

When I saw a piece of technology called Kinect -- it was called Natal -- I was inspired , and I thought for a moment, maybe it's possible to address that one problem of storytelling , to create a character which seemed alive, which noticed me, that could look me in the eyes and feel real, and sculpt a story about our relationship. 当我了解到一项称为Kinect的新技术—— 原来叫做Natal——我有了灵感, 思考了一会儿, 也许可以 解决一个讲故事时会遇到的问题, 即创造一个 人 一个看起来活生生的 可以看到我, 可以看到我的内心深处 并且感觉很真实的人, 我们之间还能有点感情。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; Natal:adj.出生的;诞生的;分娩的;出生地的; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) storytelling:n.讲故事;说谎话;adj.讲故事的;说谎的; sculpt:vt.造型;雕刻;vi.造型;雕刻;n.雕刻品;
And so a year ago, 所以一年之前
I showed this off at a computer show called E3. 我在E3计算机展览上 展示了这个东西。
And this was a piece of technology with someone called Claire interacting with this boy. 我们让克莱尔通过这项技术 同这个小男孩进行互动交流
And there was a huge row online about, "Hey, this can't be real." 并且在互联网上引起了激烈的讨论 都说“嘿,这不可能吧。”
And so I waited till now to have an actual demo of the real tech. 所以我直到现在 才对这项崭新高科技 进行现场演示。
Now, this tech incorporates three big elements . 现在,这项高科技产品融合了 三项主要技术。
incorporates:组成公司; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数)
The first is a Kinect camera, which will be out in November, some incredible AI that was hidden in the dusty vaults , collecting dust in Microsoft, plus our quite crude attempts at AI at a company called Lionhead, mixing all those things together just to get to this one simple idea: to create a real, living being in a computer. 首先是Kinect摄像头, 将在11月推出上市, 还有令人难以置信的人工智能 隐藏在灰尘漫天的地下室里, 微软 把这些灰尘打扫, 再加上我们在 狮子头公司 人工智能方面的初步尝试, 把这些所有的东西合到一起 就得到了一个简单的想法: 在计算机里创造一个真实、生动 的生命体。
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; dusty:adj.落满灰尘的; vaults:n.拱顶; v.给…盖以拱顶; crude:adj.粗略的;简略的;大概的;粗糙的;n.原油;石油; attempts:n.企图,试图;尝试(attempt的复数);v.试图;努力去做(attempt的三单形式); mixing:n.混合;混频;录音;v.混合,掺和,融合;调配;配制;相容;(mix的现在分词)
Now, I'll be honest with you and say that most of it is just a trick, but it's a trick that actually works. 现在,我要诚实的告诉你 这其中的大多数 只是个戏法儿, 但这戏法儿确实有效 。
So why don't we go over and have a look at the demo now. 现在,让我们一起过来 看看演示吧。
have a look at:看一看,看一眼;
This is Dimitri. 他是迪米特里。
Dimitri, just waggle your arm around. 迪米特里,来回摆摆你的手。
Now, you notice he's sitting. 请注意,他现在是坐着的。
There are no controllers , no keyboards, or mice, or joysticks , or joypads. 没有用控制器, 没有键盘, 或者鼠标, 或者操纵杆和手柄。
controllers:n.[自]控制器(controller的复数形式);管理者;控制部件; joysticks:n.[航]操纵杆(joystick的复数);
He is just going to use his hand, his body and his voice, just like humans interact with their hands, body and voice. 他只是正在用 他的手、身体和声音, 就像人与人之间用手、身体和声音交流一样。
So let's move forward. 我们继续。
You're going to meet Milo for the first time. 你现在是第一次遇到米洛。
We had to give him a problem because when we first created Milo, we realized that he came across as a little bit of a brat , to be honest with you. 我们得给他设计个难题, 因为我们第一次创建米洛的时候, 发现他就像个小顽童一样 十分顽皮。
a little bit of a:一点点了; brat:n.乳臭未干的小孩;顽童;
He was quite a know-it-all , and he wanted to kind of make you laugh. 他什么都知道, 并且很友善地逗你开心。
So the problem we introduced to him was this: he's just moved house. 因此我们为他引入的问题是: 米洛刚刚搬了家。
He's moved from London to New England, over in America. 他从伦敦 来到在美国的新英格兰。
His parents are too busy to listen to his problems, and that's when he starts almost conjuring you up. 他的父母太忙了 没时间听他的困扰, 这时候,他的魔法就要开始了。
