

? your attitude is only viewed ? ? 你的态度 ? “Small As Your Dreams” Rouge 原唱
? As an indication of your attitude ? ? 决定了你的高度 ?
? For you're only as small as your dreams ? ? 因为你体型虽小 但梦想却与之相称 ?
? you may be small not big and tall ? ? 或许你体型小 并不高大 ?
? but a giant's what you 'twill be called ? ? 但你一样可以称作巨人 ?
? For you're only as small as your dreams ? ? 因为你体型虽小 但梦想却与之相称 ?
? I know that I... ? ? 我知道我... ?
Sorry! 抱歉
Yeah, sorry about that. 不好意思了
That's not the story we're telling. 我要讲的故事不是这个
No. We're here for Peter Rabbit. 我要讲的故事 是关于一只兔子的
The hero of our tale. 他叫彼得 是故事的主人公
A young rabbit in a blue coat and no pants. 他喜欢穿蓝夹克 可是从来不穿裤子
A young rabbit in a blue coat and no pants. 比得兔 他喜欢穿蓝夹克 可是从来不穿裤子
Hey! Pick on someone your own size. 嘿 有本事欺负大点的啊
Pick on someone:找某人麻烦;
My pleasure. 那我就不客气了
Oh! I didn't mean me. 我不是说我
Going into his garden again, I see. 你这是又要去老头的菜园子吗
There are safer ways to get a meal, you know! 去别的地方也有吃的 而且安全的多 知道吗
Yeah, but they're not as fun. 知道 但是不好玩
What did I tell you about sneakin' into McGregor's? 我怎么说的 要是你再偷偷溜进菜园子
Make sure to get you some cauliflower ? 一定给你带一大颗花椰菜
That's a good boy. Now, off you get. 真是个好孩子 快去吧
All right, talk to me, Benjamin. 本杰明 现在什么情况
He's mowed half the lawn , which maybe gives us just enough time. 草坪剪了一半了 也许你的时间有点紧
mowed:v.用镰刀等刈草;割草(mow的过去分词); lawn:n.草地;草坪;
Look at him. 你看看
Pure evil . 坏透了
Even cuts grass angry. 剪个草坪都这么暴躁
Hey, here's a crazy thought. 要不这样吧
What if we don't go in, because last time, you almost got caught. 彼得 我们今天先不进去 上次你差点就被他抓住了
What if:如果…怎么办?
You're so adorable . 你太可爱了
I could just eat you up. 我真想一口吃了你
That's exactly what he wants to do to you. 可恶的老头也想一口吃了你
Higher. Higher. 高点 再高点
Why are you always on top? 你为什么总是站在最上面
Because I'm the oldest. 因为我是你们的老大
We're triplets ! 我们是三胞胎
I'm still the oldest. 那我是最早出来的
By 16 seconds. 早出来16秒而已
Ugh. When's the last time you brushed your tail? 你多长时间没洗澡了
All right, rest time's over. Come on. 咱们该干活了 快来
Yeah. - Race you. 耶 - 比你快
Not if I race you first. 想比我快 没门
No fair. 你耍赖
Take it all in because we're about to take it all in. 先饱饱眼福 待会儿我们就能吃个肚歪歪了
Sorry. I don't know why I'm so out of shape . 抱歉 我还是瘦不下来
out of shape:adj.走样的;形状不规则的;
I only eat salad. 我只吃沙拉
It's the dressing. Get it on the side. 不能吃沙拉酱的调料 放到一边去
Or just have a drizzle of lemon . 要不干脆挤点柠檬汁
drizzle:v.下蒙蒙细雨;下毛毛雨;(毛毛雨似的)洒落;n.毛毛细雨; lemon:n.蹩脚货;柠檬;青柠色;adj.浅黄色的;柠檬色的;
It'll change your life, trust me. 试试这招 再不减肥你完了 相信我
Right. You all know the drill . 好了 大家都是老手
know the drill:知道一件事该怎么做;