

(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
Calm down. Get back into my body now. 冷静。镇定。定定神。
Usually when I play out, the first thing that happens is, people scream out, What's she doing? 通常我在外表演时,人们首先都会喊, 她到底在做什么?
You know, I'll play at these rock shows, you know, be on stage, standing completely still, you know, just doing it. 我在摇滚乐演出上表演,在舞台上, 静静地站着,然后弹琴。
You know, like, What's she doing? What's she doing? You know. 人们都很惊讶,不知道我到底在干什么。
And then I'll, kind of, be, like -- (Vvvwow!) -- you know, and then, like ... 然后我就会,(哦噢!)就像这样……
(Laughter) (大笑)
And it's, I'm sure you're trying to figure out, well, how does this thing work? 我猜你们一定想弄明白, 这个东西是怎么运作的?
Well, what I'm doing is -- oh! -- controlling the pitch with my left hand. 呃,我是这样做的,噢! 用左手来控制音高。
See, the closer I get to this antenna , the higher the note gets. 看见没?我的手离这根天线越近,音调就越高。
(Portamento) (滑音)
And you can get it really low. 你可以弹很低的音。
And with this hand, I'm controlling the volume , so the further away my right hand gets, the louder it gets. 我用右手来控制音量, 所以我的手离得越远,音量就越大。
(Tones) (音调)
So, basically , with both of your hands you're controlling pitch and volume and, kind of, trying to create the illusion that you're doing separate notes when, really, it's continuously going ... 基本上用双手 你就能控制音高和音量, 而且似乎你弹出来的是单独的音符, 但实际上,是连续的音调……
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; illusion:n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰; continuously:adv.连续不断地;
(Flourish ... Beep) (音乐……嘟)
(Laughter) (大笑)
Sometimes I startle myself: I'll forget that I have it on, and I'll lean over to pick up something, and then it goes, like, oh! You know. 有时我让自己大吃一惊。我忘记它是开着的, 弯下身子去拿个什么东西, 琴就响了,噢!就像这样。
startle:v.使惊吓;使吓一跳;n.惊愕;惊恐;吃惊; lean:v.前俯(或后仰):倾斜:adj.肉少的:难以赚钱的:贫乏的:n.瘦肉:
And it's, like, a funny sound effect that follows you around if you don't turn the thing off. 你身边就有了奇怪的音效, 如果你不把琴关掉的话。
sound effect:n.音响效果;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Maybe we'll go into the next tune , because I totally lost where this is going. 我可能要开始弹下一曲了, 我完全不知道自己在干什么。
We're going to do a song by David Mash called "Listen, Words Are Gone," 接下来是David Mash的“听,言语离去了”,
and maybe I'll have words come back into me afterwards. 过后言语应该会回到我身体里来。
have words:争吵;
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
So, I'm trying to think of some of the questions that are commonly asked. There are so many. 我在想人们通常会问的一些问题。 有太多了。
And, well, I guess I could tell you a little of the history of the theremin . 呃,我想我可以告诉你们 一点特雷门琴的历史。
- he also is a musician besides an inventor -- he came up with the idea for making the theremin 他既是音乐家也是发明家, 当他在研究短波收音机时,
I think when he was working on some shortwave radios and there'd be that sound in the signal -- it's like -- (Screeching) 他想到了制作特雷门琴, 在信号中有这种声音——就像——(尖叫声)
and he thought, Oh, what if I could control that sound and turn it into an instrument , because there are pitches in it. 他就想,哦,我也许可以控制这种声音 把它做成一个乐器,因为里面有不同的音高。
what if:如果…怎么办? instrument:n.仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械; pitches:pitch的变形;
And so somehow , through developing that, he eventually came to make the theremin the way it is now. 就这样,通过不断的研究和改进, 他终于制造出来现在的特雷门琴。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; eventually:adv.最后,终于;
And a lot of times even kids nowadays, they'll make reference to a theremin by going whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo, because in the '50s it was used in the sci-fi horror movies: that sound that's like ... (Woo-ooo) 现在很多情况下,甚至是孩子们, 在谈到特雷门琴时都会发出呜呼呜呼的声音, 因为在50年代时,它被用于科幻恐怖片中: 声音就像这样……(呜呜)
