

Today I want to talk about design, but not design as we usually think about it. 今天我们要来谈谈改造, 但是不是那种我们平时谈的那种改造。
I want to talk about what is happening now in our scientific , biotechnological culture, where, for really the first time in history, we have the power to design bodies, to design animal bodies, to design human bodies. 我想探讨的是那些现在正在 发生在我们科学界,生物科技领域的事, 这里,是历史上真正的第一次, 我们有能力来改造生物体, 改造动物体, 改造人体。
In the history of our planet, there have been three great waves of evolution . 在我们地球的历史上, 已经经历了三次大规模的进化潮。
The first wave of evolution is what we think of as Darwinian evolution. 第一次大规模的进化潮 是我们熟知的达尔文式进化。
So, as you all know, species lived in particular ecological niches and particular environments, and the pressures of those environments selected which changes, through random mutation in species, were going to be preserved . 那是,就一如你们所知的, 生物生活在特殊的生物环境 和特殊的生态环境下, 这些环境的生存压力 挑选出那些改变了的, 通过随机变异的生物体, 来进一步生存。
species:n.[生物]物种;种类; in particular:尤其,特别; ecological:adj.生态的,生态学的; niches:n.[生态]生态位; v.把…放置在壁龛中; random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; mutation:n.[遗]突变;变化;元音变化; preserved:v.保护;维护;保留;保存;保养;(preserve的过去式和过去分词)
Then human beings stepped out of the Darwinian flow of evolutionary history and created the second great wave of evolution, which was we changed the environment in which we evolved . 接着人类跳出了 达尔文式进化历史的潮流 并创造出第二个大规模的进化潮, 就是我们改变那些 让我们进化的环境。
evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的; evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式)
We altered our ecological niche by creating civilization . 我们通过创造文明 从而改变了我们的生物环境。
altered:adj.改变了的:v.(使)改变,更改,改动:(alter的过去分词和过去式) civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
And that has been the second great -- couple 100,000 years, 150,000 years -- flow of our evolution. 这就是第二个大规模的-- 好几万年前的,15万年前-- 进化潮流。
By changing our environment, we put new pressures on our bodies to evolve. 通过改变我们的环境, 我们找寻到新的压力来 促使我们进化。
Whether it was through settling down in agricultural communities , all the way through modern medicine, we have changed our own evolution. 无论是通过经历农业社会, 一直经历到现代医学社会, 我们已经改变了我们的演变历程。
settling:n.安置;固定;沉淀物;移居;v.解决;安居;(settle的现在分词) agricultural:adj.农业的;农艺的; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
Now we're entering a third great wave of evolutionary history, which has been called many things: " intentional evolution," 现在我们正步入进化史上第三次 大规模进化潮, 这次进化有很多别称: 意识性进化,
'"evolution by design" -- very different than intelligent design -- whereby we are actually now intentionally designing and altering the physiological forms that inhabit our planet. 改造性进化-- 和智能改造很不同-- 借此我们实际现在 正在有意识的改造和改变 栖息在我们地球的生物的生物形态。
different than:不同于; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 whereby:adv.凭借;通过…;借以;与…一致; intentionally:adv.故意地,有意地; altering:n.变更;v.变更(alter的现在分词); physiological:adj.生理学的,生理的; inhabit:v.居住在;栖居于;
So I want to take you through a kind of whirlwind tour of that and then at the end talk a little bit about what some of the implications are for us and for our species, as well as our cultures, because of this change. 所以我想带大家经历一场进化的暴风之旅 并接着在最后讨论一些 对于我们,对于我们种族, 同时也对于我们的文明会有什么样的影响, 从这次转变。
whirlwind:n.旋风;旋风般的快速行动;adj.旋风般的; implications:n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数); as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
Now we actually have been doing it for a long time. 现在我们实际上已经转变了很久了。
We started selectively breeding animals many, many thousands of years ago. 我们在数千年之前 就开始有选择的喂养动物。
