

I've always been interested in the relationship of formal structures and human behavior. 我一直对 关系的形态及人类行为很有兴趣。
formal:adj.适合正式场合的; n.(美)须穿礼服的社交集会; (口)夜礼服; structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式);
If you build a wide road out to the outskirts of town, people will move there. 如果我们修好通往郊区一条宽阔的路,就会有居民迁移到那里。
Well, law is also a powerful driver of human behavior. 同样,法律也是一个强有力的 人类行为驱动器。
And what I'd like to discuss today is the need to overhaul and simplify the law to release the energy and passion of Americans, so that we can begin to address the challenges of our society. 我今天想讨论的 是整顿和简化法律的必要性, 以释放美国人民的能量与激情 这样我们才能着手 处理当前社会的各种挑战。
overhaul:vt.分解检查,大修;追上并超过;n.彻底检修,详细检查; simplify:vt.简化;使单纯;使简易; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒;
You might have noticed that law has grown progressively denser in your lives over the last decade or two. 你可以已经感觉到 在过去的一二十年里你的生活渐渐被法律所笼罩。
progressively:adv.渐进地;日益增多地; denser:adj.密集的; (dense的比较级)
If you run a business, it's hard to do much of anything without calling your general counsel . 如果你经商 若不咨询法律顾问,你将举步维艰。
general counsel:n.(美国)公司法律总顾问;
Indeed, there is this phenomenon now where the general counsels are becoming the CEOs. 现在确实就是这么一种状况: 法律顾问成为了CEO
phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); counsels:n.法律顾问;忠告;商议;讨论;决策;vt.建议;劝告;vi.商讨;提出忠告;
It's a little bit like the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers . 这有点像外星人入侵。
Invasion:n.武装入侵;侵略;侵犯;涌入;干预; Snatchers:n.绑架者;抢夺贼;
You need a lawyer to run the company, because there's so much law. 你需要一个律师经营企业。 因为法律太多了。
But it's not just business that's affected by this, it's actually pressed down into the daily activities of ordinary people. 但不仅仅是商业受到这样的影响。 它实际上已经蔓延到 人民群众的日常生活中。
A couple of years ago I was hiking near Cody, Wyoming . 几年前我在怀俄明州科迪徒步旅行。
It was in a grizzly bear preserve , although no one told me that before we went. 那是在一个白熊保护区, 但去之前没人告诉我这些。
grizzly bear:n.[动]灰熊; preserve:vt.保存;保护;维持;腌;禁猎;n.保护区;禁猎地;加工成的食品;
And our guide was a local science teacher. 我们的导游是当地的一位教师。
She was wholly unconcerned about the bears, but she was terrified of lawyers. 她与这些熊毫无关联, 但她非常害怕律师。
wholly:adv.完全地;全部;统统; unconcerned:adj.不关心的;无关的;无忧虑的;
The stories started pouring out. 故事的倾诉由此开始。
She'd just been involved in an episode where a parent had threatened to sue the school because she lowered the grade of the student by 10 percent when he turned the paper in late. 她刚刚卷入一场 家长威胁要控告学校的纠纷中 是因为她给一位学生降低了10%的分数, 因为他不按时交卷。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) episode:n.一段经历;片段,插曲;一集; sue:v.控告;提起诉讼;(尤指在法庭上)提出请求;
The principal didn't want to stand up to the parent because he didn't want to get dragged into some legal proceedings . 校长不想与家长作对 因为他不愿意陷入法律诉讼程序。
principal:adj.主要的;资本的;n.首长;校长;资本;当事人; stand up to:经得起;抵抗;勇敢地面对; legal proceedings:un.诉讼;
So, she had to go to meeting after meeting, same arguments made over and over again . 因此,她只好参加一个接一个的会议, 同样的论述重复了一遍又一遍。
over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地;
After 30 days of sleepless nights, she finally capitulated and raised the grade. 经过长达30天的无眠之夜之后,她最终选择了投降, 并上调了分数。
sleepless:adj.失眠的;不休息的;警觉的;永不停息的; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; capitulated:vi.认输,屈服;屈从,停止反抗;有条件投降;让步;
She said, "Life's too short, I just can't keep going with this." 她说,“生命如此短暂,我不能纠结在这里。”
About the same time, she was going to take two students to a leadership conference in Laramie, which is a couple of hours away, and she was going to drive them in her car, 与此同时,她要带两个学生出席一个领导力会议, 位于几小时车程开外的拉勒米(Laramie), 她本打算用自己的车送他们去,
but the school said, "No, you can't drive them in the car for liability reasons. 但学校却说, 不,出于责权考虑, 你不能用自己的车送他们。
You have to go in a school bus." 必须乘坐学校校车。“
