

The idea of eliminating poverty is a great goal. “消除贫困”是一个伟大的目标。
eliminating:v.排除;清除;消除;淘汰;(eliminate的现在分词) poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣;
I don't think anyone in this room would disagree. 我想在座各位都会赞同这点。
What worries me is when politicians with money and charismatic rock stars use the words, it all just sounds so, so simple. 令我担心的是,当有钱的政客 和耀眼的摇滚明星们 使用这样的词语时, 这个目标听上去太过于轻松容易了。
politicians:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;(politician的复数) charismatic:adj.超凡魅力的;神赐能力的;
Now, I've got no bucket of money today and I've got no policy to release , and I certainly haven't got a guitar. 我今天来一没带一大笔钱, 二也没什么政策可以发布, 很明显我也没拎把吉他上来。
bucket:n.大桶状物; v.拼命划桨; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与;
I'll leave that to others. 我把这些东西留给别人去用吧。
But I do have an idea, and that idea is called Housing for Health. 不过,我倒是带了一个想法, 一个叫做“健康住所”的想法。
Housing For Health works with poor people. “健康住所”与穷人一起工作。
It works in the places where they live, and the work is done to improve their health. 在他们住的地方开展工作, 目的是改善他们的卫生健康。
Over the last 28 years, this tough, grinding , dirty work has been done by literally thousands of people around Australia, and more recently overseas , and their work has proven that focused design can improve even the poorest living environments. 过去的28年里, 全澳大利亚,还有最近在海外地区, 有实实在在成千上万的人 干完了这项又脏、又苦、又累的工作, 并且他们的工作证明了,有针对性的方案 可以改善哪怕是最恶劣的生活环境。
grinding:adj.没完没了的; v.磨碎; (grind的现在分词) dirty work:不法行为;卑鄙勾当;苦活; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: recently:adv.最近;新近; overseas:adv.在海外,海外;adj.海外的,国外的;
It can improve health, and it can play a part in reducing, if not eliminating, poverty. 这项工作可以改善卫生健康,就算是不能消除贫困, 也可以起到减轻贫困的作用。
I'm going to start where the story began, 1985, in central Australia. 我来把这个故事从头讲起,1985年, 在澳大利亚中部。
A man called Yami Lester, an Aboriginal man, was running a health service . 有一位名叫亚米·莱斯特的土著男子, 当年正在提供医疗卫生服务。
Aboriginal:adj.土著的;原始的;n.土著居民;土生生物; health service:n.公共医疗保健服务;
Eighty percent of what walked in the door, in terms of illness, was infectious disease -- third world , developing world infectious disease, caused by a poor living environment. 他看过的百分之八十的病例, 都是传染性疾病—— 第三世界,或是发展中国家典型的、 因恶劣生活环境而引起的传染性疾病。
infectious:adj.传染的;传染性的;易传染的; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; third world:n.第三世界;
Yami assembled a team in Alice Springs. 亚米在艾丽斯斯普林斯(澳大利亚中部城市)组建了一支团队。
He got a medical doctor. 其中有一名医生,
He got an environmental health guy. 还有一名环境卫生人员。
And he hand-selected a team of local Aboriginal people to work on this project. 他亲自挑选了一支由当地土著人组成的医疗团队 来开展这个项目。
Yami told us at that first meeting, there's no money. 亚米在起初的那次会议上告诉我们,他们没有资金。
Always a good start, no money. 真是光脚的不怕穿鞋的,有前途!
You have six months. 你有6个月的时间,
And I want you to start on a project which in his language he called "uwankara palyanku kanyintjaku," 我让你去启动一个用他的土著语称为 “uwankara palyanku kanyintjaku”的项目,
which, translated, is "a plan to stop people getting sick," 翻译过来就是“不再有人生病计划”,
a profound brief. 多么简练而深奥啊!
