

My journey to become a polar specialist, photographing, specializing in the polar regions , began when I was four years old, when my family moved from Southern Canada to Northern Baffin Island, up by Greenland. 我成为极地专家 极地摄影师的旅程 始于我四岁那年 当时我一家人从加拿大南部 搬到了格陵兰岛以北的巴芬岛
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; polar:adj.极地的;南极(或北极)的;n.极线;极面; specializing:n.专攻;v.使专门化(specialize的现在分词); regions:n.地区;地域;行政区;左近;(region的复数)
There we lived with the Inuit in the tiny Inuit community of 200 Inuit people, where [we] were one of three non-Inuit families. 我们与因纽特人生活在一起 在一个两百人的因纽特社区内 除了我们以外只有另外两个非因纽特家庭
Inuit:n.因纽特人(加拿大北部以及格陵兰和阿拉斯加部分地区的一个种族的人,有时误指西伯利亚及阿拉斯加南部和西部的人); community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
And in this community, we didn't have a television; we didn't have computers, obviously, radio. 在这里,我们没有电视机 没有电脑,当然,也没有收音机
We didn't even have a telephone. 甚至连电话都没有
All of my time was spent outside with the Inuit, playing. 我一天到晚都在户外 与因纽特人玩耍
The snow and the ice were my sandbox , and the Inuit were my teachers. 冰和雪就是我的沙池 因纽特人就是我的老师
And that's where I became truly obsessed with this polar realm . 我就是这样 深深地迷恋上了这片极地世界
obsessed:v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;(obsess的过去式和过去分词) realm:n.领域,范围;王国;
And I knew someday that I was going to do something that had to do with trying to share news about it and protect it. 我知道总有一天 我将向世人分享这片土地的故事 从而保护它
I'd like to share with you, for just two minutes only, some images , a cross-section of my work, to the beautiful music by Brandi Carlile, "Have You Ever." 我想跟大家分享我所拍摄的一些照片 长度为两分钟 其中这段美妙的背景音乐是布兰蒂. 卡莱尔的“你是否曾经”
images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) cross-section:n.横截面;横断面;
I don't know why National Geographic has done this, they've never done this before, but they're allowing me to show you a few images from a coverage that I've just completed that is not published yet. 我不知道国家地理杂志为什么会允许我这么做,只是史无前例的 但是他们允许我展示我近期拍摄、 但尚未发表的一些图片
Geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的; coverage:n.覆盖,覆盖范围;
National Geographic doesn't do this, so I'm very excited to be able to share this with you. 国家地理杂志从来不破例 所以,能和大家分享这些照片,我心情异常激动
And what these images are -- you'll see them at the start of the slide show -- there's only about four images -- but it's of a little bear that lives in the Great Bear Rainforest . 这些照片展现的是-- 你们可以看到,幻灯片从头到尾--大致有四个场面-- 上面有生活在大熊雨林的一只小熊
Great Bear:na.[天]大熊座; Rainforest:n.(热带)雨林;
It's pure white, but it's not a polar bear . 它的皮毛虽是纯白色的,但它不是北极熊
polar bear:n.北极熊;白熊;
It's a spirit bear, or a Kermode bear. 而是一只百灵熊,或者叫克莫德熊
There are only 200 of these bears left. 这种熊现仅存200只
They're more rare than the panda bear. 它们甚至比大熊猫还珍稀
I sat there on the river for two months without seeing one. 我在这条河边整整蹲了两个月都没有看见一只
I thought, my career's over. 我心想,我的饭碗就此砸了
I proposed this stupid story to National Geographic. 我向国家地理杂志提出了这个愚蠢的建议
What in the heck was I thinking? 我当时是不是脑子进水了?
