

So if I was to ask you what the connection between a bottle of Tide detergent and sweat was, you'd probably think that's the easiest question that you're going to be asked in Edinburgh all week. 如果我问你 一瓶汰渍洗涤剂和汗水 之间有什么联系 你可能觉得这是本周在爱丁堡期间 遇到的最简单的问题.
Tide:n.潮汐; v.顺应潮水航行; detergent:n.清洁剂;去垢剂; Edinburgh:n.爱丁堡(英国城市名);
But if I was to say that they're both examples of alternative or new forms of currency in a hyperconnected , data-driven global economy , you'd probably think I was a little bit bonkers . 如果我说这两个例子 在这个紧密联系,高度依赖数据的全球经济中 都属于一种新型货币, 你大概觉得我脑子不太正常.
alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择; currency:n.货币;通货; hyperconnected:超高速连结;超高速连结化;超高速结; data-driven:adj.依照数据处理的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; economy:n.经济;节约;理财; bonkers:adj.疯狂的;精神不正常的;
But trust me, I work in advertising . 但请相信我,我可是个做广告的
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I am going to tell you the answer, but obviously after this short break. 我将会告诉你们答案, 但我们先谈点别的.
I am going to:我将要做什么事情
So a more challenging question is one that I was asked, actually, by one of our writers a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't know the answer: 有一个更难回答的问题 是几星期前公司的文案问我的 我当时没答上来:
What's the world's best performing currency? 全世界表现最好的货币是什么?
It's actually Bitcoin . 答案其实是比特币.
Now, for those of you who may not be familiar , 也许你们有人对它不熟悉.
Bitcoin is a crypto-currency , a virtual currency, synthetic currency. 比特币是一种隐匿的、虚拟的、人造的货币
crypto-currency:密码货币;口令货币; virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认); synthetic:adj.综合的;合成的,人造的;n.合成物;
It was founded in 2008 by this anonymous programmer using a pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. 它诞生于 2008 年 是由一个化名中本聪的程序员提出的,
anonymous:adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的; pseudonym:n.笔名;假名;
No one knows who or what he is. 没人知道他的真实身份.
He's almost like the Banksy of the Internet. 他就像因特网界的 Banksy(英国匿名街头画家)
And I'm probably not going to do it proper service here, but my interpretation of how it works is that 也许我的解释并不到位 但我是这样理解比特币的:
Bitcoins are released through this process of mining. 比特币通过计算机“挖矿”产生
released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
So there's a network of computers that are challenged to solve a very complex mathematical problem and the person that manages to solve it first gets the Bitcoins. 一群电脑通过互联网 竞相破解一个非常复杂的数学问题 第一个找到答案的人就能拿到比特币
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; mathematical:adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的;
And the Bitcoins are released, they're put into a public ledger called the Blockchain, and then they float, so they become a currency, and completely decentralized , that's the sort of scary thing about this, which is why it's so popular. 新的比特币产生后 新的比特币产生后 它们可以流通使用,成了一种货币 比特币最可怕也是最迷人之处 在于它是 无政府 的,
ledger:n.总帐,分户总帐;[会计]分类帐;帐簿;底帐;(手脚架上的)横木; decentralized:adj.分散的; vt.使分散;
So it's not run by the authorities or the state. 没有机构或者国家可以管理它
It's actually managed by the network. 它通过网络节点进行集体管理
And the reason that it's proved very successful is it's private, it's anonymous, it's fast, and it's cheap. 私人的,不记名,交易迅捷,低成本 这些特点让比特币变得非常成功.
And you do get to the point where there's some wild fluctuations with Bitcoin. 当然,比特币也有弊端, 它的价格有时疯狂浮动.
get to the point:言归正传;直奔主题; fluctuations:n.[物]波动(fluctuation的复数);变动;起伏现象;
So in one level it went from something like 13 dollars to 266, literally in the space of four months, and then crashed and lost half of its value in six hours. 在四个月的时间里 比特币兑美元的价格从13美元暴涨至266美元 然后又在6小时里损失了一半的价值
And it's currently around that kind of 110 dollar mark in value. 现在比特币巿价 差不多在110美元左右.
