

Those of you who know me know how passionate I am about opening the space frontier. 认识我的人可能都知道我对 探索空间新领域充满了激情
So when I had the chance to give the world's expert in gravity the experience of zero gravity , it was incredible . 我有一个机会给世界上最伟大的重力学专家 一次体验零重力的机会,很让人难以置信
zero gravity:[物]失重; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的;
And I want to tell you that story. 现在我想讲给大家这个故事
I first met him through the Archon X PRIZE for Genomics . 我第一次见到他是在阿康艾克斯基因研究大奖上
Archon:n.执政官(古代雅典九名统治者之一);统治者; Genomics:n.基因组学;基因体学;
It's a competition we're holding, the second X PRIZE, for the first team to sequence 100 human genomes in 10 days. 那是一个我们组织的比赛。第二届艾克斯基因研究大奖 颁发给第一个在10天内把一百位人类基因组排序小组。
competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列; genomes:n.[遗]基因组(genome复数);
We have something called the Genome 100, 100 individuals we're sequencing as part of that. 我们管他们叫基因100 那是一百位我们排序的不同的人
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); sequencing:n.[计]排序; v.[计]定序(sequence的ing形式);
Craig Venter chairs that event. 当时是Craig Venter主持的会议
And I met Professor Hawking , and he said his dream was to travel into space. 我遇到了霍金教授 他说他的梦想是空间旅行
And I said, I can't take you there, but I can take you into weightlessness into zero G. 我说,我不能带你到那儿去 但是我可以让你体验失重的状态
And he said on the spot , absolutely yes. 他说,太好了,当然可以
on the spot:adj.现场的; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地;
Well, the only way to experience zero G on Earth is actually with parabolic flight, weightless flight. 那么,在地球上体验零重力的唯一方法就是 用抛物线飞行来体验
You take an airplane , you fly over the top , you're weightless for 25 seconds, come back down, you weigh twice as much. 你坐在飞机上,飞到最高处的时候你大概能体验25秒 然后下来,你体重会加倍
airplane:n.飞机; over the top:adj.过多的;言过其实的;夸大其词的;
You do it again and again . 然后如此反复
again and again:adv.再三地,反复地;
You can get eight, 10 minutes weightlessness -- how NASA's trained their astronauts for so long. 你最多可以体验八次10分钟的无重力状态 那是NASA一直用来训练他们航天员的办法
We set out to do this. 我们就计划这么做了
It took us 11 years to become operational . 我们花了11年时间才使得计划成功
And we announced that we were going to fly Stephen Hawking. 当我们宣布我们要跟史蒂芬霍金一起飞的时候
We had one government agency and one company aircraft operator say, you're crazy, don't do that, you're going kill the guy. 我们有个政府部门和一位公司的飞行员说 你们疯了么?别啊,你们会要了他的命的
agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处; aircraft:n.飞机,航空器; operator:n.算子;接线员;操作人员;骗子;
(Laughter) (笑)
And he wanted to go. 但是他很想去
We worked hard to get all the permissions. 我们经过很多努力才得到了许可
And six months later, we sat down at Kennedy Space Center. 6个月后,我们在肯尼迪航天中心坐下来
We had a press conference , we announced our intent to do one zero G parabola -- give him 25 seconds of zero G. 我们举行了一个记者会 我们宣布说我们准备做一次零重力抛物线飞行 让他体验25秒的零重力
press conference:记者招待会,新闻发布会; intent:n.意图;目的;含义;adj.专心的;急切的;坚决的; parabola:n.抛物线;
And if it went really well, we might do three parabolas . 如果一切顺利的话,我们可能会做三次
Well, we asked him why he wanted to go up and do this. 我们其实问了霍金先生为什么想上去做这件事
And what he said, for me, was very moving. 他说的话让我很感动
He said, "Life on Earth is at an ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by disaster ... 他说:“地球上的生命正在经历着与日俱增的 被灾难灭绝的危险
ever-increasing:adj.不断增长的; disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸;
I think the human race doesn't have a future if it doesn't go into space. 如果不到宇宙空间去,人类就没有未来
human race:n.人类;
I therefore want to encourage public interest in space." 所以我想鼓励大众对宇宙的兴趣。“
We took him out to the Kennedy Space Center, up inside the NASA vehicle , into the back of the zero G airplane. 我们带他到了肯尼迪空间中心 进了NASA的车子,然后到了那架飞机上
We had about 20 people who made donations -- we raised 150,000 in donations for children's charities -- who flew with us. 和我们同行的还有20位捐款的人们 我们共为儿童慈善基金募集到了十五万美金 他们将跟我们一起飞行
donations:n.捐赠物;捐赠;赠送;(donation的复数) charities:n.慈善机构;宽大(charity的复数);
A few TEDsters here. 有一些TED会员
We set up a whole ER. 我们准备好了一切的急救措施
We had four emergency room doctors and two nurses on board the airplane 飞机上还有四位急救室的医生和两位护士
emergency room:n.急诊室;
We were monitoring his PO2 of his blood, his heart rate, his blood pressure . 我们时刻监视着他血液中PO2的含量,他的心跳率还有血压
blood pressure:n.[医]血压;
We had everything all set in case of an emergency -- 我们准备好了一切的应急措施
God knows you don't want to hurt this world-renowned expert. 天知道你可不想伤害到这位世界级的专家
We took off from the shuttle landing facility , where the shuttle takes off and lands. 我们从宇宙飞船着陆点起飞 就是宇宙飞船起飞和降落的地方
shuttle:n.穿梭班机、公共汽车;梭;梭子;v.频繁往来;往返运送 facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资;
And my partner -- Byron Lichtenberg -- and I carefully suspended him into zero G. 我跟我的搭档 Byron Lichtenberg 小心翼翼地扶着他进入零重力
Once he was there, let him go to experience what weightlessness was truly like. 到了顶点我们就松手 让他真正体验无重力是什么感觉
And after that first parabola, you know, the doc said everything is great, he was smiling, and we said go. 第一次抛物飞行之后,你们知道么 医生说一切正常,他就笑了,然后我们说继续
So we did a second parabola. 然后我们就做了第二次抛物飞行
(Laughter) (笑)
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And a third. 第三次
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Now we actually floated an apple in homage to Sir Isaac Newton because Professor Hawking holds the same chair at Cambridge that Isaac Newton did. 为了表示对爱萨克牛顿爵士的敬意,我们还实验了漂浮一个苹果 因为霍金教授也有剑桥大学的那个席位 就是爱萨克牛顿的那个
homage:n.敬意;尊敬;效忠; Newton:n.牛顿(英国科学家);牛顿(力的单位); Cambridge:n.剑桥(英国城市);坎布里奇(美国马萨诸塞州城市);
And we did a fourth, and a fifth and a sixth. 然后我们做了第四次,第五次,第六次
(Laughter) (笑)
And a seventh and an eighth. 第七次,第八次
And this man does not look like a 65-year-old wheelchair-bound man. 这时候他看上去可不像一个被绑在轮椅上的65岁男人
(Laughter) (笑)
He was so happy. 他看上去非常高兴
We are living on a precious jewel, and it's during our lifetime that we're moving off this planet. 我们生活在一块珍贵的宝石上 在我们的有生之年我们离开了这个星球
Please join us in this epic adventure . 让我们一起来加入这场壮丽的探险吧
epic:adj.史诗的,叙事诗的;n.史诗;叙事诗;史诗般的作品; adventure:n.冒险;奇遇;经历;冒险游戏;v.探险;以…冒险;大胆进行;闯;
Thank you so much. 谢谢大家
(Applause) (鼓掌)