

Let me introduce to you Rezero. 请允许我介绍Rezero
This little fellow was developed by a group of 10 undergraduate students at the Autonomous Systems Laboratory at ETH-Zurich. 这个小家伙是 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院 自控系统实验室的10位本科生 设计出来地
undergraduate:n.本科生; Autonomous:adj.自治的;自主的;自发的; Laboratory:n.实验室,研究室;
Our robot belongs to a family of robots called Ballbots. 这个机器人属于机器人家族里 球星机器人
Instead of wheels, a Ballbot is balancing and moving on one single ball. 球星机器人靠一个球体而不是轮子 来保持自身平衡和移动
The main characteristics of such a system is that there's one sole contact point to the ground. 这样一个系统的主要特征就是 它只有一个点接触地面
characteristics:n.特征;特点;品质;(characteristic的复数) sole:n.鞋底; adj.仅有的; v.给(鞋)换底; contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系;
This means that the robot is inherently unstable . 这意味着 它一直处在不稳定状态
inherently:adv.内在地;固有地;天性地; unstable:adj.不稳定的;变化莫测的;(行为、情绪)反复无常的
It's like when I am trying to stand on one foot. 就象是我金鸡独立 一样
You might ask yourself, what's the usefulness of a robot that's unstable? 你也许好奇,一个连站都站不稳的机器人 有什么用呢?
Now we'll explain that in a second . 稍后我回解释
in a second:立刻,很快;
Let me first explain how Rezero actually keeps his balance. 首先先解释下它是如何 保持平衡的
Rezero keeps his balance by constantly measuring his pitch angle with a sensor . Rezero通过一个传感器不停地检测倾斜度 来维持自身平衡
constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; pitch:v.抛:用力扔:针对:触地:n.场地:程度:力度:推销的话:纵摇: sensor:n.传感器;
He then counteracts and avoids toppling over by turning the motors appropriately . 它将通过适量转动马达 来抵消倾斜的角度防止倾倒
counteracts:v.抵制;抵消;抵抗;(counteract的第三人称单数) toppling:v.推翻(topple的ing形式); appropriately:adj.适当地;合适地;相称地;
This happens 160 times per second, and if anything fails in this process , 这个过程每秒要进行160次 稍有差错
Rezero would immediately fall to the ground. 它就会立刻摔倒在地
Now to move and to balance, 要运动和平衡
Rezero needs to turn the ball. Rezero就得转动球
The ball is driven by three special wheels that allow Rezero to move into any direction and also move around his own axis at the same time . 这个球是由三个特殊的轮子驱动 从而它能在各个方向上运动 并同时能够 自转
move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转; axis:n.轴;轴线;轴心国; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
Due to his instability , Rezero is always in motion . Now here's the trick. 由于其不稳定性,所以它必须一直处于动态 妙就妙在这里
instability:n.不稳定(性);基础薄弱;不安定; motion:n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;v.运动;打手势;
It's indeed exactly this instability that allows a robot to move very [dynamically]. 正是这种不稳定性 赋予了它动态性
Let's play a little. 让我们看看
You may have wondered what happens if I give the robot a little push. 如果我推它一下 会有什么反应呢
In this mode, he's trying to maintain his position. 这个模式下 它会尝试 回归原位
For the next demo , I'd like you to introduce to my colleagues Michael, on the computer, and Thomas who's helping me onstage . 下一个演示 首先我想介绍我的同事 操作电脑的迈克尔 和台上的托马斯
demo:v.试用(尤指软件);演示;示范;n.试样唱片;录音样带; colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); onstage:adj.台上的;台上演出的;adv.上台;上场;
In the next mode, Rezero is passive , and we can move him around. 下一个模式里Rezero是被动的 我们可以随意移动它
With almost no force I can control his position and his velocity . 我可以几乎不费力气地 控制其位置和速度
I can also make him spin . 我也能让它旋转起来
In the next mode, we can get Rezero to follow a person. 下一个模式 Rezero跟着人走
He's now keeping a constant distance to Thomas. 它现在与托马斯保持一段恒定距离
This works with a laser sensor that's mounted on top of Rezero. 这是通过它顶端的传感器 来做到的
mounted:adj.骑马的; v.准备; (mount的过去分词和过去式)
With the same method, we can also get him to circle a person. 类似的我们也能让它 围着一个人转
We call this the orbiting mode. 我们称之为轨道模式
All right, thank you, Thomas. 谢谢,托马斯
(Applause) (掌声)
Now, what's the use of this technology ? 那么这个技术的使用价值是什么?
For now, it's an experiment, but let me show you some possible future applications. 目前它还只是个试验 但是我可以展示一下它的应用前景
Rezero could be used in exhibitions or parks. Rezero可以在展示会和公园里
With a screen it could inform people or show them around in a fun and entertaining way. 通过屏幕给人们指引或 带着大家愉快地四处转转
In a hospital, this device could be used to carry around medical equipment. 医院里这个设备可以成为 便携医疗设备
Due to the Ballbot system, it has a very small footprint and it's also easy to move around. 因为是球形机器人系统 所以它占地小移动便捷
And of course, who wouldn't like to take a ride on one of these. 当然 谁不想 骑着它遛遛弯儿呢
And these are more practical applications. 这些是最实用的几个功能
But there's also a certain beauty within this technology. 但是这项技术本身 就带着美而来
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. 谢谢