So, they provided a bus that held 60 people and drove the three of them back and forth several hours to Laramie. 为此,动用了一辆可载60人的巴士 花几小时送他们三人 往返Laramie(拉勒米)。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的;
Her husband is also a science teacher, and he takes his biology class on a hike in the nearby national park . 他丈夫也是一位理科教师, 他经常带着他的生物课班学生 去国家公园附近徒步旅行。
biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; hike:v.做徒步旅行; n.徒步旅行; (价格、花费等的)大幅度提高; nearby:adj.附近的,邻近的;adv.在附近;prep.在…附近; national park:n.国家公园;
But he was told he couldn't go on the hike this year because one of the students in the class was disabled, so the other 25 students didn't get to go on the hike either. 但他被告知今年不能组织登山, 因为他班里有一个学生是残疾人, 其他的25个学生也不能参加登山活动了。
At the end of this day I could have filled a book just with stories about law from this one teacher. 在这天结束时我可以出一本 来源于这位教师 的法律故事书。
Now, we've been taught to believe that law is the foundation of freedom. 现在,我们已经被教唆相信 法律是自由的基础。
But somehow or another, in the last couple of decades, the land of the free has become a legal minefield . 但因种种原因在过去几十年 我们的自由国度已成为一片法律雷区。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; minefield:n.布雷区;充满隐伏危险的事物;
It's really changed our lives in ways that are sort of imperceptible; and yet, when you pull back, you see it all the time. 它已经以 某种不知不觉的方式改变了我们的生活。 当你回想起来,你始终可以看到这一点。
It's changed the way we talk. I was talking to a pediatrician friend in North Carolina . He said, "Well you know, I don't deal with patients the same way anymore. 它改变了我们谈话的方式。我曾经和一位 在北卡罗利纳的儿科医生朋友谈话。 他说, “你知道的,我再也不想以前那样和病人打交道了,
pediatrician:n.儿科医师(等于pediatrist); Carolina:n.卡罗莱纳州(在美国东南部); patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
You wouldn't want to say something off-the-cuff that might be used against you." 你不会愿意从你口中说出的话 被他们用来起诉你的理由。“
This is a doctor, whose life is caring for people. 这是一位医生,他的使命是照顾人们。
My own law firm has a list of questions that I'm not allowed to ask when interviewing candidates, such as the sinister question, bulging with hidden motives and innuendo , "Where are you from?" 我组件的律师事务所有一个 与候选者交谈时不允许涉及的 问题列表。 比如不吉利的问题, 凸显隐藏的动机和讥讽, 诸如“你来自哪里?”
interviewing:v.对(某人)进行面试;(媒体)采访,访问;(interview的现在分词) sinister:adj.阴险的;凶兆的;灾难性的;左边的; bulging:adj.鼓起的;隆起的;v.充满;塞满;凸出;鼓胀;(bulge的现在分词) motives:n.动机;目的;运动(motive的复数);v.使有动机;促动(motive的三单形式); innuendo:n.暗讽,讽刺;影射;vt.暗示,旁敲侧击地表达;vi.影射;说讽刺话;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now for 20 years, tort reformers have been sounding the alarm that lawsuits are out of control. 在过去的20年中,民事侵权行为改革人士已经敲响了 法律失控的警钟。
tort:n.侵权行为; reformers:维新派; lawsuits:n.诉讼,法律诉讼;控诉(lawsuit的复数形式);
And we read every once in while about these crazy lawsuits, like the guy in the District of Columbia who sued his dry cleaners for 54 million dollars because they lost his pair of pants. 并且我们每次读到 这些疯狂的起诉故事的时候, 就像哥伦比亚区的那位起诉他的清洁工获得5千4百万美元 因为他们使去了他的一条裤子。
The case went on for two years; I think he's still appealing the case. 这个案子是两年了,我觉得他还在上诉这个案子。
appealing:adj.吸引人的; v.呼吁; (appeal的现在分词)
But the reality is, these crazy cases are relatively rare. They don't usually win. 但现实是,这些疯狂的案子是相对来讲很少的。 它们一般不会胜诉。
And the total of direct tort cost in this country is about two percent, which is twice as much as in other countries but, as taxes go, hardly crippling . 因为美国的直接侵权行为的总成本 大概有两个百分点, 是其它国家的两倍。 但是,随着税收的严重削减。
crippling:adj.残废的; v.使残废; (cripple的现在分词)
But the direct costs are really only the tip of the iceberg . 直接成本实际上只是冰山一角。
tip of the iceberg:冰山一角;事物的表面部分;
What's happened here, again, almost without our knowing, is our culture has changed. 这里曾经发生的, 几乎无需我们知道, 我们的文化已经改变。
People no longer feel free to act on their best judgment . 人们已经在做他们最好的判断时 已经不再感觉到自由了。
So, what do we do about it? 那么,我们要怎么改变它?