But what it does show is that it's sort of gaining ground, it's gaining respectability . 但很明显,比特币的影响力在变大, 越来越多的人承认它
You get services, like Reddit and Wordpress are actually accepting Bitcoin as a payment currency now. 越来越多的人承认它 现在已经接受比特币作为付款方式.
And that's showing you that people are actually placing trust in technology , and it's started to trump and disrupt and interrogate traditional institutions and how we think about currencies and money. 从中可以看出 人们信任这种科技 而一些传统货币机构 则感到了来自比特币的威胁 从而使我们逐步改变对货币和金钱的看法.
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; trump:n.王牌;主牌花色;v.出王牌赢(牌);;赢;胜过;打败; disrupt:vt.破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱;adj.分裂的,中断的;分散的; interrogate:v.讯问;审问;盘问;查询; traditional:传统的,惯例的, institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数) currencies:n.货币;货币流通(currency的复数);
And that's not surprising, if you think about the basket case that is the E.U. 只要想想欧盟那个烂摊子, 这就一点也不让人惊讶.
basket case:四肢不全的人;完全伤残者;完全没有希望的人;
I think there was a Gallup survey out recently that said something like, in America, trust in banks is at an all-time low , it's something like 21 percent. 盖洛普最近做了个调查 在美国,人们对于银行的信任度达到史上最低值 只有21%的人信任银行.
Gallup:vi.进行民意测验;vt.对…进行民意测验; survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地; recently:adv.最近;新近; all-time low:低谷;
And you can see here some photographs from London where Barclays sponsored the city bike scheme , and some activists have done some nice piece of guerrilla marketing here and doctored the slogans . 再来看看这些来自伦敦的照片, 这是由伯克莱银行赞助的公共自行车项目, 一些抗议者以这种 很棒的游击式营销方式篡改了活动标语.
sponsored:adj.(活动或比赛)为慈善筹款而举办的; v.赞助(活动、节目等); (sponsor的过去式和过去分词) scheme:n.计划;方案;体系;体制;阴谋;v.密谋;图谋;想;认为; guerrilla:n.游击战;游击队; slogans:n.口号(slogan复数);
'" Sub-prime pedaling ." "Barclays takes you for a ride." “次级踏(暗示次贷危机) “巴克莱带着你团团转(被人利用了)
Sub-prime:次要的;次级的; pedaling:vi.踩踏板; n.踏板; vt.骑(自行车); adj.脚的;
These are the more polite ones I could share with you today. 这些算是比较客气的, 可以拿来和你们分享.
But you get the gist , so people have really started to sort of lose faith in institutions. 但是意思已经够明白了 人们对金融机构开始失去信心
gist:n.主旨,要点;依据; faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰;
There's a P.R. company called Edelman , they do this very interesting survey every year precisely around trust and what people are thinking. 有个叫爱德曼的公关公司 每年都会围绕信任度和人们的想法 作一个有趣的调查.
And this is a global survey, so these numbers are global. 调查是全球性的,这些数据也反映了全球的情况
And what's interesting is that you can see that hierarchy is having a bit of a wobble , and it's all about heterarchical now, so people trust people like themselves more than they trust corporations and governments. 有意思的是 你可以看出 等级制度有点摇摇欲坠了 未来是属于扁平合作式结构的 也就是说人们更愿意相信他们自己, 而非企业或是政府.
hierarchy:n.层级;等级制度; wobble:n.摇晃;松动;犹豫不决;v.(使)摇摆;一摇一摆地走;犹豫不决; heterarchical:异构结构;异质性; corporations:n.[贸易]公司,[经]企业(corporation的复数形式);
And if you look at these figures for the more developed markets like U.K., Germany, and so on, they're actually much lower. 在英国、德国等发达国家 信任度就更低了.