That was our task. 那就我们的任务。
First step, the medical doctor went away for about six months, and he worked on what were to become these nine health goals, what were we aiming at. 第一步,那名医生走了 大概有半年时间, 他去进行研究调查,并得出 我们要认准的这九项卫生健康目标。
After six months of work, he came to my office and presented me with those nine words on a piece of paper. 进行六个月的工作后,他来到我的办公室 递给我一张纸,上面写着这九个词。
[The 9 healthy living principles : Washing, clothes, wastewater , nutrition , crowding, animals+, dust, temperature, injury .] [九项健康居住做法:清洗、衣服、废水、营养、拥挤状况、动物+、灰尘、温度、损害]
principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) wastewater:n.废水,污水; nutrition:n.营养,营养学;营养品; injury:n.伤害,损害;受伤处;
Now, I was very, very unimpressed . 我当时真的是无语了。
Come on. 拜托!
Big ideas need big words and preferably a lot of them. 表达伟大的想法要用些高阶词汇 并且要多多益善才对吧。
This didn't fit the bill. 这玩意儿也太差劲了吧。
What I didn't see and what you can't see is that he'd assembled thousands of pages of local, national and international health research that filled out the picture as to why these were the health targets. 但是你我没看出来的是, 他搜集整理了数千页的 当地、国家和全球健康研究报告, 并从这些报告中提炼出来 可以解释这些卫生健康目标的图片。
The pictures that came a bit later had a very simple reason. 我们很快拿到了这些图片, 使用图片的原因很简单。
The Aboriginal people who were our bosses and the senior people were most commonly illiterate , so the story had to be told in pictures of what were these goals. 我们的“老板们”(对“服务对象”打趣的说法)都是土著人 而且那些年长者大多都不识字, 所以我们必须用图片来传达信息 告诉他们这些目标。
senior:adj.大;级别(或地位)高的;成人的;高级水平的;n.上级;上司;较…年长的人; illiterate:adj.文盲的;不识字的;没受教育的;n.文盲;
We work with the community , not telling them what was going to happen in a language they didn't understand. 我们要为这个社区服务, 就不可能用他们不懂的语言 去告诉他们将要发生的事情。
So we had the goals, and each one of these goals -- and I won't go through them all — puts at the center the person and their health issue , and it then connects them to the bits of the physical environment that are actually needed to keep their health good. 好吧,我们有了这些目标— 我就不一一列举了—— 每个目标都是以“人”和他们的健康问题为中心的, 然后将这些目标 和为保持他们良好健康而切实需要的 那些物理环境因素相联系。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查;
And the highest priority , you see on the screen, is washing people once a day, particularly children. 其中最重要的一点,请看大屏幕, 就是人人每天清洗一次,尤其是给儿童。
priority:n.优先;优先权;[数]优先次序;优先考虑的事; particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地;
Now I hope most of you are thinking, "What? That sounds simple." 你们可能会想, “啥?就这么简单?”
Now, I'm going to ask you all a very personal question. 好吧,我问诸位一个非常私人的问题。
This morning before you came, who could have had a wash using a shower? 今天早上出门前, 有谁可以冲澡?
I'm not going to ask if you had a shower, because I'm too polite. That's it. (Laughter) 其实我问的很委婉, 我没直接问你们有没有洗澡。(笑声)
Okay. All right. 好吧,好吧。
I think it's fair to say, most people here could have had a shower this morning. 我觉得可以不含糊地说,在座大部分人 今天早上都有冲澡的条件。
I'm going to ask you to do some more work. 现在我想请各位做件事
I want you all to select one of the houses of the 25 houses you see on the screen. 请各位在屏幕上的25所房子中, 选择一所。
I want you to select one of them and note the position of that house and keep that in your head. 请选好并留意 那所房子的位置 而且要记住它的位置。
Have you all got a house? I'm going to ask you to live there for a few months, so make sure you've got it right. 选好了么?一定要选对哟, 因为我要让你在那儿住几个月。
It's in the northwest of Western Australia, very pleasant place. 这些房子位于西澳大利亚州的西北部,很不错的地方。