selectively:adv.有选择地; breeding:n.繁殖;饲养;教养;再生;v.生产;培育;使…繁殖;(breed的现在分词)
And if you think of dogs for example, dogs are now intentionally-designed creatures . 如果你以狗作为例子来思考, 狗是有意识的被改造的生物。
There isn't a dog on this earth that's a natural creature. 在生态环境下地球上没有狗。
Dogs are the result of selectively breeding traits that we like. 狗是我们 根据我们喜好而选择性喂养的产物。
But we had to do it the hard way in the old days by choosing offspring that looked a particular way and then breeding them. 但是我们在过去不得不用一种艰苦的方式 来选择那些有着特定特征的后代 来喂养它们。
We don't have to do it that way anymore. 我们再也不必在这样做了。
This is a beefalo. 这是个皮弗娄牛。
A beefalo is a buffalo-cattle hybrid . 皮弗娄牛是水牛和肉牛的杂交种。
And they are now making them, and someday, perhaps pretty soon, you will have beefalo patties in your local supermarket. 他们现在正在研究它们, 到了某天,也许会很快, 你会在你当地的超市里 吃到皮弗娄牛肉饼。
This is a geep , a goat-sheep hybrid. 这是头山绵羊, 山羊,绵羊的杂交种。
The scientists that made this cute little creature ended up slaughtering it and eating it afterwards. 创造出这可爱小东西的科学家们 最后把它屠宰了随后吃了它。
slaughtering:v.[畜牧]屠宰(slaughter的ing形式); n.[畜牧]屠宰; adj.屠宰的;
I think they said it tasted like chicken. 我记得他们说它尝起来像鸡肉。
This is a cama. 这是匹卡马驼。
A cama is a camel-llama hybrid, created to try to get the hardiness of a camel with some of the personality traits of a llama . 卡马驼是骆驼,美洲驼的杂交种, 为了尝试使之有骆驼的耐劳力 和美洲驼的一部分性格特点 而创造。
personality:n.性格;个性;人格;魅力;气质;名人;特色; llama:n.美洲驼;无峰驼;
And they are now using these in certain cultures. 它们现已在某些环境下得到利用。
Then there's the liger . 这是狮虎兽,
This is the largest cat in the world -- the lion-tiger hybrid. 世界上最大的猫科动物-- 狮子,老虎的杂交种。
It's bigger than a tiger. 它的体型比老虎的大。
And in the case of the liger, there actually have been one or two that have been seen in the wild. 这个类狮虎兽的案例, 实际上在野生环境下已经被观察到一两次了。
But these were created by scientists using both selective breeding and genetic technology . 但是这些科学家创造的那些生物 使用了选择性喂养和基因技术。
genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
And then finally , everybody's favorite, the zorse. 接着最后,大家的最爱, 卓斯马,
None of this is Photoshopped. These are real creatures. 没有一个是被修改过的;它们是真实的生物。
And so one of the things we've been doing is using genetic enhancement , or genetic manipulation , of normal selective breeding pushed a little bit through genetics . 我们已经掌握的其中一种技术 是使用基因改良, 或者基因操控, 加以常规的选择性喂养 来推进基因的改良。
enhancement:n.增加;放大; manipulation:n.操作;管理措施;处理;操纵证券市场;变换; genetics:n.遗传学;
And if that were all this was about, then it would be an interesting thing. 如果这就是所有的全部, 那它是一件有趣的事。
But something much, much more powerful is happening now. 但是一些更加有影响力的事 正在发生。
These are normal mammalian cells genetically engineered with a bioluminescent gene taken out of deep-sea jellyfish . 正常的哺乳类动物细胞 和从深海水母上提取出的荧光基因 基因程度上融合。
mammalian:adj.哺乳类动物的;n.哺乳类; genetically:adv.从遗传学角度;从基因方面; bioluminescent:adj.生物性发光的; deep-sea:adj.深海的; jellyfish:n.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇;软弱无能的人;
We all know that some deep-sea creatures glow . 我们都知道一些深海动物发光。
glow:n.喜悦; v.发热;
Well, they've now taken that gene, that bioluminescent gene, and put it into mammal cells. 嗯,他们现在已经提取出这基因,这生物发光的基因, 并把它融入哺乳动物细胞。
These are normal cells. 这是正常的细胞。
And what you see here is these cells glowing in the dark under certain wavelengths of light. 这里你看到的 是在黑暗中发出 特定波长的光的细胞。
glowing:adj.灼热的;热情洋溢的;鲜艳的;v.发光;容光焕发;发热;(glow的现在分词) wavelengths:n.[物]波长(wavelength的复数);
Once they could do that with cells, they could do it with organisms . 一旦他们能在细胞上应用,他们也能用在生物体上。
So they did it with mouse pups , kittens. 于是他们把它用在幼鼠上, 小猫上。