So I had two months to sit there and figure out different ways of what I was going to do in my next life, after I was a photographer, because they were going to fire me. 于是在那里蹲点的两个月里 我一直在琢磨我的下半生该如何度过 我不能再当摄影师了,他们肯定会炒了我
Because National Geographic is a magazine; they remind us all the time: they publish pictures, not excuses. 国家地理是一本杂志;他们时刻提醒我们 他们刊登的是图片,不是借口
remind:v.提醒;使想起; publish:v.出版;发表;公布;
(Laughter) (众人笑)
And after two months of sitting there -- one day, thinking that it was all over, this incredible big white male came down, right beside me, three feet away from me, and he went down and grabbed a fish and went off in the forest and ate it. 经过两个月漫长的蹲点-- 就在我以为希望完全破灭的时候 终于有一天,一只白色的公熊出现了 它就在我近旁,离我只有三英尺远 它走过来,抄起一条鱼,接着跑回林子里把鱼吃了
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; grabbed:v.抓住;攫取;抓住,夺得;(grab的过去分词和过去式)
And then I spent the entire day living my childhood dream of walking around with this bear through the forest. 于是,我终于圆了儿时的梦想 这一整天都在林子里围着这只熊转
He went through this old-growth forest and sat up beside this 400-year-old culturally modified tree and went to sleep. 它穿过这个古老的树林 坐在这棵四百年的古树边,安然睡去
old-growth:成熟原始森林,原始树木木材; culturally:adv.从文化角度,文化意义上;在人文学方面; modified:adj.改进的,修改的;改良的;v.修改;缓和;(modify的过去分词);
And I actually got to sleep within three feet of him, just in the forest, and photograph him. 而我就睡在距离它三英尺的地方 就在这个树林里,给它照相
So I'm very excited to be able to show you those images and a cross-section of my work that I've done on the polar regions. 我非常激动能与大家分享这些图片 这是我为极地拍摄的系列照片中的一部分
Please enjoy. 敬请欣赏
(Music) (音乐响起)
Brandi Carlile: ? Have you ever wandered lonely through the woods? ? 布兰蒂. 卡莱尔:?你是否曾经在树林里独自漫步?
? And everything there feels just as it should ? ?感觉一切都如此自然?
? You're part of the life there ? ?你与自然合而为一?
? You're part of something good ? ?与幸福融为一体?
? If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods ? ?如果你曾经在树林里独自漫步?
? Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ? ?噢,噢,噢?
? If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods ? ?如果你曾经在树林里独自漫步?
? Have you ever stared into a starry sky? ? ?你是否曾经仰望星空??
stared:v.盯着看;凝视;注视;(stare的过去分词和过去式) starry:adj.布满星星的;闪闪发光的;星光照耀的;星形的;
? Lying on your back, you're asking why ? ?静静躺着,扪心自问?
? What's the purpose? ? ?这是为什么??
? I wonder, who am I? ? ?我好奇,我是谁??
? If you've ever stared into a starry sky ? ?如果你曾经仰望星空?
? Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ? ?噢,噢,噢?
? Aah, ah, aah ? ?啊,啊,啊?
? Ah, oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh ? ?啊,噢,噢,啊,啊,噢,噢?
? Have you ever stared into a starry sky? ? ?你是否曾经仰望星空??
? Have you ever been out walking in the snow? ? ?你是否曾经在雪中漫步??
? Tried to get back where you were before ? ?试图回到过去?
? You always end up ? ?你结果总是?
? Not knowing where to go ? ?不知何去何从?
? If you've ever been out walking in the snow ? ?如果你曾经在雪中漫步?
? Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ? ?噢,噢,噢,噢?
? Aah, ah, aah, ah, aah ? ?啊,啊,啊,啊,啊?
? Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, ah ? ?啊,啊,噢,啊,啊,噢,啊?
? Oh, ah, ah, ah ? ?噢,啊,啊,啊?
? Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh ? ?啊,啊,噢,啊,啊,噢,噢?
? If you'd ever been out walking you would know ? ?如果你曾经出去走过,你就会明白?
(Applause) (众人鼓掌)
Paul Nicklen: Thank you very much. The show's not over. 保罗. 尼克伦:非常感谢。节目还没结束
My clock is ticking. Okay, let's stop. 时间宝贵。好,就看到这里
Thank you very much. I appreciate it. 非常感谢大家
We're inundated with news all the time that the sea ice is disappearing and it's at its lowest level. 关于冰川逐渐消失的新闻 总是不绝于耳 而现存的冰川已经岌岌可危
inundated:adj.洪泛的;v.淹没(inundate的过去分词); disappearing:v.消失;不复存在;灭绝;丢失(disappear的现在分词)
And in fact, scientists were originally saying sea ice is going to disappear in the next hundred years, then they said 50 years. 实际上,科学家们原本预测 冰川将在未来的100年内消失殆尽,后来他们又说是50年
Now they're saying the sea ice in the Arctic , the summertime extent is going to be gone in the next four to 10 years. 而现在,他们认为极地冰川的寿命 只剩下4到10年了
Arctic:adj.北极的;北极地区的;极冷的;严寒的;n.北极;北极地区; summertime:n.夏季; extent:n.程度;范围;长度;
And what does that mean? 这意味着什么?