Okay. Let's see if your shower in that house is working. 好了。我们来看看你房子里的淋浴器好不好使。
I hear some "aw"s and I hear some "aah." 我听到一些“哦~~~”还有一些“啊~~~”
If you get a green tick, your shower's working. 恭喜打绿钩的朋友们,你们的淋浴器可以正常使用。
You and your kids are fine. 你们和你们孩子会没事儿的。
If you get a red cross, well, I've looked carefully around the room and it's not going to make much difference to this crew. 不过打了红叉的朋友们么, 我得仔细检查检查那间浴室 这对在座各位其实不会有什么影响。
Why? Because you're all too old. 为什么呢?因为各位的年龄都太大了。
And I know that's going to come as a shock to some of you, but you are. 我知道有人可能会觉得诧异, 但各位的年龄的确太大。
Now before you get offended and leave, 各位准备愤然离席之前,
I've got to say that being too old in this case means that pretty much everyone in the room, I think, is over five years of age. 我得解释一下,我说的“年龄太大” 意思是,基本上在座的每一位, 都超过5岁了。
We're really concerned with kids naught to five. 而我们真正担心的是那些零到五岁的孩子。
concerned with:关心;涉及;忙于;与…有关; naught:n.[数]零;无价值;adj.无价值的;无用的;
And why? Washing is the antidote to the sort of bugs , the common infectious diseases of the eyes, the ears, the chest and the skin that, if they occur in the first five years of life, permanently damage those organs . 为什么呢?因为清洗能够消灭那些 感染眼睛、耳朵、胸部和皮肤等 常见传染性疾病, 如果孩子在5岁之前染上这些疾病, 那些器官就会终身受损。
antidote:n.[药]解毒剂;解药;矫正方法; bugs:n.缺陷;虫子;窃听器;(bug的复数)v.窃听;使烦恼;(bug的第三人称单数) diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; permanently:adv.永久地,长期不变地; organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数);
They leave a lifelong remnant . 会贻害他们的终身。
That means that, by the age of five, you can't see as well for the rest of your life. 也就是说,到五岁的时候, 你会失明,而且是终身失明。
You can't hear as well for the rest of your life. 你会失聪,而且是终身失聪。
You can't breath as well. You've lost a third of your lung capacity by the age of five. 你会呼吸困难。因为到5岁的时候, 你已经损失了三分之一的肺功能。
And even skin infection, which we originally thought wasn't that big a problem, mild skin infections naught to five give you a greatly increased chance of renal failure, needing dialysis at age 40. 就连我们平时不在乎的肌肤感染 也会变成大问题, 五岁以前轻微的肌肤感染 将大大增加肾衰竭的几率, 你可能到40岁时就需要做透析了。
originally:adv.原来;起初; mild:adj.温和的; n.(英国的一种)淡味麦芽啤酒; infections:n.传染病;口腔病害(infection复数形式); greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常; renal:adj.[解剖]肾脏的,[解剖]肾的; dialysis:n.[医][分化]透析;[分化]渗析;
This is a big deal , so the ticks and crosses on the screen are actually critical for young kids. 这可不是闹着玩儿的!所以屏幕上的这些钩钩叉叉 其实对小儿来说是至关重要的。
a big deal:na.要人;重要的事; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的;
Those ticks and crosses represent the 7,800 houses we've looked at nationally around Australia, the same proportion . 屏幕上这些钩钩和叉叉的比例, 和我们在澳大利亚全境调查过的7800所房子的比例, 相一致。
represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送; nationally:adv.全国性地;以国民立场地;举国一致地; proportion:n.比例;部分;份额;均衡;v.摊派;使相称;
What you see on the screen -- 35 percent of those not-so-famous houses lived in by 50,000 indigenous people, 35 percent had a working shower. 正如屏幕上所显示的 — 有50000土著人民 住在其中35%的不起眼的房子里, 35%的房子配有能用的淋浴器。
Ten percent of those same 7,800 houses had safe electrical systems, and 58 percent of those houses had a working toilet. 那7800所相同房子中, 10%配有安全供电系统, 58%的房子 有可用的厕所。
These are by a simple, standard test: 检测标准很简单:
In the case of the shower, does it have hot and cold water, two taps that work, a shower rose to get water onto your head or onto your body, and a drain that takes the water away? 就淋浴而言,有没有冷热水, 两个龙头是否正常工作, 淋浴喷头能否出水, 地漏能否正常排水?
