

This is a wheat bread, a whole-wheat bread, and it's made with a new technique that I've been playing around with, and developing and writing about which, for lack of a better name, we call the epoxy method. 这是一个小麦面包,全麦面包, 而且还是用一种新技术制成的。 我一直在玩这个技术, 还出了书。由于暂时还没有一个更好的名字, 我们暂且称之为环氧树脂烘焙法。
whole-wheat:adj.全麦的;全麦面粉制成的;n.营养面粉;粗面粉; technique:n.技巧,技术;手法; epoxy:adj.环氧的;n.环氧基树脂;vt.用环氧树脂胶合;
And I call it an epoxy method because -- it's not very appetizing . I understand that -- but -- but if you think about epoxy, what's epoxy? 我知道这么称呼它不免让人有些倒胃, 那么我为什么这么叫它呢? 为什么呢? 倘若你想想环氧树脂是什么,
It's two resins that are, sort of, in and of themselves -- neither of which can make glue , but when you put the two together, something happens. A bond takes place, and you get this very strong, powerful adhesive . 它其实是两种树脂,而这两种树脂 本身都是无法用来制成胶水的, 然而你要是把两者混合到一起, 它们就会发生反应。两者间形成了一个键, 最终合成了这种十分强力的 粘合剂。
resins:n.[树脂]树脂;松香酯(resin的复数);v.用树脂处理(resin的三单形式); glue:n.胶;胶水;v.粘贴; adhesive:n.粘合剂;胶黏剂;adj.粘着的;带粘性的;
Well, in this technique, what I've tried to do is kind of gather all of the knowledge that the bread-baking world, the artisan bread-baking community , has been trying to accumulate over the last 20 years or so -- 其实,在这项技术当中, 我想要试着去做的, 只是将面包烘培界的所有知识整合起来。 这项知识,是整个业界 自美国面包复兴后至今的大约20年间,
artisan:n.工匠,技工; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; accumulate:vi.累积;积聚;vt.积攒;
since we've been engaged in a bread renaissance in America -- and put it together to come up with a method that would help to take whole-grain breads . 所尝试积累起来的。 再将其结合起来, 得出了一个能做出全麦面包的方法。
engaged in:从事于;忙于; renaissance:n.文艺复兴(欧洲14至17世纪); come up with:提出;想出;赶上; breads:n.各种面包(bread的复数形式);
And let's face it, everyone's trying to move towards whole-grains. 事实是,每个人都尝试着多吃全麦面包。
We finally , after 40 years of knowing that wholegrain was a healthier option , we're finally getting to the point where we actually are tipping over and > at tempting to actually eat them. 如今,在我们40年前便已知道 全麦面包要更加健康的情况下, 终于到取得重大突破的时候了, 我们终于有机会真正去吃全麦面包了。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; option:n.选择;可选择的东西;
(Laughter) (全场大笑)
The challenge, though, for a wholegrain baker is, you know, how do you make it taste good? 然而,对全麦面包师来说, 怎样把面包做得美味,是一个挑战。
Because whole-grain -- it's easy with white flour to make a good-tasting bread. White flour is sweet. 用白面粉做出美味的面包很容易, 因为白面粉本身是甜的。
white flour:n.白面;精麦粉;
It's mainly starch , and starch , when you break it down -- what is starch? It's -- thank you -- sugar, yes. 白面粉主要是淀粉,而如果你分解淀粉的话 你会得到什么?那就是--谢谢--没错,是糖。
mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; starch:n.淀粉;刻板,生硬;vt.给…上浆;
So a baker, and a good baker, knows how to pull or draw forth the inherent sugar trapped in the starch. 所以一个面包师,一个优秀的面包师, 懂得怎样去利用淀粉中的糖分 来做好面包。
draw forth:引出,诱出;引起,唤起;博得; inherent:adj.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的; trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式)
With whole-grain bread, you have other obstacles . 但如果要做全麦面包,就会有其他障碍。
You've got bran , which is probably the healthiest part of the bread for us, or the fiber for us because it is just loaded with fiber, for the bran is fiber. 面包糠算得上是面包中最利于我们健康的部分了, 或者说,纤维是最利于我们健康的部分,因为面包糠中富含纤维, 或者说面包糠就是纤维。