We certainly don't want to give up the rights, when people do something wrong, to seek redress in the courts. 我们当然不愿意放弃权力, 当人们做错事的时候,去法庭寻求公正。
seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; redress:vt.救济;赔偿;纠正;重新调整;n.救济;赔偿;矫正;
We need regulation to make sure people don't pollute and such. 我们需要监管来确保人们不去污染 或者做之类的坏事儿。
We lack even a vocabulary to deal with this problem, and that's because we have the wrong frame of reference . 我们甚至没有一个词汇来形容 这个问题。 那是因为我们现在有错误的参考体系。
frame of reference:n.(影响人理解和判断事物的)信仰;
We've been trained to think that the way to look at every dispute , every issue , is a matter of kind of individual rights. 我们已经被训练成研究每个争端,每个问题 是一种个人权益的问题。
dispute:n.纠纷;争端;争论;辩论;v.争论;争执;辩论;争夺; issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
And so we peer through a legal microscope , and look at everything. 我们通过法律的放大镜去研究每件事。
peer:n.同辈;同龄人;身份(或地位)相同的人;(英国)贵族成员;v.仔细看;端详; microscope:n.显微镜;
Is it possible that there are extenuating circumstances that explain why Johnny turned his paper in late in Cody, Wyoming? 有没有可能有其它的情况 来解释怀俄明州的强尼 把他的遗书上交如此晚?
extenuating:adj.情有可原的; v.为…找借口; circumstances:n.情况;环境;情形;(circumstance的复数)
Is it possible that the doctor might have done something differently when the sick person gets sicker? 有没有可能让医生去做一些别的事情来 不让病人变的更严重。
And of course the hindsight bias is perfect. 当然有事后聪明马后炮的。
hindsight:n.后见之明;枪的照门; bias:adv.使有偏见;n.偏见;偏心;偏爱;v.使有偏见;使偏向;adj.斜的;[电]偏动的;
There's always a different scenario that you can sketch out where it's possible that something could have been done differently. 当然你总是可以轻松讲一些不同的场景 不同事情本来应该能完成的更好一些。
scenario:n.方案;情节;剧本; sketch out:v.概略地叙述;草拟;
And yet, we've been trained to squint into this legal microscope, hoping that we can judge any dispute against the standard of a perfect society, where everyone will agree what's fair, and where accidents will be extinct , risk will be no more. 但我们已经习惯了眯着眼睛拿着法律的放大镜 希望我们用一个完美社会的标准来 判断任何标准。 一个任何人都同意的,公平的 不存在偶然事件的 没有风险的标准。
squint:vi.眯眼看; vt.使斜眼; n.斜视; adj.斜视的; standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; extinct:adj.灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的;vt.使熄灭;
Of course, this is Utopia; it's a formula for paralysis , not freedom. 这当然是乌托帮了, 这是一个瘫痪的,不自由的公式。
formula:n.公式; adj.(赛车)方程式的(指赛车要符合规定的体积,重量及汽缸容量等); paralysis:n.麻痹;无力;停顿;
It's not the basis of the rule of law, it's not the basis of a free society. 这不是法律的基石, 也不是自由社会的基石。
So, now I have the first of four propositions 所以,我们来看四大建议的第一个,
I'm going to leave with you about how you simplify the law: 我会告诉你你怎么样简化法律。
You've got to judge law mainly by its effect on the broader society, not individual disputes . 你判断法律主要是 根据它对大社会产生的影响, 而不是个案纠纷。
mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; disputes:n.争论(dispute的复数);v.争论(dispute的单数第三人称);
Absolutely vital . 绝对至关重要。
Absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的;
So, let's pull back from the anecdotes for a second and look at our society from high above. 那么,我们再看一条轶事 并且研究一下我们的上层社会。
Is it working? 这好使吗?
What does the macro-data show us? 宏数据会告诉我们什么?
Well, the healthcare system has been transformed : a culture pervaded with defensiveness , universal distrust of the system of justice , universal practice of defensive medicine . 医疗系统已经完成改革。 一个弥漫着自我防守气息的文化。 对系统公正性的普遍不信任。 自我保护性开一些常用药物的处方。
healthcare:n.医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务;卫生保健; transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) pervaded:vt.遍及;弥漫; defensiveness:n.防御;防御性; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的; distrust:vt.不信任;n.不信任;怀疑; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判; defensive medicine:n.自卫性医疗(医生担心因误诊被起诉而让病人做过多的化验、手术等);
It's very hard to measure because there are mixed motives. 衡量这些真的不容易 因为混合的动机太多了。
Doctors can make more on ordering tests sometimes, and also they no longer even know what's right or wrong. 医生可以花更多的时候在排序测试上。 并且他们不再知道什么是对的或者错的
But reliable estimates range between 60 billion and 200 billion dollars per year. 但保守估计 会在600亿到2000亿美元的范围 每年。
reliable:adj.可信赖的;可依靠的;真实可信的;可靠的; estimates:n.估计;估价;估计的成本;v.估价;估算(estimate的第三人称单数和复数)
That's enough to provide care to all the people in America who don't have it. 这些钱足够给美国境内所有没有医疗保险的人 提供免费治疗了。
The trial lawyers say, "Well, this legal fear makes doctors practice better medicine." 审判法官说,“对法律的担心 使医生们采用更好的药物。“
Well that's been studied too, by the Institute of Medicine and others. Turns out that's not the case. 那已经是药品研究所和其它机构的研究成果。 但这不是重点。
The fear has chilled professional interaction so thousands of tragic errors occur because doctors are afraid to speak up: "Are you sure that's the right dosage ?" 恐惧在专业交互中变的更糟糕, 因此数以千计的杯具发生, 因为医生害怕多说话: “你确定这是正确的剂量吗?”