Not well designed, not beautiful, not elegant -- just that they function. 无需考虑设计是否美观大方, 只要工作正常就行。
And the same test for the electrical system and the toilets. 检测电力系统和厕所的标准也是这样的。
Housing for Health projects aren't about measuring failure. “健康住所”的项目不是为考量故障。
They're actually about improving houses. 这些项目其实是为改善住房条件。
We start on day one of every project -- we've learned, we don't make promises, we don't do reports. 我们在每个项目确定的头一天就开工——经验告诉我们, 光说不练假把式,用不着承诺,也用不着打报告。
We arrive in the morning with tools, tons of equipment, trades, and we train up a local team on the first day to start work. 我们一早带来各种工具和很多设备, 同时,我们在开工第一天训练一支当地团队 来开展工作。
By the evening of the first day, a few houses in that community are better than when we started in the morning. 到第一天夜幕降临的时候, 那个社区中的一些房子 相比我们早上开工的时候,已经有所改善。
That work continues for six to 12 months until all the houses are improved and we've spent our budget of 7,500 dollars total per house. 那项工作持续了半年到一年时间, 直到所有的房子都得以修善 每所房子总共花掉我们 7500美元的预算。
improved:adj.改良的:v.改进:改善(improve的过去分词和过去式) budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的;
That's our average budget. 那是我们的平均预算。
At the end of six months to a year, we test every house again. 在每个项目的最后,我们都会逐一复查每所房子。
It's very easy to spend money. 想花钱很容易。
It's very difficult to improve the function of all those parts of the house, and for a whole house, the nine healthy living practices, we test, check and fix 250 items in every house. 难的是改善一所房子里 所有那些部分的功能, 就一所房子而言,是指那九项健康居住做法, 我们测试、检查和维修每所房子的250项细节。
And these are the results we can get with our 7,500 dollars. 这些是我们花费7500美元 所能实现的结果。
We can get showers up to 86 percent working, we can get electrical systems up to 77 percent working, and we can get 90 percent of toilets working in those 7,500 houses. 在那7500所房子中, 我们能让其中86%的淋浴器正常使用, 我们能让其中77%的电力系统正常运转, 我们能让其中90%的厕所正常使用。
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)
The teams do a great job, and that's their work. 那就是我们团队的工作,他们真的很棒。
I think there's an obvious question that I hope you're thinking about. 你们可能在想一个问题 一个很明显的问题。
Why do we have to do this work? 我们干嘛非要做这项工作?
Why are the houses in such poor condition? 这些房子的条件为啥如此糟糕?
Seventy percent of the work we do is due to lack of routine maintenance , the sort of things that happen in all our houses. 我们工作的70% 是修复因缺少常规维修而造成的故障, 那种在我们所有人家中都会发生的事儿。
Things wear out. 什么东西坏了,不能用了,之类的。
Should have been done by state government or local government . 州政府或当地政府本应做好这些事儿。
local government:n.地方自治;地方政府(机构);
Simply not done, the house doesn't work. 可惜他们没做,结果那些房子就出了问题。
Twenty-one percent of the things we fix are due to faulty construction , literally things that are built upside down and back-to-front . 我们工作的21% 是修复因施工问题造成的故障, 什么东西装反了,装倒了之类的。
faulty:adj.有错误的;有缺点的; construction:n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句; upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的; back-to-front:adj.前后颠倒的;
They don't work. We have to fix them. 这些东西出了问题,我们就得去修。
And if you've lived in Australia in the last 30 years, the final cause -- You will have heard always that indigenous people trash houses. 如果你在过去的30年里住在澳大利亚, 这最后一个原因——你一定早已耳闻 “土著人的垃圾住房”。
It's one of the almost rock-solid pieces of evidence , which I've never seen evidence for, that's always ruled out as that's the problem with indigenous housing. 这似乎成为了铁一般的佐证, 虽然我从没亲眼见过, 这一伪证一直被认为是土著人住房问题的主要根源。
rock-solid:adj.坚硬如岩石的;绝对可靠的; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
Well, nine percent of what we spend is damage, misuse or abuse of any sort. 好吧,我们只有9%的工作是修复那些损坏、 误用、或滥用之类原因而造成的故障。
misuse:vt.滥用;误用;虐待;n.滥用;误用;虐待; abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂;
We argue strongly that the people living in the house are simply not the problem. 我们可以很明确说,住在房子的人 根本就不是问题所在。
And we'll go a lot further than that. 不仅如此,我们更要说
The people living in the house are actually a major part of the solution . 住在房子里的人其实是 解决问题的主要力量。
Seventy-five percent of our national team in Australia, over 75 at the minute, are actually local, indigenous people from the communities we work in. 我们在澳大利亚70%的团队成员 刚才这一百分比已经超过75%, 其实是当地的土著人民, 他们来自我们项目帮助过的社区。
They do all aspects of the work. 所有方面的工作都是他们在干。
(Applause) (掌声)
In 2010, for example, there were 831, all over Australia, and the Torres Strait Islands, all states, working to improve the houses where they and their families live, and that's an important thing. 比如,2010年, 在澳大利亚各州和托雷斯海峡诸岛, 我们有831人致力于改善 他们和他们家人所居住的房子, 这非常重要。
Torres:n.托雷斯(西班牙球星); Strait:adj.狭窄的;苦恼的;n.海峡;困境;
Our work's always had a focus on health. That's the key. 我们的工作关注健康。这是关键。
The developing world bug trachoma , it causes blindness. 发展中国家的沙眼病能够致盲。
It's a developing world illness, and yet, the picture you see behind is in an Aboriginal community in the late 1990s where 95 percent of school-aged kids had active trachoma in their eyes doing damage. 这是一种发展中国家常见的疾病, 然而,这张图所显示的是 在上世纪90年代末的一个土著社区 其中,95%的学龄儿童患有活动性沙眼 损伤着他们的眼睛。
Okay, what do we do? 好吧,怎么办?
