

Those of us who believe in heaven have some sort of idea of what heaven would be. 凡有信仰之人,皆会猜想天堂的模样。
And in my idea, heaven is satisfied curiosity . 愚见则是天堂就是好奇心得到满足。
satisfied:adj.满意的:满足的:v.使满意:使满足;(satisfy的过去分词和过去式) curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩;
I think of heaven as a really comfortable cloud, where I can just lie down -- with my belly down, like I was watching TV when I was a child, and my elbows up. 我把天堂想像成一朵非常舒适的云朵, 我能用我的肚子趴在上面, 就如同我小时候看电视那样,用我的手肘撑着头。
belly:n.腹部;胃;食欲;v.涨满;鼓起; elbows:n.弯头; v.用肘推; (elbow的第三人称单数和复数)
And I can basically look everywhere I want -- see every movie I've always wanted to see. 我可以想看哪就看哪, 我可以看我经常想看的电影。
And in the same kind of trance that you can feel sometimes in the subway, New York, when you're reading, there's something really soothing and easy. 有时你也会有如此出神的感觉, 譬如当你在纽约的地铁阅读时, 你会感觉到怡人且轻松的气氛。
trance:n.恍惚;出神;着迷,入迷;v.使恍惚;使发呆; soothing:adj.抚慰的;使人宽心的;v.安慰;减轻痛苦;(soothe的现在分词)
Well, the funny thing is that I already have that kind of life, in a way. 有趣的是,从某种程度上看,我已经拥有了这种天堂般的生活。
Because I discovered -- it took me a while to understand it, but when I discovered, around 24 years of age, that I was much more comfortable with objects than with people, I finally decided to really embrace this passion . 因为我发现了— — 当然它花了我一段时间去理解它, 当我在24岁的时候,我发现,我和艺术品在一起 比跟人在一起感觉更好,而后我决定要利用这份热情。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒;
And I basically live my life in sort of a trance. 生活上,我基本上处于沉醉于万物的状态。
And I look around, and everything I see is just the beginning of a long story. 而当我环顾四周时,我看到的一切都仅仅是一个长长的故事的开端。
Just to give you an example: this is the exhibition " Humble Masterpieces ," as it was at MoMA in 2004. 给你们举个例子吧, 2004年MoMA举行了名为“谦虚设计”的展览。
Humble:adj.谦逊的; vt.使谦恭; Masterpieces:n.杰作;绝无仅有的人;
We were in Queens. 当时我们在皇后区。
We were building the big, big, big, big building in Midtown so we were in the small, small, small boondocks . 我们在市中心建一幢很大,很大,很大的建筑, 所以我们在一个很小,很小,很小的偏僻地区。
Midtown:n.市中心区;商业区和住宅区的中间地区;adj.市中心区的;位于市中心区的; boondocks:n.森林地带;偏僻地区;荒野;
That was one of the funnest moments of my career . 那是我职业生涯中最有趣的时刻之一。
funnest:滑稽的(fun的最高级); career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
But it's not only that . 但是它不仅如此。
only that:只是;要不是;
The typeface -- the typeface is Helvetica . 这个字体是海尔维希字体。
typeface:n.字型;铅字样;打字机字体; Helvetica:赫维提卡体(字体的名称)
It's its 50th anniversary this year. 今年是它的第50周年。
And so I start thinking: Max Miedinger, and all those Swiss designers together, trying to outdo Akzidenz Grotesk, and come up with a new sans-serif typeface. 因此我开始想:Max Miedinger以及其他所有的瑞士设计师一起 试图超越Akzidenz Grotesk,设计出一种新的无衬线字体。
outdo:vt.超过;胜过; come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
And the movie starts playing in my head already. 电影已经开始在我脑中播放了。
And of course, you can imagine with "Humble Masterpieces" 当然了,你可以想象下“ 谦虚设计”展览,
it was the same thing multiplied by a hundred. 这是相同的一件被复制了上百次。
And I do hope, by the way , that the real goal of the exhibition is going to have the same effect on you. 而与此同时,我确实希望,这个展览的 真正目的会在你们身上产生相同的影响。
by the way:顺便说一下;