And I find that sort of scary. 想起来有点吓人
People are actually trusting businesspeople more than they're trusting governments and leaders. 比起政府和领导人 人们居然更相信商人
So what's starting to happen, if you think about money, if you sort of boil money down to an essence , it is literally just an expression of value, an agreed value. 而这对于货币有什么影响呢 归结货币的本质, 其实它是一种价值的表达形式,一种约定的价值.
essence:n.本质;实质;精髓;香精; expression:n.表现,表示,表达;
So what's happening now, in the digital age, is that we can quantify value in lots of different ways and do it more easily, and sometimes the way that we quantify those values, it makes it much easier to create new forms and valid forms of currency. 在当下的数字时代, 我们拥有很多方式去量化价值 其中有一些很简单 有时候 当我们需要量化价值时 最简单的方式 是创造一种新的、靠谱的货币
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; quantify:vt.量化;为…定量;确定数量;vi.量化;定量; valid:adj.有效的;有根据的;合法的;正当的;
In that context , you can see that networks like Bitcoin suddenly start to make a bit more sense. 从这个角度看 我们就能更好地理解比特币
So if you think we're starting to question and disrupt and interrogate what money means, what our relationship with it is, what defines money, then the ultimate extension of that is, 如果顺着这个思路走 继续质疑货币的意义、与人类的关系, 是什么因素定义了货币, 那最终必然导致这样一个问题:
defines:v.阐明;明确;界定;画出…的线条;描出…的外形(define的第三人称单数) ultimate:adj.最终的;极限的;根本的;n.终极;根本;基本原则; extension:n.延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机;
is there a reason for the government to be in charge of money anymore? 政府是否有理由 继续掌管货币.
in charge of:负责;主管;
So obviously I'm looking at this through a marketing prism , so from a brand perspective , brands literally stand or fall on their reputations. 显然我是用市场营销的眼光看待这个问题 从品牌角度说 品牌的生存依靠口碑
prism:n.棱镜;[晶体][数]棱柱; perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; brands:n.品牌;烙印(brand的复数);v.加商标于;铭刻于(brand的第三人称单数);
And if you think about it, reputation has now become a currency. 仔细想想,口碑也是一种货币
You know, reputations are built on trust, consistency , transparency . 口碑基于信任, 持久,信息公开.
consistency:n.[计]一致性;稠度;相容性; transparency:n.透明,透明度;幻灯片;有图案的玻璃;
So if you've actually decided that you trust a brand, you want a relationship, you want to engage with the brand, you're already kind of participating in lots of new forms of currency. 如果你信任一个品牌 想要与之建立长久的关系 那么你已经在无意间 使用了很多新型货币了
engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; participating:v.参加;参与(participate的现在分词)
So you think about loyalty . 说到品牌忠诚度
Loyalty essentially is a micro-economy. 忠诚度事实上就是一个微观经济.
You think about rewards schemes , air miles. 我们都知道激励计划、里程兑换等等
rewards:n.[劳经]奖励; v.[劳经]奖赏; schemes:n.方案,计划;阴谋(scheme的复数);v.计划,设计;谋划(scheme的三单形式);
The Economist said a few years ago that there are actually more unredeemed air miles in the world than there are dollar bills in circulation . 《经济学人》几年前有一篇报道说 全世界没有兑换的里程数 比流通的美元数额还多
unredeemed:adj.未实现的;未减轻的;未恢复的; circulation:n.流通,传播;循环;发行量;
You know, when you are standing in line in Starbucks , 30 percent of transactions in Starbucks on any one day are actually being made with Starbucks Star points. 当你在星巴克排队等候时 星巴克一天的交易额中 有30%是通过积分卡进行的.