Well, first thing we do, we get showers working. 我们要做的第一件事,是让淋浴器工作正常。
Why? Because that flushes the bug out. 为什么?因为淋浴可以洗掉眼睛里的病菌。
We put washing facilities in the school as well, so kids can wash their faces many times during the day. 我们也在学校里安装了盥洗设施, 以保证孩子们可以每天洗上几次脸。
We wash the bug out. 把病菌洗掉。
Second, the eye doctors tell us that dust scours the eye and lets the bug in quick. So what do we do? 接着,眼科医生告诉我们灰尘会摩擦眼睛, 使得病菌很快地侵入眼内。怎么办?
We call up the doctor of dust, and there is such a person. 我们找来一位灰尘医生,别不信,真有这样的医生。
He was loaned to us by a mining company. 一个采矿公司把他借调给我们。
He controls dust on mining company sites , and he came out, and within a day it worked out that most dust in this community was within a meter of the ground, the wind-driven dust, so he suggested making mounds to catch the dust before it went into the house area and affected the eyes of kids. 他在那家公司的矿区中专职控制灰尘, 然后他来帮忙,花了不到一天的时间 发现这个社区里的大多数灰尘 集中漂浮在距离地面一米的范围内,属于风动灰尘, 于是他建议用造土堆的方法 来阻挡灰尘飘进居住区域 去影响孩子们的眼睛。
sites:n.网站(site的复数);遗址,举办地点;v.使...位于(site的单三形式); wind-driven:adj.风动的; mounds:n.小丘;小山岗;一堆;许多;大量;(mound的复数)
So we used dirt to stop dust. 所以我们用土阻挡了粉尘。
We did it. He provided us dust monitors. 我们做到了。他给了我们几个灰尘检测器。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式)
We tested and we reduced the dust. 我们检测后发现灰尘的确减少了。
Then we wanted to get rid of the bug generally . 然后我们要搞定那些病菌。
So how do we do that? 怎么办?