So here he is walking through the grass. 那么,他现在 正在草坪上散步。
And you're able to interact with his world. 你还可以和他交流。
The cool thing is, what we're doing is we're changing the mind of Milo constantly . 更酷的是,我们所做的事情 会不断地改变 米洛的思想。
That means no two people's Milos can be the same. 这就意味着每个人的米洛 都是不同的。
You're actually sculpting a human being here. 实际上在这里你是在塑造一个人。
So, he's discovering the garden. 嗯,他正在探索花园。
You're helping him discover the garden by just pointing out these snails . 你得帮他找找看 点击那些蜗牛就行。
snails:n.[无脊椎]蜗牛; v.使成蜗纹;
Very simple at the start. 开始非常简单。
By the way , if you are a boy, it's snails; if you're a girl, it's butterflies because what we found was that girls hate snails. 顺便说一下,如果是男孩子,这就是蜗牛; 如果是女孩子,它会变成蝴蝶, 因为我们发现女孩子讨厌蜗牛。
By the way:顺便说一下;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So remember, this is the first time you've met him, and we really want to draw you in and make you more curious . 记住,这是你第一次遇到米洛, 实际上我们希望这能吸引你,并引发你的好奇心。
His face, by the way, is fully AI-driven. 另外,他的表情 是由人工智能驱动的。
We have complete control over his blush responses , the diameter of his nostrils to denote stress. 我们完全可以控制他脸红的表情, 鼻孔的大小 来表现他承受的压力。
blush:v.脸红;涨红了脸;尴尬;n.面部泛起的红晕 responses:n.回答,答复;反应;响应;(response的复数) diameter:n.直径;对径;放大率;放大倍数; nostrils:n.[解剖]鼻孔(nostril的复数); denote:vt.表示,指示;
We actually do something called body matching. 实际上我们用的是肢体工作追踪技术。
If you're leaning forward, he will try and slightly change the neuro-linguistic nature of his face, because we went out with this strong idea: how can we make you believe that something's real? 如果你身体前倾, 他会试着稍微改变一下 他的脸部表情, 因为我们清楚知道我们所要做的是: 怎样做才能让你们相信这些都是真实的呢?
leaning:n.倾向;偏向;爱好;v.前俯(或后仰);倾斜;倚靠;(lean的现在分词) slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地;
Now we've used the hand. 之前我们已经用手进行了控制
The other thing to use is your body. 现在还可以用身体。
Why not just, instead of pushing left and right with a mouse or with a joypad, why not use your body just to lean on the chair -- again, relaxed ? 控制左右方向 可以用鼠标或操纵杆, 除此之外为什么不用身体呢? 这样更轻松一点吧。
You can lean back, but the camera will change its perspective depending on which way you're looking. 如果向后靠 摄像机就会改变视野 让你看到这个角度能看到的东西。
So Dimitri's now going to use -- he's used his hand; he's used his body. 迪米特里现在是用 他之前已经用了手和身体来控制。
He's now going to use the other thing which is essential , and that's his voice. 现在他要用另一种重要的方法进行控制了, 也就是他的声音。
Now, the thing about voice is, our experience with voice recognition is pretty awful, isn't it? 声音这东西, 语音识别系统带给我们的体验 一直不怎么样。
It never works. 从来没好使过。
You order an airline ticket; you end up in Timbuktu . 订张机票,结果飞到提布图(非洲城市)去了。
airline:n.航空公司; Timbuktu:n.遥远的地方;
So we've tackled that problem, and we've come up with a solution , which we'll see in a second . 这个问题我们已经解决, 马上就会看到我们的成果。
tackled:v,解决,处理,对付;(tackle的过去式和过去分词) come up with:提出;想出;赶上; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; in a second:立刻,很快;
Milo: I could just squish it. 米洛:我可以踩扁它。
Peter Molyneux: What are you going to do, Dimitri? 彼得·莫利纽克斯:你打算怎么做呢,迪米特里?
Female Voice: Squashing a snail may not seem important, but remember, even this choice will affect how Milo develops. 女性声音:踩扁蜗牛没什么大不了的, 但请记住,每一次选择 都会影响米洛的成长。
Female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; Squashing:vt.把…压碎; vi.被压扁;
Do you want Milo to squash it? 你想让米洛踩扁它吗?
