

Once upon a time , on a beautiful country day, the birds weren't singing, the fish weren't jumping, and there was not a hopping rabbit to be found, for everyone was gathered to celebrate two very special people at what can only be described as a storybook wedding. 从前 在一个美丽的乡村日子里 鸟儿没有歌唱 鱼儿没有跳跃 也找不到一只跳跃的兔子 所有人都聚集在一起 来庆祝两个非常特别的人 这场婚礼只能用童话故事来形容
Once upon a time:从前(常用于故事的开头) hopping:adj.很活跃的;忙忙碌碌的;v.单脚跳行;齐足(或双足)跳行;(hop的现在分词) described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式) storybook:n.儿童故事书;童话书;
I promised myself 我向自己保证
I wouldn't cry. 我不会哭
Well, that was dumb . 好吧 那太蠢了
Hello. 你好
Aw. Ah. - Ah! 哦 啊 - 啊
Hi. Heh. 嗨 哈
Hello. 你好
Welcome, friends. We are gathered here today to join Bea and Thomas in holy matrimony . 欢迎你 朋友 我们今天聚集在这里 参加比伊和托马斯的神圣婚礼
You're taking this so well. 你接受得很好
He's a good man. Makes her happy. 他是个好人 让她快乐
And also a special day for their family, the beloved rabbits. 对他们的家人 心爱的兔子来说 这也是一个特别的日子
Your former enemy is here to stay. 你以前的敌人会留下来
We found common ground . 我们找到了共同点
common ground:n.共同点;
He's about to be our guardian . 他将成为我们的监护人
Nah, this is just a little something between them. 不 这只是他们之间的小插曲
The old you would have gone bonkers-berserk by now. 以前的你现在肯定已经疯了
I've changed, cousin. - welcoming a new parent. 我变了 表弟 - 欢迎新父母
A loaded hand grenade , just waiting to explode . 一颗上了膛的手榴弹 就等着爆炸
hand grenade:n.手榴弹; explode:v.爆炸;爆裂;勃然(大怒);突然发生(危险);
Not anymore. - A father, if you will. 不了 - 父亲 如果你愿意的话
Father? 父亲吗
Father. 父亲
You're not my father! 你不是我父亲
? Lying there in the sun All things to everyone ? ? 所有的一切都是为了每个人 ?
? Run run away ? ? 快跑 快跑 ?
? Run run away hey ? ? 快跑 快跑 嘿 ?
? If you're in the swing ? ? 如果你在秋千上 ?
Hm. - Aah! Aah! Ah! 嗯 - 啊 啊 啊
You'll never be my father! 你永远不会是我的父亲
And everyone can see your underpants ! 所有人都能看到你的内裤
Hm. - Peter. Peter. 嗯 - 彼得 彼得
Peter. 彼得
Peter, the ring. - Wha...? 彼得 戒指 - 世界卫生大会
Right, right. 对的 正确
Where'd I put...? Did I...? 我把 那里来的 我 吗
Was it...? No, was it...? 这是 不 这是
Hang on. I had it in the... 坚持下去 我在
It's always in the last place you look. 它总是在你最后找的地方
You only have two pockets. 你只有两个口袋
You may now kiss the groom . 你现在可以亲吻新郎了
What? 什么
? Ooh yeah ? ? 哦 是的 ?
Bye! 再见
Bye! 再见
Bye. - We'll miss you. 再见 - 我们会想你的
? Oh oh She's not there no more ? ? 哦 哦 她已经不在那里了 ?