Well, we call up the doctor of flies, and yes there is a doctor of flies. 我们找来了一位苍蝇医生, 没错儿,真有干这行的医生。
As our Aboriginal mate said, "You white fellows ought to get out more." 就像我们土著哥们儿说的那样, “你们这帮白人应该多出去走走,长长见识。”
mate:n.助手,大副; v.使配对;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And the doctor of flies very quickly determined that there was one fly that carried the bug. 然后这位苍蝇医生很快就找出了 携带那种病菌的苍蝇。
He could give school kids in this community the beautiful fly trap you see above in the slide. 他给这个社区的学生们发放了 幻灯上显示的这种别致的捕蝇器。
They could trap the flies, send them to him in Perth. 学生们抓到苍蝇以后,将它们送回苍蝇医生在珀斯的研究室。
When the bug was in the gut , he'd send back by return post some dung beetles . 因为这些病菌生活在苍蝇的内脏中,于是苍蝇医生从珀斯 寄回来了一些屎壳郎虫。
gut:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;adj.非理性的;本能的 dung:vt.施粪肥于;n.粪; beetles:n.甲虫;v.快速移动;(beetle的第三人称单数和复数)
The dung beetles ate the camel dung, the flies died through lack of food, and trachoma dropped. 这些屎壳郎给力地抢食苍蝇们的骆驼粪, 导致苍蝇们因为食物短缺而死亡, 沙眼病菌的也就减少了。
And over the year, trachoma dropped radically in this place, and stayed low. 一年之后,当地的沙眼病菌 大幅减少,而且一直很少。
We changed the environment, not just treated the eyes. 我们不仅仅治了眼病,还改变了环境。
And finally , you get a good eye. 最终,还你一双明亮的眼睛。
All these small health gains and small pieces of the puzzle make a big difference. 这些小小的健康成果 和健康难题中的那些小问题,产生了巨大的不同。
The New South Wales Department of Health, that radical organization , did an independent trial over three years to look at 10 years of the work we've been doing in these sorts of projects in New South Wales, and they found a 40-percent reduction in hospital admissions for the illnesses that you could attribute to the poor environment. 新南威尔士卫生部, 那个激进的组织, 用三年多时间做了一个独立的追踪调查 调查我们10年来 在新南威尔士地区所做的这类项目, 结果他们发现, 因恶劣环境而致病的入院人数 减少了40%。
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等); reduction:n.减少;缩小;降低;减价;折扣;缩图; admissions:n.许可;承认;入会费;入场券(admission的复数形式); attribute:n.属性;象征;v.把…归因于;认为…属于;认为某人(某物)具有某种特性;
A 40-percent reduction. 40%啊朋友们!
(Applause) (掌声)
Just to show that the principles we've used in Australia can be used in other places, 我还想展示一下,我们把在澳大利亚的工作原理 应用到世界上其他地方,
I'm just going to go to one other place, and that's Nepal, and what a beautiful place to go. 我只展示其中的一个地方,就是尼泊尔, 多么美丽的地方!
We were asked by a small village of 600 people to go in and make toilets where none existed. 那儿有一个600人的小村子, 请我们去解决当地没有厕所的问题。
Health was poor. 那儿卫生条件很差。
We went in with no grand plan, no grand promises of a great program, just the offer to build two toilets for two families. 我们去的时候,没有宏伟的计划,也没有对伟大方案 的庄严承诺,我们就是去 给两户人家修建两个厕所。
It was during the design of the first toilet that I went for lunch, invited by the family into their main room of the house. 在我们设计第一个厕所的时候 我被请去那户人家吃午饭。 当我走到他们客厅的时候,
It was choking with smoke. 屋里浓烟滚滚。
People were cooking on their only fuel source , green timber . 人们正用他们的唯一燃料 — 生木材烧饭。
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; timber:n.木材;木料;
The smoke coming off that timber is choking, and in an enclosed house, you simply can't breathe. 那股烟真是太呛了, 要是在一个密闭房间里,会熏死人的。
Later we found the leading cause of illness and death in this particular region is through respiratory failure. 之后,我们发现当地居民最大的病因和死因 就是呼吸系统衰竭。
region:n.地区;范围;部位; respiratory:adj.呼吸的;
So all of a sudden we had two problems. 于是一下子我们又多出了一个新问题。
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
We were there originally to look at toilets and get human waste off the ground . That's fine. 我们本来是去察看厕所情况 解决随地大小便问题。这不难办。
off the ground:已开始的;在进行中;
But all of a sudden now there was a second problem. 但是一下子我们有了第二个问题。
How do we actually get the smoke down? So two problems, and design should be about more than one thing. 我们怎样才能搞定这股浓烟?总共俩问题, 我们的设计方案就不能孤注一掷。
Solution: Take human waste, take animal waste, put it into a chamber , out of that extract biogas , methane gas. 解决办法:把人畜粪便, 堆进一个小房间内,从而提取沼气, 就是甲烷气体。
chamber:n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛; adj.室内的; vt.把…关在室内; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹; biogas:n.生物气,沼气; methane:n.[有化]甲烷;[能源]沼气;
The gas gives three to four hours cooking a day -- clean, smokeless and free for the family. 这家人每天可以用这种洁净、无烟而且免费的气体, 烧3到4小时的饭。
(Applause) (掌声)
I put it to you, is this eliminating poverty? 我要问一个诸位:“这算不算消除贫困?”