And by the way , the reason the kittens here are orange and these are green is because that's a bioluminescent gene from coral , while this is from jellyfish. 顺道提一下,小猫呈现橙色小鼠呈现绿色 是因为一个的发光基因来自珊瑚, 另外一个来自水母。
by the way:顺便说一下; coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的;
They did it with pigs. 他们把它用在猪上。
They did it with puppies . 他们把它用在小狗上,
And, in fact, they did it with monkeys. 并且,实际上, 他们把它用在了猴子上。
And if you can do it with monkeys -- though the great leap in trying to genetically manipulate is actually between monkeys and apes -- if they can do it in monkeys, they can probably figure out how to do it in apes, which means they can do it in human beings. 如果你能把它作用在猴子上-- 虽然从猴子到猿事实上对于基因操作 是巨大的跃进-- 如果他们能把它作用在猴子上, 他们就可能想出如果作用在猿上, 这就意味着他们能让它作用在人类上。
leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲; manipulate:vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改; apes:n.[脊椎]猿;猩猩;类人猿(ape的复数);v.模仿;仿效(ape的三单形式);
In other words, it is theoretically possible that before too long we will be biotechnologically capable of creating human beings that glow in the dark. 换句话说,理论上这是可能的 在很久以后我们生物技术上能够 创造出能在黑夜 发光的人类。
theoretically:adv.理论地;理论上; capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的;
Be easier to find us at night. 在夜晚就更容易发现我们。
And in fact, right now in many states, you can go out and you can buy bioluminescent pets. 实际上,现在很多州内, 你能出去买到生物荧光的宠物。
These are zebra fish. They're normally black and silver . 这些是斑马鱼。正常的他们是黑色和银色的。
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的;
These are zebra fish that have been genetically engineered to be yellow, green, red, and they are actually available now in certain states. 这些斑马鱼已经被基因重组 成黄色,绿色,红色, 它们实际上如今在一些州已经能买到。
Other states have banned them. 另外一些州则被禁止。
Nobody knows what to do with these kinds of creatures. 没人知道对这种生物荧光怎么做。
There is no area of the government -- not the EPA or the FDA -- that controls genetically-engineered pets. 政府间没有相关部门--这不归环境保护局或者食品药物监管局管-- 来控制基因改造过的宠物。
And so some states have decided to allow them, some states have decided to ban them. 所以一些州决定允许它们, 一些州则决定禁止它们。
Some of you may have read about the FDA's consideration right now of genetically-engineered salmon . 你们中的一些如今可能了解 食品药物监管局对于 基因改造的鲑鱼的焦虑。
consideration:n.顾及;报酬;斟酌;仔细考虑; salmon:n.鲑鱼;大马哈鱼;鲑肉色;鲑鱼肉;橙红色,粉橙色;adj.浅澄色的;
The salmon on top is a genetically engineered Chinook salmon, using a gene from these salmon and from one other fish that we eat, to make it grow much faster using a lot less feed. 上面的鲑鱼 是被基因改造的且努克鲑鱼, 利用了这种鲑鱼 和另外一种我们食用的鱼的基因 来让它长的更快 吃的更少。
And right now the FDA is trying to make a final decision on whether, pretty soon, you could be eating this fish -- it'll be sold in the stores. 如今食物药品监管局正试着作出最后的决定 关于是否你可以食用这种鱼-- (一旦通过)这种鱼就会被出售。
And before you get too worried about it, here in the United States, the majority of food you buy in the supermarket already has genetically-modified components to it. 在你太担心它之前, 在美国, 你超市里买到的大多数食物 在包装上已经有基因改造标示。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人: components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数);
So even as we worry about it, we have allowed it to go on in this country -- much different in Europe -- without any regulation , and even without any identification on the package. 所以即使你担心它, 我们已经允许它进入这个国家--不同于欧盟-- 毫无任何条例, 甚至包装上没有任何表明。
regulation:n.规则;法规;控制;规章制度;adj.规定的;必须穿戴的;必须使用的; identification:n.鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明;
These are all the first cloned animals of their type. 这些全是第一批它们种群的 克隆动物。
