

A hundred years ago there were one and a half billion people on Earth. 100年前 地球上生活着15亿人
Now, over six billion crowd our fragile planet. 如今 已有超过60亿人拥挤在 我们这颗脆弱的星球上
But even so, there are still places barely touched by humanity . 尽管如此 地球上仍有一些 人类极少涉足的地方
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
This series will take to the last wildernesses and show you the planet and its wildlife as you have never seen them before. 这部专题片将把你带到最后的蛮荒之地 展示这个星球的风貌 和你以前从未见过的野生动物
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; wildernesses:n.荒地;大量,茫茫一片;
Imagine our world without sun. 想象一下一个没有太阳的世界
Male Emperor Penguins are facing the nearest that exists on planet Earth winter in Antarctica. 雄帝企鹅正在挑战地球上最严酷的环境 南极洲的冬天
It's continuously dark and temperatures drop to minus seventy degrees centigrade . 黑夜漫无休止 气温下降到零下70℃
continuously:adv.连续不断地; minus:prep.减,减去;n.负号,减号;不足;负数;adj.减的;负的; centigrade:adj.摄氏的;[仪]摄氏温度的;百分度的;
The penguins stay when all other creatures have fled because each guards a treasure: a single egg rested on the top of its feet and kept warm beneath the downy bulge of its stomach. 其它动物早已逃离 只有企鹅留了下来 因为每只企鹅都护卫着一件宝贝 一颗躺在它们脚背上的蛋 依靠耷拉下来的肚皮上的绒毛保持温暖
creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数) fled:v.迅速离开;逃避,逃跑;(flee的过去分词和过去式) beneath:prep.在…之下;adv.在下方; downy:adj.柔和的;绒毛的;多丘岗的; bulge:n.胀;膨胀;凸出部分;v.膨胀;凸起;
There is no food and no water for them, and they will not see the sun again for four months. 它们没有食物 也没有水 而且整整4个月见不到太阳
Surely no greater ordeal is faced by any animal. 这绝对是动物们经受过的最严酷的考验
As the sun departs from the Antarctic it lightens the skies in the far north. 太阳已远离南极 照耀在遥远的北方天空
departs:vi.离开;出发,起程;违反;去世;adj.逝世的; Antarctic:adj.南极(地方)的;n.南极地区;网络释义:南极的;南极区;南极地带的; lightens:vi.减轻;发亮;vt.使照亮;使轻松;
It's March and light returns to the high Arctic, sweeping away four months of darkness. 现在是三月 阳光重返北极腹地 驱走了4个月的黑暗
sweeping:n.扫除; adj.影响广泛的; v.打扫; (sweep的现在分词)
A polar bear stirs . 一只北极熊苏醒了
polar bear:n.北极熊;白熊; stirs:n.搅拌;轰动;vt.搅拌;激起;惹起;vi.搅动;传播;走动;
She has been in her den the whole winter. 整个冬天 它都在洞穴里度过
Her emergence marks the beginning of spring. 它的出现标志着春天的到来
After months of confinement underground she toboggans down the slope . 长达数月的地下闭居已经结束 它从斜坡上一滑而下
confinement:n.限制;监禁;分娩; toboggans:n.平底雪橇;vi.急剧下降;乘橇滑下; slope:n.斜坡;坡度;坡地;山坡;v.倾斜;有坡度;悄悄地走;潜行;
Perhaps to clean her fur, perhaps for sheer joy. 也许是为了清洁皮毛 也许只是因为高兴
sheer:adj.纯; v.十足地; n.透明薄纱; v.[航海](使)偏航; (使)转向;
Her cubs gaze out of their bright new world for the very first time. 它的幼熊们第一次注视着 这个明亮的新世界
cubs:n.(美)小熊; v.(野兽)生仔; adj.没经验的; (cub的复数) gaze:v.凝视;注视;盯着;n.凝视;注视;
The female calls them, but this steep slope is not the easiest place to take your first steps. 母熊召唤着熊崽 但在这个陡峭的斜坡上 踏出第一步可不太容易
female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; steep:adj.陡峭的;不合理的;夸大的;急剧升降的;v.泡;浸;使…充满;n.峭壁;浸渍;
But they are hungry and eager to reach their mother, who's delayed feeding them on this special day. 可是它们太饿了 急切盼着来到母亲身旁 在这个特别的日子里 母熊已经推迟了喂奶的时间
Now she lures them with the promise of milk, the only food the cubs have known since they were born deaf and blind beneath the snow some two months ago. 现在该是履行承诺的时候了 乳汁是巨大的诱惑 自从熊崽们两个多月前又聋又瞎地 在雪下出生以来 母乳就是它们唯一的食物
Their mother has not eaten for five months and has lost half her body weight. 它们的母亲已有5个月没有进食了 失去了一半的体重
Now she converts the last of her fat reserves into milk for her cubs. 现在它将仅剩的一点脂肪 变成乳汁喂养它的宝贝们
converts:vt.使转变; vi.转变,变换; n.皈依者; reserves:n.[油气]储量; v.储备;
The spring sun brings warmth but also a problem for the mother. 春天的太阳带来了温暖 但对母熊而言却是一个问题
It starts to melt the sea ice. 海面的冰层开始融化
That is where she hunts for the seal she needs to feed her cubs. 而母熊则需要在那里捕杀海豹 喂养幼熊
And she must get there before the ice breaks up. 因此它必须在冰层破碎之前到达那里
For now though it's still minus thirty degrees and the cubs must have the shelter of the den. 而现在的气温仍然有-30℃ 熊崽们必须回到洞中避寒
It's six days since the bears emerged and spring is advancing rapidly. 现在是北极熊现身后的第6天 春色匆匆
But even now blizzards can strike without warning. 但即使是现在 暴风雪 仍会在毫无征兆的情况下来袭
Being so small, the cubs are easily chilled and they will be more comfortable resting in the den. 幼小的熊崽很容易冻僵 躲在洞穴中可能会更舒服些
chilled:adj.冷却了的; v.使很冷; (chill的过去分词和过去式)
But their mother must keep them out and active. 可是母熊必须得把它们带到外边活动
She's becoming weak from hunger and there's no food on these nursery slopes . 饥饿将它折磨得虚弱不堪 而这片产仔的斜坡上没有一点食物
nursery:n.苗圃;托儿所;温床; slopes:n.倾斜,斜坡;[数]斜率;山坡翱(slope的复数形式);