The exhibition was meant to be a way to have children think of doing -- you know when they do homeworks at home? 展览旨在成为一种来让孩子们思考他们所做的事情的方式。 当他们在家里做作业的时候,
Instead of having a tray with two peas, I was hoping that they would go into the kitchen cabinet , or the mother's handbag, and do their museum-quality design collection on a tray. 我很希望他们能够走进厨房看看橱柜,或者他们母亲的手袋, 来做博物馆级的设计收藏, 而不是拿两个黄豆在盘子上玩。
tray:n.盘;托盘;碟;(各种用途的)浅塑料盒; kitchen cabinet:n.政府首脑的参谋团;厨房的餐具柜;
So everybody's always suggesting new "Humble Masterpieces." 因此每个人都一直在提议设置新的“谦虚设计”展览。
And at MoMA we put out some books -- just for people to suggest their own "Humble Masterpieces." 在MoMA我们放了很多书在那, 仅仅是为了让人们就他们眼中的“谦虚设计”给出建议。
And when you do that, usually you get 80 percent porn and 20 percent real suggestions. 而当你做这个的时候,通常呢,你得到的80%的建议都是和色情有关的,只有20%是真正的建议。
And instead, it was all -- almost -- all good suggestions. 但是,几乎所有的建议都是好的建议。
And a lot of nationalism came in. 而爱国热情也在那个时候流行起来。
For instance , I didn't know that the Spaniards invented the mop -- but they were very proud. 比如说,我之前并不知道是西班牙人发明了拖把, 但是他们非常自豪。
So every Spaniard said "la frego," and Italians did the pizza. 因此每个西班牙人说“la frego”,而意大利人发明了披萨。
Spaniard:n.西班牙人; Italians:n.意大利人(Italian的复数形式);
And I wanted to show you, also, the suggestions from Kentucky are pretty good: they had moonshine , laundry detergents and liquid nails. 但我想给你们看的是,同样来自肯塔基的 非常好的建议:他们有私酿酒、洗衣液以及液订钉。
Kentucky:n.肯塔基州; moonshine:n.月光;空谈; laundry:n.洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服; detergents:n.[化工]洗涤剂(detergent的复数);清洁剂;
And I keep it going, and I just got -- 继续,我刚刚得到了
(Laughter) (笑声)
- also, this suggestion from Milan: it's our traffic divider , which we call panettone, and it's painted -- you know, it's these beautiful concrete things that you use around Milan to define all the lanes of traffic. 这个来自米兰的提议— 这是交通分隔物,我们叫做panettone, 它是上了漆的。 你们知道吗,整个米兰都是用的这些漂亮的混凝土物体 来来定义交通线路的。
divider:n.[计]除法器;分隔物;圆规; concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖 define:v.定义;使明确;规定; lanes:n.线路,跑道(lane复数形式);
So think of your own. 现在想一下你们自己的(经验)。
Send them on, if you want to -- they're always welcome. 你可以把它们发给我们,只要你愿意我们欢迎之至。
But an exhibition like that made me understand even more what I've been thinking of for 13 years, ever since I got to MoMA. 但是这样一个展览让我对一个问题了解更多了, 自从我进入现代艺术博物馆我就开始思考这个问题,已有13年了吧。
I'm Italian. In Italy, design is normal. 我是意大利人。在意大利,设计随处可见。
You know, different parts of the world have a knack for different things. 要知道,不同的地方的人对事物的喜恶是差异甚大的。
I was just recently in Argentina and in Uruguay, and the default way of building homes in the country is a beautiful modernism that you don't see elsewhere , but the contemporary art was terrible. 前不久我在阿根廷和乌拉圭, 在这些国家常见的建造住房的方法有着非常漂亮的现代感 这是其它地方所看不到的,但是(两国)的当代艺术非常糟糕。
recently:adv.最近;新近; Argentina:n.阿根廷(位于拉丁美洲); default:n.违约;拖欠;缺席;缺陷;v.违约;拖欠;缺乏;不履行; modernism:n.现代主义;现代思想;现代作风; elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处; contemporary:n.同时代的人;同时期的东西;adj.当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的;
In Italy -- in Milan, especially -- contemporary art really doesn't have that much of a place. 在意大利——尤其是在米兰 当代艺术真的没有占据多大席位。
But design -- oh, my God. 但是设计呢—我的天!