chilled:adj.冷却了的; v.使很冷; (chill的过去分词和过去式) professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰; tragic:adj.悲剧的;悲痛的,不幸的; occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; dosage:n.剂量,用量;
Because they're not sure, and they don't want to take legal responsibility. 因为他们不确定, 并且他们不想担负法律责任。
Let's go to schools. 让我们去学校吧。
As we saw with the teacher in Cody, Wyoming, she seems to be affected by the law. 就像我们看到的怀俄明州的那位老师一样, 她看起来深受法律影响。
Well it turns out the schools are literally drowning in law. 这表明学校简直在法律的海洋里溺死了。
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: drowning:v.溺水;淹没;淹死,溺死;浸泡;(drown的现在分词)
You could have a separate section of a law library around each of the following legal concepts: due process , special education , no child left behind, zero tolerance , work rules ... 你可以在法律图书馆按以下法律概念 找到单独的一个区域。 正当程序,特殊教育, 不让一个孩子掉队法案, 零容忍,工作守则。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; special education:n.特殊教育(为有身体障碍或学习障碍的儿童而设); zero tolerance:n.零容忍政策(指对轻微过失都不予放过的严厉执法政策);
it goes on. We did a study of all the rules that affect one school in New York. The Board of Ed. had no idea. 它继续发展。 我们在纽约对关于所有对学校产生影响的法律 做了一个调查。 教育委员会对此并不知情。
Tens of thousands of discreet rules, 60 steps to suspend a student from school: 数十万讲的慎密的条规, 一个孩子休学需要60个步骤。
discreet:adj.谨慎的;小心的; suspend:v.暂停;悬浮;中止;挂;
It's a formula for paralysis. 这是个让人瘫痪的公式。
What's the effect of that? One is a decline in order. 结果是什么?其中之一是效率的下降。
Again, studies have shown it's directly attributable to the rise of due process. 另外,研究表明 它直接归咎于 正当程序的提升。
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; attributable:adj.可归于…的;可归属的;
Public agenda did a survey for us a couple of years ago where they found that 43 percent of the high school teachers in America say that they spend at least half of their time maintaining order in the classroom. 公众议程在几年前做了一个调查 美国境内43%的高中老师 说他们花了至少一半的时间 来维护课堂秩序。
agenda:n.议事日程; survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地; maintaining:n.维护;保养;v.维持;保养;(maintain的现在分词)
That means those students are getting half the learning they're supposed to, because if one child is disrupting the class no one can learn. 这表明这些学生只用了他们规定学习时间的一半, 因为如果一个孩子扰乱课堂秩序, 谁也学不成。
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) disrupting:v.扰乱;使中断;打乱;(disrupt的现在分词)
And what happens when the teacher tries to assert order? 那么老师在试图维护课程秩序的时候会发生什么呢?
They're threatened with a legal claim. 他们被一个法律要求所威胁。
We also surveyed that. Seventy-eight percent of the middle and high school teachers in America have been threatened by their students with violating their rights, with lawsuits by their students. They are threatening, their students. 我们还做了调查。美国境内的78%的高中或初中老师 都被他们的学生 用侵权起诉来威胁过。 他们威胁他们的学生。
surveyed:v.调查,俯视(survey的过去式和过去分词形式);考察,调研; violating:v.违背,违反(violate的现在分词);
It's not that they usually sue, it's not that they would win, but it's an indication of the corrosion of authority . 他们并不是经常起诉。 他们并不是一定会赢, 但这是权威的瓦解的迹象。
indication:n.显示;表明;标示;象征; corrosion:n.腐蚀;腐蚀产生的物质;衰败; authority:n.权威;权力;当局;
And how has this system of law worked for government? 那么这套法律系统是怎么为政府运作的呢?
It doesn't seem to be working very well does it? 它的运作情况看起来并不是很好,不是吗?
