

You are being watched. 你被监视着
The government has a secret system-- a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. 政府有一套秘密系统 一台每时每刻都在监控你的机器
somehacker . 翻译 天朝直属
I designed the machine to detect acts of terror but it sees everything-- violent crimes involving ordinary people. 我设计这台机器是为了侦测恐怖行动 但它却看到了一切 牵涉普通人的暴力罪行
detect:vt.察觉;发现;探测; violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的; involving:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加;(involve的现在分词)
The government considered these people irrelevant . 政府认为这些人无关紧要
We don't. 我们不
Hunted by the authorities , we work in secret. 受当局追捕 我们只能秘密活动
You'll never find us. 你永远找不到我们
But victim or perpetrator , if your number's up, we'll find you. 但无论是受害人还是行凶者 只要你的号码被列出来 我们就会找到你
victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者; perpetrator:n.犯罪者;作恶者;行凶者;
What are you doing tomorrow? 你明天干嘛
I'm serious. 我认真的
We should do it again sometime. 我们应该再来一次
Band was good. 乐队不错
You look fabulous . 你真美
You're so sweet. 嘴真甜
Must be easy to get beautiful women when you are a diplomat's son. 身为外交官的儿子 泡妞肯定容易吧
She'll live. 她能活命
You, amigo , you can blame your old man. 而你 兄弟 要怪就怪你老子吧
Quien es? [西班牙语]是谁
If your father had been smart enough to work with the cartel ... 要是你父亲之前放聪明点儿 乖乖跟毒帮合作
You might have lived long enough to kiss her good night. 你现在就能活着跟她吻别了
What? 搞啥
Mira. [西班牙语]看
Who the hell are you? 你他妈是谁
Tonight, hostage negotiator . 今晚么 人质谈判专家
hostage:n.人质;抵押品; negotiator:n.谈判者;磋商者;交涉者;
Raphael, come on. 拉斐尔 来吧
Man, you're crazy. 天 你是疯子
Damn !
You're welcome. 不用谢
They never say thank you. 从来没人说谢谢
Yeah, I wonder why. 是啊 真奇怪
Maybe if you figure out a way to save them before all hell breaks loose . 也许你该想想法子 在闹到天下大乱之前先把人救出来
loose:adj.宽松的; v.释放; v.松散地; n.放纵;
Thanks, Carter. 谢了 卡特
You know, for what it's worth, 这样倒也不错
You're looking kind of badass in that uniform . 你这制服穿着挺霸气
badass:n.坏蛋;adj.到处惹是生非的; uniform:adj.统一的;一致的;相同的;始终如一的;n.制服;v.使穿制服;使成一样;
Yours is still the same, except the mask is new. 你的照样没变 面罩倒是新的
So where are all your friends? 你那些朋友们呢
Can I be honest? 我能坦白说吗
I only asked you out 'cause you're drop-dead gorgeous . 我约你出来其实就因为你太漂亮了
drop-dead:adj.极其引人注目的; gorgeous:adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的;
But after sitting down, really getting to know you over dinner, 不过认真坐下 与你共进晚餐之后
I realized I think you might be the most fascinating woman I've ever met. 我发现你简直是 我遇见过的最迷人的女人
Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls. 是啊 我猜你对所有女孩子都是这么说的
In fact...I know you do. 其实吧 我挺确定
And after you get into their pants, you get into their bank accounts, 你扒掉她们的裤子 再扒空她们的账户
Just like you did with Paula Scarlatti. 比如波拉.斯卡拉蒂
Poor Paula was so heartbroken , she told her mobbed-up old man. 可怜的波拉心都碎了 告诉了她混黑帮的老子