What you find at the store at the corner, without going to any kind of fancy store, is the kind of refined design that makes everybody think that we are all so sophisticated . 不用去高级商场,你在随便进一个拐角处的商店 都会发现里面精致的设计让每个人觉得 我们是如此的时髦。
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; refined:adj.精制的; v.精炼; sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的;
It's just what you find at the store. 这还仅仅是你在商店里面发现的东西。
And New York has another kind of knack for contemporary art. 而纽约对现代艺术有着另一种偏好。
I'm always amazed -- three-year-olds know who Richard Serra is and take you to the galleries . 我对此一向非常吃惊。三岁的孩子知道Richard Serra是谁 并且还会带你去艺术展览。
Serra:n.[生物]锯齿状器官; galleries:n.美术馆(gallery的复数);图表种类;
But design, for some reason, is still misunderstood for decoration . 但是设计,因为某些原因,仍然仅仅被误解为一种装饰
misunderstood:adj.被误解的;v.误解,误会(misunderstand的过去式); decoration:n.装饰,装潢;装饰品;奖章;
It's really interesting. 这确实很有意思。
What many people think when I say the word "design," is they think of this kind of overdesigned -- in this case, it's overdesigned on purpose -- but decoration, interior decoration. 当我提到“设计”这个词的时候, 很多人想起这是一种过度设计—在这个例子中,确实是故意过度设计, 但是装饰,室内装饰,
on purpose:有目的地,故意地; interior:n.内部;内陆;内地;里面;adj.内部的;里面的;
They think of somebody choosing fabrics . 他们就想起是某个人在挑选建筑材料。
Design can be that, of course, but it can also be this. 这些当然是设计的一部分,但设计还可以做的更多
It can be a school of design in Jerusalem that tries to find a better way to design gas masks for people. 但它也可能是在耶路撒冷的一个设计学校为了找出一个 更好的方法来为人们设计防毒面具。
Because, as you know, Israel deploys one gas mask per person, including babies. 因为,你知道,以色列给每个人包括婴儿配置了防毒面具。
Israel:n.以色列(亚洲国家);犹太人,以色列人; deploys:部署; gas mask:n.防毒面具;
So what these designers do is, they find a way to lower the neckline -- so that instead of being completely strangled , a teenager can also sip a Coke. 。因此,这些设计家所做的就是找到一个方法来降低领口, 这样的话像青少年就可以同时吸着可乐了,而不是被勒的喘不过气来。
neckline:n.领口,领圈; strangled:adj.哽塞的; v.勒死; sip:v.小口喝;n.一小口(饮料);
They tried to make a toddler 's gas mask in such a way that the toddler can be held by the parent -- because proximity of the body is so important -- and then they make a little tent for the baby. 当地人这样设计婴儿的防毒面具是因为这样的话婴儿 可以被其父母保护着,因为身体的亲近是如此重要, 然后他们能为孩子做个小的帐篷。
toddler:n.学步的小孩;幼童装; proximity:n.接近,[数]邻近;接近;接近度,距离;亲近;
However cruel, however ruthless you can think this is, it's a great design. 不管你觉得这有多么的粗浅和简陋,这确实是一个非常好的设计。
And it is miles away from the fancy furniture , but still, it's part of my same field of passion. 虽然这和设计奢华家具相距甚远, 但却是我的激情所在。
And what I've been doing at MoMA since the beginning is to try to harness the power of MoMA. 我从始至今在MoMA做的 是试图利用MoMA的能力。
harness:vt.治理; n.马具;
Because it's great to work there -- you really have power, in that people usually tend to know about your exhibition or see the exhibitions. 因为能在那里工作实在是太棒了。 你真的有能力,这种能力能让人们知道你的展览或者来观看。
And that is power, because in a design museum, I wouldn't have as many visitors. 而这种力量,因为是在一个设计博物馆,我不可能有太多的游客。
I'm very well aware that 80 percent of my public is there to see Picasso and Matisse . 我非常清楚观光客中的80%都是去那看毕加索和马蒂斯。
Picasso:n.毕加索(西班牙画家); Matisse:n.马蒂斯(法国画家,雕刻家和版画家);
And then they stumble upon my show, and I keep them there. 要是他们刚好来到我们的展区并驻足观看的话,我就设法将他们留在那里。
But what I've been trying to do is something that the curators at MoMA in my department have been doing ever since the museum was founded in 1929, which is to try and see what's going on in the world and try to use that authority in order to make things better. 但是我一直在尝试做的也是我的部门的MoMA的策展人 自博物馆1929年建立后一直在做的东西, 也就是尝试着发现世界上正在发生些什么, 并且利用设计的威力使得事物变得更加美好。
curators:n.馆长;监护人;管理者; authority:n.权威;权力;当局;
There's been many episodes -- 那有着很多的例子。
And actually, Eames Demetrius maybe is here in the audience. 实际上,Eames Demetrius可能现在正坐在观众席里。
But in two instances his great-grandfather -- grandfather -- 但是从他的曾祖父还有祖父的例子来看,
instances:n.相依物体,例子; v.举例说明(instance的第三人称单数形式); great-grandfather:n.曾祖父;
I'm always a little perplexed about the relation, exactly. 哦,我总是搞不太清楚这一关系
But Charles Eames, the first time, and then Charles and Ray Eames the second time were involved in two competitions . 但是,Charles Eames第一次, 接着Charles和Ray Eames第二次都参加了两个比赛。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) competitions:n.比赛,[生态]竞争(competition的复数形式);
One in 1940 -- it was about organic furniture -- and the second one, in 1948, was low-cost furniture for the GI's coming back from the war that then sparked a whole line of furniture. 一个是在1940年,这是关于有机家具的比赛。而第二个比赛是在1948年, 是为从战场归来的美国兵们设计低成本的家具, 而这也激起了整个家具生产产业的火热。
organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体; low-cost:adj.廉价的;价格便宜的; sparked:v.点燃,发动(spark的过去式,过去分词);鼓舞;
And then there was good design for very low price. 那个时候就有了非常低价的优秀的设计。
There were a lot of programs in architecture and design that were about pointing people in the direction of a better design for a better life. 在建筑学和设计学上出现了很多关于 “设计让生活更美好”这样的导向的项目。
So I started out in '95 with this exhibition that was called, " Mutant Materials in Contemporary Design." 所以呢,我从95年开始就开始从事这个被叫做 “创新材料与当代设计”的展览。
It was about a new phase , in my opinion , in the world of design in that materials could be customized by the designers themselves. 这是一个新的阶段,在我看来, 在设计界,材料可以被设计家们所应用。
phase:n.阶段;时期;月相;(月亮的)盈亏;v.分阶段进行;逐步做; in my opinion:在我看来;我认为; customized:v.订制,订做,改制;(customize的过去分词和过去式)
And that put me in touch with such diverse design examples as the aerogels from the Lawrence Livermore Lab in California. 而这也让我接触到了多样的设计例子, 比如加州Lawrence Livermore实验室的气凝胶。
in touch with:同…有联系,和…有接触; diverse:adj.不同的;多种多样的;变化多的;
At that time, they were beginning to be brought into the civilian market. 那时,这些产品才开始被推广进入市场。
And at the same time , the gorgeous work of Takeshi Ishiguro, who did these beautiful salt-and-pepper containers that are made of rice dough . 同时,Takeshi Ishiguro的杰作也问世了, 他用大米面团做成了这些漂亮的盐罐和胡椒罐。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; gorgeous:adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的; salt-and-pepper:adj.白人与黑人混合的;白人与黑人住在同一地区的; dough:n.生面团;金钱;
So, you see, it goes -- the range is really quite diverse. 所以,你们看,这些设计涵盖的范围是相当广的。
And then for instance, this other exhibition that was entitled , "Workspheres" in 2001, where I asked different designers to come up with ideas for the new type of work styles that were happening in the world at that time. 另外举例说说2001年的 另一个命名为“工作环境”的展览吧, 在那我请不同的设计家们 就那时世界上新的工作风格想出点子来。
And you see Ideo there. 你们看到的上面那个是IDEO设计的,
It was beautiful -- it was called " Personal Skies." 很漂亮,它名字是“个人天空”。
The idea was that if you had a cubicle , you could project a sky on top of your head, and have your own "Cielo in Una Stanza " -- a sky in a room. 这一构思是假设如果你有一个小卧室, 你可以在你的头顶上按上一片天空,那你就有了你自己的“Cielo in Una Stanza”一片天空。
cubicle:n.小卧室;小隔间; Stanza:n.演出期;局;场;诗的一节;
It's a very famous Italian song. 这是一首非常有名的意大利歌曲。
And other examples. This was Marti Guixe, about working on the go . 其他的例子也不胜枚举。Marti Guixe关注的是在上班途中怎样工作。
on the go:adj.忙个不停的;活跃的;
And Hella Jongerius, my favorite, about how to work at home. Hella Jongerus,我最喜欢的设计家,关注的是如何在家里工作。
And this lets me introduce a very important idea about design. 而这不禁让我想要介绍一个关于设计的非常重要的理念给你们。
Designers are the biggest synthesizers in the world. 设计家是世界上最大的合成家。
What they do best is make a synthesis of human needs; current conditions in economy , in materials, in sustainability issues . 他们所做的出彩之处就是将人类需求、 以及现在在经济、材料、可持续性问题上的现状结合考虑问题。
synthesis:n.综合,[化学]合成;综合体; economy:n.经济;节约;理财; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
And then what they do, at the end -- if they are good -- is much more than the sum of its parts. 而他们最终做的,如果是好的的话, 将会远远优于部分的集合。
And Hella Jongerius is a person that is able to make a synthesis that is really quite amazing, and also quite hilarious . 而Hella Jongerius是 能将合成做的很好 也很有趣。
The idea behind her work was that -- you know, at that time everybody was saying, you have to really divide your life. 她工作的理念是— 你知道,当每个人都在说“你真的需要把工作休闲分开”的时候,
And instead, she said, no, no -- work and leisure can be together. 相反的,她却在说“不不,工作和休闲可以共存的。”
Yeah, that's particularly gorgeous -- it's the TV dinner of 2001. 真的,这多棒啊,这就像是2001年的流行的电视餐一样。
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; TV dinner:n.(加热即可食用的)方便快餐;
There's been many other exhibitions in the meantime , but I don't want to focus on my shows. 虽然还有很多其他的展览, 但我不想完全只关注我的展示。
in the meantime:在此期间;于此际;
I would like instead to talk about how great some designers are. 相反地,我想谈谈一些伟大的设计家们。
I've always had a hard time with the word " maverick ." 我一直都对特立独行者(maverick)这个词颇为不解,
maverick:n.没打烙印的动物; vt.用不正当手段获取; vi.迷途; adj.未打烙印的;
You know, I came to the United States 13 years ago, and to this day 你知道,13年前我来到美国了,直到今天,
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) to this day:至今;
I have to ask, you know, what does that mean? 我还在问,这是什么意思呢?