So in the lower right here, you have Dolly , the first cloned sheep -- now happily stuffed in a museum in Edinburgh; 在右下方, 是多利,第一头克隆羊-- 如今在爱丁堡某个博物馆幸福的成为了标本;
Dolly:n.洋娃娃;手推车;移动式摄影车;洗衣搅棒;v.用移动车移动;移动摄影车; stuffed:adj.饱;装满的;v.填满;装满;给…装馅;(stuff的过去分词和过去式)
Ralph the rat, the first cloned rat; 拉尔夫鼠,第一只克隆鼠;
CC the cat, for cloned cat; 赛赛猫,克隆猫;
Snuppy, the first cloned dog -- 史努比,第一只克隆狗
Snuppy for Seoul National University puppy -- created in South Korea by the very same man that some of you may remember had to end up resigning in disgrace because he claimed he had cloned a human embryo , which he had not. 首尔国立大学小狗史努比-- 生育于韩国 由也许你们还记得的南韩造假丑闻的同一个研究员 他最后不得不羞辱的辞职 因为他声称他已经克隆出人类细胞,其实他没有。
Seoul:n.[城]首尔; puppy:n.小狗;幼犬;傲慢小子;自负无礼的青年 resigning:v.辞职;辞去(某职务);(resign的现在分词) disgrace:n.丢脸;耻辱;不光彩;;v.使丢脸;使蒙受耻辱;使失去地位; claimed:v.宣称;声称;断言;索取;认领;索要(claim的过去分词和过去式) embryo:n.[胚]胚胎;胚芽;初期;adj.胚胎的;初期的;
He actually was the first person to clone a dog, which is a very difficult thing to do, because dog genomes are very plastic. 他实际上是第一个 克隆狗的人,其实这是个很艰苦的工作, 因为狗的基因排列的可塑性是很强的。
This is Prometea, the first cloned horse. 这是普罗提耶,第一匹马。
It's a Haflinger horse cloned in Italy, a real "gold ring" of cloning , because there are many horses that win important races who are geldings . 它是在意大利的哈弗灵克隆马, 克隆界的一个金戒指, 因为很多赢得重要比赛的马 是被阉割的。
cloning:n.克隆;v.无性繁殖(clone的现在分词); geldings:n.去势的人或牲畜;阉割的动物;去势;太监;
In other words, the equipment to put them out to stud has been removed. 换句话说,让他们成为种马的器官 已经被移除了。
But if you can clone that horse, you can have both the advantage of having a gelding run in the race and his identical genetic duplicate can then be put out to stud. 但是如果你能克隆这些马, 你能同时拥有阉割马在比赛上的优势 和它独特的基因组 来让它繁衍下一代。
advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: identical:adj.同一的;完全相同的;n.完全相同的事物; duplicate:v.复制;使加倍;n.副本;复制品;adj.复制的;二重的;
These were the first cloned calves , the first cloned grey wolves, and then, finally, the first cloned piglets : 这些是第一批克隆的小牛, 第一批克隆的灰狼。 接着,最终, 第一批克隆的小猪:
calves:n.小牛; v.生小牛; piglets:n.小猪(piglet的复数);
Alexis, Chista, Carrel, Janie and Dotcom. 亚历克西斯,克里斯蒂娜,卡雷尔,贾妮和道蒂肯。
(Laughter) (笑声)
In addition , we've started to use cloning technology to try to save endangered species. 另外,我们开始利用克隆技术 来试着拯救濒危物种。
addition:n.添加;[数]加法;增加物; endangered:v.使遭危险;危及;危害;(endanger的过去分词和过去式)
This is the use of animals now to create drugs and other things in their bodies that we want to create. 现在也有作用于动物 使其能从体内制造药物和其他 我们想要的东西。
So with antithrombin in that goat -- that goat has been genetically modified so that the molecules of its milk actually include the molecule of antithrombin that GTC Genetics wants to create. 这山羊体内有抗凝血酶-- 这山羊已经被基因改造过了 所以它的羊奶分子 实际上包含了GTC基因 创造的抗凝血酶分子。
genetically modified:adj.(植物等)遗传修饰的; molecules:n.[化学]分子,微粒;[化学]摩尔(molecule的复数);
And then in addition, transgenic pigs, knockout pigs, from the National Institute of Animal Science in South Korea, are pigs that they are going to use, in fact, to try to create all kinds of drugs and other industrial types of chemicals that they want the blood and the milk of these animals to produce for them, instead of producing them in an industrial way. 接着,转基因的猪,改造过的猪, 来自于韩国的生物科学研究所, 实际上,他们用这些猪来 试着制造所有的药物 或其他工业化学物质 他们想要这些动物的 血和奶 来制造这些物质, 而不是用工业制造的方式。
transgenic:adj.转基因的;基因改造的; knockout:adj.淘汰的;击倒的;迷人的;n.淘汰赛;击倒;给人留下深刻印象的人;绝代佳人; Institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院; industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数)
These are two creatures that were created in order to save endangered species. 这两种生物 是为了拯救濒危生物 而被创造的。