After a while of reading this in the news, it just becomes news. 如果你只把这看做是新闻,那它永远只能是新闻了
You glaze over with it. 你看过了就忘了
And what I'm trying to do with my work is put faces to this. 而我的工作就是力求引起人们的关注
And I want people to understand and get the concept that, if we lose ice, we stand to lose an entire ecosystem . 我希望人们理解并明白其中的涵义 如果冰川消失了 我们的整个生态系统中就会一步步恶化
Projections are that we could lose polar bears; they could become extinct in the next 50 to 100 years. 我们可能再也见不到北极熊 它们会在未来的50至100年后灭绝
Projections:n.预测;设想;投影;投影图;(projection的复数) extinct:adj.灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的;vt.使熄灭;
And there's no better, sexier , more beautiful, charismatic megafauna species for me to hang my campaign on. 还有什么比这种美妙绝伦的巨型动物 更性感,更值得我 为保护它而奔走的呢
sexier:性感的(sexy的比较级); charismatic:adj.超凡魅力的;神赐能力的; megafauna:[动]巨型动物; species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
Polar bears are amazing hunters. 北极熊是功夫精湛的猎手
This was a bear I sat with for a while on the shores. 有一段时间,我在海岸边跟踪这只熊
for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
There was no ice around. 这里附近没有冰
But this glacier caved into the water and a seal got on it. 一座冰川崩塌后,一只海豹爬了上来
And this bear swam out to that seal -- 800 lb. bearded seal -- grabbed it, swam back and ate it. 这只熊便奋力游向那只海豹-- 那是只800磅重的海豹-- 它把海豹擒住,游回原地,大快朵颐
And he was so full, he was so happy and so fat eating this seal, that, as I approached him -- about 20 feet away -- to get this picture, his only defense was to keep eating more seal. 它饱餐了一顿,非常开心,吃得肚子鼓鼓的 当我慢慢靠近它-- 大约20英尺左右--给它拍照 它也顾不上理会我,而接着吃那海豹
And as he ate, he was so full -- he probably had about 200 lbs of meat in his belly -- and as he ate inside one side of his mouth, he was regurgitating out the other side of his mouth. 它吃啊吃,吃得那么饱-- 它大约把200磅肉吃下肚里 它嘴里一边嚼着把肉咽下去 一边把食物反刍到嘴的另一侧
belly:n.腹部;胃;食欲;v.涨满;鼓起; regurgitating:vi.回流;回涌;反胃;反刍;vt.使回流;使回涌;使反刍;
So as long as these bears have any bit of ice they will survive, but it's the ice that's disappearing. 只要还有一点冰存在,北极熊就能生存下来 但是现在,冰不停地融化
as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
We're finding more and more dead bears in the Arctic. 我们在北极看到越来越多死去的北极熊
When I worked on polar bears as a biologist 20 years ago, we never found dead bears. 20年前,我作为生物学家研究北极熊的时候 我们从来没有发现死熊
And in the last four or five years, we're finding dead bears popping up all over the place. 而在过去的四五年里 熊的尸体随处可见
We're seeing them in the Beaufort Sea, floating in the open ocean where the ice has melted out. 我们看到它们在波弗特海上 无助地漂流,这里的冰全部融化了
in the open:在户外;在野外; melted:v.(使)熔化,融化;(使)软化,变得温柔;(melt的过去分词和过去式)
I found a couple in Norway last year. We're seeing them on the ice. 我去年在挪威见过几只死熊。冰上也有它们的尸体
These bears are already showing signs of the stress of disappearing ice. 这些死去的北极熊反映了 冰川融化的严重后果
Here's a mother and her two year-old cub were traveling on a ship a hundred miles offshore in the middle of nowhere , and they're riding on this big piece of glacier ice, which is great for them; they're safe at this point. 这是一只母熊和她的两岁大的幼仔 它们就坐在一只孤舟上,漂泊在茫茫无际的海上 它们乘着这一大块冰 它们已经很幸运了;至少它们暂时是安全的
cub:n.(熊、狮、狐狸等的)幼兽;v.(野兽)生仔;捉幼狐[幼兽];adj.没经验的; offshore:adj.离岸的;[海洋]近海的;吹向海面的;adv.向海面,向海; nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
They're not going to die of hypothermia . 它们至少还不会被冻死
They're going to get to land. 它们还有可能去到陆地
But unfortunately , 95 percent of the glaciers in the Arctic are also receding right now to the point that the ice is ending up on land and not injecting any ice back into the ecosystem. 然而不幸的是,95%的极地冰川 都在消融 陆地逐渐显露出来 而这里的生态系统将不再有新的冰产生
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; glaciers:n.[地理][水文]冰川(glacier的复数);[地理][水文]冰河; receding:v.逐渐远离;逐渐减弱;(头顶前部)头发停止生长;(recede的现在分词) injecting:v.(给…)注射(药物等);(给…)添加,增加(某品质);(inject的现在分词)