And the answer from the Nepali team who is working at the minute would say, don't be ridiculous , we have three million more toilets to build before we can even make a stab at that claim . 正在工作的尼泊尔团队 估计会说:别逗了, 先把剩下的300万个厕所建好 再讨论这个问题吧。
ridiculous:adj.可笑的;荒谬的; stab:v.刺;刺伤;戳;刺穿;直入;n.刺;戳;尝试;突发的一阵; claim:v.要求;声称;需要;认领;n.要求;声称;索赔;断言;值得;
And I don't pretend anything else. 我没有吹嘘。
But as we all sit here today, there are now over 100 toilets built in this village and a couple nearby . 就在我们今天坐在这儿的时候, 这个村子和周边的二个村里 已经建好了100多个厕所。
Well over 1,000 people use those toilets. 有1000多人使用这些厕所。
Yami Lama , he's a young boy. 有一位少年名叫雅美·喇嘛,
He's got significantly less gut infection because he's now got toilets, and there isn't human waste on the ground. 曾患有脏器感染。因为现在用上了厕所, 他的病症明显减轻了, 而且再也没人随地大小便了。
Kanji Maya, she's a mother and a proud one. 有位自豪的母亲名叫康吉玛雅。
She's probably right now cooking lunch for her family on biogas, smokeless fuel. 她现在可能正在用无烟燃料— 沼气 为她的家人做饭。
Her lungs have got better, and they'll get better as time increases, because she's not cooking in the same smoke. 她的肺现在好多了,而且今后会越来越好 因为她已经彻底告别浓烟。
Surya takes the waste out of the biogas chamber when it's shed the gas, he puts it on his crops. 苏尔亚将正在制造沼气的粪肥 施在他的庄稼上。
He's trebled his crop income, more food for the family and more money for the family. 他的庄稼现在带给他原来三倍的收入, 带给一家人更多的粮食和更多的金钱。
trebled:adj.三倍的; n.三倍; vi.变成三倍; vt.使成三倍;
And finally Bishnu, the leader of the team, has now understood that not only have we built toilets, we've also built a team, and that team is now working in two villages where they're training up the next two villages to keep the work expanding . 还有比什努, 当地团队的带头人,现在明白了 我们不仅修建了厕所, 同时我们也培养了一支团队, 这支团队现在正在两个村子里干活 同时他们也在训练下两个村里的村民 不断扩展这项工作。
And that, to me, is the key. 我觉得这才是关键。
(Applause) (掌声)
People are not the problem. “人”不是问题所在。
We've never found that. 我们向来都是这么认为的。
The problem: poor living environment, poor housing, and the bugs that do people harm. 真正的问题出在:恶劣的居住环境, 糟糕的住房条件,还有各种损害人体健康的病原体。
None of those are limited by geography, by skin color or by religion. None of them. 所有这些问题都不受地域、 肤色或宗教信仰的限制。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
The common link between all the work we've had to do is one thing, and that's poverty. 串联着我们所有工作的是 两个字:贫穷。
Nelson Mandela said, in the mid-2000s, not too far from here, he said that like slavery and Apartheid , "Poverty is not natural. 纳尔逊·曼德拉在二十一世纪一十年代中叶, 那个并不遥远的过去,他曾说过, 就像奴隶制和种族隔离一样,“贫困现象不是自然的,
slavery:n.奴隶制;奴隶身份;蓄奴;adj.流口水的;被口水弄脏的; Apartheid:n.种族隔离;
It's man-made and can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings." 它是人为的,人类可以通过采取各种行动 来战胜和根除贫困现象。“
man-made:adj.人造的;人工的;合成的; overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; eradicated:adj.画着根的;v.摆脱;擦掉;连根拔起(eradicate的过去分词);
I want to end by saying it's been the actions of thousands of ordinary human beings doing, I think, extraordinary work, that have actually improved health, and, maybe only in a small way, reduced poverty. 最后,我想说的是 正是通过成千上万普通人的行动 和他们杰出的工作, 健康水平才真正得以提高, 而且,通过一点一滴的努力,减轻了贫困。
Thank you very much for your time. 感谢各位到场!
(Applause) (掌声)