

(Cello music) (大提琴音乐)
(Music ends) (音乐结束)
On the flight here, 在来这里的航班上,
I was reminded about my mom. 我想起了我的母亲。
I'm a self-taught cellist , I've never had a lesson. 我是自学的大提琴手, 从来没受过专业训练。
self-taught:adj.自学的;自修的; cellist:n.大提琴演奏家;
I studied double bass , but I just picked up the cello and started playing because I love doing it. 我学过低音提琴,但我 更喜欢拿起大提琴演奏, 因为我更钟爱大提琴。
double bass:n.低音提琴;低音大提琴; cello:n.大提琴;
But my mom was an inspiration to me. 不过我的母亲也鼓舞了我。
I did not realize she was an inspiration, because she got her music degree through a mail-order course, the US School of Music. 但我一开始并未意识到这一点, 因为我母亲是通过邮购 美国音乐学院的课程 来获得音乐学位的。
While raising two kids, she received a lesson a week in the mail, and practiced. 在抚养两个孩子的同时, 她通过邮箱每周上一次课, 然后加以练习。
And at the end of a couple of years, she put on a recital . 几年之后,她举办了自己的独奏会。
And I'll be 50 this month, and it took me that long to realize that she was that big of an inspiration. 这个月我就满50岁了, 我花了很久才意识到, 她是我的灵感和动力的源泉。
I'm just going to keep -- yeah, thanks, mom. 我会一直——谢谢你,妈妈。
(Applause) (掌声)
She's also one of the most extraordinary people I know, beyond being a wonderful musician. 除了杰出音乐家的身份之外, 我母亲也是我所认识的 最不平凡的人之一。
I want to play a little bit for mom and your moms as well, actually. 我想为我母亲, 也为各位的母亲们演奏一段。
(Cello music) (大提琴音乐)
(Music ends) (音乐结束)
You know, when you normally hear a cello, you think of this. 通常当你听到大提琴的时候, 你会想到这个。
(Plays Bach Cello Suite No.1) (演奏巴赫大提琴组曲1号)
We're not going to do that today. 我们今天不弹这个。
(Laughter and applause) (笑声与掌声)
(Drums) (鼓声)
(Cello) (大提琴声)
Hey! 嘿!
(Looped samples of onstage sounds) (舞台声音的环形样本 )
(Cello music and looped samples) (大提琴音乐与环形样本 )
(Music ends) (音乐结束)
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与欢呼)