tyrannosaurus rex. 霸王龙
An animal to spark the imagination for all of us. 这是一种能够激发 我们所有人想象力的动物
spark:n.火花;电火花;火星;活力;v.引发;触发;冒火花;飞火星; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
What kind of an animal was it? 恐龙是一种什么样的动物
What did it look like? How did it live? 它长什么样 如何生活
Now, scientific research has answered such questions. 现在 科学研究 已经给出了这些问题的答案
And not just about T. rex, but the other species that lived alongside it. 不仅仅是霸王龙 还有和它生活在同一时期的其他物种
And the latest imaging technology enables us to bring them all to life. 而最新的成像技术 能够把它们活灵活现地展现在我们面前
imaging:n.[物]成像;造像;v.反映;想像;作…的像;象征;(image的现在分词形式) technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数)
Planet Earth, 66 million years ago. 这是六千六百万年前的地球
The skies are filled with flying giants . 天空中遍布飞翔的巨兽
In the seas, monstrous reptiles patrol the depths. 海洋深处游弋着巨大的爬行动物
monstrous:adj.巨大的;怪异的;荒谬的;畸形的; reptiles:n.爬行动物(reptile的复数);[脊椎]爬行类;爬虫类; patrol:n.巡逻;巡逻队;侦察队;vt.巡逻;巡查;vi.巡逻;巡查;
And on land, dinosaurs of every kind, all facing the struggle to survive. 陆地上的各种恐龙 都面临着生存的威胁
We now know so much about a world that was ruled by the dinosaurs. 如今 我们对那个 曾被恐龙统治的世界已知之甚多
This is their story. 这就是它们的故事
The southern shores of the great inland sea that splits North America . 这是巨大内海的南部海岸 这片内海分割了北美大陆
inland:n.内地;内陆;adj.内陆的;内地的;国内的;adv.在内地;向内地;向内陆;在内陆; North America:n.北美洲;
And the tracks of the land's top predator . 海岸上随处可见 这片土地上顶级掠食者的足迹
tracks:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;(track的第三人称单数和复数) predator:n.[动]捕食者;[动]食肉动物;掠夺者;
A Tyrannosaurus rex taking a swim. 一只霸王龙正在游泳
Hollow , air-filled bones and powerful hind limbs make T. rex very effective swimmers . 中空的骨骼充满了空气 再加上强有力的后肢 使霸王龙成为了不折不扣的游泳高手
Hollow:n.孔; v.挖; adj.中空的; v.彻底; air-filled:充气的; hind:adj.后部的;n.雌鹿; limbs:n.[解剖]四肢(limb的复数); effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; swimmers:n.游泳者(swimmer的复数形式);白色有光绒面呢;
This is an adult male with his young family. 这只成年雄性霸王龙正带着孩子们游泳
His offspring are now just old enough to follow him on a journey to one of the many offshore islands that fringe this coast. 这些幼崽们的年纪 刚刚够跟着爸爸踏上这段旅程 前往这个海岸边缘的众多离岸岛屿之一
offspring:n.后代,子孙;产物; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; offshore:adj.离岸的;[海洋]近海的;吹向海面的;adv.向海面,向海; fringe:n.边缘;穗;刘海;adj.边缘的;附加的;vt.加穗于;
It's a short enough crossing, but it can still be a dangerous one. 虽然这段旅程的路途不远 但仍然危机四伏
A mosasaur . 一只沧龙出现了
A giant marine lizard over twice the size of a tyrannosaur and weighing over 15 tons. 这是一种体型比霸王龙大一倍的 巨型海蜥蜴 体重超过了15吨
marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵; lizard:n.蜥蜴;类蜥蜴爬行动物;
It's the largest predator on the planet. 它是地球上最大的掠食者
Turtles are normally on a mosasaur's menu. 沧龙通常以海龟为食
Turtles:n.海龟;龟;陆龟;水龟;鳖;(turtle的复数) normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地;
But this brood would make a welcome snack . 但这群小霸王龙会是很美味的点心
brood:vt.孵;沉思;n.一窝;一伙; snack:n.点心;小吃;快餐;易办到的事;v.吃点心(或快餐、小吃);
An adult T. rex, even in water, could still defend itself very effectively. 成年霸王龙即使是在水里 仍然可以非常有效地保护自己
But the young must stay close. 但幼崽们必须跟紧爸爸
Tyrannosaurus rex often lose at least two-thirds of their original brood of 15 or so in the first year. 在霸王龙一窝大约15只幼崽中 至少有三分之二会在第一年不幸遇难
two-thirds:n.三分之二;三分之二的;三分之二地; original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的;
Now there are only four. 现在这只霸王龙爸爸只剩下四只幼崽了
The island offers safety and the promise of food. 这个岛为它们提供了安全和食物保障
Giant two-ton turtles are here to nest. 2吨重的巨型海龟在这里筑巢
But this is the one that has drawn him here. 但霸王龙是被这只海龟吸引过来的
It's dead, and the tyrannosaur has smelled its rotting body. 它已经死了 霸王龙闻到了它腐烂尸体的气味
If he can just get to the underbelly , he will have over 2,000 pounds of easy meat. 如果它能打开海龟的腹部 就能轻松享受900多公斤的龟肉大餐
T. rex has the most powerful jaws in nature. 霸王龙拥有自然界中最有力的下颚
And can bite with the force of over five tons. 并有着超过5吨重量的咬合力
The young are keen for a taste, but he's not sharing it. 幼崽们渴望尝一口美味 但恐龙爸爸可不打算和它们分享
It's time for them to learn to hunt for themselves. 是时候让它们学习狩猎 自给自足了
The beach, however, doesn't look very promising. 然而 这片海滩看上去可没那么充满希望
But as the evening approaches , things start to change. 但随着夜幕降临 情况开始发生变化
approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度;
Baby turtles are beginning to hatch from the sand and rush down to the sea. 小海龟开始从沙滩上孵化出来 然后冲向大海
The young T. rex have been brought to an ideal training ground. 这里对于小霸王龙们来说 是一个练习狩猎的好地方
Hatchling turtles are the perfect size for a novice to tackle . 刚孵化出来的小海龟 体型刚好适合它们这些狩猎新手来捕猎
Hatchling:刚孵化的小动物; novice:n.初学者,新手; tackle:v.处理; n.用具;
It pays for any hunter to be inquisitive . 任何有好奇心的猎手都会收获满满