bran:n.麸,糠; fiber:n.纤维;光纤(等于fibre);
It's got germ . Those are the good things, but those aren't the tastiest parts of the wheat. 当中还有胚芽。这些都是好东西, 然而却不是小麦中味道最好的部分。
germ:n.[植]胚芽,萌芽;细菌;vi.萌芽; tastiest:美味的(tasty的最高级);
So whole-grain breads historically have had sort of this onus of being health-food breads, and people don't like to eat quote , healthfood. They like to eat healthy and healthily , but when we think of something as a health food , 因此,全麦面包历来 被视为一种健康 但人们却不喜欢吃的面包 所谓的健康食品。他们喜欢以健康的方式吃健康的食品, 然而当我们想到健康食品的时候,
historically:adv.历史上地;从历史观点上说; onus:n.责任,义务;负担; health-food:adj.保健食品的; quote:v.引用;报价;举例说明;开价;为(企业的股份)上市;n.引用; healthily:adv.健康地; health food:adj.保健食品的;
we think of it as something we eat out of obligation , not out of passion and love for the flavor . 我们就会觉得自己是出于义务去吃这种食品的, 而非出于对其美味的热衷和喜爱。
obligation:n.义务;责任;职责;(已承诺的或法律等规定的)义务; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; flavor:n.情味,风味;香料;滋味;v.加味于;
And ultimately , the challenge of the baker, the challenge of every culinary student, of every chef, is to deliver flavor. 而最终,对于面包师, 对于每个学徒,每个厨师来说,最大的挑战, 都在于要展现美味。
ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; culinary:adj.厨房的;烹调用的;
Flavor is king. Flavor rules. 美味才是王道!美味至上!
I call it the flavor rule. Flavor rules. 我称之为“美味定律”。
And -- and you can get somebody to eat something that's good for them once, but they won't eat it again if they don't like it, right? 还有就是 对一个人身体有好处的东西,你只能引诱他们吃一次。 但要是他们不喜欢的话,他们也就不会再吃一次了,对吧?
So, this is the challenge for this bread. 因此,这就是这种面包所要面对的挑战。
We're going to try this at lunch, and 午餐的时候我们可以尝试一下这种面包,
I'll explain a bit more about it, but it's made not only with two types of pre-doughs -- this attempt, again, at bringing out flavor is to make a piece of dough the day before that is not leavened. 我会详细解释它是怎么做的。 实际上,这种面包并不仅仅是用两种面团做成的 这种带出味道的尝试 诀窍在于在发酵的前一天, 就做好面团。
It's just dough that is wet. 就是这种湿面团,
It's hydrated dough we call "the soaker " -- that helps to start enzyme activity. 这种我们叫做“酒鬼”的吸了水的面团, 推动了酶的反应。
hydrated:adj.含水的;v.与水化合;成水合物(hydrate的过去分词形式); soaker:n.倾盆大雨;酒量大的人;浸洗人; enzyme:n.[生化]酶;
And enzymes are the secret, kind of, ingredient in dough that brings out flavor. 而酶正是让面团味道出彩的 秘密成分。
enzymes:n.[生化]酶(enzyme的复数);酶类,酵素; ingredient:n.原料;要素;组成部分;adj.构成组成部分的;
It starts to release the sugars trapped in the starch. 它释放淀粉中的糖分。
That's what enzymes are doing. 这是酶的工作。
And so, if we can release some of those, they become accessible to us in our palate . 如果我们能释放出那些糖分, 我们的味蕾就更容易接受它们。
accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的; palate:n.味觉;上颚;趣味;
They become accessible to the yeast as food. 它们也是酵母的食物。
They become accessible to the oven for caramelization to give us a beautiful crust . 它们在烤箱中焦化, 成为漂亮香脆的面包皮。
oven:n.炉,灶;烤炉,烤箱; crust:n.壳;表面;厚颜无耻;[美国]雪壳;v.用外皮覆盖;结成硬皮;生痂儿;形成硬壳;
The other pre-dough that we make is fermented -- our pre-ferment. 另一种预备面团, 是发酵好了的,
And it's made -- it can be a sourdough starter , or what we call a 'biga" 它是一种酸性生面团,和其它加有酵母的预备面团一样,
sourdough:n.酵母;拓荒者; starter:n.起动机;发令员;第一道菜;发射装置;发起者;参加比赛者,上场队员;