Neither in Sacramento nor in Washington. 在萨克拉门托和华盛顿都很不好。
The other day at the State of the Union speech, 在另一天的发表的国情咨文中
The other day:不久前某一天;几天以前;
President Obama said, and I think we could all agree with this goal, "From the first railroads to the interstate highway system, our nation has always been the first to compete . 总统奥巴马说, 我想我们都有这个共同的目标, “从第一条铁路,到现在的州际高铁, 我们的国家总是第一个完成这样的项目。
interstate:adj.州际的;州与州之间的;n.(美)州际公路; compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛);
There is no reason Europe or China should have the fastest trains." 没有理由让欧洲和中国拥有世界上最快的火车.
Well, actually there is a reason: 事实上确实有一个理由,
Environmental review has evolved into a process of no pebble left unturned for any major project taking the better part of a decade, then followed by years of litigation by anybody who doesn't like the project. 环境检查已经上升到标准流程中 十年中的任何主要的工程 都千方百计的通过环境检查。 然后是面对那些不喜欢这个项目的人, 度过数年的诉讼岁月。
evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) pebble:n.卵石;水晶透镜;v.用卵石铺; unturned:adj.未翻转的;未颠倒的;不转动的; litigation:n.诉讼;起诉;
Then, just staying above the Earth for one more second, people are acting like idiots , 然后,在地球上多呆一秒钟, 人们就表演的像傻蛋一样,
(Laughter) (笑声)
all across the country. 全国人民都一样。
(Applause) (掌声)
Idiots. A couple of years ago, 傻蛋。 几年之前,
Broward County , Florida, banned running at recess . 佛罗里达州布罗瓦郡,颁布法律禁止在休息时间跑动。
County:n.郡,县; banned:v.明令禁止;取缔;禁止(某人)做某事;(ban的过去分词和过去式) recess:n.休会;休庭;壁橱;隐蔽处;v.休会;暂停;把…放进壁橱;将…嵌入墙壁;
(Laughter) (笑声)
That means all the boys are going to be ADD. 那意味着所有的男孩子们都会得多动症。
I mean it's just absolutely a formula for failure. 我觉得这绝对是一个 失败的公式。
My favorite, though, are all the warning labels . 我最喜欢讲的,是那些警告标签。
'"Caution: Contents are hot," 警告,这些东西非常烫,
Contents:n.内容; v.知足; (content的第三人称单数和复数)
on billions of coffee cups. 数亿杯咖啡的杯子上。
Archeologists will dig us up in a thousand years and they won't know about defensive medicine and stuff , but they'll see all these labels, "Contents are extremely hot." 考古学家想在一千年后把我们挖出来 并且他们将不知道这些自我保护性的药品和口号, 但他们会看到这些警告,这些东西超级Hot 烫 。
Archeologists:n.考古学家(archeologist的复数形式); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地;
They'll think it was some kind of aphrodisiac . 他们会认为这是某种春药。
That's the only explanation. Because why would you have to tell people that something was actually hot? 这是杯子上的唯一的解释。 因为你唯一要告诉别人的是什么东西非常非常的Hot”热“。
My favorite warning was one on a five-inch fishing lure . 我喜欢的一个警告是五英寸的鱼铒。
I grew up in the South and whiled away the summers fishing. 我长在南方并且每年夏天都要钓鱼。
Five-inch fishing lure, it's a big fishing lure, with a three pronged hook in the back, and outside it said, "Harmful if swallowed ." 五英寸的鱼铒,这是相当大的鱼饵, 后面带着一个三叉钩, 但在外面它说,“吞食有害健康。”
pronged:adj.有叉的; hook:n.钩;挂钩;鱼钩;钓钩;v.挂住;箍住;钓(鱼);打曲线球; swallowed:v.吞下;咽下;吞没;淹没;侵吞(swallow的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, none of these people are doing what they think is right. 所以,没有人去这样做 他们认为正确的事情。
And why not? They don't trust the law. Why don't they trust the law? 那为为什么不?他们不信任法律。他们为什么不信任法律?
Because it gives us the worst of both worlds: 因为法律给我们最坏的两种世界。
It's random -- anybody can sue for almost anything and take it to a jury , not even an effort at consistency -- and it's also too detailed. 它随机。任何人可以起诉几乎是任何东西 并且让它受伤。甚至没有一个一致性。 并且它太详尽了。
random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; jury:n.[法]陪审团;评判委员会;adj.应急的; consistency:n.[计]一致性;稠度;相容性;
In the areas that are regulated , there are so many rules no human could possibly know it. 在被法律规范的区域里, 有太多的人类不可能理解的规定。
Well how do you fix it? We could spend 10,000 lifetimes trying to prune this legal jungle . 那么你怎么弥补呢?我们可以花1万人一生的时间来 尝试修剪这个热带雨森般复杂的法律。
prune:vi.删除;减少;vt.修剪;删除;剪去;n.深紫红色;傻瓜;李子干; jungle:n.密林;尔虞我诈的环境;危险地带;
But the challenge here is not one of just amending the law, because the hurdle for success is trust. 但真正的挑战不是仅仅的去 修正法律。 因为成功的最本质原因是信任。
amending:v.修改(amend的现在分词); hurdle:n.障碍;栏;跳栏;vt.克服;vi.克服;跳过;
People -- for law to be the platform for freedom, people have to trust it. 人们,在法律的范围内追寻自由, 人们必须信任它。
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
So, that's my second proposition: 所以,这是我第二个建议。
Trust is an essential condition to a free society. 信任是自由社会的一个 关键的条件。
Life is complicated enough without legal fear. 即使除去对法律的恐惧的生活已经够复杂了。
But law is different than other kinds of uncertainties , because it carries with it the power of state. 但法律又是不同于其它不确定因素。 因为它象征着国家权利。
different than:不同于; uncertainties:n.[数]不确定性;不确定因素(uncertainty的复数);
And so the state can come in. 所以国家可以站出来。
It actually changes the way people think. 它实际上改变了人们的思考方式。
It's like having a little lawyer on your shoulders all day long , whispering in your ear, "Could that go wrong? Might that go wrong?" 就像是有一个小律师站在你的肩膀, 整天对着你的耳朵窃窃私语, “这个会出问题吗? 那个可能有问题吗?”