So this morning I went to see on the dictionary, and it said that there was this gentleman that was not branding its cattle. 所以今天早上,我翻开字典,上面讲到 曾经有位绅士没有在他的牛身上烙印,
Therefore, he was not following everybody's lead -- and therefore, he was a maverick. 因此他就没有随其他人的大流。 因此,他就是个特立独行者。
So, you know, designers do need to be mavericks . 由此可见,设计家们的确需要成为特立独行者,
mavericks:n.未打烙印的无畜主动物; adj.未打烙印的;
Because the best way to design a successful object -- and also, an object that we were missing before -- is to pretend that either it never existed or that people will be able to have a new behavior with it. 因为设计一件物品, 以及对于一个我们以前丢失了的物品来说, 最佳方式就是当它从来没存在过 或者相信人们用上这一新品之后会有新的行为。
So "Safe" is the last exhibition that I did at MoMA. 因此,“安全”是我在MoMA做的最后一个展览。
And it ended at the beginning of last year, and it was about design that deals with safety, and deals with protection. 它在去年年初结束了, 这一展览是处理安全以及保护的设计。
at the beginning of:在…的开始;
It's a long story, because it started before 2001, and it was called " Emergency ." 说来话长,因此它在2001前就开始了,当时它叫做“急救”。
And then, when 9/11 happened, I had a shock, and I cancelled the exhibition. 而当时正好9/11事件发生了,我不由得一惊,随后我便取消了展览。
Until, slowly but surely, it came back -- as a half-full glass, instead of half-empty -- and it was about protection and safety. 直到慢慢地,这一展览又回来了, 像一盛满水的玻璃杯而不是半满的水杯, 它是关于保护和安全的。
But it ranged from such items as a complete de-mining equipment to these kind of water-sterilizing straws . 展览的范围从完整的一套清雷设备 到水质净化消毒管道。
items:n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一则,一条(新闻)(item的复数) straws:n.[作物]稻草;吸管(straw的复数形式);
So it was really wide-ranging . 因此,这场展览非常广泛的。
It also had -- you know, Cameron and I worked a little bit together. 它同时也有,你知道,我和Cameron在一起的合作。
And some of the entries that you see in his website were actually in the exhibition. 你们在他的网站上看到的一些东西确实也在展览中出现了。
But what is interesting is that we don't need to talk about design and art anymore. 有趣的事情是我们并不需要再讨论设计和艺术了。
But design uses whatever tools it has at its disposal in order to make a point . 但是设计是使用它所能用到的一切工具来说明一个观点。
disposal:n.处理;清除;去掉;(企业、财产等的)变卖; to make a point:表明一种观点;
It's a sense of economy -- and a sense, also, of humor . 这是一种经济意识,也是一种幽默感的体现。
This is a beautiful project by Ralph Borland, who's South African. 这是来自南非的Ralph Borland的一件非常漂亮的设计。
It's a suit for civil disobedience . 这是一个为非暴力反抗设计的外套。
civil disobedience:n.非暴力反抗;温和抵抗;不合作主义;
The idea is that when you have a riot or a protest and the police comes towards you, you're wearing this thing. 设计的理念是当你在参加暴动以及反抗时, 警察靠近你了,你正穿着这一外套。
riot:n.骚乱;暴乱;丰富多彩;品种繁多;v.发生骚乱;闹事; protest:n.抗议;抗议书(或行动);反对;v.(公开)反对;抗议;申辩;
It's like a big heart -- and it has a loudspeaker over your heart so your heartbeat is amplified . 它看起来像一颗巨大的心脏,而它在你心脏的位置有一个扩音器, 这样你的心跳声就被放大了。
loudspeaker:n.喇叭,扬声器;扩音器; heartbeat:n.心跳;情感; amplified:v.放大;详述(amplify的过去分词);adj.放大的;扩充的;
And the police is reminded -- 而警察也被提醒,
It's like having a flower in front of the rifle . 就像一朵鲜花在来复枪口前一样。
And also, you can imagine, a whole group of people with the same suit will have this mounting collective heartbeat that will be scary to the police. 而且,你可以想象,当一群人都穿着这样相同的外套时, 集体的心跳声会吓到警察。
mounting:n.安装;固定;悬挂;adj.上升的;增长的;v.准备;安排;登上;(mount的现在分词) collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词;
You know, so designers sometimes don't do things that are immediately functional , but they're functional to our understanding of issues. 你知道,设计家们有时并不制作一些有即刻功能性的事物, 但是他们对于我们对事物的理解力却非常有用。。
Dunne and Raby -- Tony Dunne and Fiona Raby -- did this series of objects that are about our anguish and our paranoia . Dunne和Raby,也就是Tony Dunne 和Fiona Raby 设计了一系列可以反映我们的痛苦和妄想情绪的物品
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; anguish:n.痛苦;苦恼;v.使极度痛苦;感到极度的痛苦; paranoia:n.[心理]偏执狂,[内科]妄想狂;
Like this hideaway furniture that's made in the same wood as your floor, so it disappears completely and you can hide away. 像这种可以隐藏的家具一样,它是用和你地板一样的木材制作的, 因此它可以完全消失不见,你也可以把它藏起来。