or any other kind of pre-fermented dough with a little yeast in it, and that starts to develop flavor also. 被称为biga, 有特殊的香味。
And on day two, we put those two pieces together. That's the epoxy. 准备好面团的第二天,我们把这两个面团混合,得到环氧树脂。
And we're hoping that, sort of, the enzyme piece of dough becomes the fuel pack for the leavened piece of dough, and when we put them together and add the final ingredients , we can create a bread that does evoke the full potential of flavor trapped in the grain . 我们希望, 面团中的酶, 能成为发酵面团中的能量包, 当我们混合面团并加入最后几样原料时, 我们能制造出一种, 能够充分释放谷物香气的面包。
ingredients:n.成分;(尤指烹饪)原料;(成功的)要素;(ingredient的复数) evoke:vt.引起,唤起;博得; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; grain:n.粮食; v.把…作成细粒;
That's the challenge. Okay, so, now, what we -- in the journey of wheat, let's go back and look at these 12 stages. 这是个挑战。好吧,现在, 我们回顾一下全麦之旅的12个阶段。
I'm going to go through them very quickly and then revisit them. 我先迅速过一遍,之后再回来详尽解释。
Okay, we're going to start with the first stage. 我们从第一阶段开始。
And this is what every student has to begin with. 这是每个学徒的第一节课。
Everyone who works in the culinary world knows that the first stage of cooking is " mise en place," 每个烹饪界的人都知道, 烹饪的第一步是“mise en place”
which is just a French way of saying, "get organized ." 法语里的意思就是,“各就各位“。
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式)
Everything in its place. First stage. 每一样东西都各就各位。这是第一步。
So in baking we call it scaling -- weighing out the ingredients. 在烘培中我们称之为称量:准备一定量的原料。
baking:n.烘焙,烘烤; adj.烘烤的; v.烤,烘焙; (bake的现在分词) scaling:n.缩放比例; v.剥落;
Stage two is mixing . We take the ingredients and we mix them. 第二步是混合:把原料混合在一起。
We have to develop the gluten . 我们需要面筋。
There's no gluten in flour. There's only the potential for gluten. 得到面筋需要面粉,但面粉中本身没有面筋。
Here's another kind of prefiguring of epoxy because we've got glutenin and gliadin , neither of which are strong enough to make a good bread. 这是环氧树脂的另一个“前身”。 我们有现成的谷蛋白和醇溶蛋白, 这两样都不能单独制造出好面包。
prefiguring:vt.预示;预想; gliadin:n.麦醇溶蛋白;醇溶谷蛋白;
But when they get hydrated and they bond to each other, they create a stronger molecule , a stronger protein we call gluten. 然而一旦它们得到充分湿润,它们便彼此结合, 一种更强韧的分子诞生了,我们称之为面筋。
molecule:n.[化学]分子;微小颗粒,微粒; protein:n.蛋白质;
And so we, in the mixing process , have to develop the gluten, we have to activate the leaven or the yeast, and we have to essentially distribute all the ingredients evenly . 所以我们在这个混合过程中, 必须创造出面筋, 我们得唤醒酵母, 同时还必须均匀混合原料,
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; activate:vt.刺激;使活动;使活泼;使产生放射性;vi.激活;有活力; leaven:vt.使发酵;影响;vi.渐变;n.酵母;酵素;潜移默化的影响; essentially:adv.本质上;本来; distribute:v.分发;分配;分销;分散; evenly:adv.均匀地;平衡地;平坦地;平等地;
Then we get into fermentation , the third stage, which is really where the flavor develops. 然后我们进入发酵阶段,这是第三步。 香味正是从这一步酝酿出来的。
The yeast comes alive and starts eating the sugars, creating carbon dioxide and alcohol -- essentially it's burping and sweating, which is what bread is. 酵母们被唤醒,开始吞食糖原, 释放二氧化碳和酒精, 就像是吃饭吃得满头大汗,到头来再打个饱嗝,就得到了面包。
carbon dioxide:二氧化碳; alcohol:n.酒精;乙醇;含酒精饮料; burping:n.打嗝;饱嗝儿;vi.打嗝;打饱嗝;vt.使打嗝;
It's yeast burps and sweat. 面包就是酵母的饱嗝和汗。