all day long:"allday"的变体;整天;一整天;终日;
It drives people from the smart part of the brain -- that dark, deep well of the subconscious , where instincts and experience, and all the other factors of creativity and good judgment are -- it drives us to the thin veneer of conscious logic . 它能在很多方面, 从很深的潜意识层次, 从本能上和经验上, 以及创新能力上或者判断力上, 把人们非常聪明伶利变的因阴暗, 它会驱使我们带个意识逻辑的外表。
subconscious:adj.潜意识的;下意识的;n.潜在意识;下意识心理活动; instincts:n.本能;天性;直觉;(instinct的复数) factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商; veneer:n.外表;虚饰;饰面;胶合板的一层;薄木片;vt.胶合;虚饰;给…镶以饰片; logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的;
Pretty soon the doctor's saying, "Well, I doubt if that headache could be a tumor , but who would protect me if it were? So maybe I'll just order the MRI." 过些时间医生会说,“好吧, 我怀疑这个头疼可能是一个肿瘤,但如果是,谁会保护我呢? 那么我就让他去做个磁共振(MRI)好了。
Then you've wasted 200 billion dollars in unnecessary tests. 所以,你已经在不必要的测试上浪费了2000亿美金。
If you make people self-conscious about their judgments , studies show you will make them make worse judgments. 如果你让你人们去做判断, 研究表明 你会让他们做更糟糕的判断。
self-conscious:adj.自觉的; judgments:判断;
If you tell the pianist to think about how she's hitting the notes when she's playing the piece, she can't play the piece. 如果你告诉钢琴师当他们演奏时,让他们去考虑自己是如果敲击乐符的, 她们就无法演奏下去了。
Self-consciousness is the enemy of accomplishment . 自我意识是完成目标的敌人。
Self-consciousness:n.自觉意识; accomplishment:n.成就;完成;技艺,技能;
Edison stated it best. He said, "Hell, we ain't got no rules around here, we're trying to accomplish something." 爱迪生就是最好的例子。 他说, 该列,我们这里不要任何规则, 我们想真正做点实事儿。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, how do you restore trust? 所以,怎么才能恢复信任?
Tweaking the law's clearly not good enough, and tort reform, which is a great idea, lowers your cost if you're a businessperson , but it's like a Band-Aid on this gaping wound of distrust. 改进我们的法律很显然已经不够了。 改革侵权行为是一个特别好的主意。 可以降低商人的成本, 但像是一个急救绷带打在一个不信任的伤口上。
Tweaking:v.捏,扭,拧;对…稍作调整(tweak的现在分词); businessperson:商人; Band-Aid:n.创可贴;adj.补缀的; gaping:v.张口结舌地看;张开;裂开;豁开;(gape的现在分词) wound:n.创伤,伤口;v.使受伤;受伤,伤害;
States with extensive tort reform still suffer all these pathologies . 一个有着大量侵权行为改革的国家 仍然遭受着这些病因。
extensive:adj.广泛的;大量的;广阔的; pathologies:n.病理学(复数pathologies);
So, what's needed is not just to limit claims, but actually create a dry ground of freedom. 所以,我们需要的不仅是有限的声明, 而是真正的去创造一片自由之域。
It turns out that freedom actually has a formal structure. 这样的结果就是自由实际上是一个正式的结构。
And it is this: 并且它是这样:
Law sets boundaries , and on one side of those boundaries are all the things you can't do or must do -- you can't steal, you've got to pay your taxes -- but those same boundaries are supposed to define and protect a dry ground of freedom. 法律制定界限, 一方面这些界限是所有你不能做的东西 或者必须做的东西。 你不能偷。 你必须缴税。 但这相同的边界本应该去定义和保护 自由之域。
