

Food is design. 食物即设计。
It is design when you compose plates, but it is amazing, even better and most delightful design when it's about the units. 当你在摆盘时,就是一种设计, 但令人惊叹的、更上一层的、 最爲赏心悦目的设计, 则是食物的最小单元。
compose:v.组成;作曲;创作(音乐);撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等); delightful:adj.可爱的,可喜的;令人愉快的;
[Small thing.] [小物件]
[Big idea.] [大构思]
'" Pasta " comes from Latin , and it means " paste ." pasta(义大利面) 一词来自拉丁文, 意思是「糊状物 」(paste),
Pasta:n.意大利面食;面团; Latin:adj.拉丁语的;用拉丁语写成的;n.拉丁语; paste:v.粘贴; n.面团; adj.人造的;
It's about putting together water and some powder , so that you can actually shape it. 指的是将水和面粉混合在一起, 然后让它成形。
There are cultures in the world that use rice powder, others use soy powder. 世界上有些文化中会用米粉, 有些则用豆粉。
In Italy, we tend to use durum wheat. 在义大利,我们倾向于杜兰小麦面粉。
Pasta existed for centuries, but it really blossomed during the Renaissance . 义大利面有上千年的历史, 但是在文艺复兴时期 才真正开始兴盛。
blossomed:v.开花;变得更加健康(或自信、成功);(blossom的过去分词和过去式) Renaissance:n.文艺复兴(欧洲14至17世纪);
And it's only later on in the 17th century that it became more mass produced. 直到 17 世纪后期, 才开始量产。
mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集;
Whenever you design an object of any kind, you think of how you want it to perform . 当你要设计东西时, 你都得考虑你想要的性能。
So think about the same for pasta. 同样道理,想想义大利面,
Do you want it to be ribbed or you want it to be smooth? 你希望它是有纹路的, 还是顺滑的?
The ribbed ones absorb the sauce better. 有纹路的更能吸收酱汁。
absorb:v.吸收;使并入;吞并;同化;理解;吸收;耗费;承受; sauce:n.酱;调味汁;讨厌的话(或举动);v.给…加滋味;(俚)对…说冒昧话;
Do you want them to be round or do you want them to be square? 你希望它是圆的, 还是方的?
They have a different feel on the palate . 两者的口感不同。
Everything is for a reason. 每样事物的存在都有理由。
In the amazing taxonomy of the pasta species , there are many different ways to divide it, but one of the basic divisions is between fresh pasta and dry pasta. 义大利面的分类令人震惊, 分类法则多种多样, 但最基本的区分是 新鲜和干燥的义大利面。
taxonomy:n.分类学;分类法; species:n.[生物]物种;种类; divisions:n.分开;分隔;分配;除(法);不和;差异;(division的复数)
Dry pasta is always durum wheat flour and water. 干燥义大利面一定是由 杜兰小麦粉和水做成。
Fresh pasta could be either that or it could be flour and eggs. 新鲜义大利面可以是相同成分, 也可以是由面粉和鸡蛋做成。
Just think of having a dough that you can shape in any way you want. 假想一下你有个面团, 你可以做出任何形状,
I mean, really, wouldn't you go crazy? 说真的,你不会有些疯狂的想法吗?
So fresh and dry, but then, there's also long and short. 义大利面除了新鲜和干燥的分类, 还有长和短的分类。
And then within those families, there's even more diversity . 在这些分类中, 还有更具多样性的分类。
Let's talk about some really classical types of short pasta. 让我们一起聊聊 经典的短义大利面品种。
Penne -- we all know them, right? 笔管面(Penne) 大家都不陌生,对吧?
They are cut at a slanted angle, perfect to pick up some of the sauce. 它们斜切而成, 可以完美地吸收酱汁。
'" Farfalle " means "butterflies," or how do you call it here, bow ties, because they are, like, pinched in the middle. Farfalle(蝴蝶面)的意思是「蝴蝶」, 因爲它中间是捏起来的。
Farfalle:n.蝴蝶结面(意大利面的一种); pinched:adj.苍白清瘦的,清癯的; v.拧;
'"Orecchiette" means "little ears," Orecchiette(猫耳朵) 意思是「小耳朵」,
and they're typical from Puglia, and they are delicious. 是普利亚的特产,特别好吃。
And "conquilla," shells , and of course, they look like shells. 还有「贝壳面」(Conquilla), 当然是因爲长得和贝壳一样。
They are ribbed, so they scoop up the sauce on the outside and they are smooth on the inside. 它们有纹路,所以外侧能蘸上酱汁, 而内侧则是光滑的。
Pasta is definitely gorgeous , but the form also is about how it touches the palate, how it touches the tongue, so it's never just about giving it a shape. 义大利面确实很美妙, 但它的形态也和如何冲击味蕾 和在舌头上的触感有关。 所以它从来不只是赋予形状这麽简单。
definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; gorgeous:adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的;
When you hone one object across centuries, standards become really, really high. 当你花费几个世纪的时间 精心锤炼一样东西, 你的标准就会变得特别高。
hone:v.磨练,训练;磨(刀);n.磨刀石; standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
Many so-called great designers failed miserably , because they tried to impose a shape onto pasta. 很多所谓的大设计师 都悲惨败下阵来, 因爲他们试图将某种形状 强加于义大利面之上。
so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的; miserably:adv.贫困地;可悲地;糟糕地;非常不幸地; impose:v.推行;迫使;强制实行;把…强加于;
The great Philippe Starck tried mandala . 伟大的菲利普.斯塔克
Some parts of it, the walls, were very thick, and the others were thinner, so when you would boil the pasta, some of it would be completely mushy while part of it was too crunchy and uncooked . 其中一些部位,如外壁非常厚实, 而别的部位更加细薄 因此煮这种义大利面时, 有的部分已经煮烂了, 而有的部分还是硬的, 还没有熟透,
mushy:adj.糊状的;感伤的,多愁善感的; crunchy:adj.易碎的;发嘎吱嘎吱声的; uncooked:adj.未煮过的;
So really wrong, but they were not women from Bologna , they were not chefs from Naples , they were not centuries of families of grandmothers that were trying to improve on the thinness of the walls of the pasta. 这个设计思路完全错误。 也不是那不勒斯的大厨, 他们也不是几世纪以来的家庭祖母 试图改进义大利面纤细的外壁。
Bologna:n.一种大腊肠; Naples:n.那不勒斯(意大利西南部港市); improve on:改进;对…加以改良; thinness:n.薄;瘦;细;
There's no way to trace pasta back to one designer, one inventor, and that's the beauty of it. 没法将义大利面起源追朔到 某一位设计师或发明家, 而这正是义大利面的美妙之处:
It belongs to the people. 它属于人民。
And if you think about it, this simple mixture of a carbohydrate and water becomes the scaffold for a whole culture to be built. 如果你仔细想想, 这种碳水化合物和水 组成的简单混合物, 成为整个文化建设的框架。
mixture:n.混合;结合体;混合物;集合体; carbohydrate:n.[有化]碳水化合物;[有化]糖类; scaffold:n.脚手架;鹰架;绞刑台;vt.给…搭脚手架;用支架支撑;