The guar is an endangered Southeast Asian ungulate . 瓜尔牛 是东南亚濒危蹄类动物。
guar:n.[植物]瓜尔豆瓜尔豆胶,瓜胶; Southeast:adj.东南的;来自东南的;n.东南;东南地区;adv.来自东南; ungulate:adj.有蹄的;像蹄子的;n.有蹄类动物;
A somatic cell, a body cell, was taken from its body, gestated in the ovum of a cow, and then that cow gave birth to a guar. 一个肉细胞,身体细胞, 从它身上提取出来 在一头牛的子宫中怀孕, 接着让牛生下这头瓜尔牛。
somatic:adj.躯体的;肉体的;体壁的; gestated:vt.使怀孕;vi.孕育,创案; ovum:n.[细胞][组织]卵;卵子;卵形装饰;
Same thing happened with the mouflon , where it's an endangered species of sheep. 同样的事也发生在这摩弗伦羊上, 它是一种濒危的羊类动物。
It was gestated in a regular sheep body, which actually raises an interesting biological problem. 它在一头普通羊体内受孕, 这实际上产生了一个有趣的生物学问题。
We have two kinds of DNA in our bodies. 我们体内有两种DNA。
We have our nucleic DNA that everybody thinks of as our DNA, but we also have DNA in our mitochondria , which are the energy packets of the cell. 我们有我们细胞核内的DNA 就是每个人都知道的DNA, 但是我们也有DNA在我们线粒体内, 它是细胞的能量源。
nucleic:adj.核的; mitochondria:n.线粒体(mitochondrion的复数);
That DNA is passed down through our mothers. 这种DNA是从母系上得到传承。
So really, what you end up having here is not a guar and not a mouflon, but a guar with cow mitochondria, and therefore cow mitochondrial DNA, and a mouflon with another species of sheep's mitochondrial DNA. 所以实际上,我们最终有的 不是一头瓜尔牛也不是头摩弗伦羊, 而是一头瓜尔牛 有着奶牛的线粒体, 因此有奶牛的线粒体DNA, 和一头摩弗伦羊有着另外一种羊的 线粒体DNA。
These are really hybrids , not pure animals. 它们实际上是杂交种,而不是纯种。
And it raises the question of how we're going to define animal species in the age of biotechnology -- a question that we're not really sure yet how to solve. 这产生了个我们如果定义生物种类的问题 在这生物技术的时代-- 一个我们还不确定如何解决的 问题。
define:v.定义;使明确;规定; biotechnology:n.[生物]生物技术;[生物]生物工艺学;
This lovely creature is an Asian cockroach . 这些可爱的生物 是亚洲蟑螂。
And what they've done here is they've put electrodes in its ganglia and its brain and then a transmitter on top, and it's on a big computer tracking ball. 他们做的是 是把电极放进它的神经中枢和大脑 并在头部放置一个发射器, 它正在一个电脑追踪球上。
electrodes:n.[电]电极(electrode的复数);电焊条; ganglia:n.神经节;神经中枢; transmitter:n.[电讯]发射机,[通信]发报机;传达人; tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词)
And now, using a joystick , they can send this creature around the lab and control whether it goes left or right, forwards or backwards. 现在,使用操纵杆, 他们能把这个生物送到 实验室四周 并控制他们向左或向右, 向前或者向后。
They've created a kind of insect bot, or bugbot. 他们已经制造出一种昆虫机器, 或者叫虫器。
It gets worse than that -- or perhaps better than that. 它可能比这个差一点--或者可能比这个好一点。
This actually is one of DARPA's very important -- 这是事实是DARPA的一个很重要的--
DARPA is the Defense Research Agency -- one of their projects. DARPA就是防御远景研究规划局-- 项目。
These goliath beetles are wired in their wings. 这些歌利亚甲虫 在翅膀上有天线。
goliath:n.巨人;哥利亚(圣经中被大卫杀死的巨人); beetles:n.甲虫;v.快速移动;(beetle的第三人称单数和复数)
They have a computer chip strapped to their backs, and they can fly these creatures around the lab. 它们的背上捆绑这一个电脑芯片, 他们就能在实验室周围飞行这种生物。
chip:v.削,凿;削成碎片;剥落;碎裂;n.[电子]芯片;筹码;碎片;(食物的)小片;薄片; strapped:adj.缺钱的; v.用带子系; (strap的过去分词和过去式)
They can make them go left, right. They can make them take off. 他们能让它向左,向右。他们能让它停下来。
They can't actually make them land. 实际上他们还不能让它们着陆。
They put them about one inch above the ground, and then they shut everything off and they go pfft . 他们把它们降落到地面上一英尺高 接着他们就关闭所有设备后它们就砰然落下。
But it's the closest they can get to a landing. 但是这是他们能降落的最近高度。
And in fact, this technology has gotten so developed that this creature -- this is a moth -- this is the moth in its pupa stage, and that's when they put the wires in and they put in the computer technology, so that when the moth actually emerges as a moth, it is already prewired. 实际上,这项技术已经如此发达 以至于这生物-- 这是个蛾。 这是蛾的蛹期, 这也是他们设置天线 和电脑技术的时期。 所以当这蛾变成蛾的时候, 它已经被埋入天线好了。