Isaiah Berlin put it this way: "Law sets frontiers, not artificially drawn, within which men shall be inviolable ." 以赛亚·柏林这么认为, “法律制定边境,不是人工画出来的, 那就是人们应该是不可侵犯的。”
artificially:adv.人工地;人为地;不自然地; inviolable:adj.不可侵犯的;神圣的;不可亵渎的;
We've forgotten that second part. 我们已经忘记了第二部份。
Those dikes have burst . People wade through law all day long. 像决堤的大坝一样。 人们在法律的世界里跋山涉水呀 日复一日。
dikes:堤坝(dike的复数); burst:v.破裂;爆炸;突破;冲进;n.爆发;点射;释放;(情感的)迸发; wade through:涉水(泥泞等);费力地做完;艰难地通过;
So, what's needed now is to rebuild these boundaries. 那么,我们现在要做的 就是重新定义这些边界。
And it's especially important to rebuild them for lawsuits. 并且对重新定义它们对于法律诉讼 有着很重要的意义。
Because what people can sue for establishes the boundaries for everybody else's freedom. 因为人们可以起诉的那些边界 是别人的自由。
If someone brings a lawsuit over, "A kid fell off the seesaw ," 如果有人诉讼,一个孩子在跷跷板上摔下来了,
seesaw:n.跷跷板; adj.交互的; vi.玩跷跷板; vt.使上下或来回摇动;
it doesn't matter what happens in the lawsuit, all the seesaws will disappear . 不管诉讼的结果如何, 所有的跷跷板都会消失掉。
seesaws:n.跷跷板; adj.交互的; vi.玩跷跷板; vt.使上下或来回摇动; disappear:v.消失;失踪;不复存在;
Because no one will want to take the risk of a lawsuit. 因为没有人愿意担着被起诉的危险。
And that's what's happened. There are no seesaws, jungle gyms, merry-go-rounds , climbing ropes, nothing that would interest a kid over the age of four, because there's no risk associated with it. 这就是这个世界。 将不在会有跷跷板,攀登架, 旋转木马,攀登绳, 大于四岁的孩子们将不再会有乐趣, 因为他们的世界没有任何风险。
merry-go-rounds:n.旋转木马;一连串的繁忙活动; associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
So, how do we rebuild it? 那么,我们如何重新打造它?
Life is too complex for... 生命已经太复杂而…
(Applause) (掌声)
Life is too complex for a software program. 生命过于复杂了而非一个软件程序能涵盖的。
All these choices involve value judgments and social norms , not objective facts. 所有的这些选择都包含价值判断, 和社会规范,而不是客观事实。
norms:n.[标准]标准,规范;基准(norm复数形式); objective:n.目标; adj.客观的;
And so here is the fourth proposition. 那么这里我的第四个建议。
This is what we have, the philosophy we have to change to. 这是我们拥有的,我们不得不接受的哲学。
And there are two essential elements of it: 并且它的两个关键的元素。
We have to simplify the law. 我们不得不简化这个法律。
We have to migrate from all this complexity towards general principles and goals. 我们不得不从这些复杂的东西转换成 总体的原则和目标。
migrate:vi.移动;随季节而移居;移往;vt.使移居;使移植; complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势 principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数)
The constitution is only 16 pages long. 宪法只有16页长。
Worked pretty well for 200 years. 已经完美运作了快两百年。
Law has to be simple enough so that people can internalize it in their daily choices. 法律必须足够简单 所以人们可以进行内部消化 真正运用在他们的日常生活中。
If they can't internalize it, they won't trust it. 如果不能真正把它们内部消化,他们也不会信任它。
And how do you make it simple? 那么,怎么才能让它变的更简单一些?