When you see the microphone , say ... (PM: Squash.) ... yes to decide. 当你看到麦克风时, 就说出...(彼得:踩吧)...你的选择。
Dimitri: Go on, Milo. Squash it. 迪米特里:米洛,去踩扁它。
PM: No. That's the wrong thing to do. 彼得:不要吧,这样不好。
Now look at his response. 现在我们看他的反应。
He said, "Go on, Milo. Squash it." 迪米特里说“米洛,去踩扁它”,
What we're using there is, we're using something, a piece of technology called Tellme. 这里我们用的是, 我们用了一种叫做Tellme的新科技。
It's a company that Microsoft acquired some years ago. 这是微软前几年收购的一家公司的技术。
acquired:adj.习得的; v.获得; (acquire的过去分词和过去式)
We've got a database of words which we recognize . 我们已经为能辨认的字符建立了数据库。
We pick those words out. 把那些字挑出来。
We also reference that with the tonation database that we build up of Dimitri's voice, or the user's voice. 我们也参考了 我们为迪米特里 或者是其他用户的声音 建立的语音数据库。
Now we need to have a bit more engagement , and again, what we can do is we can look at the body. 现在我们需要多一点的交流。 同样的,我们能做的 就是用身体来交流。
And we'll do that in a second. 马上就要这么做了。
Milo: I wonder how deep it is. 米洛:我想知道它有多深。
Deep. 挺深的。
PM: Okay. So what we're going to do now is teach Milo to skim stones. 彼得:好,下面我们要做的 就是教米洛打水漂儿。
skim:v.浏览; n.撇去浮沫; adj.撇去奶油的;
We're actually teaching him. 真的要教他打哦。
It's very, very interesting that men, more than women, tend to be more competitive here. 特别,特别有意思 比起女人,男人们 在这儿更显得争强好胜。
They're fine with teaching Milo for the first few throws, but then they want to beat Milo, where women, they're more nurturing about this. 他们会好好的教米洛开始的几次, 但之后就想打败他。 而女人们 则教导有方。
Okay, this is skimming stones. 嗯,这就是打水漂儿游戏。
How do you skim stones? 怎么打呢?
You stand up, and you skim the stone. 先站起来, 扔出石头。
It's that simple. 挺简单的。
Just recognizing your body, recognizing the body's motions, the tech, understanding that you've gone from sitting down to standing up. 先要进行人体识别, 这项技术先要识别人体的动作, 知晓你已经 从坐姿变为站姿。
Again, all of this is done in the way us humans do things, and that's crucially important if we want Milo to appear real. 再来一回,扔石头 的方式和我们平时做的一样 这一点十分重要 因为我们想让米洛显得更加真实。
in the way:妨碍;挡道; crucially:adv.关键地;至关重要地;
Female Voice: See if you can inspire him to do any better. 女性声音:再试试,看能不能教米洛做的更好。
Try hitting the boat. 试试看能不能打到船那
Milo: Ahhh. So close. 米洛:啊,就差一点点。
PM: That's Dimitri at his most competitive. 彼得:迪米特里开始争强好胜了。
Now beaten an 11-year-old child. Well done . 好样的,他击败了这个11岁的男孩子。
Well done:好样的,干得好;
Milo: Okay. 米洛:好吧。
PM: So, Milo's being called back in by his parents, giving us time to be alone and to help him out. 彼得:现在米洛的父母要叫他回家吃饭了, 留给我们的是独处的时间 还可以帮帮他。
Basically -- the bit that we missed at the start -- his parents had asked him to clean up his room. 其实——开始的时候我们忘说了—— 他父母已经让他整理自己的房间。
And we're going to help him with this now. 我们现在去帮帮他。
But this is going to be an introduction, and this is all about the deep psychology that we're trying to use. 收拾房子可以当作自我介绍, 这些我们都试着在用一些深层次的心理学技术。
We're trying to introduce you to what I believe is the most wonderful part, you being able to talk in your natural voice to Milo. 现在我就要向你们介绍 我认为最神奇的部分, 你可以用自己平日里说话的方式 和米洛进行交谈。
Now, to do that, we needed a set up, like a magician's trick. 这之前我们需要准备一下, 像魔法一样。
And what we did was, we needed to give Milo this big problem. 并且之前 我们给米洛准备了个大麻烦。
So as Dimitri starts tidying up, you can overhear a conversation that Milo's having with his parents. 所以当迪米特里 收拾东西的时候, 你能隐约听见一些声音 是米洛和他妈妈。
tidying:v.使整洁;使整齐;整理(tidy的现在分词) overhear:vt.偶然听到;无意中听到
Milo's Mom: Oh, you've got gravy all over the floor. (Milo: I didn't mean to!) 米洛妈妈:噢~你把肉汁弄得地板上哪儿都是。(米洛:我不是故意的!)