Starbucks:n.星巴克(咖啡店名); transactions:n.处理,[图情]会报;汇报(transaction复数);
So that's a sort of Starbucks currency staying within its ecosystem . 所以在星巴克的生态系统里 星享卡积分就是一种货币
And what I find interesting is that Amazon has recently launched Amazon coins. 另外我还注意到 亚马逊最近推出了亚马逊币
Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士; launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词)
So admittedly it's a currency at the moment that's purely for the Kindle . 这显然是一种货币 当然暂时只能在Kindle上使用
admittedly:adv.公认地;无可否认地;明白地; purely:adv.完全;仅仅; Kindle:vt.点燃;激起;照亮;vi.发亮;着火;激动起来;
So you can buy apps and make purchases within those apps, but you think about Amazon, you look at the trust barometer that I showed you where people are starting to trust businesses, 你可以用它购买应用或是进行应用内购买 亚马逊的这个例子 正说明了我刚才讲的 人们开始信任企业
purchases:v.[贸易]购买; n.所购物; barometer:n.[气象]气压计;晴雨表;显示变化的事物;
especially businesses that they believe in and trust more than governments. 特别是那些 他们觉得比政府更靠谱的企业
So suddenly, you start thinking, well Amazon potentially could push this. 顺着这个思路往下想 亚马逊的潜力有多大呢
It could become a natural extension, that as well as buying stuff -- take it out of the Kindle -- you could buy books, music, real-life products, appliances and goods and so on. 如果把它的服务延伸出去 不限制在Kindle上 而是可以用亚马逊币 买书、买碟、家电和生活有关的一切商品
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: take it out of:使…疲乏;向…报复;强行从…中拿走; real-life:adj.现实的;实在的; appliances:n.(家用)电器,器具;(appliance的复数)
And suddenly you're getting Amazon, as a brand, is going head to head with the Federal Reserve in terms of how you want to spend your money, what money is, what constitutes money. 那么亚马逊作为一个品牌 它的竞争对手就是美联储了 这关系到你决定如何花钱 以及金钱的定义和组成
head to head:交头接耳地; Federal:adj.联邦的;同盟的;联邦政府的;联邦制的;adv.联邦政府地; Reserve:n.储备,储存; vt.储备; vi.预订; constitutes:v.被算作;组成;构成;(合法或正式地)成立,设立;(constitute的第三人称单数)
And I'll get you back to Tide, the detergent now, as I promised. 现在我们回到一开始 汰渍洗涤剂的例子
This is a fantastic article I came across in New York Magazine, where it was saying that drug users across America are actually purchasing drugs with bottles of Tide detergent. 这是我在《纽约杂志》读到的一篇很棒的文章 文章提到美国各地的吸毒者 正在用一瓶瓶汰渍洗涤剂 来购买毒品
fantastic:奇异的,空想的 purchasing:n.购买;采购;v.买;购买;采购;(purchase的现在分词)
So they're going into convenience stores, stealing Tide, and a $20 bottle of Tide is equal to 10 dollars of crack cocaine or weed . 他们跑到便利店 去偷汰渍 一瓶20美元的汰渍 可以买到价值10美元的可卡因或是大麻
convenience:n.方便;便利;适宜;便利的事物(或设施); crack:v.使破裂;打开;变声;n.裂缝;声变;噼啪声;adj.最好的;高明的; cocaine:n.[药]可卡因; weed:v.除草;铲除;n.杂草,野草;菸草;
And what they're saying, so some criminologists have looked at this and they're saying, well, okay, 一些犯罪学家注意到了这个现象 他们的结论是什么呢
Tide as a product sells at a premium .
It's 50 percent above the category average. 它比同类产品要贵50%
It's infused with a very complex cocktail of chemicals , so it smells very luxurious and very distinctive , and, being a Procter and Gamble brand, it's been supported by a lot of mass media advertising. 它包含了非常复杂的化学成分组合 闻起来气味芬芳又很特别, 并且作为宝洁旗下的品牌 它的广告曝光率非常高
infused:灌输; cocktail:n.鸡尾酒;开味食品;n.混合物;adj.鸡尾酒的; chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数) luxurious:adj.奢侈的;丰富的;放纵的;特级的; distinctive:adj.独特的;特别的;有特色的; Gamble:vi.赌博; vt.赌博; n.赌博; mass media:n.大众传媒;
So what they're saying is that drug users are consumers too, so they have this in their neural pathways . 那些吸毒的人也是消费者 他们已经形成了这个思路
consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数) neural:adj.神经的;神经系统的;背的;神经中枢的; pathways:n.小路;小径(pathway的复数);
When they spot Tide, there's a shortcut . 一看到汰渍就有条件反射
They say, that is trust. I trust that. That's quality. 觉得这是个值得信任的产品,有品质保证
So it becomes this unit of currency, which the New York Magazine described as a very oddly loyal crime wave , brand-loyal crime wave , and criminals are actually calling Tide "liquid gold." 所以它成为了一种货币 《纽约杂志》称之为一种古怪的犯罪潮 一股具有品牌忠诚度的犯罪潮 事实上犯罪分子还把汰渍称作“液体黄金”
described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式) oddly:adv.古怪地;奇妙地;单数地; crime wave:n.犯罪高潮;
Now, what I thought was funny was the reaction from the P&G spokesperson . 宝洁对此是如何回应的呢 也很有意思
reaction:n.反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用; spokesperson:n.发言人;代言人;
They said, obviously tried to dissociate themselves from drugs, but said, "It reminds me of one thing and that's the value of the brand has stayed consistent ." (Laughter) 宝洁显然不想和毒品扯上关系 它们认为这件事说明了一点 就是汰渍的品牌价值很稳定(笑)
dissociate:vt.游离;使分离;分裂;vi.游离;分离;分裂; reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) consistent:adj.始终如一的,一致的;坚持的;
Which backs up my point and shows he didn't even break a sweat when he said that. 这证明了我之前的观点 也看得出发言人表态时滴汗未出
So that brings me back to the connection with sweat. 下面就来说说汗渍
In Mexico, Nike has run a campaign recently called, literally, Bid Your Sweat. 耐克最近在墨西哥发起了一个宣传活动 叫“用你的汗水出价”
So you think about, these Nike shoes have got sensors in them, or you're using a Nike FuelBand that basically tracks your movement, your energy, your calorie consumption . 原理是这样的 这些耐克鞋里装有感应器 或者你戴了耐克的运动腕带 它就能检测你的移动 能量的变化和卡路里的消耗
sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); basically:adv.主要地,基本上; tracks:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;(track的第三人称单数和复数) calorie:n.卡;大卡; consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨;
And what's happening here, this is where you've actually elected to join that Nike community . You've bought into it. 实际上你是主动加入了耐克的社区 你相信它了
They're not advertising loud messages at you, and that's where advertising has started to shift now is into things like services, tools and applications. 而不是说耐克的宣传力度有多大 现如今的广告更多地是在宣传 某种服务、工具和应用
So Nike is literally acting as a well-being partner, a health and fitness partner and service provider . 耐克扮演的角色 是一个健康助手、健身伙伴、服务提供者
well-being:n.幸福;康乐; fitness:n.健康;适当;适合性; service provider:n.服务供应商(尤指互联网服务供应商);
So what happens with this is they're saying, "Right, you have a data dashboard . We know how far you've run, how far you've moved, what your calorie intake , all that sort of stuff. 这个活动是这样的 显示屏上有你跑步的距离 卡路里消耗等等数据
dashboard:n.汽车等的仪表板;马车等前部的挡泥板; intake:n.摄取量;通风口;引入口;引入的量;
What you can do is, the more you run, the more points you get, and we have an auction where you can buy Nike stuff but only by proving that you've actually used the product to do stuff." 你跑的越多得到的点数就越多 你就可以以这些点数去购买耐克的产品 也就是说只有当你确实使用了耐克的产品
And you can't come into this. This is purely for the community that are sweating using Nike products. You can't buy stuff with pesos . 才能参加这个活动 买家局限在耐克的使用群体 你不能拿钱来买里面的产品
This is literally a closed environment, a closed auction space. 相当于一个封闭的环境 封闭的拍卖场所
In Africa, you know, airtime has become literally a currency in its own right. 下一个例子来自非洲 在那里 通话时间已经变成了一种货币.