moth:n.蛾;蛀虫; pupa:n.[昆]蛹; emerges:vi.浮现;摆脱;暴露;
The wires are already in its body, and they can just hook it up to their technology, and now they've got these bugbots that they can send out for surveillance . 天线已经在它的体内, 他们只要把它连接和他们的技术相连接, 它们就能变成虫器 它们就能被派出作为侦查。
hook:n.钩;挂钩;鱼钩;钓钩;v.挂住;箍住;钓(鱼);打曲线球; surveillance:n.监督;监视;
They can put little cameras on them and perhaps someday deliver other kinds of ordinance to warzones. 他们可以把微型摄像头放在它们上面 或者某天运送 某种军用设备 去战场。
It's not just insects. 这还不仅仅用昆虫。
This is the ratbot, or the robo-rat by Sanjiv Talwar at SUNY Downstate . 这是个老鼠机器,或者叫机器鼠 由美国纽约州立大学的三久·塔瓦尔研发。
Again, it's got technology -- it's got electrodes going into its left and right hemispheres; it's got a camera on top of its head. 再一次,它包含了现代科技, 电极刺入它的左右半脑, 在它的头上有一个摄像机。
The scientists can make this creature go left, right. 科学家就能让这个生物 向左,向右走。
They have it running through mazes , controlling where it's going. 他们能让它穿行于迷宫中,控制它的走向。
They've now created an organic robot. 他们已经创造出了生物机器人。
The graduate students in Sanjiv Talwar's lab said, "Is this ethical ? 在三久·塔瓦尔实验室的 研究生 说,“这是道德的吗?
We've taken away the autonomy of this animal." 我们剥夺了这动物的自主权。”
I'll get back to that in a minute. 我会过一会儿再讲这些。
There's also been work done with monkeys. 这技术也应用在猴子上。
This is Miguel Nicolelis of Duke . 这是杜克的米格尔·尼古拉雷思。
He took owl monkeys, wired them up so that a computer watched their brains while they moved, especially looking at the movement of their right arm. 他使用猫头鹰猴, 置入电极 电脑就能监视它们的大脑,当它们运动的时候, 特别是当他们右手活动的时候。
owl:n.猫头鹰;枭;惯于晚上活动的人; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
The computer learned what the monkey brain did to move its arm in various ways. 电脑会学习猴脑如何运作 用不同方式来移动它的手臂。
They then hooked it up to a prosthetic arm, which you see here in the picture, put the arm in another room. 接着他们把它连接到一个假肢上, 就如你能看到的一样, 把手臂放在另一个房间。
hooked:adj.弯曲的; v.(使)钩住,挂住; (hook的过去分词和过去式) prosthetic:adj.假体的;非朊基的;
Pretty soon, the computer learned, by reading the monkey's brainwaves , to make that arm in the other room do whatever the monkey's arm did. 很快,电脑就学会,通过读取猴子的脑电波, 来控制另外那个房间的手臂 做任何猴子手臂在做的事情。
Then he put a video monitor in the monkey's cage that showed the monkey this prosthetic arm, and the monkey got fascinated. 接着他把一个视频显示器 放在猴子的笼子里 给猴子看这个假肢, 结果猴子对此很着迷。
The monkey recognized that whatever she did with her arm, this prosthetic arm would do. 猴子意识到无论她用手做什么, 那假肢也会做什么。
And eventually she was moving it and moving it, and eventually stopped moving her right arm and, staring at the screen, could move the prosthetic arm in the other room only with her brainwaves -- which means that monkey 最后她会动一下动一下的, 最终会停止舞动她的右手 并,盯着屏幕, 挥舞来另外一个房间的假肢 仅仅靠她的脑电波-- 这意味着猴子
eventually:adv.最后,终于; staring:adj.凝视的,目不转睛的;显眼的;v.凝视;盯着看;显眼;(stare的现在分词)
became the first primate in the history of the world to have three independent functional arms. 已经成为世界历史上一个拥有 三个独立功能手臂的灵长类动物。
primate:n.大主教;灵长类的动物;首领;adj.灵长目动物的;首要的; independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等); functional:adj.功能的;
And it's not just technology that we're putting into animals. 这不仅仅是个科级 让我们应用在动物上。
This is Thomas DeMarse at the University of Florida. 这是佛罗里达大学的托马斯·迪马斯。
He took 20,000 and then 60,000 disaggregated rat neurons -- so these are just individual neurons from rats -- put them on a chip. 它实验了2万,接着6万个 分解的鼠神经元-- 这些只是老鼠身上的分离的神经细胞-- 把它们放入芯片中。
They self-aggregated into a network, became an integrated chip. 它们会自主的连接到网络中, 成为一个完整的芯片。
integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词)
And he used that as the IT piece of a mechanism which ran a flight simulator . 他把这 作为电脑芯片 来运行飞行模拟机械。
mechanism:n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧; flight simulator:n.飞行模拟器;飞行练习器;
So now we have organic computer chips made out of living, self-aggregating neurons. 现在我们有了生物电脑芯片 由自主连接的神经细胞组成。
Finally, Mussa-Ivaldi of Northwestern took a completely intact , independent lamprey eel brain. 最后,西北部的穆萨·伊瓦尔迪 完成了一个完整无缺的, 独立的鳗鱼脑。
Northwestern:adj.来自西北的;西北方的;在西北部的; intact:adj.完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的; lamprey:n.[鱼]七鳃鳗;八目鳗;
This is a brain from a lamprey eel. 这就是那个鳗鱼脑。
It is living -- fully-intact brain in a nutrient medium with these electrodes going off to the sides, attached photosensitive sensors to the brain, put it into a cart -- 它是活着的, 完整无损的大脑浸在营养液中 通体置入了电极, 连接着大脑的光敏感应器, 然后把它放进一个推车--
nutrient:n.营养物;滋养物;adj.营养的;滋养的; medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的; attached:adj.依恋;v.重视;把…固定;(attach的过去分词和过去式) photosensitive:adj.[电子]光敏的;感光性的; sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); cart:n.运货马车;手推车;手拉车;v.用车装运;用手提;强行带走;抓走;.
here's the cart, the brain is sitting there in the middle -- and using this brain as the sole processor for this cart, when you turn on a light and shine it at the cart, the cart moves toward the light; when you turn it off, it moves away. 这就是那个推车,大脑就在这个里面-- 并用这个大脑作为这推车的单独的处理器, 当你打开灯照射这推车的时候, 推车会向光源移动; 当你关闭光源,它就会远离。
sole:n.鞋底; adj.仅有的; v.给(鞋)换底; processor:n.[计]处理器;处理程序;加工者;
It's photophilic. 它是趋光性的。
So now we have a complete living lamprey eel brain. 现在我们有了个完整的 活体的鳗鱼脑。
Is it thinking lamprey eel thoughts, sitting there in its nutrient medium? 它是不是用鳗鱼的思维方式, 而浸泡在这营养液中呢?
I don't know, but in fact it is a fully living brain that we have managed to keep alive to do our bidding. 我不知道, 但是事实是它是一个完整的活体的大脑 是我们试着让它保持生命活性 来行使我们的命令。
So, we are now at the stage where we are creating creatures for our own purposes. 所以,我们现在在一个 我们能够依照我们自己目的 创造生命的阶段。
This is a mouse created by Charles Vacanti of the University of Massachusetts. 这是只由马萨诸塞大学的查尔斯·瓦坎蒂 创造的老鼠。
He altered this mouse so that it was genetically engineered to have skin that was less immunoreactive to human skin, put a polymer scaffolding of an ear under it 他改造了这老鼠 所以它是被基因改造过的 有着更少排斥性的人类肌肤, 在它内部有着支撑耳朵的聚合脚手架
polymer:n.[高分子]聚合物; scaffolding:n.脚手架;搭脚手架的材料;
and created an ear that could then be taken off the mouse and transplanted onto a human being. 这创造出的耳朵能从老鼠体内取出 并移植给人类。
Genetic engineering coupled with polymer physiotechnology coupled with xenotransplantation . 基因工程 伴随着聚合物理技术 协同异种移植技术。
Genetic engineering:n.基因工程;遗传工程(学); xenotransplantation:n.异种器官移植;
This is where we are in this process. 这就是我们在这个过程中的进度。
Finally, not that long ago, 最后,不久之前,
Craig Venter created the first artificial cell, where he took a cell, took a DNA synthesizer , which is a machine, created an artificial genome, put it in a different cell -- the genome was not of the cell he put it in -- and that cell then reproduced as the other cell. 克雷格·范特创造出了一个人工细胞, 他用了一个真的细胞,利用DNA合成器(读取了它的染色体), 这是一种 能制造人工染色体的机器, 再把合成器放进另一个细胞中-- 另一个细胞的染色体和第一个细胞的是不一样的-- 当第二个细胞自己复制 就复制出了第一个细胞。
Venter:n.腹部;腹面;母; artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; synthesizer:n.[电子]合成器;合成者; reproduced:v.重现(reproduce的过去分词);再生产;生育;adj.再生的;重制的;
In other words, that was the first creature in the history of the world that had a computer as its parent -- it did not have an organic parent. 换句话说, 这是世界历史上一个用电脑作为 父母的生物-- 它没有生物意义上的父母。