These ringed seals, these are the "fatsicles" of the Arctic. 这些是环斑海豹,它们是极地的‘胖墩儿
These little, fat dumplings , 150-pound bundles of blubber are the mainstay of the polar bear. 这些体重可达150磅的 小胖子们 是北极熊的主要食物来源
dumplings:n.小面团;汤团;饺子;水果布丁;(dumpling的复数) bundles:[解剖]束; blubber:n.鲸脂;哭泣;vi.又哭又闹;vt.又哭又闹;adj.肿大的; mainstay:n.支柱;中流砥柱;主要的依靠;主桅支索;
And they're not like the harbor seals that you have here. 它们跟这里海岸上的海豹不同
These ringed seals also live out their entire life cycle associated and connected to sea ice. 冰川也是这些环斑海豹 赖以生存的栖息地
life cycle:n.生命周期;寿命(产品等从开发到使用完毕的一段时间); associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
They give birth inside the ice, and they feed on the Arctic cod that live under the ice. 它们在冰川里繁殖 以冰层下的极地鳕鱼为食
And here's a picture of sick ice. 这是严重消融后的冰川
This is a piece of multi-year ice that's 12 years old. 这片冰川已经存在了12年
And what scientists didn't predict is that, as this ice melts , these big pockets of black water are forming and they're grabbing the sun's energy and accelerating the melting process . 而令科学家没有预料到的是,当这些冰融化时 这些黑色的水域就形成了 这使得更多阳光被吸收 加速了冰川的消融
predict:v.预报;预言;预告; melts:n.[冶]熔体(melt的复数);v.熔化(melt的第三人称单数形式); grabbing:v.抓住;夺得;利用,抓住(机会)(grab的现在分词) accelerating:adj.促进的,[物]加速的;催化的; melting:adj.感人的;v.(使)熔化,融化;(melt的现在分词) process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
And here we are diving in the Beaufort Sea. 我们潜入了波弗特海
The visibility's 600 ft.; we're on our safety lines; the ice is moving all over the place. 这里的能见度为600英尺;我们都系上了安全绳索 四处都是浮冰
I wish I could spend half an hour telling you about how we almost died on this dive . 我很乐意花半个小时跟你们讲 在这次潜水时,我们怎么差点把命给丢了
But what's important in this picture is that you have a piece of multi-year ice, that big chunk of ice up in the corner. 重要的是,这张图片中的一块常年冰 也就是角落的那一大块冰
In that one single piece of ice, you have 300 species of microorganisms . 在这一块冰下 生存这300多种微生物
And in the spring, when the sun returns to the ice, it forms the phytoplankton , grows under that ice, and then you get bigger sheets of seaweed , and then you get the zoo plankton feeding on all that life. 到了春天,当阳光照在上面 浮游植物就在冰层下产生了 接着产生更茂密的海草 最后,一大批浮游生物所需的食物就有着落了
phytoplankton:n.[植]浮游植物(群落); sheets:n.床单;被单;薄片,薄板;(sheet的复数) seaweed:n.海藻,海草;
So really what the ice does is it acts like a garden. 那块冰的实际作用 就像一座花园
It acts like the soil in a garden. It's an inverted garden. 就像花园里的土壤。这是个倒立着的花园
Losing that ice is like losing the soil in a garden. 如果这块冰消失了,那么花园的土壤也就消失了
Here's me in my office. 这是我的办公室
I hope you appreciate yours. 希望你能好好珍稀你的办公室
This is after an hour under the ice. 我在冰层下待了一个小时
I can't feel my lips; my face is frozen; 我的嘴唇已经失去了知觉;我的脸被冻僵了
I can't feel my hands; I can't feel my feet. 我的手脚也没有了知觉
And I've come up, and all I wanted to do was get out of the water. 我浮出水面后,只想着赶快上岸
After an hour in these conditions, it's so extreme that, when I go down, almost every dive I vomit into my regulator because my body can't deal with the stress of the cold on my head. 在这样的条件下在水里待上一个小时 实在是太艰难了,每次下潜 我几乎每次都对着调节器吐出来 我的身体无法承受头部所受到的冰冻
extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物; vomit:n.呕吐物;v.呕吐;吐;呕; regulator:n.调整者;校准器;
And so I'm just so happy that the dive is over. 水下拍摄就快结束了,我非常高兴
I get to hand my camera to my assistant, and I'm looking up at him, and I'm going, "Woo. Woo. Woo." 我把照相机递给我的助手 我抬头看着他,说:“哦,哦,哦。”
Which means, "Take my camera." 意思是:“帮我拿着照相机。”
And he thinks I'm saying, "Take my picture." 他以为我在说:“帮我照张相。”
So we had this little communication breakdown . 我们当时的沟通出现了一些短路
(Laughter) (众人笑)
But it's worth it. 这是值得的