People are used to, because mobile is king, they're very, very used to transferring money, making payments via mobile. 因为手机的重要性 那里的人已经非常习惯于 通过手机进行转账或者支付
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; transferring:n.[计]转移,传递;v.移动,[计]转移(transfer的现在分词形式); payments:n.付款;支付;收款;款项;报答;(payment的复数) via:prep.通过;经由;n.道路;[医]管道;
And one of my favorite examples from a brand perspective going on is Vodafone, where, in Egypt, lots of people make purchases in markets and very small independent stores. 我很喜欢的一个品牌例子 来自沃达丰 在埃及 人们在市场 或是小商店购物的时候
independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
Loose change , small change is a real problem, and what tends to happen is you buy a bunch of stuff, you're due, say, 10 cents, 20 cents in change. 找零钱是件很麻烦的事 所以一般情况下 假设你买了一堆东西 算下来有10美分20美分的找零
Loose change:n.(口袋或包里随身带的)零钱; small change:n.小面额硬币;(非正式)无关紧要的人(或事); a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆;
The shopkeepers tend to give you things like an onion or an aspirin , or a piece of gum , because they don't have small change. 店主就会给你一个洋葱 一粒阿司匹林或者一片口香糖 因为他们找不开零钱
shopkeepers:n.店主,老板; aspirin:n.阿司匹林(解热镇痛药); gum:n.牙龈;树胶;齿龈;树脂;v.在…上涂胶;用黏胶粘;
So when Vodafone came in and saw this problem, this consumer pain point, they created some small change which they call Fakka, which literally sits and is given by the shopkeepers to people, and it's credit that goes straight onto their mobile phone . 沃达丰发现了这个现象 这种消费者的“痛点” 于是它们发明了一种叫 Fakka 的零钱 方便店主可以 用来支付给顾客 Fakka 里的金额可以直接充值到手机里
mobile phone:移动电话
So this currency becomes credit, which again, is really, really interesting. 所以这种零钱就变成了信用 这是个非常有趣的例子
And we did a survey that backs up the fact that, you know, 45 percent of people in this very crucial demographic in the U.S. 我们作过的一个调查显示 在美国 25-34岁这个很重要的年龄阶层里 有45%的人
crucial:adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的; demographic:adj.人口统计学的;人口学的;
were saying that they're comfortable using an independent or branded currency. 表示他们愿意使用 某种独立货币或是品牌货币
branded:adj.名牌商标的; v.铭刻; (brand的过去式和过去分词);
So that's getting really interesting here, a really interesting dynamic going on. 所以事情变的很有趣 有一种很有趣的趋势
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
And you think, corporations should start taking their assets and thinking of them in a different way and trading them. 你会觉得 企业应该将品牌货币视作自己的资产 从全新的角度看待它们 把它们投入交易进行流通
And you think, is it much of a leap ? 这听上去是个巨大的飞跃
It seems farfetched , but when you think about it, in America in 1860, there were 1,600 corporations issuing banknotes . 感觉遥不可及 但是要知道 在1860 年的时候, 美国大约有 1600 家企业发行纸币
farfetched:adj.牵强的;乱七八糟的;靠不住的; issuing:n.发行物;争论点;期刊号;v.发行(issue的ing形式);分配;流出; banknotes:n.钞票;纸币(banknote的复数);
There were 8,000 kinds of notes in America. 全美有 8000 种纸币在流通
And the only thing that stopped that, the government controlled four percent of the supply, and the only thing that stopped it was the Civil War breaking out, and the government suddenly wanted to take control of the money. 之所以这个局面没有继续 政府只控制 4% 货币供给的这个局面 之所以没有继续 是因为内战爆发了 突然间政府想要控制货币的发行流通
So government, money, war, nothing changes there, then. 政府、货币、战争,这些元素都没有变
So what I'm going to ask is, basically, is history repeating itself? 所以我想提出的问题是 历史是否在重演
Is technology making paper money feel outmoded ? 纸质货币会不会被高科技所淘汰
paper money:n.纸币;钞票; outmoded:adj.过时的,不流行的;v.使不流行(outmode的过去分词);
Are we decoupling money from the government? 货币是否会和政府脱钩
You know, you think about, brands are starting to fill the gaps . 细想一下 品牌和企业正在填补
Corporations are filling gaps that governments can't afford to fill. 那些政府填补不了的空隙
So I think, you know, will we be standing on stage buying a coffee -- organic , fair trade coffee -- next year using TED florins or TED shillings ? 我想也许明年 我们能在台上用 TED 币买一杯咖啡 一杯公平贸易有机咖啡
organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体; florins:n.弗罗林(一种货币); shillings:n.先令;
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢(掌声)