Milo's Mom: That carpet is brand new . 米洛妈妈:地毯是新的啊。
carpet:n.地毯;v.用地毯铺(房间的)地板; brand new:adj.崭新的;最近获得的;
PM: So he's just spilled a plate of sausages on the floor, on the brand-new carpet. 彼得:他刚刚把 一盘香肠倒在了地板上, 在新买的地毯上。
spilled:v.(使)洒出,泼出:涌出:蜂拥而出;(spill的过去分词和过去式) sausages:香肠,腊肠(sausage的复数) brand-new:adj.崭新的;最近获得的;
We've all done it as parents; we've all done it as children. 身为父母的我们都这样训斥过,而小时候我们也都犯过这样的错。
Now's a chance for Dimitri to kind of reassure and calm Milo down. 现在迪米特里 要趁机安慰米洛并让他冷静下来。
It's all been too much for him. 这一切对他来说太沉重了。
He's just moved house. He's got no friends. 他刚搬了家,又没朋友,
Now is the time when we open that portal and allow you to talk to Milo. 当我们打开房门 就是时候 让你和米洛聊聊了。
Female Voice: Why don't you try saying something encouraging to cheer Milo up. 女性声音:说点什么鼓励米洛 让他振作一点吧。
Dimitri: Come on, Milo. You know what parents are like. 迪米特里:算啦,米洛。父母都是这样,你懂的。
They're always getting stressed. 他们总是生气。
Milo: What do they want to come here for anyway? 米洛:他们搬来这里想要干什么?
We don't know anyone. 我们谁都不认识。
Dimitri: Well, you've got a new school to go to. 迪米特里:嗯,你可以去新学校啊。
You're going to meet loads of cool, new friends. 你会遇到一些很酷的新朋友。
Milo: I just really miss my old house, that's all. 米洛:可我就是想原来的家。
Dimitri: Well, this is a pretty awesome house, Milo. 迪米特里:嗯,这个房子也不错啊,米洛。
You've got a cool garden to play in and a pond . 现在有一个很棒的花园,还有池塘。
Milo: It was good skimming stones. 米洛:打水漂儿确实不错。
This looks nice. 房间干净了。
You cleaned up my room. 你打扫了我的房间。
Thanks. 谢谢。
PM: So after three-quarters of an hour, he recognizes you. 彼得:45分钟之后, 米洛就认识你了。
three-quarters:adj.四分之三的;n.四分之三; recognizes:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的第三人称单数)
And I promise you, if you're sitting in front of this screen, that is a truly wonderful moment. 我保证,如果你一直坐在屏幕前面, 那这真的是非常美妙的时刻。
And we're ready now to tell a story about his childhood and his life, and it goes on, and he has, you know, many adventures. 现在我们准备好 要讲述米洛童年和生活的故事了, 而且还会继续下去, 你懂的,他有过很多冒险经历。
Some of those adventures are a little bit dark or on the darker side. 有一些是去做一点点坏事。
Some of those adventures are wonderfully encouraging -- he's got to go to school. 有一些则很鼓舞人心。 比如他去上学。
The cool thing is that we're doing as well: as you interact with him, you're able to put things into his world; he recognizes objects. 最酷的是 当你和他互动的时候, 我们也会参与其中, 你可以放一些东西进入他的世界,并且他能认得那些东西。
His mind is based in a cloud. 他的想法还是朦胧的。
That means Milo's mind, as millions of people use it, will get smarter and cleverer. 这意味着, 只要有许多人玩这个游戏, 米洛就会越来越聪明。
He'll recognize more objects and thus understand more words. 他会认识更多的东西, 学到更多的文字。
But for me, this is a wonderful opportunity where technology, at last, can be connected with, where I am no longer restrained by the finger I hold in my hand -- as far as a computer game's concerned -- or by the blandness of not being noticed if you're watching a film or a book. 但对于我来说, 这是一个很好的机会 让我们最终把科技和人类连在一起, 我不再被手掌上的 手指束缚—— 目前许多电脑游戏都是这样—— 看电影或者看书的时候 也不会因为没人觉察而感到无聊。
restrained:adj.克制的,受限制的;拘谨的;v.抑制;约束;(restrain的过去分词和过去式) as far as:至于…; concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词) blandness:n.爽快;温柔;
And I love those revolutions , and I love the future that Milo brings. 我爱这些改变, 我爱米洛带来的未来。
Thank you very much indeed. 十分感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)