I'm going to show you pictures of beluga whales, bowhead whales, and narwhals , and polar bears, and leopard seals today, but this picture right here means more to me than any other I've ever made. 我接下来会给你们展示白鲸,露脊鲸 独角鲸,北极熊,和豹海豹的图片 而这张照片在我所拍摄的所有照片中,意义最为重大
beluga:n.[脊椎]白鲸;白色大鳇鱼; bowhead:n.一种头口特大的鲸鱼; narwhals:n.独角鲸(等于narwal);[脊椎]一角鲸(一种齿鲸,雄性有一长牙); leopard:n.豹;美洲豹;
I dropped down in this ice hole, just through that hole that you just saw, and I looked up under the underside of the ice, and I was dizzy; I thought I had vertigo . 我从这个冰窟窿里扎进去,透过这个窟窿 我抬头看冰的底层 我感觉眼冒金星;头昏目眩
underside:n.下面;阴暗面; vertigo:n.眩晕:头晕目眩:
I got very nervous -- no rope, no safety line, the whole world is moving around me -- and I thought, "I'm in trouble." 我紧张极了--没有系绳子,没有安全绳索 头顶上天旋地转 我想:“糟了。”
But what happened is that the entire underside was full of these billions of amphipods and copepods moving around and feeding on the underside of the ice, giving birth and living out their entire life cycle. 而实际上,这一整块冰的底层 亿万只片脚类和桡足类生物 正在冰下觅食 繁殖,在这里度过整个生命周期
amphipods:n.,adj.[无脊椎动物]端足目(Amphipod)动物(的); copepods:n.桡足类;挠脚类;
This is the foundation of the whole food chain in the Arctic, right here. 极地生态系统整个食物链的基础就在这里
foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; food chain:n.食物链;
And when you have low productivity in this, in ice, the productivity in copepods go down. 如果冰层之下的生命不够旺盛 那么桡足类生物的数量就会减少
This is a bowhead whale. 这是一只露脊鲸
Supposedly , science is stating that it could be the oldest living animal on earth right now. 科学家认为 它可能是目前地球上最古老的生物
This very whale right here could be over 250 years old. 这只鲸鱼可能已经超过了250岁
This whale could have been born around the start of the Industrial Revolution . 它可能是在 工业革命初期降生
Industrial Revolution:n.工业革命;
It could have survived 150 years of whaling. 它逃过了长达150年的捕鲸期
And now its biggest threat is the disappearance of ice in the North because of the lives that we're leading in the South. 然而现在危及其存亡的最大威胁却是北极冰川的消融 正是远在南方的我们造成了这一局面
Narwhals, these majestic narwhals with their eight-foot long ivory tusks , don't have to be here; they could be out on the open water. 独角鲸,这些奇妙的独角鲸 长着长达8英尺的长牙,它们本不应挤在这里 它们原本可以畅游在开阔的水域里
majestic:adj.庄严的;宏伟的; tusks:n.獠牙(tusk的复数);[建]墙面牙石;v.用长牙掘(tusk的第三人称单数);
But they're forcing themselves to come up in these tiny little ice holes where they can breathe, catch a breath, because right under that ice are all the swarms of cod. 而它们却在这些窄小的冰窟窿下 透一口气 这是因为只有在这些冰的下层才能找到大群鳕鱼
And the cod are there because they are feeding on all the copepods and amphipods. 鳕鱼会聚集在这里 也是因为它们以这里的桡足类和片脚类生物为食
Alright, my favorite part. 好了,这是我最喜爱的部分
When I'm on my deathbed , 在我生命垂危的时刻
I'm going to remember one story more than any other. 我一定会回想起这样一个经历
Even though that spirit bear moment was powerful, 尽管与百灵熊相遇的经历经常异常
I don't think I'll ever have another experience like I did with these leopard seals. 但与豹海豹之间的邂逅 更让我刻骨铭心
Leopard seals, since the time of Shackleton, have had a bad reputation. 海豹自沙克尔顿时代就得到了一个坏名声
They've got that wryly smile on their mouth. 它们总一副皮笑肉不笑的嘴脸
They've got those black sinister eyes and those spots on their body. 它们目光凶恶 身披豹纹
They look positively prehistoric and a bit scary. 看上去很沧桑,还有些吓人
positively:adv.肯定地;明确地;断然地; prehistoric:adj.史前的;陈旧的;
And tragically in [2003], a scientist was taken down and drowned , and she was being consumed by a leopard seal. 2004年发生了一件惨剧 一位科学家跌入海中并溺水身亡 她被一只豹海豹吃了
tragically:adv.悲剧地;悲惨地; drowned:v.(使)淹死,溺死;浸透;淹没;浸泡;(drown的过去分词和过去式) consumed:adj.沉迷…的; v.消耗,耗费; (consume的过去分词和过去式)
And people were like, "We knew they were vicious . We knew they were." 而人们以为:“我们早就知道它们坏得很。我们早就知道了。”
And so people love to form their opinions. 人就是喜欢妄加评论