Because life is complex, and here is the hardest and biggest change: 因为人生是复杂的。 那么,这里是最难也是最大的改变。
We have to restore the authority to judges and officials to interpret and apply the law. 我们必须恢复当局对审判 以及官方 对法律的诠释的权力。
interpret:v.诠释;说明;口译;把…理解为; apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求;
(Applause) (掌声)
We have to rehumanize the law. 我们必须把法律重新人道化。
To make law simple so that you feel free, the people in charge have to be free to use their judgment to interpret and apply the law in accord with reasonable social norms. 将法律变的更简单,因此你会感觉更自由, 当权的人必须能自由的用他们的判断来 诠释和执行法律 与合理的社会标准保持一致。
in accord with:同…相符合;与…一致; reasonable:adj.合理的,公道的;通情达理的;
As you're going down, and walking down the sidewalk during the day, you have to think that if there is a dispute, there's somebody in society who sees it as their job to affirmatively protect you if you're acting reasonably . 你在大白天的大马路上散步 你必须知道,如果那里有争端出现, 如果你的行为合理, 这个社会上应该有人去当成本质工作去 保护你。
sidewalk:n.人行道; affirmatively:adv.肯定地;断然地; reasonably:adv.合理地;相当地;适度地;
That person doesn't exist today. 我们现在没有这个角色。
This is the hardest hurdle. 这是最难克服的障碍。
It's actually not very hard. Ninety-eight percent of cases, this is a piece of cake . 实际上,它不难。98%的案例都是小菜一碟。
a piece of cake:轻松的事;
Maybe you've got a claim in small claims court for your lost pair of pants for $100, but not in a court of general jurisdiction for millions of dollars. 也许你接到小法庭的一个索赔, 你丢了一条一百美元的裤子。 但不是在一个高级司法权的大法庭上的价值百万的案子。
small claims court:n.小额索赔(地方)法院; jurisdiction:n.司法权,审判权,管辖权;权限,权力;
Case dismissed without prejudice or refiling in small claims court. 案例在小法庭上没有偏倚被取消。
dismissed:v.不予考虑;摒弃;去除,消除;解雇;(dismiss的过去分词和过去式) prejudice:n.偏见;侵害;vt.损害;使有偏见;
Takes five minutes. That's it, it's not that hard. 五分钟搞定。就这样。 这并不难。
But it's a hard hurdle because we got into this legal quicksand because we woke up in the 1960s to all these really bad values: racism , gender discrimination , pollution -- 但难点在于我们已经陷入了法律流沙中 因为我们在六十年代唤醒了这些 特别邪恶的价值观,种族主义, 性别歧视,污染。
quicksand:n.[水利]流沙,危险状态; racism:n.种族主义,种族歧视;人种偏见; gender:n.性别; discrimination:n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力;
they were bad values. And we wanted to create a legal system where no one could have bad values anymore. 这些是很邪恶的价值观。并且我们希望创造一个法律系统, 一个人们不再能抱有邪恶价值观的法律系统。
The problem is, we created a system where we eliminated the right to have good values. 问题是,我们创造了这个系统, 一个我们把好的价值观也消灭掉的法律系统。
It doesn't mean that people in authority can do whatever they want. 这并不是说当局可以为所欲为。 这并不是说当局可以为所欲为。
They're still bounded by legal goals and principles: 他们仍然被法律的目标和原则所界定。
The teacher is accountable to the principal, the judge is accountable to an appellate court , the president is accountable to voters. 老师对原则负责。 法官对上诉法院负责。 总统对选民负责
accountable:adj.有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的; appellate court:n.上诉法庭;
But the accountability's up the line judging the decision against the effect on everybody, not just on the disgruntled person. 但是责任感可以上升到 对这个决定对每个人产生的影响来判断。 而对于不爽的那个人的影响。
You can't run a society by the lowest common denominator . 你不能用最低标准去运行一个社会。
(Applause) (掌声)
So, what's needed is a basic shift in philosophy. 那么,我们要做的哲学上的一个基本转化。
We can pull the plug on a lot of this stuff if we shift our philosophy. 如果我们转换自己的哲学,我们可以减少很多这样的问题。
pull the plug:中断;拔掉电源插头;终止业务;停止;
We've been taught that authority is the enemy of freedom. 我们被教唆的是权威是自由的敌人。
It's not true. Authority, in fact, is essential to freedom. 那是瞎话。事实上, 权威是自由的关键。
Law is a human institution; responsibility is a human institution . 法律是一种人类习俗。 责任感是一种人类习俗。
If teachers don't have authority to run the classroom, to maintain order, everybody's learning suffers. 如果老师并没有权威去管理教室, 去维护秩序,每个人的学习。
If the judge doesn't have the authority to toss out unreasonable claims, then all of us go through the day looking over our shoulders. 如果法官没有权利去拒绝不合理的上诉 那么我们会整天心惊胆战。
toss:v.扔,抛,掷;甩(使)摇摆,挥动,颠簸;摇匀;n.掷硬币决定;向上甩头;投掷 unreasonable:adj.不合理的;过度的;不切实际的;非理智的;
If the environmental agency can't decide that the power lines are good for the environment, then there's no way to bring the power from the wind farms to the city. 如果环境部门不能决定 哪种电线对环境有利, 那么我们就没办法将电从风力电站 输送到城市。
A free society requires red lights and green lights, otherwise it soon descends into gridlock . 一个自由的社会一定要有红灯也有绿灯, 否则很快就会交通拥堵。
descends:下降; gridlock:vi.交通阻塞;n.僵局;极端严重的全面交通壅塞;
That's what's happened to America. Look around. 这就是美国的现状。 四处看看吧。
What the world needs now is to restore the authority to make common choices. 我们的世界需要的是, 恢复机构应该有做选择的权利。
It's the only way to get our freedom back, and it's the only way to release the energy and passion needed so that we can meet the challenges of our time. Thank you. 这是我们夺回自由的唯一的方法。 这也是我们唯一需要释放能量和激情的地方 来克服我们的时代面临的挑战。 谢谢你们。
(Applause) (掌声)