And somehow , this is transformed -- the yeast burps and sweats are later transformed -- and this is really getting to the heart of what makes bread so special is that it is a transformational food, and we're going to explore that in a minute. 然后就发生了某种转型: 我们差不多到最关键的部分了, 这个转型是面包如此特别的关键, 面包是一种转型食品。 我们一会儿再来研究这个过程。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) transformational:adj.转换的;改变的;转换生成的; explore:v.探索:探测:探险:
But then, quickly through the next few stages. 接着的几个阶段,
We, after it's fermented and it's developed, started to develop flavor and character, we divide it into smaller units. 当面团慢慢发酵、成长, 开始形成其独特的味道和性格, 我们把大面团分成小面团。
And then we take those units and we shape them. We give them a little pre-shape, usually a round or a little torpedo shape, sometimes. 我们给小面团塑型,粗略地捏出个形状, 通常不是圆形的就是梭子形的,
That's called "rounding." 这一步叫做“整形”。
And there's a short rest period. It can be for a few seconds. 然后稍事休息一会儿,可能是几秒钟,
It can be for 20 or 30 minutes. We call that resting or benching. 也可能是二三十分钟。我们称之为“松弛”。
Then we go into final shaping, "panning" -- which means putting the shaped loaf on a pan. 然后我们进入最后的塑型阶段, “摆盘”,意思就是把整形好的面包放在盘里。
This takes a second, but it's a distinctive stage. 这不用多久,但也是不可取代的一个步骤。
It can be in a basket. It can be in a loaf pan, but we pan it. 可能个篮子,也可能是面包盘,但我们总得摆。
And then, stage nine. 然后,第九步。
The fermentation which started at stage three is continuing through all these other stages. Again, developing more flavor. 发酵从第三步开始,一直持续至今, 味道更加丰满了。
The final fermentation takes place in stage nine. 最后的发酵在第九步发生。
We call it " proofing ." 我们称为“二次发酵”
Proofing means to prove that the dough is alive. 二次发酵按字面理解,就是证明一下面团是在呼吸的。
And at stage nine we get the dough to the final shape, and it goes into the oven -- stage 10. 在第九步我们得到最终整形后的面团, 把它放进烤箱,这是第十步。
Three transformations take place in the oven. 在烤箱中,会发生三个转变。
transformations:n.[晶体]转变(transformation的复数形式);转换; take place:发生;举行;
The sugars in the dough caramelize in the crust. 面团中的糖分,在面包皮中焦化,
They give us that beautiful brown crust. 为我们展现美丽的棕色表皮。
Only the crust can caramelize. It's the only place that gets hot enough. 只有表皮会发生焦化,只有这里会足够热。
Inside, the proteins -- this gluten -- coagulates . 在面团内部, 蛋白质,即面筋,发生凝结反应。
proteins:n.[生化]蛋白质(protein复数); coagulates:vt.使…凝结;vi.凝结;
When it gets to about 160 degrees, the proteins all line upand they create structure , the gluten structure -- what ultimately we will call the crumb of the bread. 大概160度时, 所有蛋白质分子自动排队, 形成筋状结构, 也就是我们最终看到的面包屑。
And the starches , when they reach about 180 degrees, gelatinize. 180度时, 淀粉分子发生凝胶反应。
And gelatinization is yet another oven transformation. 凝胶反应, 还不是最后一个发生在烤箱里的转变。
Coagulation , caramelization and gelatinization -- when the starch is thick and they absorb all the moisture that's around them, they -- they kind of swell , and then they burst . 凝结,焦化和凝胶反应, 当厚厚的淀粉吸光了周围所有的水分, 他们膨胀,然后自爆了。
Coagulation:n.凝固,凝结;凝结物; absorb:v.吸收;使并入;吞并;同化;理解;吸收;耗费;承受; moisture:n.水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量; swell:n.海浪的涌动; v.膨胀; adj.很愉快的; burst:v.破裂;爆炸;突破;冲进;n.爆发;点射;释放;(情感的)迸发;
And they burst, and they spill their guts into the bread. 他们自爆了,然后把自己的内脏留在了面包里。