And that's when I got a story idea: 于是我有了一个想法:
I want to go to Antarctica, get in the water with as many leopard seals as I possibly can and give them a fair shake -- find out if they really are these vicious animals, or if they're misunderstood . 我想去到南极 潜入许多豹海豹游弋的水中 给它们讨个公道-- 看它们究竟是真的那么邪恶,还是被人误解了
a fair shake:公平的待遇; misunderstood:adj.被误解的;v.误解,误会(misunderstand的过去式);
So this is that story. 这就是我的想法
Oh, and they also happen to eat happy feet. 对了,它们还很喜欢吃 快乐的大脚
(Laughter) (笑声)
As a species, as humans, we like to say penguins are really cute, therefore, leopard seals eat them, so leopard seals are ugly and bad. 作为一个物种,作为人类,我们决定企鹅非常可爱 那么,豹海豹吃企鹅,所以海豹是丑恶的
penguins:n.企鹅;(penguin的复数) ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的;
It doesn't work that way. 其实不然
The penguin doesn't know it's cute, and the leopard seal doesn't know it's kind of big and monstrous . 企鹅可不知道它是可爱的 正如豹海豹也不知道它是穷凶极恶
This is just the food chain unfolding . 这就是食物链
They're also big. 它们体型庞大
They're not these little harbor seals. 它们可不像这些身材娇小的海岸海豹
They are 12 ft. long, a thousand pounds. 它们长达12英尺,体重1000磅
And they're also curiously aggressive . 它们还很好斗
curiously:adv.好奇地;奇妙地; aggressive:adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的;
You get 12 tourists packed into a Zodiac , floating in these icy waters, and a leopard seal comes up and bites the pontoon . 一只12人乘坐的橡皮艇 漂浮在冰川上 一只豹海豹游过来把艇底咬了一口
Zodiac:n.黄道带,十二宫图; pontoon:n.浮筒;浮码头;浮舟;驳船;vt.架浮桥于;
The boat starts to sink, they race back to the ship and get to go home and tell the stories of how they got attacked. 橡皮艇开始下沉,他们赶紧回到船上 回到家后便到处散布他们遭到豹海豹袭击的故事
All the leopard seal was doing -- it's just biting a balloon. 而那只豹海豹其实-- 只是在咬一个气球
It just sees this big balloon in the ocean -- it doesn't have hands -- it's going to take a little bite, the boat pops, and off they go. 它只是海上看到了一个漂浮的气球--它没有手-- 于是就过去咬了一小口,橡皮艇爆了,它的好奇心也达到了
(Laughter) (笑声)
So after five days of crossing the Drake Passage -- isn't that beautiful. 经过五天时间,我们横跨了德雷克海峡-- 这不是很美丽的场景吗
After five days of crossing the Drake Passage, we have finally arrived at Antarctica. 横跨德雷克海峡后 我们终于来到了南极洲
I'm with my Swedish assistant and guide. 与我同行的是我的瑞典助手兼向导
His name is Goran Ehlme from Sweden -- Goran. 他的名字是格朗. 艾尔姆
And he has a lot of experience with leopard seals. I have never seen one. 他与豹海豹打过许多次交到,经验十足。而我还从没见过豹海豹
So we come around the cove in our little Zodiac boat, and there's this monstrous leopard seal. 我们乘着橡皮艇穿过小海湾 遇到了这只巨型豹海豹
And even in his voice, he goes, "That's a bloody big seal, ya." 我的助手都一惊,说到:“这家伙个头真大啊。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this seal is taking this penguin by the head, and it's flipping it back and forth . 这只海豹还叼着一只企鹅 咬着它甩来甩去
flipping:v.该死; v.(使)快速翻转; (flip的现在分词) back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的;
And what it's trying to do is turn that penguin inside-out, so it can eat the meat off the bones, and then it goes off and gets another one. 它这是在努力想把企鹅的肚子撕开 好把骨头剥下来,吃里面的肉 紧接着,它又钻入水中,逮住了另一只企鹅
And so this leopard seal grabbed another penguin, came under the boat, the Zodiac, starting hitting the hull of the boat. 于是,这只豹海豹逮着另一只企鹅 潜到橡皮艇底部 开始对着艇撞击
And we're trying to not fall in the water. 我们努力不让船翻到水里
And we sit down, and that's when Goran said to me, "This is a good seal, ya. 我们坐稳后,格朗对我说: “这是只好家伙,
It's time for you to get in the water." 你该下去玩玩水了。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I looked at Goran, and I said to him, "Forget that." 我看了看格朗,对他说:“去你的。”
But I think I probably used a different word starting with the letter F. 其实我当时多说了一个“妈”字
But he was right. 但是他是对的
He scolded me out, and said, "This is why we're here. 他反驳说:“我们不就是为这而来的吗?
