

Sir? This is her. 先生 就是她
The girl who tells fortunes ? 会算命的小女孩
fortunes:n.命运,机遇(fortune复数形式); v.给…以大宗财富(fortune的第三人称单数形式);
They're doing a magic spell to make her win a race. 他们在施魔法 让那匹马赢得比赛
The horse's name's Monaghan Boy. 我的宝马名叫摩纳根小子
Kempton, three o'clock, Monday. 坎普敦赛马场 周一 3点
You ladies have a bet yourselves but don't tell anyone else. 你们可以下注押它 但不要告诉别人
'"And Abraham made his home in a cave, "but it was good "because God resided there with him. 亚伯拉罕居于山洞 但那没关系 因为主与他同在
'"You see, children, God does not care "if you live in a slum or in a mansion . 上帝的儿女们 主并不在乎 你是住在贫民窟还是豪宅
slum:vi.(为猎奇或救济等)去贫民窟;n.贫民窟;陋巷;脏乱的地方; mansion:n.大厦;宅邸;
'"God does not care if you are rich or you are poor. 主并不在乎你是贫穷还是富有
'"You are still God's..." 你们都是主的...
Morning, sir. 早上好 先生
Morning, Mr. Shelby. 早上好 谢尔比先生
Come on, lad . - Morning, sir. 快点 伙计 -早 先生
Morning, Mr. Shelby. - Come on, hurry up! 早 谢尔比先生 -快点
Finn ? 芬恩
Arthur's mad as hell. 亚瑟气得要死
What does a ten-year-old know about hell, eh? 一个10岁的小孩懂什么生死啊
Place your bets here now for the 2:30 at Kempton. 坎普敦下午2:30的赛马开始下注
Down to fours... 改成一赔四
OK, girls and boys, you want to push that now, mate . 好了 女士们先生们 快来试试运气
mate:n.助手,大副; v.使配对;
Thanks very much. 非常感谢
2-1, get your bets in now. 一赔二 速速下注
What d'you say? We've got Sovereign , he's an old favourite, 4-1. 想选哪匹 可以押 帝王 它是老热门了 一赔四
Sovereign:adj.至高无上的; n.君主;
Tommy. Tommy! 汤米 汤米
Tommy, look at the book. Just look. 汤米 看看账本 你看
Tommy! - All on Monaghan Boy. 汤米 -全都押摩纳根小子
Good work, John. 好样的 约翰
Tommy! Get in here, now! 汤米 立刻进来
That'll be six pennies, Nipper . 六便士 小伙
That's ten bob you'll see for that. 十先令 等着稳赚吧
You was seen doing the powder trick down at Garrison Court. 有人看到你在加里森巷玩红粉巫术
powder:n.粉末;细面;扑面粉;美容粉;v.傅粉;抹粉; Garrison:n.要塞;卫戍部队;vt.驻防;守卫;
Times are hard. 时下境况艰难
People need a reason to lay a bet. 人们需要一个下注的理由
There was a Chinese. 听说还有个中国人
The washer women say she's a witch . 洗衣女说她是个巫女
washer:n.[机]垫圈;洗涤器;洗衣人; witch:n.巫婆,女巫;vt.迷惑;施巫术;
It helps them believe. 他们比较迷信这种事
We don't mess with Chinese. 我们不能招惹中国人
Look at the book... 看看账本
Chinese have cutters of their own. 中国人有他们自己的地盘
We agreed, Arthur. 我们商量好了的 亚瑟
I'm taking charge of drumming up new money. 我负责招揽新生意
What if Monaghan Boy wins, Tommy? 万一摩纳根小子赢了怎么办 汤米
What if:如果…怎么办?
You fixing races now? 你现在还操纵比赛了吗
Do you have permission from Billy Kimber to be fixing races, hm? 你有没有取得比利.肯波的许可
Then what's got into you? 你脑子进水了吗
You think we can take on the Chinese and Billy Kimber. 你认为我们能同时对付 中国人和比利.肯波吗
Billy's got a bloody army! 比利他妈的有一支军队
I think... Arthur. 我会用脑子想 亚瑟
That's what I do. 我就是靠脑子的
I think... 我会动脑子