spill:v.溢出;涌出;蜂拥而出;n.跌落;洒出(量);泼出(量);溢出(量); guts:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;(gut的第三人称单数和复数)
So basically now we're eating yeast sweats, sweat, burps and starch guts. 现在我们可以说,我们在吃酵母的汗液, 饱嗝,还有淀粉的内脏。
Again, transformed in stage 10 in the oven because what went into the oven as dough comes out in stage 11 as bread. 第十步中,烤箱内又发生了一个转变, 在第十一步中 面团出烤箱时,变成了面包。
And stage 11, we call it cooling -- because we never really eat the bread right away . 第十一步,我们叫放凉, 因为我们基本上从来不吃刚出炉的面包,
right away:立刻;
There's a little carry-over baking. 还有些后续工作要搞定。
The proteins have to set up, strengthen and firm up. 蛋白质必须重组、强化,变得更加紧致。
And then we have stage 12, which the textbooks call "packaging," 然后是第十二步,教科书上都称之为“包装”,
but my students call "eating." 但是我的学生们都称之为“吃吧”。
And so, we're going to be on our own journey today from wheat to eat, and in a few minutes we will try this, and see if we have succeeded in fulfilling this baker's mission of pulling out flavor. 所以我们今天的全麦之旅,就是从麦子,到吃, 我们一会儿就可以开始了, 看看我们是否会成功地 完成一个烘培师完整表达香味的使命。
fulfilling:adj.让人感觉有意义的; v.实现; (fulfill的现在分词) mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教;
But I want to go back now and revisit these steps, and talk about it from the standpoint of transformation because I really believe that all things can be understood -- 但我还想再回顾一下这些步骤, 从转变的角度再看看究竟发生了什么。 因为我相信, 所有事物都是能被弄明白的,
and this is not my own idea. This goes back to the Scholastics and to the Ancients -- that all things can be understood on four levels: the literal , the metaphoric or poetic level, the political or ethical level. 这不是我一个人的想法。这可以回溯到古代哲学家的时代, 所有的事情都可以在四个层面上被理解: 文字层面,隐喻或者诗化层面, 政治或者道德层面,
literal:adj.文字的;逐字的;无夸张的; metaphoric:隐喻的; poetic:adj.诗的,诗歌的;诗意的;诗人的;n.诗学,诗论; ethical:adj.伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的;n.处方药;
And ultimately, the mystical or sometimes called the "anagogical" level. 以及最终的隐秘层面,或者叫做“类比”层面。
It's hard to get to those levels unless you go through the literal. 如果不能在文字层面理解,那么其他层面也很难达到。
In fact, Dante says you can't understand the three deeper levels unless you first understand the literal level, so that's why we're talking literally about bread. 实际上,丹特认为,除非你理解了字面意思, 否则根本不可能在另外三个层面达到更深的理解。 这就是为什么我们首先要在直观上理解面包。
Dante:n.但丁(意大利诗人); literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
But let's kind of look at these stages again from the standpoint of connections to possibly a deeper level -- all in my quest for answering the question, "What is it about bread that's so special?" 让我们更深一步地回顾这些步骤, 试图从更深层次上去理解它们, 这都是为了回答这个问题: “面包到底有什么特别的?”
And fulfilling this mission of evoking the full potential of flavor. 以及圆满完成激发其香味的任务。
Because what happens is, bread begins as wheat or any other grain. 整个过程是这样发生的, 面包始于小麦,或者其他谷物,
But what's wheat? Wheat is a grass that grows in the field. 但什么是小麦?小麦是一种草, 长在地里。
And, like all grasses, at a certain point it puts out seeds. 像所有的草一样,到了一定时间它会散播种子。
And we harvest those seeds, and those are the wheat kernels . 我们收获这些种子,得到麦粒。
Now, in order to harvest it -- I mean, what's harvesting? 为了收获它---对了,什么是收获?
It's just a euphemism for killing, right? 收获只是杀掉的委婉说法,对吧?