And you purposed this stupid story to National Geographic. 这个愚蠢建议还不是你向国家地理杂志提出的。
And now you've got to deliver. 现在就是你付出实践的时候
And you can't publish excuses." 你可不能临阵脱逃啊。”
So I had such dry mouth -- probably not as bad as now -- but I had such, such dry mouth. 我当时口干舌燥-- 虽然还没有干到今天这个程度-- 但是,我的口真的非常干
And my legs were just trembling . I couldn't feel my legs. 我两腿打颤,没有了知觉
I put my flippers on. I could barely part my lips. 我穿上脚蹼,咬紧牙关
flippers:n.脚蹼(flipper的复数);蛙鞋; barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地;
I put my snorkel in my mouth, and I rolled over the side of the Zodiac into the water. 戴上呼吸管 从橡皮艇上翻入水中
And this was the first thing she did. 这是它做出的第一反应
She came racing up to me, engulfed my whole camera -- and her teeth are up here and down here -- but Goran, before I had gotten in the water, had given me amazing advice. 它冲过来,一口咬住我的镜头-- 它的牙齿从这么高到低下这里-- 而格朗,在我下水前,教了我一句脱险妙招
He said, "If you get scared, you close your eyes, ya, and she'll go away." 他说:“如果你害怕,就把眼睛闭上,它会自动游开。”
(Laughter) (众人笑)
So that's all I had to work with at that point. 在那关头,我也只能这么做了
But I just started to shoot these pictures. 我于是开始拍照
So she did this threat display for a few minutes, and then the most amazing thing happened -- she totally relaxed . 它的威吓动作持续了几分钟 接着最奇妙的事情发生了--它完全放下了戒备
display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; relaxed:adj.轻松的;冷静的;v.放松;休息;宽慰;(relax的过去分词和过去式)
She went off, she got a penguin. 它游开了,捉了一只企鹅
She stopped about 10 feet away from me, and she sat there with this penguin, the penguin's flapping , and she let's it go. 在我面前10英尺的地方停下来 叼着这只企鹅,端坐着,企鹅拍打翅膀,它放走了企鹅
The penguin swims toward me, takes off. 企鹅朝我游过来,游走了
She grabs another one. She does this over and over . 它又捉了另一只企鹅。它一次又一次重复这些举动
grabs:n.链钩(grab的复数);v.抓取;捕获(grab的第三人称单数); over and over:反复;再三;
And it dawned on me that she's trying to feed me a penguin. 我突然之间明白过来:原来它是在抓企鹅来喂我
Why else would she release these penguins at me? 要不它为什么要在我面前把企鹅放走
And after she did this four or five times, she swam by me with this dejected look on her face. 它反复做了四五次 它游到我面前,失望地看着我
You don't want to be too anthropomorphic , but I swear that she looked at me like, "This useless predator's going to starve in my ocean." 我不想夸大其词,但是,我发誓它看我的眼神 仿佛在说:“这个没用的捕食者就要在我的海域里饿死了。”
(Laughter) (众人笑)
So realizing I couldn't catch swimming penguins, she'd get these other penguins and bring them slowly towards me, bobbing like this, and she'd let them go. 看出来我无法捉住游动的企鹅 它就叼着几只企鹅,慢慢地游向我 摆动几下,再松开口
This didn't work. 这还是不管用
I was laughing so hard and so emotional that my mask was flooding, because I was crying underwater , just because it was so amazing. 我忍不住大笑,心情激动不已 我的面罩里波澜汹涌,我在水下不禁泪流 这实在是太美妙了
emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; underwater:adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下;
And so that didn't work. 这也不管用
So then she'd get another penguin and try this ballet-like sexy display sliding down this iceberg like this. (Laughter) 于是,它又捉了一只企鹅,尝试着芭蕾般性感的展示 蹭着冰山优雅地划下来
And she would sort of bring them over to me and offer it to me. 它想要把企鹅送过来喂给我
This went on for four days. 连续四天,天天如此
This just didn't happen a couple of times. 这样的情况不止一次地发生
And then so she realized I couldn't catch live ones, so she brought me dead penguins. 它意识到我无法逮住活企鹅 于是,它把企鹅咬死送过来
(Laughter) (众人笑)
Now I've got four or five penguins floating around my head, and I'm just sitting there shooting away. 现在,四五只企鹅围着我的脑袋打转 我只是停在原地拍照
And she would often stop and have this dejected look on her face like, "Are you for real?" 它还是会停下来,失望地看看我 仿佛在说:“你真的不吃?”
