

It was a dark and stormy night. 那是一个漆黑的暴风雨之夜
The storm was electrical . No rain. 电闪雷鸣,却不下雨
Too bad, because we could use some. 太糟了,因为大暴雨更能烘托气氛
Okay, everybody. 大家别闹了
Joke's over. Come on out. 不要开玩笑了,出来吧
Ian? Is that you? I'm pretty vulnerable out here. 伊恩?是你吗?我太弱不禁风了
I'm just a doe, a deer, a female deer, out in the woods all alone. 我只是一头母鹿,独自在森林游荡
Where are you going, you simple lass ? 你要去哪裏,小姑娘?
To check on that noise. I want to make sure it isn't a scary monster . 去查看怪声的源头 我要确定那不是可怕的怪物
Only a buffoon in a horror movie investigates creepy sounds... 只有恐怖电影裏的傻瓜才会去调查 诡异的声音…
buffoon:n.丑角;滑稽剧演员; horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨); investigates:调查; creepy:adj.令人毛骨悚然的;爬行的;
instead of running away. 而不是逃走
Now stand back while I investigate instead of running away. 退后,我不会逃走,我去调查
By those claw marks, I'd wager that's none other... 根据这些爪印,我打赌那就是…
claw:n.爪;螯,钳;爪形器具;v.用爪抓(或挖); wager:n.赌注;赌博;赌物;v.打赌;下赌注;
than the Wailing Wampus Werewolf . Hold me. 嚎日目狼人,抱紧我
Wailing:v.(因悲伤或疼痛)哭号;大声呼叫;高声抱怨;呼啸;(wail的现在分词) Werewolf:n.狼人;凶人;残忍狡诈的人;
I thought that was a legend . 我以为那只是传说
Aye, the legend lives. 没错,传说变成现实了
They needed a hero. And they were about to get one. 他们需要一位英雄 英雄马上就要出场了
were about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
Who can protect us? 谁能保护我们?
I can! 我能保护你们
Elliot! 艾略特
You're just in time, lad . 你来得正及时,小伙子
Oh, Elliot. I don't know how you find the courage. 艾略特,我不知道你怎么会 如此勇敢
It just comes with being a Wailing Wampus Werewolf whisperer . 因为我是嚎叫狼人狼语者
Say that three times fast. 快速说三遍
Wailing Wampus Werewolf Whisperer, Wailing Rumpus Rufleaf Rolips. 嚎叫狼人狼语者,嚎叫浪人烂鱼者
Weeling Rimpless Roplips... I can't do it! I'm not as skilled as you. 号角烂人腊鱼者,我说不好 我的口齿没你的伶俐
It's okay, McSquizzy. I'll handle this. 没关系,秒酷鼠,交给我
The werewolf communicates through interpretive dance, and so can I. 狼人通过形意舞蹈交流,我也会跳
Elliot, please be careful. It's so dangerous. 艾略特,请一定要小心,太危险了
Danger is my maiden name . Now stay here while I defend our home. 我的小名就是鹿大胆,你们待这裏 我去保护我们的家园
maiden name:n.(女子的)娘家姓;
There goes the bravest and most handsomest muledeer... 地球史上最勇敢最帅气的鹿…
that ever graced this earth. 勇往直前
Moose pucky! 胡说八道
Your story's a sack of wee jobbies, you daft tube! 你的故事简直就是胡言乱语,白痴
a sack of:一袋; daft:adj.癫狂的;愚笨的;狂闹的;
Who tells a story in black and white anyways, you jug-eared galoot ! 谁讲故事还用黑白背景 你这个招风耳傻瓜
in black and white:白纸黑字; jug-eared:adj.有招风耳的; galoot:n.呆子;笨人;
Hello? It's called atmosphere . 拜托,我是为了烘托气氛
Only a complete imbecile would ever believe... 只有低能儿才会相信…
such a ridiculous story about a werewolf. 这样荒唐的狼人故事
Actually, I find his story quite convincing . 实际上我觉得他的故事很真实
convincing:adj.令人信服的; v.使确信; (convince的现在分词)
Thanks, Boog . I can always count on you. 谢谢,布哥,我总是能指望你
There was no doubt about it, that werewolf meant business. 毫无疑问,那只狼人要动真格的了
Blood business. 他们嗜血狂暴
Now, werewolves aren't like you and me. 狼人与你我不同
Unless you enjoy ripping lungs out of things. But hey, who am I to judge. 除非你们喜欢扯出别人的内脏 不过我没资格评价别人
I'm sure there are some perfectly nice werewolves out there... 我肯定世上存在友好的狼人
just waiting to be friends. But not this werewolf. Oh, no. 想与我们做朋友 不过这只狼人不同
The Wailing Wampus Werewolf is a different breed . 嚎叫狼人属于另一种品种
He stalks the forest, looking for the biggest... 他潜伏在森林裏,寻找块头最大
stalks:n.茎秆(stalk的复数形式); v.悄悄接近;
juiciest tub of lard he can find. 肉肥汁美的大胖子
tub:n.桶; v.使入浴; lard:vt.润色,点缀;涂加猪油;n.猪油;
One thing's for sure: This werewolf wanted to devour me. 我肯定这只狼人想吞掉我
Okay. All right. Time to turn in. 好了,好了,该睡觉了
But he was just getting to the best part. 可是他才说到最精彩的地方
Yeah, Boog, this is when I really bring the scares home. 对,布哥,这时才真正的恐怖
I stood face to face with the rabid beast. 我与那只狂暴野兽面对面对峙
Oh, you poor deer. 你真可怜