I mean, that's what's harvest -- we say we harvest the pig, you know? 你知道的,我们不说杀猪,我们只说收获猪肉。
Yes, we slaughter , you know. Yes, that's life. 是啊,我们是屠夫,这就是生活。
We harvest the wheat, and in harvesting it, we kill it. 我们收获麦粒, 说是收获,其实就是杀掉它。
Now, wheat is alive, and as we harvest it, it gives up its seeds. 麦子是有生命的, 当我们收获它时,它奉献了种子。
Now, at least with seeds we have the potential for future life. 我们有了种子,未来的生活似乎有了保障,
We can plant those in the ground. 因为我们可以把种子种在地里,
And we save some of those for the next generation. 同时再为后代存了一些种子。
But most of those seeds get crushed and turned into flour. 但大多数种子,被研磨, 变成面粉。
And at that point, the wheat has suffered the ultimate indignity . 此时麦粒们刚经历了天大的侮辱。
It's not only been killed, but it's been denied any potential for creating future life. 这已经不仅仅是被杀了, 它们同时被剥夺了创造美好未来生活的机会。
So we turn it into flour. 我们把它变成了面粉。
So as I said , I think bread is a transformational food. 所以像我之前说的,我认为面包是一种转型食品。
as I said:正如我所说的
The first transformation -- and, by the way , the definition of transformation for me is a radical change from one thing into something else. 顺便提一下, 我对转型的定义是, 从一个事物到另一个事物的彻底的改变。
by the way:顺便说一下; definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的;
OK? Radical, not subtle . 彻底的改变,不是一点点。
Not like hot water made cold, or cold water turned hot, but water boiled off and becoming steam. 不是说热水变成冷水, 或者冷水变成热水那种改变, 但是水烧开变成蒸汽,
That's a transformation, two different things. 是一种转型,这是两个不同的东西。
Well, in this case, the first transformation is alive to dead. 在面包这个例子中,第一个转型, 是从生到死。
I'd call that radical. 这个改变是彻底的。
So, we've got now this flour. 我们现在有了面粉。
And what do we do? We add some water. 下面我们该做什么?加水。
In stage one, we weigh it. 在步骤一中,我们称重。
In stage two, we add water and salt to it, mix it together, and we create something that we call " clay ." 在步骤二中,我们加入水和盐,混合, 得到面包糊。
It's like clay. 像粘土一样。
And we infuse that clay with an ingredient that we call "leaven." 我们在面糊里, 加入酵母。
In this case, it's yeast, but yeast is leaven. What does leaven mean? 酵母帮助发酵。不过发酵是什么意思?
Leaven comes from the root word that means enliven -- to vivify, to bring to life. “发酵”的词根意思是“使活跃”, 使有生机。
By the way, what's the Hebrew word for clay? Adam. 顺便说一下,粘土在希伯来语里怎么说?亚当。
You see, the baker, in this moment, has become, in a sense , sort of, the god of his dough, you know, and his dough, well, while it's not an intelligent life form , is now alive. 你看,此时的烘培者, 某种意义上, 成为了面团的上帝,而且他的面包团, 原本并非一种有智慧的生命形式,现在却变得活生生了。
in a sense:在某种意义上; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 life form:n.生物;
And we know it's alive because in stage three, it grows. Growth is the proof of life. 我们知道它有生命了,因为在步骤三, 面团发起来了。这就是生命的证明。
And while it's growing, all these literal transformations are taking place. 当它逐渐变大时, 许多字面上的转变在进行着。
Enzymes are breaking forth sugars. 酶在分解糖,
Yeast is eating sugar and turning it into carbon dioxide and alcohol. 酵母在吃糖, 同时释放二氧化碳和酒精。
Bacteria is in there, eating the same sugars, turning them into acids. 也有细菌,它们也抢糖吃, 把糖变成酸。
In other words, personality and character's being developed in this dough under the watchful gaze of the baker. 换句话说,在烘培者的密切关注下, 面团的性格形成了。
personality:n.性格;个性;人格;魅力;气质;名人;特色; watchful:adj.注意的;警惕的;警醒的; gaze:v.凝视;注视;盯着;n.凝视;注视;