And so, asks The Economist: "The first artificial organism and its consequences ." 所以,《经济学家》提出 “第一个人工生物和它的结局。”
So you may have thought that the creation of life was going to happen in something that looked like that. 你可能会想 这生物的生命 会变成看起来像这样的东西。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But in fact, that's not what Frankenstein's lab looks like. 但是实际上,这不是弗兰肯斯坦实验室的样子。
This is what Frankenstein's lab looks like. 这才是弗兰肯斯坦实验室的原貌。
This is a DNA synthesizer, and here at the bottom are just bottles of A, T, C and G -- the four chemicals that make up our DNA chain. 这是个DNA合成器, 在这底部 有着标记着A,T,C和G的瓶子-- 这四种化学物质 组成了我们的DNA链。
And so, we need to ask ourselves some questions. 所以,我们需要问我们自己一些问题。
For the first time in the history of this planet, we are able to directly design organisms. 作为地球史上第一次 我们能够直接设计生物体。
We can manipulate the plasmas of life with unprecedented power, and it confers on us a responsibility. 我们用空前的力量操控 生物等离子体。 如果赋予我们的是一种责任。
plasmas:n.[等离子]等离子体(plasma的复数); unprecedented:adj.空前的;无前例的; confers:授予;商议;
Is everything okay? 那我们做什么都可以吗?
Is it okay to manipulate and create whatever creatures we want? 操控和制造任何我们想要的 生物是可行的吗?
Do we have free reign to design animals? 我们是否可以无约束 地设计生命体?
Do we get to go someday to Pets 'R' Us and say, "Look, I want a dog. 某天我们是否会根据喜好决定宠物 并说,“看,我想要一只狗。
I'd like it to have the head of a Dachshund , the body of a retriever , maybe some pink fur, and let's make it glow in the dark"? 我想要它有达克斯猎狗的头, 猎狗的身体, 也许一些粉色的毛, 再让它在黑暗中发光。”
Dachshund:n.达克斯猎狗(一种短腿长身的德国种猎犬); retriever:n.(训练成能寻回猎物的)猎犬;取回的人;
Does industry get to create creatures who, in their milk, in their blood, and in their saliva and other bodily fluids , create the drugs and industrial molecules we want and then warehouse them as organic manufacturing machines? 是否工业创造生物 用它们的奶,血,和唾液 和其他的体液, 来生产我们需要的药物和工业分子 并圈养它们成为生物制药机器 是可以的?
saliva:n.唾液;涎; bodily:adv.整体地;亲自地;以肉体形式;adj.身体的;肉体的; fluids:n.液体;流体;液;(fluid的复数) warehouse:n.仓库,货栈;货仓; manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词);
Do we get to create organic robots, where we remove the autonomy from these animals and turn them just into our playthings ? 是否我们创造出生命机器, 导致这些动物失去自由 来把它们变成我们的玩物是可以的?
And then the final step of this, once we perfect these technologies in animals and we start using them in human beings, what are the ethical guidelines that we will use then? 接着最后的一布, 一旦我们用动物体完善了这些科技 我们就会开始在人体上运用, 这就涉及到道德界限 我们是否可能用?
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); guidelines:n.指导方针;参考;
It's already happening. It's not science fiction . 这已经发生了;这不是科幻小说。
science fiction:科幻小说;
We are not only already using these things in animals, some of them we're already beginning to use on our own bodies. 我们不仅仅已经运用在动物体内, 我们也开始运用一部分 在我们人体内。
We are now taking control of our own evolution. 我们现在在说的是控制我们自己的进化。
We are directly designing the future of the species of this planet. 我们正直接的设计 星球上的未来的物种。
It confers upon us an enormous responsibility that is not just the responsibility of the scientists and the ethicists who are thinking about it and writing about it now. 它赋予了我们巨大的责任 而且不仅仅是对那些思考这问题 和论述这问题的科学家 和论理学家的责任。
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; ethicists:n.伦理学家;
It is the responsibility of everybody because it will determine what kind of planet and what kind of bodies we will have in the future. 它也是每个人的责任所在 因为它关系到未来我们将会有哪些生物体 居住在这星球。
Thanks. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)