sci-fi:n.科幻小说(等于sciencefiction); horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨);
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's, kind of, the funny googly sound they do. 他们做出这种滑稽的声音。
And sometimes if I have too much coffee, then my vibrato gets out of hand . 有时候我喝了太多咖啡, 手就控制不了颤音了。
vibrato:n.(意)颤音;抑扬顿挫; out of hand:无法控制;脱手,告终;立即;
You're really sensitive to your body and its functions when you're behind this thing. 当你弹特雷门琴时, 你就会对自己的身体及其运作很敏感。
You have to stay so still if you want to have the most control. 如果你想要尽可能地控制它,你就得站得很稳。
It reminds me of the balancing act earlier on, what Michael was doing, because you're fighting so hard to keep the balance with what you're playing with, and stay in tune, and at the same time 这让我想到了早些时候做的平衡动作,Michael做过的。 因为你在弹琴时要很努力地保持平衡 不跑调,同时
reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) balancing act:平衡做法;协调; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
you don't want to focus so much on being in tune all the time; you want to be feeling the music. 你还不能太过于集中精力在不跑调上面; 你还得感受音乐。
And then, also, you're trying to stay very, very, very still, because little movements with other parts of your body will affect the pitch, or sometimes if you're holding a low note, 然后,你努力保持静止不动, 因为你身体其他部位的小小的移动 都会影响到音高,有时你弹低音的时候,
and breathing, you know, will make it ... (Tone rising out of key) 然后呼吸,声音就……(音调偏了)
(Laughter) (大笑)
If I pass out on the next song -- 如果我在弹下首曲子时晕过去……
(Laughter) (大笑)
But it's definitely , I think of it almost, like, like a yoga instrument, because it makes you so aware of every little crazy thing your body is doing, or just aware of what you don't want it to be doing while you're playing: you know, having sudden movements. 但是,我想它 就像个瑜伽器械,因为它使得你 对自己身体的状况很在意, 或是很注意在弹琴时不让身体有些动作: 比如,突然的移动。
definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; yoga:n.瑜珈(意为"结合",指修行);瑜珈术;联想可360°翻转的平板电脑;
And, you know, if I go to a club and play a gig, people, like, "Here, have some drinks on us!" 如果我去酒吧演出,人们说, “来,我们请你喝点酒!”
And it's, like, well, I'm about to go on soon; 我马上就要接着弹了,
I don't want to be, like, you know ... (Teetering tones) 我不想像这样……(摇摆不定的音调)
It really does reflect the mood that you're in, also, if you're, you know, if you're -- it's similar to being a vocalist , except, instead of it coming out of your throat, you're controlling it just in the air and you don't really have a point of reference; you're always relying on your ears and adjusting constantly . 另外,它也反映出你的心情, 你知道,如果你…… 这和做歌手有点像,除了, 声音不是从你的喉咙里发出的, 而是你用手在空中控制它 而且你没参考点; 你总得靠自己的耳朵听,不断调整。
reflect:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达; mood:n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛; vocalist:n.歌手;声乐家; relying:v.依赖;信任;指望(rely的现在分词); adjusting:v.调整;调节;适应;习惯;(adjust的现在分词) constantly:adv.不断地;时常地;
You just have to always adjust to what's happening and realize you'll have foreign notes come here and there and listen to it, adjust it, and just move on, or else you'll get too tied up and go crazy. Like me. 你就得一直调整弹出来的音 一发觉有奇怪的音调出来, 就调整过来,继续弹, 或者你会因此太过于疲劳而发疯,像我一样。
here and there:各处,到处;
I think I'll play another tune now. 我想我要再弹一曲。
I'm going to do " Lush Life": it's one of my favorite tunes to play. 接下来我要弹“怒放的生命”:这是我最爱的曲子之一。
Lush:adj.丰富的,豪华的;苍翠繁茂的;vi.喝酒;n.酒;酒鬼;vt.饮; tunes:n.曲调;曲子;v.(为乐器)调音;调整;调频道;(tune的第三人称单数和复数)
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)