hideaway:n.潜伏处;隐匿处;退隐处; disappears:v.消失;不见;消亡;失踪;丢失;(disappear的第三人称单数)
Or, even better, the huggable atomic mushroom -- which got me an article on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists of the United States. 而更好的一个是这个喜人的原子蘑菇云, 这个发现也让我有幸在美国《原子科学家公报》上发表文章。
huggable:adj.令人想拥抱的;逗人喜爱的; atomic:adj.原子的,原子能的;微粒子的; Bulletin:n.公告,公报;vt.公布,公告;
I don't think it ever happened before at MoMA. 在MoMA工作前这是不可能发生的。
Or this Faraday Chair, that is supposed to protect you from radiations . 而这把法拉第座椅可以保护你避免辐射的侵害。
Faraday:n.法拉第(电量单位); supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) radiations:n.辐射;发光;放射物;
But the interesting thing in the exhibition is that the discovery was that the ultimate shelter is your sense of self -- and there are quite a few designers that are working on this particular topic. 但是展览中有趣的事是 发现最终庇护物就是你的自我意识。 已经有一些设计家开始在这个特殊的领域上工作。
ultimate:adj.最终的;极限的;根本的;n.终极;根本;基本原则; quite a few:不少,相当多;
This is Cindy van der Bremen, who is a Dutch designer that's done this series of capsters. 来自荷兰的设计家Cindy van der Bremen, 为穆斯林妇女设计了一系列的专用运动服,
van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运; Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
They are athletic gear for Muslim women that enables them to ski, play tennis -- do whatever they want to do -- without having to uncap themselves. 可以让她们能滑雪,打网球, 做任何她们想做的运动,而不用担心暴露自己。
athletic:adj.健壮的;体育运动的;田径运动的 gear:n.齿轮; v.适合; enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数) uncap:vt.脱掉帽子;打开盖;vi.脱帽致意;
And sometimes, by doing this kind of research you encounter such beautiful ideas of design. 有的时候,做这样的工作让你 有机会发现极好的设计理念。
Twan Verdonck is really young -- I think he's 27 -- and, working together with some psychologist , he did a series of toys that are for sensorial stimulation for children that have psychological impairments . Twan Verdonck非常年轻,我猜他可能也就27岁吧。通过与心理学家合作, 针对有心理缺陷的孩子,他制作出一系列玩具 可以对他们起到知觉刺激作用。
psychologist:n.心理学家,心理学者; sensorial:adj.知觉的;感觉的; stimulation:n.刺激;激励,鼓舞; psychological:adj.心理的;心理学的;精神上的; impairments:损害;损伤;
They're quite beautiful. 这些玩具真的棒极了。
They range from this fluffy toy, that is about hugging you -- because autistic children like to be hugged tight, so it has a spring inside -- all the way to this doll with a mirror, so the child can see him or herself in the mirror, and regain a sense of self. 这个毛绒玩具,好像要抱着你一样, 而有孤独病的孩子都喜欢被紧紧地拥抱, 因此这一玩具里面装有弹簧还有镜子,这样孩子们就能 从镜子里看到自己,以重新获得归属感。
fluffy:adj.蓬松的;松软的;毛茸茸的;无内容的; autistic:adj.[心理][内科]孤独症的;孤僻的;n.孤独症患者(常指儿童); regain:vt.再次得到;重新获得,恢复;返回;n.恢复;收复;收回
Design really looks upon the whole world, and it considers the world in all of its different ranges. 设计其实是从不同的领域 角度来看待整个世界。
I was recently at a conference on luxury , organized by the Herald Tribune , in Istanbul. 前不久,我在土耳其参加了一个关于奢侈品的会议,这是由《国际先驱导报》组织的。
conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) luxury:n.奢侈,奢华;奢侈品;享受;adj.奢侈的; organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) Herald:n.先驱;传令官;报信者;vt.通报;预示…的来临; Tribune:n.护民官;讲坛;看台;公民权利保护者;
And it was really interesting, because I was the last speaker, and before me, there were people that were really talking about luxury. 有意思的是,正好我是最后一个发言者, 而在我之前,有很多人确实是在谈论奢侈品。
And I didn't want to be a party pooper , but at the same time 我并不想成为一个在聚会上扫兴的人,
I felt that I had to kind of bring back the discourse to reality. 可是同时我又感觉到我不得不把演讲拉回现实。
And the truth is that there's very different kinds of luxury. 事实是奢侈其实有很多种,
And there's luxury that is relative , for people that don't have that much. 对于没有拥有太多奢侈的人们来说,奢侈是相对的。
And I want to make this point by showing to you two examples of design coming from a sense of economy -- very, very clear limits. 为了说明这一点,我会举两个例子, 他们的灵感都来自于经济学。
This is Cuba, and this is the recycling of a squeaky toy as a bicycle bell. 这个是在古巴,这是一个可循环的吱吱叫的自行车铃的玩具。