Because she can't believe I can't eat this penguin. 它不敢相信我居然不吃这只企鹅
Because in her world, you're either breeding or you're eating -- and I'm not breeding, so ... 在它的世界里,你要么交配,要么捕食-- 既然我并没在交配......
(Laughter) (众人笑)
And then that wasn't enough; she started to flip penguins onto my head. 这还没完;它开始把企鹅翻过来放在我头上
She was trying to force-feed me. She's pushing me around. 它想强行喂我吃。它逼着我退了几步
She's trying to force-feed my camera, which is every photographer's dream. 它想强行喂我的镜头 这是任何一个摄影师梦寐以求的
And she would get frustrated; she'd blow bubbles in my face. 它变得不耐烦了,对着我的脸吹泡泡
bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数)
She would, I think, let me know that I was going to starve. 我想,它想让我知道我这样下去会饿死的
But yet she didn't stop. 但是,它不达目的不罢休
She would not stop trying to feed me penguins. 它还是不停地给我喂企鹅
And on the last day with this female where I thought I had pushed her too far, 在与这只雌性海豹相处的最后一天 我以为我把它逼急了
I got nervous because she came up to me, she rolled over on her back, and she did this deep, guttural jackhammer sound, this gokgokgokgok. 我非常紧张,它向我游了过来 背朝下 发出低沉的,手提钻般的喉音,嘎巴嘎巴嘎巴
guttural:adj.咽喉的;喉咙的;喉音的;n.喉音;喉音字; jackhammer:n.手提钻;
And I thought, she's about to bite. 我以为它准备咬我一口
She's about to let me know she's too frustrated with me. 以此警告我,我把它惹毛了
What had happened was another seal had snuck in behind me, and she did that to threat display. 而实际上,当时另一只海豹正躲在我身后蠢蠢欲动 它这么做是为了把那只海豹吓跑
She chased that big seal away, went and got its penguin and brought it to me. 它把那只大海豹赶走,抢了它的企鹅 送到我面前
(Laughter) (众人笑)
That wasn't the only seal I got in the water with. 它并不是我水下遇到的唯一一只海豹
I got in the water with 30 other leopard seals, and I never once had a scary encounter . 我在水中还遇到了其它30多只海豹 我从来没有受到任何威胁
They are the most remarkable animals I've ever worked with, and the same with polar bears. 它们是我所拍摄的最不可思议的动物 北极熊也是
And just like the polar bears, these animals depend on an icy environment. 就像北极熊一样 这些动物依赖着冰川才能生存
I get emotional. Sorry. 对不起,我有些情不自禁
It's a story that lives deep in my heart, and I'm proud to share this with you. 这个经历深深震撼了我的心 我为能在此与大家分享这个故事而自豪
And I'm so passionate about it. 我乐此不疲
Anybody want to come with me to Antarctica or the Arctic, I'll take you; let's go. 如果有人想到南极或北极去看看,我会带你去,我们走吧
We've got to get the story out now. Thank you very much. 我们必须让这个故事延续下去。非常感谢大家
(Applause) (众人鼓掌)
Thank you. 谢谢你们
(Applause) (掌声持续)
Thank you. 谢谢你们
(Applause) (掌声持续)
Thank you. Thanks very much. 谢谢你们,非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声持续)
Thank you. 感谢大家
(Applause) (掌声持续)