And the baker's choices all along the way determine the outcome of the product. 烘培者在这一系列过程中所进行的选择, 决定了产品最终的结果。
determine:v.决定;确定;测定;查明;形成;影响;裁决;安排; outcome:n.结果,结局;成果;
A subtle change in temperature -- a subtle change in time -- it's all about a balancing act between time, temperature and ingredients. That's the art of baking. 温度、时间的微妙改变, 一切都与时间,温度,还有原料之间 的平衡有关。这就是烘培的艺术。
balancing act:平衡做法;协调;
So all these things are determined by the baker, and the bread goes through some stages, and characters develop. 所以一切都由烘培者决定, 面包经过这些阶段,逐渐形成了自己的性格。
And then we divide it, and this one big piece of dough is divided into smaller units, and each of those units are given shape by the baker. 然后我们分割它,一大团面, 被切成小分,每一小份, 都由烘培者塑型。
And as they're shaped, they're raised again, all along proving that they're alive, and developing character. 在整型时,它们再一次成长, 再一次证明它们是有生命的, 同时形成了性格。
And at stage 10, we take it to the oven. 在步骤十里,我们把它放入烤箱。
It's still dough. Nobody eats bread dough -- a few people do, I think, but not too many. 它仍然是面团,没人会吃面团的, 当然可能有人会吃,不过我想不会太多。
I've met some dough eaters , but -- it's not the staff of life, right? Bread is the staff of life. 我遇到过吃生面团的人,不过, 这不属于日常生活对吧?面包,是很日常生活的。
But dough is what we're working with, and we take that dough to the oven, and it goes into the oven. As soon as the interior temperature of that dough crosses the threshold of 140 degrees, it passes what we call the " thermal death point." 我们处理面团, 把它送入烤箱, 一旦面团内部温度高于了 140度的临界点, 我们称之为“温度生死点”。
As soon as:一…就; interior:n.内部;内陆;内地;里面;adj.内部的;里面的; threshold:n.入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值; thermal:adj.热的;热量的;保热的;n.上升的热气流;
Students love that TDP. They think it's the name of a video game . 学生们爱死这个临界点了。他们觉得这个名字像电脑游戏。
video game:n.电子游戏;
But it's the thermal death point -- all life ceases there. 但这是生死点---一切生命在此处消失。
The yeast, whose mission it has been up till now to raise the dough, to enliven it, to vivify it, in order to complete its mission, which is also to turn this dough into bread, has to give up its life. 酵母,至此已完成了它涨发面团, 赋予面团生命的任务, 为了完成全部使命, 即把面团变成面包, 酵母必须放弃它自己的生命。
So you see the symbolism at work? It's starting to come forth a little bit, you know. 看到我们正在使用的象征意义了吧?
It's starting to make sense to me -- what goes in is dough, what comes out is bread -- or it goes in alive, comes out dead. 对我来说一切都变得有意义了, 进去的是面团, 出来的是面包, 进去的是有生命的, 出来的却是死亡。
make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理;
Third transformation. First transformation, alive to dead. 第三个转型。第一个转型,生到死。
Second transformation, dead brought back to life. 第二个转型,复活。
Third transformation, alive to dead -- but dough to bread. 第三个转型,生到死, 但面团变成了面包。
Or another analogy would be, a caterpillar has been turned into a butterfly. 另一种类比是, 毛毛虫变成蝴蝶的过程。
analogy:n.类比;类推;类似; caterpillar:n.[无脊椎]毛虫;履带车;adj.有履带装置的;
And it's what comes out of the oven that is what we call the staff of life. 从烤箱出来的, 是我们所说的“生命物质”。
This is the product that everyone in the world eats, that is so difficult to give up. 这个 东西 全世界的人都在吃,而且很难放弃。
It's so deeply embedded in our psyches that bread is used as a symbol for life. 它如此 深刻地根植于我们的思维中, 以至于我们会把面包看作生活的标志。
embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式); psyches:vt.用精神分析治疗;使作好心理准备;
It's used as a symbol for transformation. 它也被用于转型的标志。
And so, as we get to stage 12 and we partake of that, again completing the life cycle , you know, we have a chance to essentially ingest that -- it nurtures us, and we continue to carry on and have opportunities to ponder things like this. 在步骤十二,我们分享了它, 再一次完成生命循环, 我们有幸能够摄取营养, 它哺育我们,我们又继续把它传承下去, 并且有机会来思考 我现在讲的这类东西。
partake:vi.分享;参与;分担;带有某种性质;vt.分担;分享; life cycle:n.生命周期;寿命(产品等从开发到使用完毕的一段时间); ingest:vt.摄取;咽下;吸收;接待; nurtures:vt.养育;鼓励;培植;n.养育;教养;营养物; ponder:vt.仔细考虑;衡量;vi.考虑;沉思;
So this is what I've learned from bread. 这就是我从面包想到的。
This is what bread has taught me in my journey. 这是我的生命之旅中,面包教会我的东西。
And what we're going to attempt to do with this bread here, again, is to use, in addition to everything we talked about, this bread we're going to call "spent grain bread" 重提一下我们在这里, 想要从面包开始做的, 除了我们已经讲到的这些, 还有去“用”面包,我们称之为“消费谷物面包”,
in addition to:除…之外;
because, as you know, bread-making is very similar to beer-making. 因为,你该知道面包烘培和酿造啤酒非常类似,
Beer is basically liquid bread, or bread is solid beer. 啤酒基本上就是液体面包, 或者说面包就是固体啤酒。
And -- 而且--
(Laughter) (笑声)
they -- they're invented around the same time. I think beer came first. 它们--它们差不多实在同一时间被发明的。我想啤酒应该更早一些。
And the Egyptian who was tending the beer fell asleep in the hot, Egyptian sun, and it turned into bread. 然后做啤酒的埃及人一不小心 在炙热的埃及阳光下睡着了,于是啤酒就变成了面包。
But we've got this bread, and what I did here is to try to, again, evoke even more flavor from this grain, was we've added into it the spent grain from beer-making. 我们现在拿着的这个面包, 我想要尝试的, 是从这个谷物中激发更多的香味, 我们在其中加入了啤酒糟。
And if you make this bread, you can use any kind of spent grain from any type of beer. 如果你做这个面包,你可以尝试任何一种啤酒中的啤酒糟。
I like dark spent grain. Today we're using a light spent grain that's actually from, like, some kind of a lager of some sort -- a light lager or an ale -- that is wheat and barley that's been toasted . 我喜欢黑啤酒糟。今天我们用一种更清淡的啤酒糟, 是从一种 略强的麦酒--小麦和大麦都被烤香了。
lager:n.(美)贮藏啤酒(等于lagerbeer); ale:n.麦芽酒; barley:n.大麦; toasted:v.为…举杯敬酒; (toast的过去分词和过去式)
In other words, the beer-maker knows also how to evoke flavor from the grains by using sprouting and malting and roasting . 换句话说,啤酒酿造者也知道, 烘烤麦芽可以激发其中的香味。
grains:n.谷物;颗粒;细粒;少量;一点儿;(grain的复数) sprouting:n.发芽;催芽;抹芽;v.萌芽;开始生长;除去…的芽(sprout的ing形式); roasting:adj.用于烘焙的;燥热的;v.烘烤;烘焙;严厉批评;(roast的现在分词)
We're going to take some of that, and put it into the bread. 我们拿一点这个,放入面包。
So now we not only have a high-fiber bread, but now fiber on top of fiber. 所以现在我们不止有了一个高纤面包, 这个纤维其实是纤维中的纤维了。
And so this is, again, hopefully not only a healthy bread, but a bread that you will enjoy. 所以我希望, 这不仅仅是个健康的面包, 同时也是一个你们会觉得好吃的面包。
So, if I, kind of, break this bread, maybe we can share this now a little bit here. 我现在把这个面包弄碎, 我们大家可以在这儿把它瓜分了。
We'll start a little piece here, and I'm going to take a little piece here -- 我们先弄一小片儿, 我来尝尝,
I think I'd better taste it myself before you have it at lunch. 我觉得我最好在你们把它当午饭前,自己先尝一点儿。
I'll leave you with what I call the baker's blessing. 最后送给大家 我的烘培者专用祝福。
May your crust be crisp , and your bread always rise. 祝你们能烤出焦脆的面包皮, 和完美的面包组织。
Thank you. 谢谢。