recycling:n.(资源,垃圾的)回收利用;v.回收;再循环利用(recycle的现在分词); squeaky:adj.发轧声的;吱吱响的;
And this is instead, a raincoat that is made out of rice sacks . 而这个呢,是用大米袋子做的雨衣。
raincoat:雨衣, sacks:n.麻布袋; v.解雇; (sack的第三人称单数和复数)
So they're quite beautiful, but they're beautiful because they're so smart and economical . 他们都很漂亮, 但是他们的漂亮源于他们的设计是如此的灵巧与实惠。
And instead, here is the work of two brothers from Sao Paulo, 现在看到的是来自圣保罗的两兄弟
Fernando and Humberto Campana, who got inspired by the poverty and smartness that they saw around them to do pieces of furniture that now are selling for an enormous amount of money. Fernando和Humberto Campana的作品。他们受到 其身边的贫困和智慧的启发,然后制作了一件件家具, 现在卖出了一大笔钱。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; smartness:n.机灵;敏捷;现代风格; enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的;
But that's because of the kind of strangeness of the market itself. 而这也正是市场本身的不可思议之处。
So really, design takes everything into account. 说真的,设计包罗万象。
And the interesting thing is that, as the technology advances, as we become more and more wireless and impalpable , designers, instead, want us to be hands-on . 有趣的是,随着技术的进步, 当我们变得越来越无线化和无形化的时候, 设计家们却想让我们能实地做些事。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; wireless:adj.无线的;无线电的;n.无线电;v.用无线电发送; impalpable:adj.感触不到的;难理解的;无形的; hands-on:adj.亲身实践的,亲自动手的;
Sometimes hammer on. 有时候,设计师还会让你拿起大锤。
hammer:n.锤子; v.锤打;
You see, this is a whole series of furniture that wants to engage you physically. 你看,这一套家具需要你动手才能用。
And even this chair, that you have to open up and then sit on, so that it takes your imprint , all the way to this beautiful series of objects that are considered design by Ana Mir in Barcelona . 即使是这把椅子,你也需要自己打开再坐在上面, 这样它就留下了你的烙印。这一系列的物品都是都是 巴塞罗那的Ana Mir设计的。
imprint:n.印记;痕迹;特征;版本说明;vt.加特征;刻上记号; Barcelona:n.巴塞罗纳(西班牙);
From this kind of bijou made with human hair, to these chocolate nipples to these intra-toe candies that your lover is supposed to suck from your toes . 他的作品从用人的头发做成的装饰耳环到巧克力奶头, 再到引诱你的爱人去舔你脚趾的趾间糖果。
bijou:n.宝石;小巧美观的东西;adj.小巧美观的; nipples:n.乳头;乳头状物品;(机器的)喷嘴;(nipple的复数) lover:n.爱好者;情侣;热爱者; suck:v.吸吮;吸取;n.吮吸; toes:n.脚趾;足尖部;有…脚趾的;v.用脚尖走;(toe的第三人称单数和复数)
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's quite beautiful, because somehow , this is a gorgeous moment for design. 这些设计都非常漂亮,因为不知为何,这都是设计的一个华丽瞬间。
Many years ago, I heard a mathematician from Vienna, whose name was Marchetti, explain how the innovation in the military industry -- therefore, a secret innovation -- and the innovation in the civilian society are two sinosoids that are kind of opposed . 很多年前,我听说了一位维也纳的叫Marchetti的数学家, 他解释了在军事生产部门的创新 是秘密的创新。而这一创新和 民间创新就像两条相反的正弦曲线。
mathematician:n.数学家;善作数字计算的人; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式)
And that makes sense. 这是有道理的。
In moments of war, there's great technological innovation. 在战争年代,技术创新层出不穷。
And instead, in the world you have to do without -- well, during the Second World War, you had to do without steel, you had to do without aluminum . 但是在物资匮乏的社会里,比如在二战时期, 你得面对没有钢铁 没有铝的情况。
And then, as peace comes, all of these technologies get all of a sudden available for the civilian market. 而当和平来了,所有的这些技术突然一下子 都可以被民间市场所利用了。
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
Many of you might know that the Potato Chip Chair by Charles and Ray Eames comes exactly from that kind of instance. 你们中的很多人可能听说过Charles和Ray Eames设计的土豆片椅子, 它正是其中一个例子。
Potato Chip:n.[食]薯片;
Fiberglass was available for civilian use all of a sudden. 玻璃纤维也突然就得到了民用。
I think that this is a strange moment. 我想这是一个奇怪的时刻。
The rhythm of the sinosoids has changed tremendously , just like the rhythm of our life in the past 25 years. 正弦曲线的周期性发生了巨大的变化, 就如同我们的生活节奏在过去的25年也有了巨变一样。
rhythm:n.节奏;韵律; tremendously:adv.非常地;可怕地;惊人地;
So I'm not sure anymore what the wavelength is. 因此我不再确信波长是多少。
But it surely is a very important moment for design. 但这却真的是设计的一个非常重要的时刻。
