

Hanauma Bay is one of my favorite spots in the world. 恐龙湾是我在全世界最爱的地方之一
I grew up in Hawaii. This was my backyard . 我在夏威夷长大 这里曾是我的后院
My love of the natural world began here. 我对大自然的热爱始于这里
When I was growing up, wild spaces and everyday spaces, they were one and the same . 在我从小到大,野生空间和日常生活空间 向来都是一体的
one and the same:同一个;完全一回事;
An essential part of our lives. 我们生活的一个重要部分
I wanna make sure that the world's wild spaces are there for my kids and my grandkids . 我想确保自己的子孙后代 也能看到这些野生空间
Join me in this celebration of our planet's greatest national parks and wilderness . 跟随我一起颂扬我们星球上 最壮阔的国家公园和荒野
A journey through the natural wonders of our shared birthright . 一场穿越自然奇观的旅行,共享我们与生俱来的权利
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; birthright:n.与生俱来的权利;长子继承权;
My mom used to tell me that when she was pregnant , she'd come and sit and listen to the ocean and look at the waves lapping over the coral reefs . 我妈妈曾告诉我 她怀着我时 会坐在这里倾听大海的声音 看着海浪拍打在珊瑚礁上
pregnant:adj.怀孕的;富有意义的; coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的; reefs:n.礁石(reef的复数形式); v.收帆;
She used to joke that that was the reason I was so calm. 她总是开玩笑说,这就是我性格沉静的原因
I had spent a lot of time here even before I arrived in the world. 来到这个世界之前,我就已经常来这里消度时光
When I was six, 六岁那年 受到保护的野生空间不断壮大
Hanauma Bay joined the growing number of protected wild spaces. 恐龙湾也位居其中
What began as a common desire to secure wilderness for people to enjoy has become a worldwide movement to preserve these areas for future generations. 最初人们保留野外空间,以供观赏游玩的共同愿望 如今已发展成为子孙后代 保留这些区域的全球性运动
worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; preserve:vt.保存;保护;维持;腌;禁猎;n.保护区;禁猎地;加工成的食品;
They're a place to escape the burdens of everyday life and an inspiration for our children. 这些地方能让我们,逃离每日生活的重担 给我们的孩子带来灵感
They're a haven for endangered species ... 它们是濒危物种的天堂
haven:n.避难所;保护区;v.把船开进港;掩护; endangered:v.使遭危险;危及;危害;(endanger的过去分词和过去式) species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
and a hotbed for scientific research. 也是科学研究的温床
hotbed:n.滋长地,温床; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
Not only do they nurture the greatest array of life on Earth... 它们不仅孕育了地球上,最伟大的生命阵列
nurture:v.养育;培养;养护;支持; array:n.数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;衣服;v.排列,部署;打扮;
...they regulate our climate, clean our air, purify our water. 还调节我们的气候 清洁我们的空气 净化我们的水源
regulate:v.调节;控制; purify:v.使(某物)洁净;净化(心灵);提纯;精炼;
When humanity started to protect these wild places, we did not realize how important they would become. 人类开始保护这些野外空间时 并没有意识到它们会变得有多重要
Today, they are some of the last strongholds of wilderness and wildlife. 如今世上还存在一些,荒野和野生动物的 最后据点
Some remain so remote that we're only just starting to unravel their secrets. 一些地区是如此偏远 我们才刚刚开始揭开它们的秘密
remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的; unravel:v.解开;解体;阐释;说明;澄清;变得清楚易懂;
Take Loango National Park in Gabon on the west coast of Africa. 就拿非洲西海岸的卢安果国家公园来说吧
National Park:n.国家公园; west coast:n.美国西海岸(尤指加利福尼亚州);
It's a haven for tropical forest animals. 这里是热带森林动物的天堂
Yet many of the creatures here are all drawn to the very same place. 然而这里的许多生物都被同一个地方所吸引
The beach. 也就是海滩
One of the last places where the vast Congo rain forest meets the Atlantic Ocean. 广阔的刚果雨林与大西洋相遇的 最后一个地点之一
Buffalo graze vegetation coated with sea salt... 水牛以覆盖有海盐的 青草为食
Buffalo:n.[畜牧][脊椎]水牛;[脊椎]野牛(产于北美);水陆两用坦克; graze:vt.放牧;擦伤;vi.吃草;擦伤;n.放牧;轻擦; vegetation:n.植被;植物,草木;呆板单调的生活;
a mineral that's hard to find in the rain forest. 这是一种在雨林中难以找到的矿物质
A red river hog ... 一头红河猪…
with a craving for fresh seafood . 期盼着吃一口新鲜的海鲜
craving:n.渴望;热望;v.渴望;恳求;(crave的现在分词); seafood:n.海鲜;海味;海产食品;
African forest elephants come to the beach and mingle with marine giants . 非洲森林象来到海滩,与海洋中的庞然巨物交际沟通
mingle:v.(使)与…结合;相交往,混杂其中; marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵; giants:n.巨人;大汉;巨兽;巨树;(giant的复数)
Like this one-ton leatherback turtle . 比如这只一吨重的棱皮龟
leatherback:n.棱皮龟;革龟; turtle:海龟,乌龟
And there's one creature here who's figured out how to make the most of all the seaside amenities . 这里还有一种生物 已经想明白了,如何充分利用所有的海边设施
make the most of:尽量利用;十分重视; amenities:n.生活福利设施;便利设施;舒适;礼仪;(amenity的复数)
Sheltering from the sun. 避开日光
As evening approaches , they usually trek inland to favorite grazing grounds. 随着夜幕降临 它们一般会跋涉到内陆最爱的食草地
approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度; trek:v.长途跋涉;远足,徒步旅行;n.长途跋涉(尤指在山区); inland:n.内地;内陆;adj.内陆的;内地的;国内的;adv.在内地;向内地;向内陆;在内陆; grazing:n.牧场;草场;v."graze"的现在分词;
But not this guy. 但这家伙不是这样
He has other ideas. 它有别的想法