

Giddyup! Giddyup! [00:02]
Meet Leslie Knope. [00:04]
I am the pants queen! [00:06]
Leslie loves whipped cream, dancing with friends, and working hard for the Parks Department of Pawnee, Indiana. [00:08]
Cut it out , Tom. TOM:- It never gets old. [00:14]
Cut it out:停止;省省吧;闭嘴;
She also loves her coworkers at City Hall . [00:16]
coworkers:n.同事;合作人;(coworker的复数形式) City Hall:n.市政府;市政厅;
Ron Swanson. [00:19]
Tom Haverford. [00:21]
Tommy Timberlake. [00:25]
April Ludgate. [00:26]
My mom is Puerto Rican. That's why I'm so lively and colorful. [00:27]
And Andy Dwyer. [00:31]
Nailed it. [00:34]
April and Andy like each other. [00:35]
But when Andy accidentally kissed his ex-girlfriend , Ann Perkins, [00:38]
accidentally:adv.意外地:偶然,偶然地; ex-girlfriend:n.前女友;
April left. [00:42]
Wait. April! [00:43]
And he hasn't seen her since. [00:44]
In the midst of all this love, two black hats rode into town. [00:46]
Scientists believe that the first human being who will live 150 years has already been born. [00:50]
I believe I am that human being. [00:54]
And they brought with them some disturbing news. [00:56]
Effective tomorrow morning, the entire government will be shut down until further notice. [00:59]
What will Leslie do next? [01:03]
Will April and Andy make up and make out? [01:05]
Find out this season on Parks and Recreation . [01:08]
Starting right now. [01:10]
Ron. We're back. [01:18]
Bully . [01:22]
LESLIE: The bankrupt government of Pawnee has been shut down all summer, so it's been three months of no work, no meetings, no memos , no late nights, nothing. [01:23]
bankrupt:adj.破产;倒闭;完全缺乏(有价值的东西);n.(经法院判决的)破产者;v.使破产; memos:n.备忘录,备注留言板(memo复数);
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. [01:30]
Rounding up the team, so exciting. [01:32]
I have goosebumps . Feel. [01:36]
And that's why they call me Prince Charming . [01:39]
Prince Charming:n.白马王子;(女子的)梦中情人;
Because I always find the glass slipper for my Cinderella . [01:42]
slipper:n.拖鞋;vt.用拖鞋打; Cinderella:灰姑娘(童话中的一个形象)
These are way too tight. [01:44]
Well, the real Cinderella didn't have hippo feet. [01:46]
Tom, we're back. [01:47]
Jeremy! Suck it! [01:50]
By the way , I've been giving away free sports bras to the girls at Hot Dog on a Stick. [01:52]
By the way:顺便说一下;
Look, we can dance all day, but it's time to step up. [01:56]
Are you buying 4,000 rubber nipples from me or not? [01:59]
rubber:n.橡胶;橡皮;v.涂橡胶于…; nipples:n.乳头;乳头状物品;(机器的)喷嘴;(nipple的复数)
D, you have a visitor. [02:03]
We back? - We're back. [02:05]
All right. [02:07]
Jerry. [02:11]
Oh, my gosh. Look who's here. Leslie. [02:13]
The nightmare's over, Jerry. We're going back to work. [02:15]
You're not going to need this anymore. [02:16]