Because not only is the technology proceeding -- not only is computing technology making open-source possible also in the world of design -- but also, the idea of sustainability -- 计算机技术不仅使得开放资源 在设计界中成为可能, 而且还有可持续性的理念。
proceeding:n.进行;程序;诉讼;事项;v.开始;继续做;行进(proceed的现在分词); computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词) open-source:adj.(计算机)开放源代码;
which is not only sustainability from the viewpoint of CO2 emissions and footprint , but also sustainability of human interrelationships -- is very much part of the work of so many designers. 不仅仅是关于二氧化碳排放以及发展观点得出的可持续性, 还有人类相互关系的可持续性。 这已成为现在很多设计家工作的一部分。
viewpoint:n.观点;角度;看法; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数) footprint:n.足迹;脚印; interrelationships:n.相互关系;
And that's why designers, more and more, are working on behaviors rather than on objects. 这也是为何设计家们越来越多地关注由设计带来的行为改变, 而非物品本身。
Especially the good ones -- not all of them. 特别是优秀的设计家们,并不是说所有的设计家都是如此。
I wanted to show you, for instance, the work of Mathieu Lehanneur, which is quite fantastic . 我想让你们看看,Mathieu Lehanneur的作品, 非常奇特。
He's another young designer from France who's working -- and at this point he's working also, with pharmaceutical companies -- on new ways to engage patients , especially children, in taking their medicines, with constance and with certainty . 他是另一位来自法国的年轻的设计家, 他现在和制药公司合作, 设计新的方法让病人们 特别是小孩们能持续确定地吃药。
pharmaceutical:adj.制药(学)的;n.药物; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) constance:n.康士坦茨湖(位于瑞士,德国和奥地利交界处); certainty:n.必然;确实;确实的事情;
You know, for instance, this is a beautiful container for asthma medicine that kind of inflates itself when it's time for you to take the medicine. 举例来说吧,这是一个装哮喘药的漂亮瓶子, 当到你该吃药的时候,它就会自动地膨胀开来。
asthma:n.[内科][中医]哮喘,气喘; inflates:vt.使充气;使通货膨胀;vi.膨胀;充气;
So the child has to go -- (sound) -- to release and relieve the container itself. 这样孩子就会去打开药瓶。
release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; relieve:v.减轻;缓解;缓和;接替;
And instead, this other medicine is something that you can draw on your skin. 而另外这个药是可以让你在身上作画的。
So intradermal delivery enables you to joyfully be involved in this particular kind of delivery. 皮内的传输让你很快乐地参与到 这种特别的传输过程中来。
delivery:n.[贸易]交付;分娩;递送; joyfully:adv.高兴地,喜悦地;
Similarly , there's the work of people like Marti Guixe, that tries to involve you in a way that is really about making everything pass through your mouth. 相似地,和Marti Guixe一样, 有很多设计品试图让你参与其中,并且让所有的东西都从你嘴里进入。
Similarly:adv.同样地;类似于; pass through:穿过;经历;经验;遭受;
So that you learn from your mistakes, or from your taste, orally . 因此你可以通过口服尝到犯错的滋味。
The next show that I'm going to work on -- and I've been bugging a lot of you about this here -- is about the relationship between design and science. 我要做的下一个展示是 关于设计和科学间的关系的, 我已多次向你们提及这件事。
I'm trying to find not the metaphors , but, rather, the points in common: the common gripes , the common issues, the common preoccupations . 我试图寻找的并非隐喻而是共识类的 普遍性的:当前的共同问题,当务之急。
metaphors:n.隐喻(metaphor的复数形式); gripes:n.抱怨(gripe的复数形式); v.控制; preoccupations:n.全神贯注,入神;当务之急;关注的事物;抢先占据;成见;
And I think that it will enable us to go a little further in this idea of design as an instruction: as a direction, rather than a prescription of form. 而我认为这一点能使我们在设计的理念上走的更远。 使得设计成为一种启迪,一种方向而不是一种关于形式的指示。
And I am hoping that many of you will respond to this. 同时我也希望你们都能对此做出响应。
I've sent an email already to quite a few of you. 我已经向你们其中一些人发送了邮件。
But design and science, and the possibility of visualizing different scales , and therefore, really work at the scale of the very small to make it very big and very meaningful . 我们可以从不同的层面上去以形象化的方式展现二者的魅力。 这需要从很小的工作做起, 只有这样才能做出伟大和有意义的事情。
visualizing:v.使形象化;想象;构思;设想;(visualize的现在分词) scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数) meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的;
Thank you. 谢谢