

Look at them go! Into the final lap. 比赛进入白热化 最后一圈
And here comes number seven... 七号追上来了...
Dusty Crophopper! 农田守望者达斯迪
And Dusty wins the gold! 达斯迪将金牌收入囊中
Go, Duster ! 加油 达斯迪
Dusty, you were just a small-town crop duster who overcame impossible odds to win the Wings Around the Globe Rally . 达斯迪 你原本只是给小镇作物喷农药的 克服了种种困难 赢得国际飞行大奖
small-town:adj.偏狭的;小都市的;土里土气的; overcame:v.克服(overcome的过去式); odds:n.几率;胜算;不平等;差别; Rally:v.团结;重整;恢复;(网球等)连续对打;n.集会;回复;公路赛车会;
And now, you're an air racing legend . 而如今 你成了拉力赛的传奇
Well, Brent , I've had an amazing team supporting me every step of the way. 好吧 布伦特 我有一支超棒的团队 他们给予了我很大的支持
The best coach, the best mechanic ... 最棒的教练 最棒的工程师...
and the best fuel truck that anyone could ask for. 以及大家做梦都想要的最棒燃料供应车
Hey, wait a minute. You're a gas consultant . 嗨 等等 你是个汽油顾问
That's correct. I've got gas. 没错 想要多少有多少
Awesome pic, Dust, except your eyes are closed. 这照片真棒 达斯迪 你的眼睛睁开的话就更好了
Racing with your eyes closed, huh? So, that's your secret. 闭着眼睛比赛 所以这就是你的秘诀
Oh, yeah, you figured it out, Chug . 是的 你说对了 楚格
That was some pretty fancy flying, Dusty. 真是场精彩神奇的比赛 达斯迪
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象;
Saw it all on my radio with pictures. 我用带图片的收音机看到了整个过程
Um, you mean your TV. 你说的是电视机吧
No, no. That's clearing up. 不 不是 它被清理掉了
My bumper was nearly corroded right through. 我的保险杠几乎全都烂掉了
bumper:adj.丰盛的,丰富的;n.缓冲器,保险杆,减震物;vt.装满;为…祝酒;vi.干杯; corroded:adj.侵蚀的,已被腐蚀的;
All right. -Disgusting looking. 好吧 -惨不忍睹
Ah, yeah, it was all rusty and blistered . 是啊 它整个儿都长锈起泡了
I got it. Anyway, what else is going on? 我明白了 别提这个了 最近还有别的事儿吗
Dottie gave me some of that Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment . 多蒂给了我一些保险杠除锈软膏
Medicated:adj.药物的,含药的;v.给…用药;用药物治疗;(medicate的过去分词和过去式) Ointment:n.药膏;[药]油膏;
How's it look now? -Looks great. Fine. 它现在怎么样了 -非常不错 很好
Take a closer look. -That's close enough. 靠近点儿看两眼 -看得很清楚了
Oh. -What was that? 噢 -什么东西掉下来了
Didn't need to see that. 我觉得你没必要知道
Oh, hey, hey, guys, guys. Listen to this. 嘿 大家注意 来听听这个
'"After his Red Bulldozer win, 在他势不可挡地拿下金牌后
Dusty Crophopper..." 农田守望者达斯迪...
That's you. -"Returns to Propwash Junction ..." 就是你 - 回到了普罗普沃什镇...
That's here. -"Where he will be performing at their annual Corn Festival." 就这儿 - 他将在当地年度玉米节上 进行精彩的表演
performing:adj.表演的;演奏的;v.做;执行;演出;运转(perform的现在分词) annual:n.年报;年鉴;年刊;adj.每年的;年度的;一年的;
They mentioned the Corn Festival? 他们提到了玉米节
Oh, it's national news! 现在登上国家新闻头条了
Seriously? That's great. 真的吗 太棒了
Yeah. The phone's been ringing off the hook here at the motel . 是啊 飞机旅馆的电话整天响个不停
off the hook:摆脱困境;脱身; motel:n.汽车旅馆;
Gonna have to get out the inflatable hangars . 我都得把充气飞机棚拿出来了
inflatable:adj.膨胀的,可充气的;得意的; hangars:n.[航]飞机库;[航]飞机棚(hangar的复数);
Oh, yeah, everybody wants to see you, Dusty. 没错 所有人都想见你 达斯迪
It's gonna be the biggest Corn Fest yet. 这将是迄今为止最盛大的玉米节
Dusty. 达斯迪
Ready to do some flying? -Absolutely, Skipper . 准备好了吗 -当然 斯基珀
Don't stay out too late. -Later, Dust. 别回来太晚 -待会见 达斯迪
Remember to open your eyes. 记得睁开眼
Hey, Propwash Tower, this is Crophopper Seven. 农田守望者七号呼叫普罗普沃什塔台
Flight of two, ready for takeoff . 两台飞机准备起飞
Crophopper Seven, Propwash Tower. 普罗普沃什塔台呼叫农田守望者七号
Wind's calm. Runway two-seven clear for takeoff. 风速适中 27号跑道随时可用
Have a great flight, fellas . 飞行愉快 两位
Crophopper Seven flight, on the roll. 农田守望者七号 即刻起飞
Snap into those turns. 准备转弯